Meditating on Isaiah 5-7

Responding to Holy God

Isaiah’s national call for repentance
is so urgent that even his personal
call & commission to the prophetic
office must wait until chapter six.
Isaiah’s “Woe” I am sinful (v5)
is met by God’s “Lo” I am holy (v7)
resulting in Isaiah’s “Here am I;
send me” (v8) and God’s “Go” (v9).
The task set before Isaiah is an
unenviable one, for God promises
from the start that the people will
be spiritually deaf and nearsighted.
But armed with confidence in his
Immanuel, Isaiah begins to declare
harsh words from on high in the
courts and places of Judah.

Lord, realise Isaiah had to come to
grips with his own sinful condition
and spiritual lukewarmness before
he could confront an entire nation
suffering from the same conditions.
After his vision of God, Isaiah had
a rekindled sense of God’s awesome
holiness and grandeur, and had no
trouble volunteering for His service.
Lord, we will Seek Your Presence;
Lord, we will Seek Your Holiness &
Lord, we will Seek Your Help. Amen.

  • Lord, we will Seek Your Presence:
    My beloved had a vineyard on a rich
    and fertile hill. He plowed the land,
    cleared its stones and planted it
    with the best vines. In the middle
    he built a watchtower and carved
    a winepress in the nearby rocks.
    Then he waited for a harvest of
    sweet grapes, but the grapes
    that grew were bitter (Isa 5:1-2).
    Lord, what Your people in our cell
    groups need most is to abide in
    the vine that is Christ. For a branch
    cannot produce fruit if it is severed
    from the vine. So Lord, graft the
    people in disciple groups into
    Your vine in a way that they can
    never be severed. And help us
    to trust You Lord for the harvest
    in our corporate & individual lives.
    In Jesus’ precious name. Amen.

Lord, we will Seek Your Holiness:
In the year that King Uzziah died,
I saw the Lord sitting on a throne…
Above it stood seraphim… And
one cried to another and said:
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts;
the whole earth is full of His glory!..
So I said: Woe to me! I am ruined!
For I am a man of unclean lips,
and I live among a people of
unclean lips and my eyes have seen
the King,the Lord Almighty (Isa 6:5)
Lord, whenever I sense Your holy
presence, like Isaiah, I am greatly
aware of my own unworthiness.
And that makes me even more
grateful for how much You did
so that I can come before your
throne and find grace and mercy.
Purify me and help me to separate
myself from all that is unholy. Amen

Lord, we will Seek Your Help:
The Lord sent this message to
King Ahaz: Ask me for a sign
to prove that I will crush your
enemies as I have promised…
But the king refused. Then Isaiah
said: The Lord Himself will give
you a sign: Behold the virgin shall
conceive and bear a Son and call
His name Immanuel (Isa 7:10-14).
Lord, lead us not to be like Ahaz
who rejected Your help thinking
he got the situation under control.
Forgive us for seeking outward
signs rather than being drawn
into closer communion with You.
May You take pleasure in us as
we purpose to rely on You and to
trust You and not test You. Amen.

Meditating on Isaiah 1-4

The Call for Repentance

A crisis exists in the nation of Judah.
Wickedness has permeated every
fiber of the social, political and
spiritual life of the country – a
condition that God finds intolerable.
Divine indictment falls from the
lips of His prophet Isaiah. Unless
Repentance sweeps the nation,
God will reduce His people to ruin.
Famine and pestilence will replace
feasting and pleasure to show that
the Holy One still rules in Zion.

Lord, thanks for the book of Isaiah
which not only call the nation of
Judah back to God, but also tell us
of God’s salvation thro the Messiah.
Thanks for message of Isa 1-4 that
while moral state of Jerusalem is
worthy of God’s judgment, there is
hope for restoratn of rule of the King.
Its message for our day is similar:
that while this world stands under
God’s judgment, His glorious
purpose for creation will prevail.
Lord, we Seek Your Forgiveness;
Lord, we Seek Your Peace and
Lord, we Seek Your Shelter. Amen.

Lord, we Seek Your Forgiveness:
Come now, and let us reason
together, says the Lord,
Though your sins are like scarlet,
they shall be as white as snow;
Though they are red like crimson,
they shall be as wool. If you are
willing and obedient, you shall eat
the good of the land; But if you
refuse and rebel,you shall be
devoured by the sword (Isa 1:18-20)
Lord, we’re grateful for your Grace.
Nothing stains quite as sin, for
it not only leaves a stain in our
heart but a residue in our minds.
By Your grace You don’t just forgive
our sins, You banish them; the stain
is removed & the guilt taken away.
We are fully clean by Your grace.
O what joy Your grace gives us
merciful God! We can never really
thank & praise You enough. Amen.

