Praising God In Psalm 17 (Apr 27)

Jesus Lover of My Soul

Written a year after his conversion,
this is one of the most famous of
Charles Wesley’s 6000 hymns.
As he wrote it, he may have been
remembering his turbulent crossing
of the Atlantic three years earlier.
He wrote in his journal: The sea
streamed in at the sides… it was
as much as four men could do by
continual pumping to keep her above
water. In this dreadful moment,
I bless God, I found the comfort of
hope.” Although Wesley was ill and
frightened, he had the awareness,
as he later wrote, that he “abode
under the shadow of the Almighty.”

Lord, You are the Lover of My Soul:
I am praying to You because I know
You will answer O God. Bend down
and listen as I pray. Show me Your
unfailing love in wonderful ways.
By Your mighty power You rescue
those who seek refuge from their
enemies. Guard me as You would
guard your own eyes. Hide me in the
shadow of Your wings (Ps 17:6-9).

Lord, hear our prayers not according
to the poverty of our asking but
according to the richness of Your
grace; so that our lives may conform
to those desires according to Yr will.
Lord, teach me to seek You & reveal
Yourself to me as I look for You.
For I can’t seek You unless You
first teach me; nor find You unless
You reveal Yourself to me. Amen.

Lord, You are the God who cares
for us watchfully and attunes Your
ears to our prayers, because we
are Your children. Show me Your
unfailing love in whatever wonderful
ways U choose & I draw near to You.
When in danger I seek refuge in You
and You hide me in the shadow of
Your wings. Guard me and give me
life for I am the apple of Your eye.
And Thank U for tender care. Amen.

Jesus, Lover of my soul,
let me to Thy bosom fly,
While the nearer waters waters roll,
while the tempest still is high;
Hide me O my Saviour,
hide till the storm of life is past;
Safe into the haven guide;
O receive My Soul at last!!!
Other refuge have i none;
hang my helpless soul on Thee;
Leave ah leave me not alone,
still support and comfort me.
All my trust on Thee is stayed;
all my help from Thee I bring;
Cover me my defenseless head
with the shadow of Thy wing. Amen.