Prayers by Scripture Text

Prayers By Scripture Text

Genesis (Hearing God)
May 24: God Can Tell You Solution (Gen 41)
May 23: Focus on Promised Vision (Gen 37)
May 22: God Can Do Anything (Gen 18)
May 21: Call to Journey of Faith (Gen 12)
May 20: Drawing Near to Hear (Gen 3)

Genesis (Praying thro Scripture)
Feb 3: Joseph’s Egyptian Rule (Gen 41-50)
Feb 2: Joseph’s Enslavement (Gen 37-40)
Jan 27: Jacob Not Giving Up (Gen 27-36)
Jan 26: Isaac Not Demanding (Gen 22-26)
Jan 20:Faithful God Fulfils Promises(G15-21)
Jan 19: Call to Journey of Faith (Gen 12-14)
Jan 13: Don’t Steal God’s Glory (Gen 10-11)
Jan 12: Obedience to God’s Direction (G6-9)
Jan 6: God Desires Fellowship (Gen 3-5)
Jan 5: God Cares for Mankind (Gen 1-2)

Genesis (Thanking God)
Jan 2: Thank God for Gift of Life (Gen 1-2)

Genesis (Promises of God)
Nov 17: God’s Sovereign Control (Gen 50)
Nov 16: God is Able to Do Anything (G18)
Nov 15: Following God’s Calling (Gen 12)
Nov 14: Walking With God (Gen 5)

Genesis (Praising God)
Sep 25: Nearer My God to Thee (Gen28:12)

Genesis (Knowing God)
Apr 14: Lord Will Provide Jeho Jireh (Gen 22)
Apr 13: Almighty God El Shaddai (Gen 17)
Apr 12: Lord God Most High El Elyon (Gen14)
Apr 11: Relational God Jehovah (Gen 2)
Apr 10: Strong Creator God Elohim (Gen 1)

Genesis (Praying thro the Bible)
Feb 05: Joseph: Waiting on G (G37-50)
Feb 04: Jacob: Not Giving Up (G27-36)
Jan 29: Isaac: Not Demanding (G23-26)
Jan 28: Abraham: Life of Faitht (G12-22)
Jan 22: Noah: Walk with God (Gen 6-11)
Jan 21: Relationship with God (Gen 1-5)

Exodus (Hearing God)
May31:Follow God’s Direction Patiently(E40)
May 30: Meeting Presence of God (Ex 33)
May 29: Hear Carefully What He Said (Ex 14)
May 28: Moving With God’s Direction (Ex 12)
May 27: Hear God Will Provide Needs (Ex 3)

Exodus (Praying thro Scripture)
Mar 17:God Calls for True Worship (Ex32-40)
Mar16:God’s Instruction for Worship(E25-31)
Mar 10: God’s Word for Holy Living(Ex19-24)
Mar 9: Response to Diff Situations (Ex13-18)
Mar 3: Plagues, Passover & Exodus (Ex 7-12)
Mar 2: God Hears Cries of His People(Ex1-6)

Exodus (Thanking God)
Jan 4: Thank God for Giving Strength(Ex15)
Jan 3: Thank God for Purpose In Life (Ex 9)

Exodus (Promises of God)
Nov 24: The Lord Who Sanctifies (Exo 31)
Nov 23: The Lord Will Help U Press On (E16)
Nov 22: The Lord Who Cover & Protect (E17)
Nov 21: God Who Heals (Exo 15)
Nov 20: God Who Meet Our Needs (Exo 3)

Exodus (Knowing God)
Apr 21:Lord Sanctifies Jeh Mekaddish (Ex31)
Apr 20:Jealous God Jehovah El Kanna(Ex20)
Apr 19: Lord My Banner Jehovah Nissi (Ex17)
Apr18:Lord Our Healer Jehovah Rapha(Ex15)
Apr17: Eternal All-Sufficient God Ehyeh(Ex3)

Exodus (Praying thro the Bible)
Feb 19: Israel Worships at Sinai (E25-40)
Feb 18: Israel Receives Law at Sinai (E19-24)
Feb 12: Israel Complains in Desert (E12-18)
Feb 11: Israel Cries in Egypt (Exo 1-12)

Leviticus (Praying thro Scripture)
Mar 23: Worshiping God thro Offering(Lk1-7)
Mar 24:Worshiping G thro Obedience(L8-17)
Mar 30:Being Changed by Holy God(L18-22)
Mar 31: Remember God’s Blessings(L24-27)

Leviticus (Praying thro the Bible)
Feb 26: Living Holy Life (Lev 18-27)
Feb 25: Worshipping Holy God (Lev 1-17)

Numbers (Hearing God)
Jun 4: Don’t Rebel, Don’t Be Afraid (Num 14)
Jun 3: Guidance for Life Challenges (Num 9)