Lord, we Seek Your Peace:
In the future, the mountain with
the Lord’s temple will be the highest
of all… Many people will come and
say: Let’s go to the mountain of
the Lord and worship in His temple.
The Lord will teach us His Law from
Jerusalem and we will obey Him.
He will settle arguments between
nations… they will never make
war… People of Israel, let’s live
by the light of the Lord (Isa 2:2-5).
Lord, You are the source of peace.
We declare Your temple of worship
is indeed the most important place.
And the teaching of Your Word is
to be eagerly sought after by us.
God of justice, show us what we
need to do to walk in Your light
and grant us the grace to do so.
And may Your peace reign here
on earth for Your glory. Amen.

Lord, we Seek Your Shelter:
In that day, the Branch of the Lord
will be beautiful and glorious; the
fruit of the land will be the pride and
glory of all who survive in Israel…
When the Lord has washed away
the filth of the daughters of Zion…
then the Lord will create over all
of Mount Zion… a cloud of smoke
by day and a glow of flaming fire
by night… It will be a shelter and
shade from the heat of the day,
and a refuge and hiding place
from the storm and rain (Isa 4:2-6)
Lord, life can be full of challenges
and storms & we can be terrified.
Guide us to safety even as we
give You control of our ship to You.
And even if things go up in flames,
train us to look for You and Your
beautiful and glorious fruit. For
what U Lord will produce in our lives
out of ruins will be glorious. Amen.

Preview On Isaiah (Jun 6)

Prophet to Nation of Judah

As the Bible is arranged by genre,
to enhance understanding context
we’re meditating by time sequence.
Old Testament Expository Phases:
OT1A: Genesis
OT1B: Poetry Book of Job
OT1C: Life of Moses (Exo to Deut)
OT2A: History to King David (1Chr)
OT2B: Five Books of Psalms
OT2C: 1 Kings & Wisdom Poetry
OT3A: 2 Kings & Prophets
OT3B: 2 Chronicles & Prophets
OT3C: Return From Exile & Prophets

Following coverage of Northern
Kingdom, next we move South.
The book of 2 Chronicles spans
four centuries of Judah’s history
from the glory days of Solomon to
the conclusion of Babylonian Exile.
Moving to prophets, Isaiah’s ministry
spans four decades (722-681 BC)
and the reigns of four kings of Judah.
His book’s 66 chapters parallel
the 66 books of the OT and NT.
The first 39 chapters like the 39
books of the OT stress the holiness
and justice of God and pronounce
woe and condemnation on Judah.
The final 27 chapters focus on the
future, calling forth the theme of
the New Testament – Messiah is
coming to bring comfort to His
people & judgment for the nations.

We’ll cover Isaiah over 7 weekends
under the following seven divisions:
Isa 1-12: Judgment Coming to Judah
Isa13-27:Judgt Coming to Neighbors
Isa 28-35: Judgment to All Earth
Isa 36-39: Assyria at Jerusalem
Isa 40-48: Comfort Is Coming
Isa 49-57: Prince of Peace Coming
Isa 58-66: Restoration Is Coming
Lord, thro Isaiah You are calling
nation of Judah back to God & to tell
of Your salvation thro the Messiah.
Grant us grace to trust Christ fully
and let him rule in our life. Amen.

Reflections on Exodus (Jun 5)

God Delivers Israel From Suffering

During the 400 years since the close
of Genesis, the descendants of the
patriarchal family have experienced
both good news and bad news.
They have grown into a nation
numbering several millions. But
they have become oppressed slaves
in the land of Egypt. Exodus is
thus the book of redemption from
bondage to Pharaoh into a covenant
relationship with God. From Egypt
to Sinai, Israel learns of the might
and power of God, as well as the
importance of national worship.

During this week we learn several
lessons to position ourselves in
order to encounter His presence.
On Monday, we learn with Moses in
the Burning Bush Experience of Ex3
to Trust God the All Sufficient One.
On Tuesday, we learn from Passover
Experience of Exo 12 to be Grateful
to Christ Jesus our Passover Lamb.
On Wednesday, we learn from the
Red Sea Experience in Exodus 14
to Trust God by Taking Action.
On Thursday, we learn from Behind
Rock Experience in Exodus 33-34
to Seek God’s Friendly Presence.
On Friday, we learn from Following
Cloud Experience in Exodus 40
to Follow God’s timing & direction.

