Meditating Hosea 7-10 (April 18)

In Times of Adversity Consider

For centuries the nation Israel had
been sowing seeds of wickedness.
And after repeated postponement
of Israel’s day of reckoning, the
time to settle accounts has come.
Barrenness and bondage will replace
prosperity and peace in the nation.
Because of unchecked sin and
worthless worship, Israel will be
removed from the land in a tragic
blast of destruction, famine and
forced labour will befall God’s pple.

Lord, we realise that moral and
spiritual decay will ultimately result
in judgment. But we know that God
is merciful and that You will restore
those who repent & turn back to You.
Lord, we confess Forgetting You;
Lord, we confess of Rebellion;
Lord, we confess of Unfaithfulness.
And we ask for Your mercy. Amen.

Lord, we confess Forgetting You:
Even though I give Israel all my laws,
they act as if those laws don’t apply
to them. The people of Israel love
their rituals of sacrifice, but to me
their sacrifices are all meaningless!
I will call my people to account for
their sins… Israel has built great
palaces and Judah has fortified
its cities. But they have both
forgotten their Maker (Hos 8:12-14)
Lord, I life this dryness before You.
I confess I have forgotten You
and even have disregarded You.
But I come to You Lord today
asking You to renew me soon.
For You are the living God who
has promised rivers of living water.
I come to You now for renewal.
Draw me to Yourself once again.
Cause me to find satisfaction in You.
Empower me for Your service. Amen.

Lord, we confess of Rebellion:
Israel deserted me for Baal-peor,
giving themselves to the shameful
idol. Soon they become as vile
as the God they worshiped…
All their wickedness began at Gigal;
there I began to hate them. I will
drive them from my land because
of their evil actions. I will love
them no more because all their
leaders are rebels (Hos 9:10-15).
Lord, on behalf of our friends, we
ask for Your mercy & forgiveness.
In Your hatred for sin, drive the sin
from them but don’t destroy as
they deserve. Help them understand
You cannot endorse such behaviour.
Let Your Holy Spirit remind them
of the joy of Your blessing. Amen.

Lord, we confess of Unfaithfulness:
O Israel, You have sinned
from the days of Gibeah…
Sow for yourselves righteousness;
Reap in mercy;
Break my Your fallow ground,
For it is time to seek the Lord,
Till He comes and rains
Righteousness on You (Hos 10:8,12)
Lord, Your Word says in times of
adversity consider. And so we now
consider how we have soiled our
hearts with negativity, critical
nature, resentment, spite and
a refusal to forgive & make amends.
Holy God, shower Your righteousness
on me for I need to recover and to
answer Your call on my life. Amen.