Meditating Ps 140-145 (Dec 14)

God Can Be Counted Upon !!

The Fifth book of Psalms (P107-150)
is similar to book of Deuteronomy
being anthems of praise and
thanksgiving for God & his Word.
And Ps 138-145 are attributed
to King David. In his hour of need,
David found God praiseworthy
for his unfailing Promises (138),
for his Omnipresence (139),
for he is a sure Refuge (140-142),
being a listening Ear (143), a strong
Arm (144) & a merciful King (145).

Lord, we thank and praise You for
being mighty, good and faithful.
And when in problems, we can run
to You to find refuge & deliverance.
For You Can Be Counted upon.
For You Reach Down to us &
For You Are Near when we pray.
For You Will Come & Save us.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, we are Counting on You:
Lord, I am calling to you. Plse hurry!
Listen when I cry to you for help!
Take control of what I say O Lord,
and keep my lips sealed. Don’t let
me lust for evil things; don’t let me
participate in acts of wickedness.
Don’t let me share in the delicacies
of those who do evil (Psa 141:1-4)
Lord, I praise You that You are
a God I can count on to keep me!
Left to myself, I am not strong
enough to walk in Your paths.
Deliver me from choosing
my own way instead of Yours.
Strengthen my heart & work within
me according to Your plans. Amen.

Lord, You Reach Down to Us:
Blessed be the Lotd my Rock…
My lovingkindness and my fortress,
My high tower and my deliverer,
My shield & the One…I take refuge.
O Lord, what are mortals that You
should notice us, mere humans
that You should care for us?…
Bend down the heavens, Lord,
and come down (to us) (Ps 144:1-5)
Lord, as we will be soon celebrating
Your birth, we praise You for coming
to earth so that we who believe in
You might receive Your forgiveness
and experience Your love. You are
Emmanuel, God with us. Although
we are mere humans, You reached
down from high and brought us out
of darkness into Yr marvellous light.
And You are also our Rock, our
shield and our deliverer. Amen.

Lord, You are Near when we pray:
The Lord is full of compassion.
The Lord is near to all who call…
to all who call upon Him in truth.
He will fulfill the desire of those who
fear Him; He also will hear their cry
and save them. The Lord preserves
all who love Him (Ps 145:8, 18-20).
Lord, I confess having doubted You
were near to hear my prayers for
it seemed they went unanswered.
Help me to pray more fervently
during times of unanswered prayer
instead of being concerned that
nothing will change. For You are
full of compassion and You always
do what You promise. Amen.