Reflections on Sinai Years (Jun 13)

From Leviticus To Deuteronomy

During this week we learn several
lessons to position ourselves in
order to encounter His presence.
On Monday, we learn from the Day
of Atonement Experience in Lev 16
to be Grateful for God’s Grace to us.
On Tuesday, we learn from Num 14
to Remember His Miraculous Signs
and Choose Faith instead of Doubt.
On Wednesday, we learn from the
1st sermon of Moses in Deut 4 to
Pray in order to Draw Close to God.
On Thursday, we learn from the
2nd sermon of Moses in Deut 6 to
Follow God’s Word Wholeheartedly.
On Friday, we learn from the
3rd sermon of Moses in Deut 30
to Choose to Obey the Lord. Amen.