Meditating thro Ps 128-134 (Dec 7)

Going thro Dark Days Yet Hopeful

Ps 120-134 are Songs of Ascents
sung by pilgrims on way to Jerusalem
& concern people who are in journey:
Blessing for the righteous (Ps 128)
and judgment for the wicked (129)
are waiting at the journey’s end.
And though there may be Dark
Nights along the way (130), the quiet
soul will Find Hope in the Lord (131).
In the sanctuary of God (132, 134)
and among the people of God (133)
there is strength for each new day.

Lord, we learn from the songs of
adsents that there may be Dark
Nights along the journey of life.
But there is reason to Be Hopeful;
as long as our hope is in the Lord.
For we know U Lord will rescue us
as surely as dawn follows night.
Lord, grant us grace & mercy for:
We will Quieten before You;
We will Follow & Fear You; and
We will Wait Upon You. Amen.

Lord, we purpose to Fear You:
Blessed is every one who Fears
the Lord, who walks in His ways.
When u eat the labor of your hands,
you shall be happy and it shall be
well with you. Your wife shall be
like a fruitful vine, and your children
like olive plants (Psalm 128:1-3).
Lord, bless our families even as
we purpose to fear You and follow
Your ways. They may be hurting
and need to know You and Your
plan for them. Draw their hearts
to You and give them faith so that
they can experience the richness
of life You promise to those who
Fear You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, we will Wait Upon You:
I wait for the Lord, my soul waits,
and in His word I do hope…
O Israel, hope in the Lord;
For with the Lord, there is mercy,
and with Him is abundant
redemption (Psalm 130:5-7).
Lord, I need Your limitless strength
so that I can keep going even
in the midst of difficult times.
For the only way to experience
Your strength is to Wait On You.
Reward my persistent waiting;
for I look to You Lord as the light
that breaks the darkness in my life.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Lord, we will Quieten before You:
Lord, my heart is not proud;
(and) my eyes are not haughty.
I don’t concern myself with matters
too great or awesome for me.
But I have stilled & quieted myself…
Yes, like a small child is my soul
within me. O Israel, put your hope
in the Lord now & always (Ps 131:1-3)
Lord, You are dependable & faithful
& U are calling us to childlike trust.
I come to You in humility & ask You
to Quieten my heart & busy mind.
Lead me to rest in You, depend on
You and trust fully in You. Help me
to leave all my burdens with You and
enjoy being in Your presence. Amen.