Numbers (Praying thro Scripture)
Apr 21: Preparing to Possess Land (N31-36)
Apr 20: 2nd Appr to Promised Land(N26-30)
Apr14:Respecting/Obeying Holy God (17-25)
Apr 13: Choosing Faith, Not Doubt (N13-16)
Apr 7: Lessons for Life Challenges(Num9-12)
Apr 6: Preparation for Life Journey(Num 1-8)

Numbers (Praying thro the Bible)
Mar 12: 2nd Appr to Canaan (N22-36)
Mar 11: Wondering in Desert (Num15-21)
Mar 5: 1st Appr to a Canaan (Num 10-14)
Mar 4: Prep for Journey (Num 1-10)

Deuteronomy (Hearing God)
Jun 7: Call for Commitment to God (Deut 30)
Jun 6:Be Reminded of God’s Word(Deut5-6)
Jun 5: Accept & Trust God’s Voice (Deut 4)

Deuteronomy (Praying thro Scripture)
May 12: Gearing & Looking Forward(D31-34)
May 11:Call for Commitment to God(D27-30)
May 5: Principles for Godly Living (D12-26)
May 4: Right Mentality for Obedience(D8-11)
Apr 28: Principles for Godly Living (D5-7)
Apr 27:Remember What God Has Done(1-4)

Deuteronomy (Thanking God)
Jan11:Thank God for Being Our Rock(Deu32)
Jan10:Thank God for Being Restorer(Deu30)
Jan 9:Thank God for His Faithfulness(Deut7)
Jan 8: Thank God for Our Family (Deut 6)
Jan 7: Thank God for His Provision (Deut 2)

Deuteronomy (Promises of God)
Dec 01: The Lord My Shield (Deut 33)
Nov 30: God Goes Before You (Deut 31)
Nov 29: God Is The Source of Wealth (D8)
Nov 28: The Faithful God (Deut 7)
Nov 27: The God Who Rules (Deut 3)

Deuteronomy (Knowing God)
Apr 28: Lord My Shield Jeho Magen (Deu33)
Apr 27:God of gods Elohei Haelohim (Deu10)
Apr 26 The Faithful God El Emunah (Deut 7)
Apr 25: Consuming Fire Esh Oklah (Deut 4)
Apr 24: The Lord Who Rules Adonai (Deut 3)

Deuteronomy (Praying thro the Bible)
Mar 26: Change in Leadership (D31-34)
Mar 25: Call for Commitment (D27-30)
Mar 19: Principles for Living (Deut 5-26)
Mar 18: What God Has Done (Deut 1-4)

Joshua (Praying thro Scripture)
Jun 16: Challenge to Follow & Serve(J22-24)
Jun 15: Faith Results In Fulfillment(Jos13-21)
Jun 9: Victory through Obedience (Jos6-12)
Jun 8: Entering Promised Land (Josh 1-5)

Joshua (Hearing God)
Jun 10: Be Strong & Courageous (Josh 1)

Joshua (Thanking God)
Jan 15:Thk God for Keeping Promises(Jos21)
Jan 14: Thank God for Being With Us (Jos 1)

Joshua (Promises of God)
Dec 7: Mighty One Is For Us (Josh 22)
Dec 6: Obedience Brings Victory (Josh 6)
Dec 5: God’s Deeds Build Faith (Josh 4)
Dec 4: God’s Presence Gives Courage (J1)

Joshua (Praying thro the Bible)
May 7: Dividing Promised Land (Jos 13-24)
May 6: Conquering Promised Land (Jos1-12)

Joshua (Knowing God)
May 5: Holy God Elohim Kedoshim (Jos 24)
May4:Mighty One El Elohim Jehovah(Jos22)
May 2: Living God Elohim Chayim (Jos 10)
May 3: L of All Earth Jeh Adon Kol AR (Jos3)
May1:G in Heaven Elohim Bashamayim(Jos2)

Judges (Praying thro Scripture)
Jul 7: Be Weary of What Seem Right (J17-21)
Jul 6: Samson & the Philistines (Jdgs 13-16)
Jun 30: Respect Our Sovereign God (J9-12)
Jun 29:Trustworthy Lord Will Save You(J6-8)
Jun 23:Being Stuck In Virtuous Cycles(J3-5)
Jun 22: Compromise Results In Failure (J1-3)

Judges (Hearing God)
Jun 11: Lord With You to Save You (Jdgs 6)

Judges (Promises of God)
Dec 8: God Loves Impossible Odds (Jdgs 7)

Judges (Praying thro Bible)
May 21: Moral Failure of Israel (Jdgs 16-21)
May 20: Rescue by Judges II (Jdgs 9-16)
May 14: Rescue by Judges Part I (Jdgs 3-8)
May 13: Military Failure of Israel (Jdgs 1-3)

