Praising God In Luke 9 (May 5)

I Have Decided to Follow Jesus

The lyrics are based on the last
words of Nokseng, a tribesman
from Assam India, who decided to
follow Christ in mid 19th century.
Called to renounce his faith by the
village chief, the convert declared,
“I have decided to follow Jesus.”
His two children were killed and
in response to threats to his wife,
he continued, “Though none go
with me, still I will follow.” His wife
was killed, and he was executed
while singing:’The cross before
me, the world behind me.’ This
display of faith is reported to
have led to the conversion of
the chief and others in the village.
The formation of these words into
a hymn is attributed to the Indian
missionary Sadhu Sundar Singh.

Lord, we purpose to Follow You:
Now it happened as they journeyed
on the road that someone said
to Him: Lord, I will follow You
wherever You go. And Jesus said:
Foxes have holes and the birds
of the air have nests, but the
Son of Man has nowhere to lay
His head. Then He said to another:
Follow me… And another said:
Lord, I will follow You, but let me
first go and bid farewell who are at
my house. But Jesus said to him:
No one having put his hand to the
plow, and looking back is fit for
the kingdom of God (Lk 9:57-62).

Lord Jesus, we know there is a high
price for discipleship, for You said:
The Son of Man has no place
to lay his head; but you go and
proclaim the kingdom of God.’
Furthermore, discipleship requires
Single-mindedness for You said:
No one who puts his hand to the
plow and looks back is fit for service
in the kingdom of God. Grant us the
grace and the strength to say Amen.

Lord, forgive me when I have put
my own priorities in front of Yours.
I may have treated You more like
a servant or an equal rather than
my Master and Sovereign Lord.
Forgive me and help me to answer
Your call and make no excuses.
And though my track record of
doing that maybe rather spotty,
I ask for your help & strength to be
a disciple You can count on. Amen.

Lord, considering Your loving
kindness and sacrificial love,
help me to truly say and sing:
The world behind me, the
cross before me; though none
go with me, still I will follow.
My cross I’ll carry, till I see Jesus;
for I have decided to follow You.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

I have decided to follow Jesus (x3)
No turning back, no turning back…
The world behind me,
the cross before me (x3)
No turning back, no turning back…
Though none go with me,
still I will follow (x3)
No turning back, no turning back…
My cross I’ll carry, till I see Jesus (x3)
No turning back, no turning back…
Will u decide now to follow Jesus(x3)
No turning back, no turning back…