Meditating thro Ps 84-89 (Nov 9)

Revive Us Again as we Worship

The Third book of Psalms (73-89)
is similar to Leviticus with the theme
of Praising God because He is holy.
Each psalm in Ps 84-89 contains
a heartfelt Petition to God: satisfy
us again (84) revive us again (85)
hear us again (86), gather us
again (87), encourage us again 88)
and make us sing again (89).
And each psalm concludes with
confidence that God will do that in
response to prayers of His people.

Dear Lord, thanks for giving us
Psalm 84-89 which remind us
that we were made to praise and
worship in every circumstance,
besides teaching us how to pray.
In Your Faithfulness and mercy,
Revive us in Fullness of Joy,
Hear & Answer us even as we
Purpose to Worship You. Amen.

Lord, lead us in Fullness of Joy:
Blessed are those who dwell
in Your house; they will still be
praising You. Blessed is the
man whose strength is in You,
whose heart is set on pilgrimage..
For the Lord God is our light and
protector. He gives us grace and
glory. No good thing will the Lord
withhold from those who do what
is right. Blessed is the man that
trusts in You (Psa 84:4-5, 11-12).
Lord, I will enter your courts with
thanksgiving and with praise.
Forgive me for being focused on
worldly cares. Give me an eternal
perspective on all that happens.
Set my mind & heart on you so that
I embrace your presence; for U Lord
are my strength & my hope. Amen.

Lord, Hear us & Answer us again:
In the day of trouble I will call
upon You, for You will answer me…
All the nations will come & praise
Your… name. For You are great
and perform great miracles…
Show me a sign for good that…
You Lord have helped me and
comforted me (Psa 86:6-17)
Lord, You alone are God and
I praise You and worship You.
Forgive me for sometime failing
to recognise Your sovereignty
and acknowledge that U are God.
I praise You today and pray that
I will bring pleasure to You. Amen.

Lord, we will Worship You:
I will sing of the mercies of the Lord
forever; with my mouth will I make
known Your faithfulness to all
generations… Happy are those
who hear the joyful call to worship,
for they will walk in the light of
Your presence, Lord… They exult in
Your righteousness (Ps 89:1,15-16).
Lord, what a privilege to worship
our merciful and faithful God for
U are great & greatly to be praised!
Purify my heart and my thoughts
so that I can learn to worship you.
Help me practice God’s presence
by constantly looking at Him. And
help make my life to be continual
acts of praise, thanksgiving, love,
trust & petition unto the Lord. Amen