Judges (Knowing God)
May 10: Lord Judge Jehov Hasophet (Jdg11) May 9: Lord Our Peace Jeh Shalom (Jdg 6)
May 8: Lord Is With U Jehov Immeka (Jdg6)

Ruth (Praying thro Scripture)
Jul14:Trust God During Hard Times(Ruth3-4)
Jul 13:Be Faithful with Good Repute(Ruth1-2)

Ruth (Praying thro the Bible)
May 28: Faithfulness Rewarded (Ruth 3-4)
May 27: Faithfulness Revealed (Ruth 1-2)

1 Samuel (Praying thro Scripture)
Aug 11: Seek God’s Way & Timing (1S27-31)
Aug 10: God’s Mercy thro His Pple (1S24-26)
Aug 4:God Cares for Downtrodden(1S20-23)
Aug 3: God Desires Tender Heart (1S16-19)
Jul 28: God Desires Obedient Heart(1S13-15)
Jul 27: God Desires Be Our King (1Sam 9-12)
Jul21:God Desires Be Our All In All(1Sam4-8)
Jul 20: God Desires Our Devotion (1Sam 1-3)

1 Samuel (Hearing God)
Jun 12: Listen for the Lord Speaks (1Sam 3)

1 Samuel (Thanking God)
Jan 17: Thk God for Being Deliverer(1Sam 17)
Jan 16: TG for Being Mighty Helper (1Sam 7)

1 Samuel (Promises of God) *
Dec 14: Lord Is Your Strength (1Sam 30)
Dec 13: God Delivers Faithful fr Shame(1S21)
Dec 12: Our Mighty Helper (1Sam 7)
Dec 11: God Cares About You (1Sam 1)

I Samuel (Praising God)
Oct 16: Come Thou Fount (1Sam 7:12)

1 Samuel (Praying thro the Bible)
Jun 11: David on Run & Saul’s Fall (1S21-31)
Jun 10: Saul & David (1 Sam 16-20)
Jun 4: Saul the first king of Israel (1Sam8-15)
Jun 3: Samuel the Last Judge (1Sam 1-7)

1 Samuel (Knowing God)
May 12:Lord of Hosts, Jehov Tsaba (1Sam17)
May 11: Spirit of God Ruach Elohim (1Sam10)

2 Samuel (Praying thro Scripture)
Sep1:God Who Ultimately Restores(2S21-24)
Aug31:Doing Right in Difficult Times(S15-20)
Aug25:Be Weary of Sinning Aftermath(11-Aug 24:Cooperation Brings Success(2S8-10)
Aug 18: Doing God’s Will in His Terms(2S5-7)
Aug 17: Wholehearted Devotn to God(2S1-4)

2 Samuel (Hearing God)
Jun 14: Lord Sent Someone to Tell (2Sam 12)
Jun 13: When God Says No to You (2Sam 7)

2 Samuel (Thanking God)
Jan18:Thk God for His Forgiveness(2Sam 12)

2 Samuel (Promises of God) *
Dec 15: God Will Make You Secure (2S22)

2 Samuel (Praying thro the Bible)
Jun 18: David’s Struggles (2 Sam 11-24)
Jun 17: David’s Successes (2 Sam 1-10)

2 Samuel (Knowing God)
May 16: God My Rock El Sali (2Sam 22)
May15:G My Strength Elohei Ma’uzzi(2Sam)

1 Kings (Hearing God)
Jun 17: Alert to Varied Voice of God(1Kgs 19)

I Kings (Thanking God)
Jan 21:Thk God for Giving Wisdom(1Kgs3-4)

1st Kings (Promises of God)
Dec 20: God Who Acts (1Kings 18)
Dec 19:God Provides for His Servants(1K17)
Dec 18: God Fulfils His Declared Plan (1K8)

1 Kings (Praying thro the Bible)
Nov 26: Divided Kingdom (1K12-22)
Nov 25: United Kingdom (1K1-11)

2 Kings (Hearing God)
Jun18:Music Removes Hearing Block(2Kgs3)

2 Kings (Thanking God)
Jan 22:TG for Answering Prayer(2Kgs 19-20)

2 Kings (Promises of God)
Dec 22: A God Who Rescues (2Kgs 13)
Dec 21: God’s Strength Is Greater (2Kgs 6)

2 Kings (Praying thro the Bible)
Feb17:Lesson fr Surviving Kingdom(2K18-25
Dec 10: Jehu, Joash & Dispersion (2K9-17)
Dec 9: Ministry of Prophet Elisha (2K1-u
1 Chronicles (Hearing God)
Jun20:Asking & Hearing Before Doing(1C14)
Jun 19: Be Bold to Seek & Ask God (1Chr 4)