Friends, God is working more
mightily these days than ever.
He is breaking down barriers to
the gospel message and is calling
people to join Him in His work.
Let’s together learn to position
ourselves to encounter His presence.
And I pray you will be responsive
to Him in this season of last days.
May the grace, joy & peace of God
be yours thro Christ our Lord. Amen

Experiencing God In Exodus 40

Following Cloud Experience (Jun 5)

The book of Exodus closes with
the record of how the tabernacle
& priestly garments are completed
exactly as God had instructed.
The people donated the materials,
chosen artisans do the work, Moses
inspects finished product and Aaron
with sons are anointed for service.
Finally God declares His satisfaction
by filling the tent with His glory.
And for the next 480 years the
tabernacle will remain the focal
point of the nation’s worship.

Lord, we purpose to Follow You:
Moses proceeded to do everything
as the Lord had commanded(40:16)
Then the cloud covered Tabernacle
and the glory of the Lord filled
the Tabernacle… Whenever the
cloud lifted from the Tabernacle,
the people of Israel would set
out on their journey, following it.
But if the cloud did not rise,
they remained where they were
until it lifted (Exo 40:34-37).

Lord, we note when the Israelites
were following God in wilderness,
they waited until the cloud rose
and led them; sometimes long
beyond their own comfort level.
That isn’t easy to do, but it’s an
exercise of faith and listening.
God You want us to ask & wait; and
wait some more until we’ve heard.
Lord, grant us the grace of faith
to wait upon You so that You will
renew our strength. In Jesus’ name.

Lord, tell me everything that
I need to know so that I can get
to Your work & eternal perspective.
Reveal destructive tendencies to
enable informed decision making.
Reveal the assignments so that
I can plan engagement strategy.
I am eager to understand the facts
and ensuing wisdom that will enable
me honour You with my life. Amen.

Lord, I submit my every step
to You; the one who is in controI.
I invite You to direct my path
with or without my awareness of it.
Give me Lord understanding
when I need it; and give me
trust when I don’t understand.
Lead me into the land of promise
which You have designed for me.
In Jesus’ precious name. Amen.

Experiencing God In Exodus 33-34

His Friendly Experience (Jun 4)

Whilst Moses receives God’s laws
on the mountain, the Israelites
are busy on the plains below.
Concluding that their leaders has
died in the presence of God, they
fashion their gold jewelry into a
replica of an Egyptian God and
turn the camp into a pagan party.
Moses returns and in righteous
anger shatters the 2 stone tablets,
destroys the golden calf and orders
Levites to purge guilty Israelites.
Though the covenant between
God and His people has been
shattered, repentance and
restoration are only a prayer away.

Lord, we will Seek Your Presence:
As Moses went into the tent, the
pillar of cloud would come down
and hover at the entrance while
the Lord spoke with Moses. Inside
the Tent of Meeting, the Lord would
speak to Moses face to face as
one speaks to a friend (Ex 33:9-11)
Moses said: Show me Your glory.
And the Lord said: I will cause all
My goodness to pass in front of you..
But you cannot see my face, for no
one may see me and live. Then the
Lord said: There is a place near me
where u may stand on a rock (v18-21)
Then the Lord came down in the
cloud… and proclaimed His name,
the LORD. And He passed in front
of Moses proclaiming: The Lord, the
Lord, the compassionate & gracious
God, slow to anger, abounding in
love and faithfulness (Exo 34:5-6).

Lord, though we are not Moses,
but because of the new covenant
in Christ Jesus, God has called
those who believe as friends.
Help me Lord to listen to Your voice
as You reveal to me Your guidance.
Thank God that In Christ there’s
no condemnation, there’s liberty
and there’s goodness for You are
good, gracious and loving. Amen.

Lord, it’s when I’m in Your presence
that You reveal Your love for me.
In those moments I can express
my thoughts, fears and longings to
walk with You through joyous times
and even when I’m in the wilderness.
I am so thankful that You Lord
are as close as my heartbeat.
And thank You for the privilege of
being able to meet with You. Amen.

Lord, thanks for revealing to Moses
and to us the essential essence of
Your character. You are a God of
compassion for U deeply feel for us.
You are a God of mercy and grace,
meaning You don’t give us the
punishment that we deserve for
You lavish love and forgiveness.
Lord, help us to be gracious people
in line with Your nature, Amen

Experiencing God In Exodus 14

Red Sea Experience (Jun 3)

Hear Carefully What’s Been Said.
Delivering the people from Egyptian
bondage is only the first step in
God’s plan to bring the Israelites
to the Promised Land of Canaan.
Many obstacles lie ahead.
Pharaoh, whose heart is again
hardened, sends his armies in
pursuit of Moses and the people.
Trapped between the Red Sea & the
rapidly approaching chariots of Egypt
the people cry out in desperation
and God answers miraculously.

