Hearing God In Galatians 5 (Nov 5)

Set Free to Serve Fruitfully

Galatians is Paul’s manifesto of
justification by faith. Paul directs
this charter of Christian freedom
to people who are about to forsake
the priceless liberty they possess
in Christ. Some Jewish legalists
are influencing the believers in
Galatia to trade their freedom
in Christ for bondage to the law.
Paul writes to refute their false
gospel of works and to show the
superiority of justification by faith.

Lord, we are Free to Serve:
It is for freedom that Christ has
set us free. Stand firm then, and
do not let yourselves be burdened
again by a yoke of slavery (Gal 5:1)
You were called to be free.
But do not use your freedom to
indulge the fresh; rather serve
one another humbly in love (v13).
When the Holy Spirit Controls
our lives, He will produce this
kind of fruit in us: Love, Joy, Peace,
patience, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, gentleness and
self-control (v22-23). Amen.

Lord Jesus, Thank you for giving
Your life so that I could be set
free from the yoke of slavery
to the enemy of my soul. Help
me to not become entangled
in it again. Help me to stand firm
in the freedom You have secured
for me. Make me aware of any
bondage in my life for which
You died to set me free. Amen.

Lord, You have given me freedom
and calling to serve U and others.
Thank You for freeing me from
my sinful nature & giving me the
desire to reach out & serve others
Show me where I can use my
gifts to really make a difference
for Your kingdom. And may an
attitude of humility be infused
in every part of my life. Amen.

Lord, I need the Joy that only You 
can give. Forgive me for the times I
let circumstances control my moods.
And I want to be marked by Your
Peace so that I don’t worry; so
that others might see the comfort
and assurance available only in You.
And grant me Lord to overflow with
Your Love so that it will spill out
in my words and actions. Amen.