Meditating on Isaiah 44-48

Omnipotent God Cares For You

In a collection of prophecies, Isaiah
foretells the agent of comfort God
will use in delivering His people
(King Cyrus of Persia) & the means
of comfort God will employ (thro
destruction of idolatrous Babylon).
Isaiah taunts those who will put their
trust in images of stone or wood.
By contrast, God writes history
in advance, predicting kings by
name centuries before their birth.
No wonder God declares: “I am God
and there is none else; I am God,
and there is none like Me.” (46:9).

Lord, Praise You for being omni-
potent and there’s none like You.
Adore You for Your lovingkindness
and great care for us Your people.
Thank You for Your message to us
through prophet Isaiah: a message
of forgiveness, comfort and hope.
Lord, we seek Your Redemption.
Lord, we seek Your Deliverance.
Lord, we seek Your Enduring Care.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Lord, we Return for Yr Redemption:
Remember these O Jacob & Israel,
for you are My servant; I have
formed you, you are My servant…
You my Saviour, have swept away
my offenses like a thick cloud,
and my sins like the morning mist.
You have redeemed me; therefore
I return to You (Isaiah 44:21-22).
Father God, I ask You to heal my
brokenness and fill my emptiness.
And I also ask You Lord to allow me
rest in the fact that my brokenness
and emptiness are in Your hands.
Enable me not to resent what
is broken but to trust that even
my weaknesses can be turned
for Your glory and my good. And
I know that what others might see
and reject, You Lord have accepted
and forgiven. Thank You Lord for
sweeping away my sins. Let me
live in that reality each day. Amen.

Lord, we Look to Your Deliverance:
Let the world look to me for salvation
for I am God; there is no other…
I have sworn by my own name;
I have spoke the Truth, and
I will never go back on my word.
The people will declare: The Lord
is the source of all my righteousness
and strength (Isaiah 45:22-24).
Lord, You are the God who saves
And we look to You not only for
our salvation but also deliverance.
Lord, You are the God of all Truth.
Your words are not opinions or
suggestions; but fact and certainties.
Grant me the faith to anchor myself
to Your words and never be moved.
Lord, I don’t understand why things
You promised are taking so long.
Thank You for welcoming honesty
for I am trusting You as source of righteousness and strength. Amen.

Lord, we Seek Your Endearing Care:
Listen to me, all you who are left in
Israel, I created you and have cared
for you since before you were born.
I will be your God throughout
your lifetime, until your hair is
white with age. I made you and
I will care for you. I will carry you
along and save you… I will bring
it to pass. I have purposed it.
I will also do it (Isa 46:3-4, v11).
Lord, help me realise that You are
my everlasting Father, intimately
acquainted with me and with
every moment of my entire life.
Help me to rely on You thro every
season of my life. Help me rest in
the knowledge even when I am old, You will still be Caring of me. Amen