Meditating Amos 6-9 (April 26)

Light at the end of the Tunnel

Continuing his reprimand of Israel,
Amos warns those who have
developed a false sense of security.
The prophet visualises a locust
swarm, a devastating fire and a
plumbline. He also pictures the
nation as a basket of summer fruit,
ripened and ready for destruction.
And although divine discipline
must come, but in its wake will
follow restoration and renewal.

Lord, reading Amos through New
Testament eyes is a wake-up call.
We are reminded to sit up and see
the need around us and act on it.
And we are challenged to remain
true to the plumb line & to Jesus.
Lord, You want us to Be Caring;
Lord, You want us to Be Repentant;
Lord, You want us to Be Restored.
Lord, grant us grace to live up to
our calling & thanks for being such
a gracious and faithful God. Amen.

Lord, You want us to Be Caring:
How terrible… for you who lounge
in luxury and think you are secure…
You push away every thot of coming
disaster but your actions only
bring the day of judgment closer…
You eat the meat of tender lambs
and choice calves and drink wine
by the bowlful … caring nothing at
all that your nation is going to ruin.
So you will be the first to be led
away as captives. Suddenly all
the revelry will end (Amos 6:1-7).
Lord, comfortable life-styles may
make people think they are secure.
And You God are not pleased if
we ignore the needs of others.
For just as You care for us, You
God want us to care for others.
And Your kingdom has no place
for selfishness and indifference.
So, help us learn to consider the
needs of others besides our own.
And help us to guard against
pride and complacency. Amen.

Lord, You want us to Repent:
Then he showed me another vision.
I saw the Lord standing beside a wall
that had been built using a plumbline.
He was using a plumb line to see
if it was still straight. And the Lord
said to me: Amos, what do you see?
I answered: A plumb line. And the
Lord replied: I will test my people
with this plumb line. I will no longer
ignore all their sins (Amos 7:7-8).
Father, plumbline is an unrelenting
measure much like as is Your law.
And the reality is that we are just
hopelessly crooked. But the good
news of the gospel is that Jesus
comes to us & says: Although you
don’t measure up, but I do. Thanks
that the cross has become the
plumbline by which our life is judged.
You Lord took the condemnation for
my crookedness and give the grace
that conforms me to Your holiness.
May Your grace inspire me to extend
grace to others who fall short. Amen

Lord, You want us to Be Restored:
Surely the eyes of the Sovereign
Lord are on the sinful kingdom…
Yet I will not totally destroy the
house of Jacob… In that day I will
Restore David’s fallen tent. I will
repair its broken places, restore its
ruins, and build it as it used to be…
I will bring back my exiled people
Israel; they will rebuild the ruined
cities and live in them. They will
plant vineyards and drink their wine…
I will plant Israel in their own land,
never again to be uprooted from the
land I’ve given them (Amos 9:8-15).
Lord, in the midst of being over-
whelmed by awfulness of situation,
in Your mercy, U give signs of hope.
In barrenness, we discover the joy
of being in covenant relationship.
Even in times of discipline, You
promise restoration and blessing.
What a faithful God have I. Amen.