Experiencing God In 1 Kings 18

Pray Earnestly In Faith (Jul 2)

From 1 Kings 15 onwards show
the two nations of Israel & Judah
in spiritual decline; taking time
occasionally to highlight a prophet
(such as Elijah) or a king (like Ahab)
who contributes significantly to the
spirituality of one of the nations.
Prophet Elijah courageously faces
a heathen Israelite king and 850 pagan prophets of Baal, prayed
persistently for rain, only to flee
for his life from Queen Jezebel.

Lord, we’ll Pray Earnestly In Faith:
Elijah said: How long will you falter
between two opinions? If the Lord
is God follow; but if Baal follow him.
I alone am left a prophet of the Lord
but Baal’s prophets are 450 men…
Elijah prayed: O Lord, answer me!
Answer me so these people will
know that You, O Lord are God…
The fire of the Lord flashed down
from heaven and burned up the
young bull. It even lick up all the
water in the ditch! And when
the people saw it, they fell on
their faces & cried out: The Lord
is God! (I Kings 18:2-4, 37-39).
Then Elijah said to Ahab: there is
the sound of abundance of rain…
And Elijah… said to his servant: Go up, look toward the sea…. There is nothing. And 7 times he said: Go again… Now it happened … that the sky became black with clouds and there was a heavy rain (v41-45).

Lord, I pray You will help me to have
strong faith to believe You will do great things in response to prayers.
Your word tells of the miraculous
things You have done for people,
and I know You are the same today
& in the future as U were in the past.
I believe You can do magnificent
and miraculous things in response
to my prayers today as well. Amen.

Lord, You are the one true God
and we praise You! Thank You
for going to such great length
to demonstrate Your power and
to bring people back to You.
Those great lengths led Your Son to
the cross because of Your love for
those who are blind to Your glory.
Show Yourself powerful and show
that You are the God who acts on
Your word. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, Your Word in James 5:16 says
the earnest prayer of a righteous
person has great power and
produces wonderful results.
Grant us the faith & persistency of Elijah: that when he prayed earnestly
that no rain would fall, none fell for
3 & half years! Then when he prayed
again, the sky sent down rain.
Lord, fill our hearts with Your desires
so that when we pray out of the overflow of our heart, we are praying
Your will and heart desires. Amen.