Meditating 2 Chronicles 29-32

Renewing Commitment (May 30)

The Assyrian assault & dispersion
of Israel are totally omitted in the
Chronicles account though they
have a profound Impact on Judah.
Inheriting a disorganised country &
a heavy tribute burden to Assyria,
Hezekiah in the very first month
of his administration repairs the
Temple, restores long-neglected
temple worship & declares war on
idol worship. When Assyrian King
Sennacherib besieges Jerusalem,
Hezekiah put his faith to work
in earnest prayer for deliverance.
God answers his plea and crowns
his life with prestige and power.

Lord, thank You for the record of
the reign of King Hezekiah where
he led the people in spiritual revival,
renewing their commitment to God,
and You were gracious & forgiving.
Help us Lord to constantly commit
to obey You God and to rededicate
to carry out Your will in our lives.
Help us to Repent & Worship You;
Help us to Humbly Submit to You;
Help us to Trust You’re On Our Side.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, we purpose to Worship You:
In the very first month of his reign,
Hezekiah reopened the doors of the
Temple of the Lord & repaired them..
He said to the Levites: Purify Your
-selves and purify the Temple of
the Lord… Remove all the defiled
things from the sanctuary. Our
ancestors were unfaithful and did
what was evil in the sight of the Lord.
That is why the Lord’s anger has fallen upon Judah and Jerusalem…
But now I will make a covenant
with the Lord… so that his fierce
anger will turn away from us…
As the burnt offering was presented,
songs of praise to the Lord began
(and) the entire assembly worshiped
the Lord (2 Chron 29:3-10, 27-28).
Lord, cleanse the thoughts of our
hearts that we may magnify You.
Give us loving and thankful hearts;
and let our whole nature be wholly
consecrated for Your dwelling. Amen.

Lord, we will Humbly Submit to You:
At the king’s command,messengers
were sent thro out Israel & Judah.
They carried letters which said:
Return to the Lord so that He will
return to the few of us who have
survived the Assyrian conquest…
Don’t be stubborn but submit to Him.
Altho most people who came had not
purified themselves yet they ate the
Passover contrary what was written.
But Hezekiah prayed for them: May
the Lord, who is good, pardon every
one who sets his heart on seeking
God even if he is not clean according
to the rules of the sanctuary. And
the Lord heard Hezekiah & healed
the people (2Chron 30:6-9, 18-29).
Lord, we’ll submit & return to you:
Thankful even when I don’t do
everything right, You see in my
heart the desire to do so. Grateful
You look past my imperfections &
see Your Son in my heart instead.
Help me to live Your way so that
they are pleasing in Your sight. Amen

Lord, we trust You’re On Our Side:
King Sennacherib of Assyria
invaded Judah. He laid siege to
the fortified cities, giving orders for
his army to break thro their walls.
Hezekiah further strengthened
his defences by repairing the wall,
and adding to the fortifications…
Then Hezekiah encouraged them
with this address: Be strong and
courageous! Don’t be afraid of the
king of Assyria & his mighty army
for there is a power far greater
on our side! He may have a great
army, but they are just men. We
have the Lord our God to help us
and to fight our battles for us!
These words greatly encouraged
the people (2 Chron 32:1-8).
Lord, thankful You’re with us and
more powerful than everything.
I ask You to be with me in the
things I face this coming week.
And I praise You & Your greatness
in the midst of all that seems
large & looming in my life. Amen.