Post of the Week: Genesis 22

Testing of Obedience (May 28)

Backgrounder on Genesis 21-24:
The climax of more than 20 faith-
stretching years for Abraham and
Sarah comes in the birth of Isaac.
But soon Abraham’s faith is tested
again as God calls him to sacrifice
that treasured son upon an altar.
Abraham obeys, showing that the
experiences of the past 2 decades
have not been in vain. For His
faithfulness to the point of death,
God rewards Abraham with
further assurances of blessing.

Lord, we are willing to Obey:
Some time later God tested Abraham.
He said to him: Abraham! ‘Here I am,
he replied. Then God said:Take your
son, your only son, Isaac, whom
you love & go to Moriah. Sacrifice
Him there as a burnt offering on one
of the mountains I will tell you about.
Early the next morning Abraham got
up & saddled His donkey (Gen22:1-3)
Then (Abraham) tied his son Isaac
and laid him on the altar… And
Abraham picked up the knife to
kill his son as a sacrifice.At that
moment the angel of the Lord called:
Don’t lay a hand on the boy!… for
now I know that you truly fear God.
You have not withheld from me even
your son… Then Abraham look up
and saw a ram… He took the ram
and sacrificed it as a burnt offering
in place of his son (Gen 22:10-13).

Lord, how my life will change
when I say “Here I am” I can’t know
for sure. It might require laying down
a dream that I long held tightly;
but the cost will pale in comparison
to the blessing. For You are good,
You work things for good; and
You’re the one I can put my trust
since it is also well within Your will.
So I present myself to You as an
offering to You: to be moved and
activated by Your voice. Here I am
while I am yielded and still. Amen.

Lord, realise that Abraham saw
Your willingness and ability to keep
promises even if it took a miracle.
Know that You wanted Abraham
to sacrifice Isaac in his heart so that
he learn to trust God completely.
Lord, obeying You may often be
quite a struggle for it may mean
giving up something we truly want;
but U refine us thro circumstances.
Help us Lord when tested that we
will not complain but instead we
will trust and obey You Lord. Amen.

Lord, I know You always ask me
to surrender everything to You –
including the dream in my heart.
And even when that dream is from
You. You will ask me to let go of
my hold on it. So I surrender every
dream in my heart over to You.
I don’t want to cling to something
You will not bless, or give up on
something that is Your will for
my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.