Meditating thro Luke 7-9 (Dec 28)

Ministry of Mercy & Discipling

Preaching, healing and discipling
summarise the daily activities
of the Son of Man. Luke records
the healings with careful attention
to details and those documented
miracles become the proof of Jesus’
claims to doubting John Baptist and
a faithless generation.As he preaches
& heals, Jesus patiently prepares His
disciples to carry on in His absence.

Father God, thank you for Your love
and concern for our wholeness
that You present Your Son to us.
Grateful Jesus You are not only our
Saviour but also our Lord & Master.
Thank You for Luke 7-9 which
highlights Your ministry of mercy,
preaching the word and discipling.
Lord, we are Grateful being Forgiven.
Lord, we will Respond to Your Word.
Lord, we Believe & Follow You. Amen.

Lord, we’re Grateful Being Forgiven:
Now the Pharisee spoke to himself
This Man, if He were a prophet,
would know What Manner a woman
this is who is touching Him. Jesus
said to the Pharisee… (Lk7: 39-40)
I tell you, her sins – and they
are many have been Forgiven,
so she has shown me Much Love…
Then Jesus said to the woman:
Your sins are forgiven (v47-48).
Lord, we all have committed sins,
any of which will deserve death.
It’s just our faulty perception that
makes us think we are better.
Soften our hearts with Your love,
Help us remember to be grateful for
being forgiven and not be offended.
Help us befriend sinners & give us
heart of compassion for those hurting
so that we reach out to them. Amen.

Lord, we will Respond to Your Word:
The seed is the word of God…
The rocky soil represents those
who hear the message with joy.
But their roots Don’t Go Very Deep.
They wilt when testing blow…
But the good soil represents
people who Hear God’s message,
Cling to it and steadily produce
a huge harvest (Luke 8:11-15).
Lord, I want to Receive Your Word,
apply it to my life & be obedient
to you. If my heart is hard, soften
it by reminding me of Your love.
If my roots aren’t deep enough,
enrich the soil by causing me
to respond to the Holy Word.
Deliver me from being consumed
with the cares and pleasures of this
world. And bring forth by your Spirit,
a great harvest in my life. Amen.

Lord, we Believe & Follow You:
Then Jesus said to them:
If anyone desires to come after me,
let him deny himself, and take
up his cross daily and follow me.
For whoever desires to save his life
will lose it, but whoever loses his life
for my sake will save it. For what
profit is it to a man if he gains
the whole world, and is himself
destroyed or lost? (Luke 9:23-25).
Lord,to follow You, we must submit
our desires to Yours, stop serving
ourselves and start serving You.
Lord, the call to commitment may
be challenging, but we trust You
will accompany the call with divine
sign so that we will also have
the necessary faith to act upon it.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.