Meditating Hosea 11-14 (Apr 19)

Coming Hope for God’s People

God is holy and just, but He is also
loving and gracious. God must
discipline, but because of His
endless love He will ultimately save
and restore His wayward people.
“I will heal their backsliding, I will
love them freely; for mine anger
is turned away from him.” Hosea
whose heart has already been
broken once by the harlotry and
shameful behaviour of his wife
Gomer, now pleads one last time
for his countrymen to repent: “O
Israel, return unto the Lord thy God.”

The book of Hosea dramatically
portrays God’s  persistent love.        And in Chap 11-14, although God        will discipline His people for sin,           He will restore those who repent.
Lord in Covid adversity, we consider.
We Commit be Faithful to Your love.
We Confess our Rebelliousness;
We Wait for Your Restoration; and
We Will Return to Your Fold. Amen.

Lord, we confess our rebelliousness:
When Israel was a child, I loved him,
and out of Egypt I called my son.
But the more I called Israel, the
further they went from me. They
sacrificed to the Baals and they
burned incenses to images. They
did not realise it was I who healed
them. I led them with cords of human
kindness, with ties of love; I lifted
the yoke from their neck and bent
down to feed them… My people
are bent on Backsliding from Me.
Though they fall to the Most High,
none at all exalt Him (Hos 11:1-4,7).
Father, You are hurt when we reject
U by preferring to live our own way.
And it pains You to watch as we
suffer consequences of our sin.
Lord, don’t let let me waste my life
complaining about my experiences.
Help me to grow stronger through
them and to recognise Your loving
hand in them. In Jesus’ name, Amen

Lord, we will Wait for Restoration:
Lord God Almighty, I call You Lord.
It is a name of renown. May I seek
to return to You, my God, and
maintain love and justice, and wait
for You always. (Hos 12;5-6).
Lord, I am prone to wander; and
so draw me to return back to You.
Lord, grant me the grace to “qawa”
to hope, to wait until hope is fulfilled.
Reassure me with Your quickening
Spirit; for without U I can do nothing.
Fill me Lord with love, peace, joy
and all the other fruits of the Spirit.
Whatever circumstance that I am
in, I will flee to You for safe refuge.
I surrender myself to You Lord,
trysting Your precious promises, and
against hope believing in hope. Amen

Lord, we will Return to Your Fold:
Return O Israel to the Lord yr God
for your sins brought you down.
Bring your petitions and Return
to the Lord. Say to Him: Forgive
all our sins and graciously
receive us, so that we may offer
You the sacrifice of praise…Never
again will we call the idols we
have made our gods (Hos 14:1-3)
Lord, we recognise how sinful
and needy we are. I cannot save
myself but You have saved me.
I humble myself before You in
confession of my manifold sins.
And I praise You for all You have
done to extend Your endless love,
mercy and forgiveness to me.
I am truly grateful to You Lord
and I love You deeply. Amen.