1 Chronicles (Praying thro Scripture)
Sep15:Serving by the Will of God(1Chr22-29)
Sep14:Entrusting Dreams to God(1Chr17-21)
Sep8:Doing God’s Work In G’s Way(1C10-16)
Sep 7: Grafted Into God’s Purposes(1Chr1-9)

1 Chronicles (Thanking God)
Jan 23: TG for What He Has Done (1Chr 16)

1 Chronicles (Promises of God)
Dec 29: God Is Your Source (1Chr 29)
Dec 28: God Is With You (1Chr 28)
Dec 27: God Does More Than U Imagine (17)
Dec 26: God Gives Instructions (1Chr 14)
Dec 25: God Answers Bold Prayer (1Chr 4)

1 Chronicles (Praying thro the Bible)
Jun 25: D’s Covenant & FinalWord (1C17-29)
Jun 24: David’s Line & Accession (1Chr 1-16)

2 Chronicles (Hearing God)
Jun 21: God Speaks thro Prophets (2Chr 20)

2 Chronicles (Thanking God)
Jan 25: TG for Fighting Our Battle (2Chr 20)
Jan 24: TG for Watching Over Us (2Chr 16)

2 Chronicles (Promises of God)
Jan 5: God Is On Your Side (2Chr 32)
Jan 4: God Helps the Overwhelmed (2C20)
Jan 3: God Delivers When We Pray (2C18)
Jan 2: God Strengthens Committed (2C16)
Jan 1: God Hears Our Prayer (2Chr 7)

2 Chronicles (Praying thro the Bible)
Oct 15: Hezekiah’s Reforms & J’s End(29-36
Oct 14: Judah’s Kings & Ahaz’s Corrn(21-28)
Oct 8: Jehoshaphat’s Reforms (2Chr 17-20)
Oct 7: Divided Kdm & Asa’s Reforms (10-16)
Oct 1: Solomon’s Temple Dedicated (2C6-9)
Sep 30: Solomon’s Temple Erected (2C1-5)

Ezra (Hearing God)
Jun 24: Power of Fasting & Prayer (Ezra 8)

Ezra (Praying thro the Bible)
Mar 24: God Is Faithful to His People(Ez1-10)

Nehemiah (Hearing God)
Jun 26: God Put His Word in Yr Heart(Neh 2)
Jun 25: Being Stirred by the Spirit (Neh 1)

Nehemiah (Praying thro the Bible)
Mar 25: God Renews Your Faith (Neh 1-13)

Esther (Praying thro the Bible)
Mar 18: God Is In Control (Esther 1-10)

Job (Hearing God)
Jun28:Trust God Knows What’s Best(Job38)
Jun 27: Coming Forth as Gold (Job 23)

Job (Praying thro Scripture)
Feb 24: Lord Knows What’s Best (Job38-42)
Feb23:Man Don’t Hv All the Answers(32-37)
Feb 17: Keeping Faith in Tough Times(22-31)
Feb 16: God Our Redeemer Lives (Job15-21)
Feb 10: Know Merciful God Is With U (J4-14)
Feb9: Praising God Good Times & Bad(J1-3)

Job (Praying thro the Bible)
Apr30:God Answers/Rewards Job(J39-42
Apr 29: Young Man Answers Job (J33-38)
Apr 23: 3 Friends Answer Job (Job 4-32)
Apr 22: Job Afflicted & Tested (Job 1-3)

Psalms (Hearing God)
Jul 19: God Cares For You !! (Psa 139)
Jul 18: God’s Light for Your Path (Psa 119)
Jul 17: God Helps His People (Ps 107)
Jul 16: God Blesses You with Benefits(Ps103)
Jul 15: God Shields & Protects You (Ps 91)
Jul 12: Listen & Follow the Lord (Psa 81)
Jul 11:God Is Your Shelter & Strength(Psa 73)
Jul 10: God Bears Burdens & Give Rest(Ps55)
Jul 9: Be Still for God Is Your Refuge (Psa 46)
Jul 8: Thirsting For & Hoping In God (Psa 42)
Jul 5: Delight & Trust in the Lord (Psa 37)
Jul 4: Trust Word of Truth & Power (Psa 33)
Jul 3: God Cares For Those Who Pray (P32)
Jul 2: Come & Move From Fear to Faith (P27)
Jul 1: The Lord Shows Way of Life (Psa 16)

