Reflections on Genesis

Reflections on Genesis (May 30)

God is everywhere; but there is a
difference between His Presence
and our actual experience of it.
In this series, we will learn from
scripture to become more aware
of God’s presence and position
ourselves to encounter His presence
We will also learn to recognise His
voice and deepen our trust in Him.

During this week we learn several
lessons to position ourselves in
order to encounter His presence.
On Monday, we learn in Gen 5 that
Enoch Walked Constantly with God.
On Tuesday, we learn in Gen 12,
Abraham Followed God’s calling.
On Wednesday, we learn in Gen 18,
to Trust God to Fulfil His Promise.
On Thursday, we learn in Gen 22,
to Obey God even sacrificially.
On Friday, we learn in Gen 37 & 41
that Joseph Held On to Given Dream.

Friends, God is working more
mightily these days than ever.
He is breaking down barriers to
the gospel message and is calling
people to join Him in His work.
Let’s together learn to position
ourselves to encounter His presence
And I pray you will be responsive
to Him in this season of last days.
May the grace, joy & peace of God
be yours thro Christ our Lord. Amen