Meditating thro Luke 3-6 (Dec 22)

Hearing & Doing Will of our Lord

Luke introduces the ministry of
Jesus with three preparatory events:
the ministry of John the Baptist;
His baptism by John & temptation
by Satan. Christ’s genealogy ties
Him to David the king, Abraham
the patriarch & Adam the first man.
Rejection in hometown of Nazareth
causes Him to move to Capernaum,
where He ministers for two full years.
There by the shores of Galilee,
Christ calls 12 men to prepare them
for the ministry He’ll entrust to them.

Father God, thank you for Your love
and concern for our wholeness
that You present Your Son to us.
Grateful Jesus You are not only our
Saviour but also our Lord & Master.
Lord, we will Worship & Serve You;
Lord, we will Share the Gospel; and
Lord, we will Do What You Say.Amen.

Lord, we will Worship & Serve You:
Jesus was led by the Spirit in
the desert, where for 40 days
He was tempted by the devil.
He ate nothing and He was hungry.
The devil said: If You are the Son
of God, tell this stone to become
bread. Jesus answered: It is written:
Man does not live on bread alone.
The devil led Him up to a high place
and showed Him all the kingdoms.
And he said: if U worship me, it will
all be Yours. Jesus answered: It is
written: Worship the Lord your God
and serve Him only (Luke 4:1-8).
Lord, knowing and obeying God’s
Word is an effective weapon
against temptation. Help us to
use your word effectively, and
have the faith in your promises.
Also grant us the resources we
need to stand steadfast. Amen.

Lord, we will Share the gospel:
Jesus said: Now go out where it is
deeper & let down your nets. Simon
answered: Master, we’ve worked
hard all night and haven’t caught
anything. But because You say so,
I will let down the nets. When they
had done so, they caught such
a large number of fish…Then
Jesus said to Simon: From now
on you will catch men (Lk 5:4-10).
Lord, let us learn from Simon Peter
where obedience opens our lives to
Your miracle & receive Your blessing.
Open our ears Lord to hear Your
voice in our current circumstance.
And we will join You Lord in ministry
to further the kingdom of God.
Help us readily receive Your Word,
apply it & be obedient to You. Amen

Lord, we will Do What You Say:
(Jesus said): Why do you call me
Lord, Lord, when you don’t do what
I say?… I will show you what it’s
like when someone comes to me,
listens to my teaching and then
follows it. It is like a person building
a house who digs deep and Lays
the Foundation on Solid Rock…
Anyone who hears and doesn’t obey
is like a person who builds a house
without a foundation (Lk 6:46-49).
Lord, my heart is already Yours
considering what You have done
and I surrender once again to You.
My desire is to accept Your will
and to do what You want me to.
But Lord, share clearly Your will, for
only then will I have the confidence
that U are with me in the challenge
and I’ll dare to undertake it. Amen.