Psalms (Thanking God)
Feb 22: Thank God for Saving Us (Ps 145)
Feb 21: Thank God for Giving Rest (Ps 127)
Feb 20: Thank God for His Protection(Ps121)
Feb 19: Thank God for His Direction (Ps 119)
Feb 18: Thank God for Being For Me (Ps 118)
Feb 15: Thank God for His Benefits (Ps 103)
Feb 14: Thank God for His Goodness (Ps100)
Feb 13: Thank God for Being Shield (Ps 91)
Feb 12: Thank God for His Miracles (Psa 77)
Feb 11: Thank God for Being Shelter (Ps 73)
Feb 8: TG for Satisfying Longing Soul (Ps63)
Feb 7: TG for Having A Plan For Me (Ps 57)
Feb 6: Thank God for Bearing Burdens (P55)
Feb 5: Thank God for Being My Refuge(P46)
Feb 4: Thk God for Giving Our Desires (P37)
Feb 1: TG for Freeing Us From Fears (P34)
Jan 31: TG for Being My Hiding Place (Ps32)
Jan 30: TG for Being My Shepherd (Ps 23)
Jan 29: Thank God Whom I Can Trust (P18)
Jan 28: TG for Promising Fruitfulness (Ps 1)
Psalms Book 3-5 (Promises of God)
Mar 9: God the Promise Keeper (Ps 146)
Mar 8: God Is Merciful & Will Save U (Ps 145)
Mar 7: God Brings U Thro Trouble (Ps 144)
Mar 6: God You Can Count On (Ps 141)
Mar 5: God Knows & Cares for You (Ps 139)
Mar 2: God Promises With His Name (Ps138)
Mar 1: God Builds & Gives Rest (Ps 127)
Feb28:God Restores & Gives Harvest(P126
Feb 27: God Helps & Protects Us (Ps121)
Feb 26: God Who Answers Prayers (Ps 120)
Feb 23:God’s Word Directs Your Path(Ps119)
Feb 22: God Brings You Thro Trouble (Ps118)
Feb 21: God Hears Your Prayers (Ps 116)
Feb20:God’s Faithfulness Is Dependable(108
Feb 19: God Helps His People (Ps 107)
Feb 16: God’s Plan Never Fails (Ps 105)
Feb 15: God Blesses His People (Ps 103)
Feb 14: God Cares For Downcast (Ps 102)
Feb 13: God’s Mercy Is Everlasting (Ps 100)
Feb 12: God Shields & Shelters You (Ps 91)
Feb 9: God Offers His Faithfulness (Ps89)
Feb 8: God Will Bless the Righteous (Ps 84)
Feb 7: God Will Provide Our Needs (Ps 78)
Feb 6: God Is Able to Do Anything (Ps 77)
Feb 5: God Is Your Strength & Shelter (Ps73)

Psalms Book 1-2 (Promises of God)
Feb 2: God Helps Those In Need (Ps 72)
Feb 1: God Cares for the Defenceless (Ps68)
Jan 31: God Satisfies Longing Soul (Ps 63)
Jan 30: God Offers Rest & Refuge (Ps 62)
Jan 29:God Comes to Those Who Wait(P59)
Jan 26: God Has A Plan For You (Ps 57)
Jan 25: God Is On Your Side (Ps 56) *
Jan 24: God Gives Rest/Bears Burdens(P55)
Jan 23: God Gives Joy of Clean Heart (Ps 51)
Jan 22: God Is Our Refuge (Ps 46)
Jan 19: God Delivers Those Who Wait (P40)
Jan 18: God Blesses When You Trust (Ps 37)
Jan 17: God Hears & Delivers You (Ps 34)
Jan 16: God Watches Over You (Ps 32)
Jan 15: God Is Good & Upright (Ps 25)
Jan12:God Provides,Guides & Protects(P23)
Jan 11: God Gives Strength & Security (P18)
Jan 10: God Gives Supernatural Joy (Ps 16)
Jan 9: God Is Your Place of Shelter (Ps 9)
Jan 8: God Promises Fruitfulness (Ps 1)

Psalms (Praising God)
Sep 28: To God Be the Glory (Psa 145:1)
Oct 23: Thy Word (Psa 119:105)
Aug 4: Open My Eyes That I May See (P119)
Oct 18: Praise to the Lord (Psa 103:1-2)
Aug 3: Be Not Dismayed (Psa 91)
Aug 2: Just A Closer Walk With Thee (P86)
Aug 1: I Need Thee Every Hour (Psa 86)
Sep 27: Precious Lord (Psa 73:23)
Jul 31: Rock of Ages (Psa 62)
Jul 28: All the Way My Saviour Leads (P48)
Jul 27: This is My Father’s World (Psa 33)
Jul 26: He Leadeth Me (Psa 31)
Sep 26: Abide With Me (Psa 27:4)
Jul 25: The Lord’s My Shepherd (Psa 23)
Jul 24: Be Thou My Vision (Psa 16)

