Meditating Psalm 66-72 (Oct 27)

Praising God in Difficult Times

Book 2 of Psalms (42-72) is similar to
Exodus sharing Israel’s deliverance.
These psalms help us worship God,
pray for deliverance, confess sin
and encourage us to Trust God. And
in today’s psalms, David & Solomon
show God is Worthy of Praise for
His judgments (67), provision (68),
attentiveness to cries (69-70),
strength to the weak (71) and
sovereignty over the nations (72).

Dear Lord, thanks for Psalm 60-72,
that shows how David maintained
Faith In You during difficult times.
Thanks for assurance of response
to our cries, provision & strength.
Prompt us to run to You for refuge
and rest when facing difficulties.
And grant us signs of deliverance,
lest our hearts be overwhelmed.
In deep gratitude, we purpose that:
We will Testify of Your Goodness;
We will Emulate of Your Godliness;
We will Praise of Your Graciousness.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, we’ll Emulate Your Godliness:
If I had cherished sin in my heart,
the Lord would not have listened;
but God had surely listened
and heard my voice in prayer.
Praise be to God, who has not
rejected my prayer or withheld
his love for me (Ps 66:18-20).
Lord, I don’t want to entertain sin in
my heart. I want my heart to be right
so that You will hear my prayers.
I know I don’t do everything right,
so I ask that by the power of Your
Holy Spirit You will enable me keep
my heart pure and my hands clean.
Thanks for loving me & helping me
do what is right in Your sight. Amen

Lord, we’ll Testify Your Goodness:
In you O Lord I put my trust…
Incline Your ear to me & save me…
I will hope continually, and I will
praise You yet more and more.
I will proclaim Your saving power…
I will praise Your mighty deeds,
O Sovereign Lord. I will tell
everyone that You alone are just
and good. O God, I’ve constantly
told others about the wonderful
things You do (Ps 71:1-2, 14-17).
Lord, in Your goodness & mercy,
I ask for Your speedy deliverance.
And let me proclaim the wonderful
things You have done. Thank You
for Your faithfulness in my life
through the troubles and joy. And
I pray a new generation will rise
up and be devoted to You. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Praise Yr Graciousness:
May the king’s rule be refreshing
like spring rain on freshly cut grass,
like the showers that water the earth.
May all the godly flourish during
His reign…Blessed be the Lord God…
Who only does wondrous things.
Praise His glorious name forever.
And let the whole earth be filled
with His glory. (Ps 72:6-7, 18-19).
Lord, we lift our thoughts & hearts
this day to Your glorious name.
For praise is the best of all sacrifices;
and the true evidence of godliness.
Lord, we bow our knees and will,
and say: You are Lord! You WILL
be honoured. You will receive the
glory You deserve. May that be
true in our lives these days. Amen.