Hearing God In 1 Thess 5 (Nov 20)

Faithful God Will Sanctify You

Paul has many pleasant memories
of the days he spent with the infant
Thessalonian church. Their Faith,
hope, love and perseverance
in the face of persecution are
exemplary and Paul’s labours
as a spiritual parent to the fledging
church have been richly rewarded.
He encourages the Thessalonians
to excel in their Faith, increase in
their love, and rejoice always even
as God Promises to Sanctify them.

Lord, we want to Do Your Will:
Rejoice always, pray without
ceasing, in everything give thanks;
for this is the Will Of God in Christ
Jesus for you (1 Thess 5:16-18).
Now may the God of peace Himself
Sanctify You completely; and may
your whole spirit, soul and body
be preserved blameless at the
coming of our Lord Jesus (v23).
He who calls you Is Faithful,
who also Will Do it (v24). Amen.

Lord, it is always Your Will for me
to be joyful and pray often & give
thanks to You in all circumstances.
Help me to remember to do Your
Will in this regard, even when
I don’t see yet answers to prayers
as I would like it to be. No matter
what is happening now in my life,
I know that Your Will is good and
that You are fully in control. Amen.

Lord God of peace, do Your holy
work of Sanctification within me.
I want to honour You with my life.
I want to resist sin each day. But
at the same time, I confess some
thing within me is attracted by evil.
Keep me blameless. Give me
Lord a deep love for You and
the zeal for Your glory that will
surpass any impure passion. Amen.

Lord, I sincerely feel that my deepest
longings simply must be fulfilled.
I have brought them to You to do as
You please. Use them to accomplish
Your purposes; and I’m believing that
You will get me where I need to go.
I am now fully available to work
out the calling You have for me.
I know Lord that You are faithful
and that You will do it. Amen.