Psalms (Praying thro the Bible)
Sep 3: Praise for Praiseworthy G (P146-150)
Sep 2: Turn to God In Time of N (P135-145)
Aug 27: Praise Songs of Ascent (P120-134)
Aug 26: Praising for His Word (P119)
Aug 20: The Praiseworthy God (P111-118)
Aug 19: Praising Faithful God (P107-110)
Aug 13: Blessings by Great God (P98-106)
Aug 12: Reasons for Praise (P90-97)
Aug 6: As we worship Revive us (P84-89)
Aug 5: Living by God’s Faithfulness (P73-83)
Jul 30: Lessons for Difficult Times (P60-72)
Jul 29: Praying thro Difficult Times (P55-59)
Jul 23: King’s Cry for Cleansing (P50-54)
Jul 22: Psalms by sons of Korah (P42-49)
Jul 16: Practical Counsel fr David (P37-41)
Jul 15: Praying Thro Circumstances (P31-36)
Jul 9: Praying Thro our Problems (P25-30)
Jul 8: My Redeemer & Shepherd (P19-24)
Jul 2: Praising for Confident Future (P8-18)
Jul 1: Devotion in Word & Prayer (Psa 1-7)

Psalms (Knowing God)
Jun16: God My Praise Elohim Tahillati(Ps109)
Jun 15: God Who Forgives El Nose (Ps99)
Jun 14: Lord King Jehov Ha-Malech (Ps 98)
Jun 13: Lord My Refuge Jehov Machsi (Ps91)
Jun12: L Our Defense Jeh Maginnenu (Ps89)
Jun 09: God My King, Eli Maelekhi (Ps68:24)
Jun 08 : Father, Ab (Ps 68:5)
Jun7: G of Refuge Elo Machase Lanu (Ps62)
Jun 6: G of Lovingkind Elohim Chasdi (Ps59)
Jun 5: God of Mercy Elohe Chaseddi (Ps59)
Jun 2: God My Help, Elohim Ozer Li (Ps 54)
Jun 1: God My Salvation Elohe Toshu (Ps51)
May31:Everlasting God Elohenu Olam(Ps 48)
May30:God Exceed Joy El Simchath Gili(P43
May 29: God of My Life El Hayyay (Ps 42)
May 26: Lord of Truth Jeh El Emeth (Ps 31)
May 25: God of Glory El Hakabodh (Ps 29)
May 24: Lord My Light Jehovah Ori (Ps 27)
May23:Lord Mighty Jeh Gibbor Milcham(P24
May 22: Lord My Shepherd Jeh Rohi (Ps23)
May 19: Lord Save, Jehovah Hoshiah (Ps 20)
May18:Lord My Deliverer Jeh Mephalti(Ps18)
May17:G of Righteousness Elohe Tsadeki(P4

Proverbs (Hearing God)
Jul 25: God Gives Hope for Future (Prov 23)
Jul 24: God Directs Your Plans (Prov 16)
Jul 23: A Timely Word from the Lord(Prov 15)
Jul 22: Trust In the Lord (Prov 3)

Proverbs (Thanking God)
Feb 27: Thank God for Future Hope (Prov23)
Feb 26: TG for Hearing Our Prayer (Prov 15)
Feb 25: TG for Benefits of Trusting (Prov 3)

Proverbs (Promises of God)
Mar 16: God Guarantees Yr Future (Prov 23)
Mar 15: God Who Directs Your Plans(Prov16)
Mar 14: G Hears Righteous’ Prayer (Prov 15)
Mar 13: G Rewards Who Seek & Wait (Prov8)
Mar 12: God Directs As U Seek Him (Prov 3)

Proverbs (Praying thro the Bible)
Nov 5: Wise Words from the King (P25-31)
Nov 4: Wise Words for Pple in Auth (P22-24)
Oct 29: Wise Decisions in Life (P17-21)
Oct 28: Wise Words of Solomon (P10-16)
Oct 22: Pitfalls of Life & Wisdom (P5-9)
Oct 21: Fear of the Lord & Wisdom (P1-4)

Ecclesiastes (Hearing God)
Jul 26: God on A Time for Everything (Eccl 3)

Ecclesiastes (Thanking God)
Mar 01: TG for Work & Retirement (Eccl 5)
Feb 28: Thank God for Best Friends (Eccl 4)

Ecclesiastes (Praying thro the Bible)
Nov 19: Meaning of Life Explained (E7-12)
Nov 18: Meaning of Life Explored (E1-6)

Song of Solomon (Praying thro the Bible)
Nov 12: S Wedding Song of Love (SoS 1-8)

Isaiah (Hearing God)
Aug 9: God Desires Us Be Blessing (Isa 58)
Aug 8: God’s Word Not Return Void (Isa 55)
Aug 7: God Cares For You (Isa 46)
Aug 6: God With You through Trials (Isa 43)
Aug 5: God Comforts His People (Isa 40)
Aug 2: God Strengthens & Directs U (Isa 30)
Aug 1: God Is Merciful & Reliable (Isa 28)
Jul 31: God Will Keep His Promises (Isa 7)
Jul 30: God Shows & then Calls You (Isa 6)
Jul 29: God Makes You White As Snow (Isa 1)

