Meditating Nahum 1-3 (May 3)

No More Time to Delay

To whom much is given, much is
also required. Nineveh had been
given the privilege of knowing
the one true God. Under Jonah’s
preaching this great Gentile
city had repented & God had
graciously stayed His judgment.
But some 150 years later, Nahum
proclaims the downfall of once
mighty Nineveh. The Assyrians
had forgotten their revival and had
returned to their habits of violence,
idolatry and arrogance. As a result,
Babylon would so destroy the city
that no trace of it would remain,
a prophecy fulfilled in painful detail.

The Assyrian empire which flourished
for about two centuries was one
of the cruellest and most powerful
of its time. God had already used
the Assyrians to punish the northern
kingdom. Now He was about to
wreck destruction on the Assyrian
capital. God is both just and loving.
He reassures those who trust in
Him need not fear God’s wrath.
At the same time, He shows exactly
what can be expected by those
who refuse to live righteously.
Lord, You are Good and Caring.
Lord, You are Holy and Just. And
Lord, You do Lose Your Patience.
We Heed Warning & Repent. Amen.

Lord, You are Holy and Just:
The Lord, is a jealous God,
filled with vengeance and wrath.
He takes revenge on all who
oppose Him & furiously destroys
His enemies! The Lord is slow
to get angry, but His power is
great, and He never lets the guilt
go unpunished (Nahum 1:2-3).
Lord, help me remember that You
are a jealous and avenging God.
You take vengeance on Your foes
& maintain wrath agst Your enemies.
Thank God that I’m not Your enemy
because of what Christ has done.
Remind me that whilst You are slow
to anger; You are also Holy and
yet You will not leave the guilty
unpunished. So Holy Spirit, lead me
to readily hear Your voice so that
I’ll confess & repent of sins. Amen.

Lord, You are Good & Caring:
The Lord is good, a refuge in trouble.
He cares for those who trust in Him.
But with an overwhelming flood
He will make an end of Nineveh…
Whatever they plot against the Lord
He will bring to an end; trouble will
not come a second time (Nah 1:7-9)
Lord, Thankful You are my refuge &
my strength in hard times & an ever
present helper in times of trouble.
Help me cling to You Lord & remind
me that You are absolutely good.
Teach me to trust U wholeheartedly
and lead me to run to You when
I am in trouble. Keep me from an
attitude of independence & mistake
of seeking help outside of U. Amen.

Lord, You do Lose Your Patience:
Too late! The river gates are open!
The enemy has entered! The palace
is about to collapse! Nineveh’s exile
has been decreed (Nahum 2:6-7).
I am your enemy says the Lord
Almighty. Your chariots will soon
go up in smoke. The finest of your
youth will be killed in battle. Never
again will you bring back plunder
from conquered nations (v13). How
terrible it will be for Nineveh, the city
of murder and lies! She is crammed
with wealth to be plundered (N3:1).
Lord,You had already shown Nineveh
great mercy for one generation
repented & You withheld judgment.
And Nahum’s prophecy is sober
warning that we mustn’t presume
upon Your mercy. For in perfect
justice God may limit His patience.
And those who continue to rebel &
reject You will face consequences.
Pray that our nation & others heed
Your warnings and repent. Amen.