Meditating on Isaiah 28-35

Put Your Trust In the Lord (Jun 20)

Isaiah’s prophecies begin to focus
on the ominous approach of the
Assyrian armies. Ephraim (northern
kingdom) reels like a drunkard,
oblivious to the danger and falsely
confident in the armies of Egypt to
deliver her in time of trouble. But
there shall be no such deliverance.
Ariel (Jerusalem, symbol of the
southern kingdom) stands next
in line for judgment if her citizens
follow Ephraim’s sorry example
by relying upon Egypt for protection.
The prospects are not pleasant
for the rebellious people of God.
But there is also a coming King who
will bring peace like a river, freedom
for the captives, justice for those
suffering opprosion, and judgment
upon heaven and earth. In the light
of His sure coming, the people of
God are urged to watch and wait
patiently, expectantly & purposefully.

Lord, we note Isaiah warned both
Israel and Judah: Don’t put your
trust in the armies of Egypt, for
they will fail you. Put your trust in
the Lord of hosts, for He will never
fail you nor forsake you. Heedless
of the prophet’s warnings, the
nations misplaced their trust; and
felt the sting of God’s discipline.
But Isaiah also prepares the people
of God for comfort that follows.
Dear Lord God Almighty;
We will Give You our Hearts; 
We will Wait Upon You; and
We will Seek Help From You;
We will Put Our Trust In You
For You Lord Will Save us. Amen.

Lord, we Give You our Hearts:
These people say they are mine.
They honor me with their lips but
their hearts are far away. And their
worship of me amounts to nothing..
Because of these, I will do
wonders among these hypocrites.
I will show that human wisdom
is foolish. Destruction is certain
for those who try to hide their
plans from the Lord (Isa 29:13-15).
Lord, we learnt the Jews claimed
to be close to You God but they
were disobedient and merely went
through the motions. And we are
all well capable of hypocrisy too.
We may slip into routine when
we worship and neglect to give
You God our love and devotion.
We purpose as God’s people
to be obedient, involve You and
worship You sincerely. Amen.

Lord, we will Wait Upon You:
The Sovereign Lord says: Only
in returning to me and waiting for 
Me will you be saved. In quietness
is your strength. But you would not..
The Lord must wait for you to come
to Him so He can show you His love
and compassion. For the Lord is
a faithful God. Blessed are those
who wait for His help (Isa 30:15-18)
Lord, thank You for always
calling me to return to You.
My desire is to walk with You; but
sometimes I become distant fr You.
Even then, I know that You have
not distanced Yourself from me.
And You are ever waiting for me
to return & find rest in You. Thank
You for Your lovingkindness. Amen.

Lord, we will Seek Help from You:
Woe to me when I seek assistance
from those in the world… but do not
look to You the Holy One, or seek
help from You Lord (Isa 31:1).
You O Lord are our judge. You are
our lawgiver, You are our King; It is
You who will save us (Isa 33:22).
Lord, U strengthen the feeble hands,
You steady the knees that give way.
Therefore I can say to those with
fearful hearts: Be strong, do not fear;
Your God will come (Isa 35:3-4).
Lord, as my creator and maker,
You have the right to be my lawgiver
and judge. As my King, You have
the right to demand my allegiance.
Yet You choose to come as my
Saviour and win my affection.
Lord, what I am concerned most
about is Yours. And I ask You God
to work in those situations which
are way beyond my abilities. Amen.