Experiencing God In 1 Kings 8

Trust God’s Declared Plan (Jun 30)

Before his death, David had
charged his son Solomon with the
responsibility of building a house
for God in Jerusalem. Now at last
it’s time to make that dream a reality.
For seven years Solomon plans and
prepares the Temple. When at last
the ark of the covenant is installed
in the Holy Place, the cloud of
God’s presence fills the house of
the Lord. Once again, God’s glory
dwells in the midst of His people.

Lord, we trust You Fulfil Your Plan:
It came to pass when the priests
came out of the holy place, that the
cloud filled the house of the Lord…
So the Lord has fulfilled His word…
and I have built a temple for the
name of the Lord (1 Kgs 8:10,20).
Praise the Lord who has given
rest to His people Israel, just as He
promised. Not one word has failed
of all the wonderful promises He
gave through His servant Moses.
May the Lord our God be with us
as He was with our ancestors;
may He never forsake us. May He
give us the desire to do His will
in everything and to obey all
the commands (1Kgs 8:56-58).

Lord, noticed that it wasn’t until the
temple was completed that God’s  glory took residence there – God’s stamp of approval of a job well done.
We remember Your past deeds in
our life showing Your faithfulness.
And we trust that You will fulfil Your
promises in Your way and time.
And tho sometimes it may seem late
to us, it will still be on time. Amen.

Lord, we praise You for keeping
covenant & fulfilling Your purposes!
Give me the desire to do Your will.
in everything. Thank You Lord for
the promise that in Your infinite
faithfulness You will fulfill Your
purpose in my life just as You
fulfilled all Your promises to Moses.
Not one of them failed and neither  will Your promises to me. Amen.

Lord, I want to live a synergistic life
based on Your goals for my purpose.
Show me Your signposts towards
the path of recovery and fulfilment. Reveal what I can do differently so as to live a well-ordered life and enjoy
the view of hope on the horizon.
Teach me to tweak the areas of
my life until it’s well ordered and
honours You Lord. In Jesus’ name.