Meditating thro Ps111-118(Nov 24)

Praise Our Praiseworthy God !!

The Fifth book of Psalms (P107-150)
is topically similar to Deuteronomy.
Just as Deut was concerned with
God and his Word, these psalms
are anthems of praise and thanks
– giving for God and His Word.
Praise permeates Psalm 111-118.
God is praiseworthy for His Care(111)
His commandments (112),
His name (113), His power (114),
His uniqueness(115),Deliverance(116),
His truth (117) and His Mercy (118).

Lord, Thank You for Psalm 111-118.
You are indeed worthy of all praise
for You are Good in every way:
Your name, Your truth, Your power,
Your commands, Your uniqueness,
and Your Care, Mercy & Deliverance.
Lord, we will Remember Your Care.
Lord, we will Believe Your Mercy.
Lord, we will Seek Your Deliverance.
In Jesus Mighty name we pray,Amen

Lord, we will Remember Your Care:
I will thank the Lord with all my heart..
How amazing are the deeds of
the Lord! All… should ponder them.
Everything he does reveals his glory…
His righteousness never fails. He
has made His wonderful works to Be
Remembered. The Lord is gracious
and full of compassion… He will ever
be mindful of His covenant (111:1-5).
Lord, Your loving deeds are amazing
and they truly reveal Your glory.
Let me never forget the wonders
You perform. Help me take fresh
delight in You as I ponder Your care.
Build our faith in You Lord even as
I remember Your faithfulness. Amen.

Lord, we will Seek Your Deliverance:
I love the Lord, for he heard my
voice; he heard my cry for mercy.
Because he turned his ear to me,
I will call on him as long as I live…
I believe in you, so I prayed, I am
deeply troubled Lord (116:1-2,10)
Lord, I take comfort in knowing
You hear my prayers. For Your
Word tells me You listen when I call.
Help me be patient to wait for answer
and not fear that You have not heard.
Help me trust You enough to want
to pray for all that concerns me.
Help me run to U when I am troubled,
like little children run to their fathers
when they don’t know what to do.
Increase my belief in Your fatherly
heart and my faith in You. Amen.

Lord, we will Believe Your Mercy:
In my distress I prayed to the
Lord and the Lord answered me
and rescued me. The Lord is
For Me, so I will not be afraid.
What can mortals do to me?
Yes, the Lord is For Me,
He will help me (Psa 118:5-7).
Lord, Thank You for answering me
and assuring me in my distress.
Thank You Your Mercy is unchanging
in the midst of changing condition
and this give me comfort & security.
Thank You for being For me; and
this truth assures me of Yr concern.
Help me resolve not to be afraid for
Almighty God is on my side. Amen.