Reflections on Exodus (Jun 5)

God Delivers Israel From Suffering

During the 400 years since the close
of Genesis, the descendants of the
patriarchal family have experienced
both good news and bad news.
They have grown into a nation
numbering several millions. But
they have become oppressed slaves
in the land of Egypt. Exodus is
thus the book of redemption from
bondage to Pharaoh into a covenant
relationship with God. From Egypt
to Sinai, Israel learns of the might
and power of God, as well as the
importance of national worship.

During this week we learn several
lessons to position ourselves in
order to encounter His presence.
On Monday, we learn with Moses in
the Burning Bush Experience of Ex3
to Trust God the All Sufficient One.
On Tuesday, we learn from Passover
Experience of Exo 12 to be Grateful
to Christ Jesus our Passover Lamb.
On Wednesday, we learn from the
Red Sea Experience in Exodus 14
to Trust God by Taking Action.
On Thursday, we learn from Behind
Rock Experience in Exodus 33-34
to Seek God’s Friendly Presence.
On Friday, we learn from Following
Cloud Experience in Exodus 40
to Follow God’s timing & direction.

Friends, God is working more
mightily these days than ever.
He is breaking down barriers to
the gospel message and is calling
people to join Him in His work.
Let’s together learn to position
ourselves to encounter His presence.
And I pray you will be responsive
to Him in this season of last days.
May the grace, joy & peace of God
be yours thro Christ our Lord. Amen