Isaiah (Thanking God)
Mar 8:Thk God for Beauty for Ashes(Isa61)
Mar 7: Thank God for Caring You (Isa 46)
Mar 6: Thk God for Helping the Weak (Isa40)
Mar 5: Thank God for Giving Peace (Isa 26)
Mar 4: Thk God for Giving Good News (Isa 9)

Isaiah (Promises of God)
Apr 6: God Acts for Those Who Wait (Isa 64)
Apr 5: God Turns Ashes to Beauty (Isa 61)
Apr 4: God’s Words Hold Good (Isa 59)
Apr3:God Refreshes & Gives Courage(Isa57)
Apr 2: God’s Promises Will be Fulfilled(Isa55)
Mar 30: God Turns Sorrow to Joy (Isa 54)
Mar 29: God Sustains You (Isa 46)
Mar 28: God Helps U thro Trouble (Isa 43)
Mar 27: God Helps the Weak (Isa 40)
Mar 26: God Strengthens You (Isa 30)
Mar 23: God Is Absolutely Reliable (Isa 28)
Mar 22: God Gives Peace (Isa 26)
Mar 21: God Gives Everything U Need (Isa 9)
Mar 20: God Keeps His Promises (Isa 7)
Mar 19: God Is On the Throne (Isa 6)

Isaiah (Praying thro the Bible)
Jan 14: Pathway to Restoration (Isa 49-66)
Jan13:God Cares & Makes A Way (Isa40-48)
Jan 7: Call Towards Godliness (Isa 28-39)
Dec31:Judgment for Pagan Nations(Is13-27)
Dec 30: Judgment for Judah (Isa 1-12)

Isaiah (Praising God)
Aug 8: Guide Me O Thou Great Jeh (Isa 58)
Oct 24: At the Cross (Isa 53)
Aug 7: How Great Thou Art (Isa 40)
Oct 17: Here I Am Lord (Isa 6)
Oct 25: Jesus Paid It All (Isa 1)

Isaiah (Knowing God)
Jun28:Lord Redeemer Jehov Goelekh(Isa60)
Jun27:Lord Saviour Jehovah Moshiekh(Is40)
Jun 26: Light to the Nations Or Goyim(Isa42)
Jun 23: The Holy One, Kadosh (Isa 40)
Jun 22: Prince of Peace Sar Shalom (Isa 9)
Jun21:Wonderful Counsellor Peleh Yoetz(Is9
Jun 20: God With Us, Immanuel (Isa 7)
Jun 19: Branch of Lord Jeh Tsemach (Isa 4)

Jeremiah (Hearing God)
Aug 16: God Plans Freedom For You (Jer 50)
Aug 15: God Gives You Ready Access (Jer33)
Aug 14:God Bigger Than Yr Problems(Jer 32)
Aug 13: God Has Good Plans For You(Jer 29)
Aug 12: God’s Life Message For You (Jer 1)

Jeremiah (Thanking God)
Mar 13: Thank God for Direct Access (Jer33)
Mar 12: Thank God for Good Plans (Jer 29)
Mar 11: Thank God for Being Healer (Jer17)

Jeremiah (Promises of God)
Apr 13: God’s Pte Phone Number (Jer 33)
Apr 12: God Bigger Than Problems (Jer 32)
Apr 11: God Promises Good Plans (Jer 29)
Apr 10: God Blesses & Heals You (Jer 17)
Apr 9: God Shows You Good Paths (Jer 6)

Jeremiah (Praying thro the Bible)
Feb 4:Judgment on Gentile Nations(J46-52)
Feb 3: Downfall of Jerusalem (Jer 34-45)
Jan 28: God Restores His People (Jer30-33)
Jan27:Message of Return & Restoratn(21-29
Jan21:Querying God in Tough Times(J11-20)
Jan 20: Warnings on Disobedience (Jer 1-10)

Jeremiah (Praising God)
Aug 9: Have Thine Own Way Lord (Jer 18)

Jeremiah (Knowing God)
Jul3: G Recompense Jeh El Gemuwal(Jer51)
Jun29:God is Near Elohei Mikkarov (Jer 33)
Jun 30: Lord Righteous Jeh Tsidkenu (Jer23)

Lamentations (Hearing God)
Aug 19: God’s Faithfulness Is Great (Lam 3)

Lamentation (Promises of God)
Apr 16: God’s Faithfulness Is Great (Lam 3)

Lamentation (Praying thro the Bible)
Feb10:Lessons fr Weeping Prophet (Lam1-5)

Lamentation (Praising God)
Sep 29: Great is Thy Faithfulness (Lam3:23)

Ezekiel (Hearing God)
Aug 22: God Brings Things to Life (Ezek 37)
Aug 21: God Gives You New Heart (Ezek 36)
Aug 20: God Has Message For You (Ezek 3)

