Hearing God In 1 Tim 4 (Nov 26)

Be Thankful, Be Godly, Be Example

Timothy ministered alongside
 Paul   as missionary & later received he challenging assignment of
pastoring the church at Ephesus.
Paul’s 1st letter resembles a manual
for building church leadership.
It also contains many principles
to impact the lives of others.

Lord, we aim Be Example of You:
Everything God created is Good
and nothing is to be rejected if it is
received with Thanksgiving (ITim4:4)
Train yourself to Be Godly. For
physical training is of some value,
but godliness for all things (v7-8).
Be An Example to all believers in
what you teach, in the way you live,
in your love, faith and purity (v12).

Lord, Thank U for all the wonderful
pleasures You created for us.
Thank You for Your beautiful
creation; for wind, rain & sunshine.
Thank You for the joy of friendship
and the intimacy of marriage.
Thank You for the enjoyment
of good and nourishing food.
Above all these joys, Thank You
for Your gift of salvation. Amen.

Lord, You want us to Be Godly,
though the world sees & thinks
external image is everything.
Forgive me for the times I’m overly
concerned with external appearance.
Grant me discipline to expend more
time & energy to care for the Soul.
Grant me grace so that You will be
pleased with my thots & intentions
as well as words & actions. Amen.

Lord, enable me to Be Example
of Your love, faith and purity.
Help me not to shy away from
using the gifts that You give me.
Thankful that Your opinion of me
is more important than any other.
Thankful that the work You do 
through me will be effective for 
I depend wholly on You. Amen.