Preview On Luke Gospel (Dec 21)

Preview On Luke Gospel

Whilst the Bible is arranged by
types of writings, we meditate it
Chronologically to get better flow:
Genesis on God’s Plan for creation;
Job on Sovereignty of God; and
Exodus, Leviticus, Num-Deut on
Deliverance, Holiness & Obedience.
Then Joshua on Obedient Faith,
Judges on God Restoring Repentant;
Ruth on Faithfulness/Redemption;
1&2 Samuel on Rule of God in our
heart and the Consequences of sin;
1&2 Chronicles on Genuine Worship
and Psalms on hymns of worship.

Since it’s advent season and for
a change, we go to gospel of Luke;
who presents Jesus as the perfect
Man who came to save sinful people.
Luke builds his narrative on Jesus’
life by tracing the twin themes of
growing belief & growing opposition.
While Jesus’ followers are challenged
to count the cost of discipleship, His
opposers are plotting against Him.
But His death & resurrection validate
His claims, thwart His enemies and
empower His disciples to continue
His ministry to a lost world.

We will meditate Luke gospel over
4 weekends in following 8 divisions:
Lk 1-2: Arrival of the Son of Man
Lk 3-6: Authority of Son of Man
Lk 7-9: Ministry of Son of Man
Lk10-12: Admonition of Son of Man
Lk13-15: Parables of Son of Man
Lk16-18: Parables of Son of Man
Lk19-21: Teaching of Son of Man
Lk22-24: Triumph of Son of Man

Let’s soak in the revelation of our
Saviour, see the love of Jesus for
individuals and appreciate God’s
concern for our wholeness. And
Lord, we worship You in gratitude
and deep adoration. Amen.