Experiencing God In Exodus 12

Passover Experience (Jun 2)

Nine devastating plagues and still
Pharaoh will not bulge! But the tenth
and last plague, the slaying of the
firstborn in every Egyptian house-
hold brings about the long awaited
deliverance of Israel. To escape the
terrible judgment on the firstborn,
each Israelite household observes
the Passover by substituting the
death of a lamb for the death of
a child. With no further resistance
from Pharaoh, all Israel begins
its Exodus from Egypt.

Lord, we are Saved By Your Blood:
Moses called all the elders of Israel
together and said to them: Go pick
out a lamb…for each of your families
and slaughter the Passover animal.
Drain the blood into a basin. Then
take a bundle of hyssop branches
and dip it into the blood. Brush
the hyssop across the top & sides
of the doorframes of your houses.
And no one may go out through
the door until morning. For the Lord
will pass through the land to strike
down the Egyptians. But when he
sees the blood on the top and sides
of the doorframes, the Lord will pass
over your home. He will not permit
His death angel to enter your house
and strike you down (Exo 12:21-23).

Father, we realise that we could
do nothing to ensure the safety of
ourselves from judgment. Instead
we must trust wholly on You and
thank You for providing the Lamb
of God who takes away our sins.
And I ask You Lord to implant in my
children and cell group members
a deep sense of need for their life
to be marked by the blood of Christ
to be full of gratitude & love for Him
& purpose to live for His glory. Amen.

Lord, take control of our lives; come
& speak the words we need to hear.
Come & draw us to U in faith & love.
Come & minister to us Your peace.
Then as we yield our all to You, may
we learn to rejoice in the liberty of
Your will & find ourselves complete
as people committed to You,
our Maker and our Redeemer.
And Jesus, help us to be so deeply
committed to You that we are
content to do that which You ask
of us to Your praise and glory, Amen.

Lord Jesus, we worship You,
praise You and thank you for
Your blood that covers over sin.
We deserve eternal death; yet your
blood made way for our salvation.
Help us to make that good news
known to other people that they
might know the refuge from the
judgment we deserve through
what Jesus did on the cross for us.
In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.