Praying thro Psalm 50-54 (Oct 19)

Being Cleansed & Cared by God

The 2nd book of Psalms (P42-72),
is similar to Exodus, describing
Israel as ruined & then delivered.
These psalms can help us confess
sin, pray for rescue and trust God.
Psa 50-54 have sin and confession
are key themes. David confesses
after his sin with Bathsheba (51);
describes treacherous tongue (52)
and the folly of pursuing evil (53).
Only with God as constant source
of help (54) can we counter the
daily temptations & pitfalls of life.

Dear Lord, thank you for your
lovingkindness and care for us;
as we face the challenges of life.
Help us to turn to You in times of trouble & to put our trust in You.
Help us to Be Grateful.
Help us to Be Repentful.
Help us to Be Fruitful. Amen.

Lord, help us to Be Grateful:
(God said: I don’t need the bulls
you sacrifice; I don’t need the blood
of goats. What I want instead is your
true thanks to God; I want you to
fulfil your vows to the Most High.
Trust me in your times of trouble
and I will rescue you, and you
will give me glory (Ps 50:13-15).
Lord, You are not keen in outward
displays but the condition of my
heart. You have given me much
and I ask U to give one thing more –
a grateful heart, so that I can offer
a sweet sacrifice of thanksgiving.
Help me seek U in times of trouble,
to trust You & even to be thankful.
For in this way I give You glory. Amen

Lord, help us to Be Repentful:
Wash me thoroughly from my
iniquity and cleanse me from
my sin; for I acknowledged
my transgressions, and my sin
is always before me (Ps 51:2-3)
Create in me a clean heart,
O God and renew a right spirit
within me… Restore to me the
joy of your salvation (Ps 51:10-12)
Lord, help me to come to You
immediately at the very first sign
of temptation so that I can stop
any wrong thoughts from turning
into sinful action. For I don’t want
to be seperated from the presence
of Your Holy Spirit. And create in
me a clean heart & restore to me
the joy of Your salvation. Amen.

Lord, help us to Be Fruitful:
I am like an olive tree, thriving
in the house of God. I trust in
God’s unfailing love forever & ever.
I will praise U forever because You
have done it. And in the presence
of Your saints I will wait on Your
name, for it is good (Ps 52:8-9).
Lord, I want not just to survive but
to thrive like Your servant David.
Just as olive trees produce fruit,
let my life produce fruit not only
of perseverance and trust in God,
but also of joy and your presence
in my life. Pray for grace that all
can see that You are good. Amen.