Hearing God In 2 Thess 1 (Nov 21)

God Enables Your Calling

In his second letter to Thessalonians,
Paul commends their faithfulness
in persecution and encourages
them that present suffering
will be repaid with future glory.
Paul clarifies the Day of the Lord
had not yet arrived & recounts the
events which must take place first.
Labouring for the gospel, rather
than lazy resignation, can be the
only proper response to such truth.

Lord, make Effective our Calling:
We always thank You, O God,
for other believers and pray that
their faith would grow consistently,
demonstrating more… evidence of
that faith; and that their love for each
other would increase (2 Thess 1:3).
We keep on praying for you,
that our God will make you Worthy
of the life to which He Called you.
And we pray that God by His Power
will fulfill all your good intentions
and faithful deeds. Then everyone
will give honour to the name of our
Lord Jesus because of you (v11-12).

Lord, I lift up the needs of my
friends and loved ones to You.
I ask You will meet their physical,
emotional and spiritual needs.
Cause their faith to grow steadily
so that they would truly fear You.
Create In them a desire to love
others as they love themselves. And
I ask that You will help me to point
them to You in word & life. Amen.

Father, grateful that Effectiveness
in Your calling doesn’t depend
on my abilities. In Your grace,
impart Your power to me so that
I may live the life to which You Lord
has called me. Make me a vessel
of Your glory so that those who
see my works will look past me
and be drawn to You. Amen.

Lord Jesus, I realise apart from
You, I can do absolutely nothing.
So I humbly seek You in prayer,
admit my inadequacy and ask
for Your grace and sufficiency.
Grant me tenacious faith in You and
Empower me to fulfil my calling. For
U alone can make me worthy of the
life which U have called me. Amen