Praising God In 1 Tim 6 (May 15)

Fight the Good Fight

Too many of us are spiritually flabby,
often avoiding spiritual conflict
instead of facing it. That was not
the apostle Paul’s style, nor was
it John Monell’s (1811-1875).
Morsell was a gifted Anglican
clergyman who could hold his
congregation spell-bound as
he spoke and who advocated
“more fervent and joyous singing
In his church. He once said: We
sing but not as we should, to
Him who is the chief among ten
thousand, the altogether lovely.

Lord, we’ll Fight the Good Fight:
Pursue righteousness and a
godly life, along with faith, love,
perseverance and gentleness.
Fight the good fight for the true
faith. Hold tightly to the eternal
life to which God has called you,
which you have confessed so well
before many witnesses (1Tim 6:11-12)

Lord, going through life journey,
there will be battles and there will
be challenges. Help me not grow
weary in the battles I face but
continually seek You Lord to fight
the good fight on my behalf. Give
me faithfulfulness and perseverance.
Thank You Lord for Your promise of
eternal life in Your presence. Amen.

Lord, Speak to me in the quiet
moments each day & minister to
my needy soul. Remind me to turn
to You and choose Your better way.
Say a word to encourage amidst
the challenge that faces me.
Shout a word of warning when
I wander away from You path. And
Stay close Lord that I may hear the
things You say to me, and learn to
trust Your in all I do and say. Amen.

Fight the good fight with
all thy might! Christ is thy
strength and Christ thy right.
Lay hold on life and it shall be
Thy joy and crown eternally…
Run the straight race through
God’s good grace; Lift up
thine eyes and seek His face.
Life with its way before us lies;
Christ is the path & Christ the prize..
Faint not nor fear, His arms
are near; He changeth not,
and thou art dear.
Only believe and Thou shall see
That Christ is all in all to Thee. Amen