Experiencing God In 1 Samuel 3

Listen for the Lord Speaks (Jun 23)

The period of the judges is nearly
at an end. One last judge remains:
Samuel, a man of godly character
and integrity who will guide the
nation from judgeship to kingship.
Samuel’s early life parallels that
of another famous judge – Samson.
Both are the offspring of barren
women and the answer to fervent
prayer. Both are consecrated
to the Lord’s service from birth.
Both enter a society marked by
moral decline and spiritual apathy.
But while Samson spent much
of his life avoiding his calling,
Samuel does the opposite.
Even as a child he is quick to hear
and obey the Word of the Lord.

Lord, we will Listen for You Speak:
Then Eli realised it was the Lord
who was calling the boy. So he said
to Samuel: Go and lie down again
and if someone calls again, say:
Yes Lord, Your servant is listening.
So Samuel went back to bed.
And the Lord came and called
as before: Samuel! Samuel!
And Samuel replied: Yes, Your
servant is listening (1Sam 3:8-10).

Lord, I confess sometimes I don’t seek to hear Your voice or leading.
Sometimes I do know what You
want but I want something else and
I ignore Your leading. Sometimes
I need Your help but so stressed
that I dont know what to pray. But
I know that You know my deepest
needs and that You love me dearly.
So I quiet my heart to hear what
You may want to say to me. Amen.

Lord, quieten my heart and mind
so that I can hear You clearly.
Remove any distractions that
would keep me from being open
and attentive to what Your Spirit
may be impressing on my heart
and mind. Please make me humble
and receptive and willing to answer
obediently when You call on me.
For Your servant is listening. Amen.

Lord, I don’t just listen to You
in order to consider my options.
And I am not just paying attention
out of curiosity. For I really need
Your divine direction for my life.
I have decided that I am going
to do whatever You say, no matter
whether it defiles my expectation.
I have purposed to commit that
Your will is my command; for
You are good. So speak Lord
Your servant is listening. Amen.