Meditating thro Ps 135-139 (Dec 8)

Praising God Wholeheartedly !!

Sometimes it’s easy to praise God
by recalling the past (135-136);
at other times memories of the past
produce more pain than praise (137).
But even times of trouble can be
cause for Praise (138) as you think
about the unceasing presence
of Your omnipotent God (139).

Lord, You are worthy of our whole-
hearted Praise for You’re not only
mighty but also good, merciful,
faithful and caring omnipresent.
Lord, we’ll Revere In Your Love;
we’ll Abide In Your Presence and
we’ll Hold to Your Promises. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Revere In Your Love:
Who remembered us in our lowly
state,for His mercy endures forever.
And rescued us from our enemies,
for His mercy endures forever;
Who gives food to all flesh,
for His mercy endures forever.
O give thanks to the God of heaven!
For His mercy endures(Ps136:24-26)
Lord, the blessed reality is Your
faithful love towards us. Were it not
for Your faithful love, we will have
no hope. We see in this psalm what
divine love looks like: the rescue of
redemption, the rest of provision,
the warm of being remembered.
Your faithful love endures forever.
Let me never lose sight of Your
great enduring love for me. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Hold to Your Promises:
I will Praise U with my whole heart…
I bow before Your holy temple
as I worship. I will give thanks
to Your name for Your unfailing
love and faithfulness, because
Your promises are backed by
all the honour of Your name.
In the day when I cried out,
You answered me & made me
bold with strength (Ps 138:2-3).
Lord, thank You for backing
Your promises by the honour of Your
holy and mighty name! And thank
You for unfailing love & faithfulness.
Help me move forward under
Your direction in the light of
Your unfailing promises. Amen

Lord, we’ll Abide In Your Presence:
O Lord, You have searched me
and You know me. You perceive
my thoughts from afar. You are
familiar with all my ways. For
there is not a word on my tongue,
but behold, O Lord, You know it
altogether. Where can I go from
Your Spirit? Or where can I flee
from Your presence? (Ps 139:1-7).
Lord, You know everything about
me and You still love me. You know
my thoughts and my mistakes, and
You still call me Yours. Thank You
that You are always with me,
guiding, comforting & restoring me,
and I am never alone. You know me
better than I know myself. Help me
to know You better too. Amen.