Meditating thro Ps 104-106 (Nov 17)

The LORD Reigns !!

Fourth book of Psalms (Ps 90-106)
is similar to Numbers, noting God’s
overruling kingdom to other nations.
Psalm 104-106 provide 3 snapshots
of the great God that we serve.
He creates & rules the universe (104);
He rules in our hearts (105) and
He loves us enough to discipline(106)

Abba Father, You Reign and there
are many things to be grateful for.
Because we’re citizens of kingdom
of God, we can keep troubles of
earth in their proper perspective.
Whilst life has its challenges, we see
You as the solution to our problems.
Lord, we Praise Thy Almighty Power.
Lord, we Seek Help From You. And
Lord, we Give Thanks to Thee. Amen

Lord, we Praise Your Creative Power:
O Lord, what a variety of things
You have made! In wisdom You
have made them all. The earth is
full of Your creatures… All creatures
depend on You to give them food
as they need it. When You supply it,
they gather it. You open Your hand
to feed them; and they are richly
satisfied… May the glory of the Lord
last forever (Ps 104:24, 27-28, 31).
Lord, I praise You for the beauty of
Your Creation. Your Word says the
wonders of creation are sufficient
to reveal Your attributes & leave us
without any excuse for not seeking U.
Open my eyes more to the evidence
of Your creative power all around me.
May Your glory last forever. Amen.

Lord, we will Seek After You:
Give thanks to the Lord & proclaim
His greatness. Let the whole
earth know what He had done.
Sing to him; yes sing His praises.
Tell everyone about His miracles.
(And) Exult in His holy name;
O worshippers of Lord, rejoice!
Search the Lord & for His strength.
Remember His marvellous works…
For He remembered His holy
promise (Psa 105:1-5, 42).
Lord, I give thanks to You and
purpose to proclaim Your greatness!
Thank You for the many promises
in Your Word that U will strengthen
me and reveal Yourself so that
I can know You more intimately.
Cause me to seek You with all
my heart and to depend on
Your strength for each day. Amen.

Lord, we will Give Thanks to Thee:
Praise the Lord! Give Thanks to
the Lord, for He is good! His faithful
love endures forever. Who can list
the glorious miracles of the Lord?
Who can ever praise Him…enough?
Remember me O Lord with the
favour you have toward your people.
O visit me with Your salvation. That I
may see the benefit of your chosen
ones, that l may rejoice, that I may
glory with your inheritance (P106:1-5)
Lord, You have given me so much.
You have blessed me with salvation
so that I could enjoy abundant life
here on earth & eternally in heaven.
Help me to praise and thank You
not only on happy occasions
but regularly and continually.
May I be like David, who punctuate
prayers with praise & thanksgiving.
For Your faithful love endures forever;
for I can never praise U enough.Amen