Lord, we’ll Trust You & Take Action:
Order the Israelites to turn back
and camp by Pi Hahiroth between
Migdalia and the sea. Camp there
along the shore… I have planned
this in order to display my glory
through Pharaoh & his whole army.
After this the Egyptians will know
that I am the LORD! (Exo 14:1-4).
Moses said to the people: Do not
be afraid. Stand still and see the
salvation of the Lord…(He) will fight
for u…And the Lord said to Moses:
Why do you Cry to Me? Tell the
children of Israel to Go Forward.
Lift up your rod & stretch out over
the sea & divide it. And the children
of Israel shall go on dry ground
thro the midst of the sea (v13-16).

Lord, I am listening for Your voice,
and I am not ruling out anything
unless it really contradicts Your
infallible word or holy character.
There’s no twist in this life journey that is beyond Your nature. So,
Lead me into and out of any predicament You may choose
that may not make sense in near
term but will be eventually. Amen.

Lord, just like the Israelites we may
find ourselves with dashed hope.
But trust that every unexpected
twist of events was part of Your
sovereign and deliberate plan.
Everything was perfectly positioned
so that the only explanation for what
will take place is the mighty hand
of God. So sovereign and mighty
God, Show me Your great power
even as I am standing still and
watching for Your salvation. Amen.

Lord, help me understand while
waiting for a leading from You,
when it is time to take action.
Help me to be wise enough so
that I can recognise the answers
to my prayers when they come
in unique ways I was not expecting.
Give me the knowledge of Your will
that lets me know when it’s time to 
stand up & take steps of faith. Amen

Post of the Week Launch (May31)

Lord, we are willing to Obey:
Some time later God tested Abraham.
He said to him: Abraham! ‘Here I am’
he replied. Then God said: Take your
son, your only son, Isaac, whom you
love & go to Moriah. Sacrifice him
there as a burnt offering on one of
the mountains I’ll tell you(Gen22:1-3)
Then (Abraham) tied his son Isaac
and laid him on the altar… And
Abraham picked up the knife to
kill his son as a sacrifice. At that
moment the angel of the Lord called:
Don’t lay a hand on the boy!… for
now I know that you truly fear God.
You have not withheld from me even
your son… Then Abraham…took the
ram & sacrificed it as burnt offering
in place of his son (Gen 22:10-13).

Weekly Reflection Launch (May30)

God is everywhere; but there is a
difference between His Presence
and our actual experience of it.
In this series on Experiencing God
till end of year, we will learn from
scripture to become more aware
of God’s presence and position
ourselves to encounter His presence.
We will also learn to recognise His
voice and deepen our trust in Him.

During this week we learn several
lessons to position ourselves in
order to encounter His presence.
On Monday, we learn in Gen 5 that
Enoch Walked Constantly with God.
On Tuesday, we learn in Gen 12,
Abraham Followed God’s calling.
On Wednesday, we learn in Gen 18,
to Trust God to Fulfil His Promise.
On Thursday, we learn in Gen 22,
to Obey God even sacrificially.
On Friday, we learn in Gen 37 & 41
that Joseph Held On to Given Dream.

Friends, God is working more
mightily these days than ever.
He is breaking down barriers to
the gospel message and is calling
people to join Him in His work.
Let’s together learn to position
ourselves to encounter His presence.
And I pray you will be responsive
to Him in this season of last days.
May the grace, joy & peace of God
be yours thro Christ our Lord. Amen

Preview Experiencing God (May 25)

We have been utilising Scripture 
to form prayers so that we learn
to think as God thinks; and pray
within His will thus pleasing Him.
For weekday meditation, the plan
is to cover through the scripture on
two discipleship themes each year.
Thus far, we had meditated on
Imploring, Seeking, Thanking
Hearing and Praising God. For
the rest of this year we will be
meditating on Experiencing God.

All of us long for God’s presence,
and we do sense it occasionally.
God is everywhere; but there is a
difference between His Presence
and our actual experience of it.
In this series, we will learn from
scripture to become more aware
of God’s presence & experiencing
Him when He comes closer to us.
We’ll learn to practice the presence
of God and position ourselves to
encounter His presence. We will
also learn to recognise His voice
and deepen our trust that He is
ready to help in our situation of life.

For the past week, I had spent
several days scanning through
Experiencing God Study Bible,
which will be the key material
source of inspiration besides the
the Holy Spirit for rest of the year.
Friends, God is working more
mightily these days than ever.
He is breaking down barriers to
the gospel message and is calling
people to join Him in His work. And
I pray that you will be responsive
to Him in this season of last days.
May the grace, joy & peace of God
be yours thro Christ our Lord. Amen