Praising God In Acts 17 (May 8)

God of the Earth, Sky & Sea

Samuel Longfellow (1819-1892),
brother of the famous poet Henry
Longfellow, loved the seashore.
He once compiled a book called
Thalatta, including all the charming
bits of poetry in the language
about the sea and the seashore.
Like many of the psalms, this hymn
praises God for His involvement
in nature. Paul wrote that the
invisible qualities of God are clearly
seen in what God has created.
Longfellow echoes Paul’s message
here. God’s love, life and power
are seen in the events of nature.

Lord, we Seek U our creator master:
He is the God who made the world
and everything in it. Since He is Lord
of heaven and earth, He doesn’t live
in man-made temples, and human
hands can’t serve His needs… He
Himself gives life & breadth to every
-thing and He satisfies every need…
His purpose was for the nations
to seek after God and perhaps
feel their way towards Him & find
Him – though He is not far from
anyone of us. For in Him we live
and move and exist (Acts 17:24-28)

Lord, I know You are sitting next to
me; and that You are watching me,
even sharing Your heart with me.
For Your Word says in Acts 17:28:
In Him we live and move and exist.
Help me become a noticer of
Your presence and acknowledge
You in every situation. Help me to
see not only Your past handiwork
as Creator God, but also Your
current activity as Lord, Comforter,
Provider, Healer and Guide. Amen.

Lord Creator, Your hand is in the
inexplicable & seemingly senseless
circumstances of life. And Lord
Jesus says You are always working.
And You want us to join You in
Your work. So Lord, open our eyes
and ears to see any assignment
You God have for each one of us.
Slow me down enough to see the
opportunities You have arranged.
May I be sensitive and willing to
be Your hands and feet and fulfill
the spiritual assignment You have
for me this day. In Jesus’ name.

God of the earth, the sky, the sea,
Maker of all above below,
Creation lives and moves in Thee,
Thy present life through all doth flow..
Thy love is in the sunshine’s glow,
Thy life is in the quickening air;
When lightnings flash & storm blow,
There’s Thy power; Thy law is there..
We feel Thy calm at evening’s hour,
Thy grandeur in the march of night;
When the morning breaks in power,
We hear Thy word: Let there be light!