Praising God In Isaiah 40 (May 1)

Publish Glad Tidings of Peace

One night In 1868, a worried mother
sat up with one of her children who
was critically ill. Mary Ann Thomson
prayed to the Lord to heal her child.
She was jolted by the realisation
that what is really important to
God is the evangelism of the world.
If God raised up her child, could
she be willing to release him as
a missionary. Out of her wrestling
with such questions, 34 year-old
Mary Thomson wrote these words.
The hymn blends the messianic
pronouncement of Isa 52 with the
missionary call of Rom 10. For over
a hundred years this hymn stirred
thousands to respond to God’s call.

Lord, we’ll Cheer & Wait On You:
Comfort, yes comfort My people…
That her iniquity is pardoned…
Prepare the way of the Lord(Is40:1-3)
O Zion, messenger of good news,
shout from the mountaintops!
Shout and do not be afraid. Your
God is coming! Yes the Sovereign
Lord is coming in power (v9-10).
Those who Wait on the Lord
Shall renew their strength; They
shall mount up with wings as eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk & not faint (v31).

Lord, the Covid crisis together with
the restrictions from the lock-in can
make us weary, weak & frustrated.
Thank You Lord for the words of
comfort and encouragement from
Isaiah that the situation will not last
forever and deliverance will come.
Lord, renew us with Your strength
when we feel overwhelmed. And
grant us grace to wait on You. Amen.

Lord, give us grace to hold to You
and renew my soul with courage
when all is weariness and fear and
when love itself is tested by doubt.
Lord, give us grace that we may
know that in the darkness pressing
round it that You are there and
that You do know we love You still.
For our dependence & endurance
in Your will is our gift of love. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Share the Gospel:
O Zion haste, thy mission
high fulfilling, To tell to all
the world that God is Light;
That He who made all nations
is not willing One soul should
perish, lost in shades of night…
Publish glad tidings, tidings
of peace; Tidings of Jesus,
redemption and release…
Proclaim to every people, tongue
and nation That God, in whom
they live and move, is love:
Tell how He stooped to save
His lost creation, And died on earth
that man might live above. Amen.