Ezekiel (Thanking God)
Mar 14: TG for Bringing Things to Life (Ez37)

Ezekiel (Promises of God)
Apr 19: God Brings Dead Things to Life (E37)
Apr 18: God Moves You In the Spirit (Ez 36)
Apr 17: God Gives You New Heart (Ezek 11)

Ezekiel (Praying thro the Bible)
Mar11:God Gives Message of Hope(Ez33-48
Mar 10: God Restores You (Ezek 1-24)

Ezekiel (Knowing God)
Jul4: Lord Is There Jehovah Shammah(Ez48)

Daniel (Hearing God)
Aug 23: God Gives You Revelation (Dan 2)

Daniel (Promises of God)
Apr 20: God Gives You Revelation (Dan 2)

Daniel (Praying thro the Bible)
Mar 4:God Knows U & Cares For U(Dan7-12)
Mar 3:Glowing Faith in Trying Times(Dan1-6)

Daniel (Knowing God)
Jul 5: Most High God, El Elyon (Dan 3)

Hosea (Hearing God)
Aug 26: God Loves & Cares For You (Hos 2)

Hosea (Promises of God)
Apr 23: God’s Hedge of Protection (Hos 2)

Hosea (Praying thro the Bible)
Dec23:God’s Love for Sinful Pple(Hos1-14)

Joel (Hearing God)
Aug 27: God Redeems Lost Years (Joel 2)

Joel (Thanking God)
Mar 15: TG for Redeeming the Time (Joel 2)

Joel (Promises of God)
Apr 24: God Will Redeem the Time (Joel 2)

Joel (Praying thro the Bible)
Dec 3: Coming Hope For aIsrael (Joel)

Amos (Praying thro the Bible)
Dec 17: Guard Agst Complacency (Am1-9)

Obadiah (Praying thro the Bible)
Dec 2: God Protects His People (Oba)

Jonah (Praying thro the Bible)o
Dec 16: The Greatest Fish Story (Jon 1-4)

Micah (Hearing God)
Aug 28: God Has Compassion on Us (Mic 7)

Micah (Promises of God)
Apr 25: God Brings U Out of Darkness (Mic7)

Micah (Praying thro the Bible)
Dec 24: God Offers Restoration (Mic 1-7)

Micah (Knowing God)
Jul 6: God on High, Elohei Marom (Mic 6)

Nahum (Praying thro the Bible)
Feb 18: No More Time to Delay (Nah 1-3)

Habakkuk (Hearing God)
Aug 29: God Will Uphold Promise (Hab 3)

Habakkuk (Promises of God)
Apr 26: God Is Your Strength (Hab 3)

Hababkuk (Praying thro the Bible)
Feb 25: Waiting Upon God (Hab 1-3)

Zephaniah (Hearing God)
Aug 30: God Delights to Restore You (Zep 3)

Zephaniah (Promises of God)
Apr 27: God Saves & Rejoices Over U (Zep3)

Zephaniah (Praying thro the Bible)
Feb 24: The Day of the Lord (Zeph 1-3)

Haggai (Praying thro the Bible)
Mar 31: Getting Priorities Right (Haggai 1-2)

Zechariah (Praying thro the Bible)
Apr 1: Living Out Glorious Hope (Zech 1-14)

Zechariah (Praising God)
Aug 10: There Is A Fountain (Zech 13)

Malachi (Praying thro the Bible)
Apr 7: Restoring Worship of God (Mal 1-4)

Malachi (Praising God)
Aug 11: Give of Yr Best to the Master (Mal 3)

Matthew (Hearing God)
Sep 6: Doing Christ’s Assignment (Mt25&28)
Sep 5: Be Humble, Forgiving, Merciful (Mt18)
Sep4:Christ Reveals Kingdom Secrets(Mt13)
Sep 3: Don’t Worry for God Provides (Mt 6)
Sep 2: Be Salt of the Earth (Matt 5)

Matthew (Thanking God)
Mar 21:TG for Jesus Always With Us(Mt 28)
Mar 20: Thank God for Providing Rest (Mt 11)
Mar 19: Tk God for Rewarding Seekers (Mt 7)
Mar 18:Tk God for Providing Our Needs(Mt6)

Matthew (Gospel Truth)
Nov 16: Go and Make Disciples ! (Matt 28)
Nov 15: Obey the Father’s Will (Matt 26)
Nov 14: Do God’s Assigned Tasks (Mt 25)
Nov13: Be Ready for Lord’s Return (Mt 24)
Nov 12:Don’t Be Prideful, Be Authentic(M23)
Nov 11: Seek & Love His Kingdom (Mt 22)
Nov 10: Trust & Obey In Action (Matt 21)
Nov 9: Have Mindset of a Servant (Matt 20)
Nov 8: Be Trusting & Eternal Minded (Mt 19)
Nov 7: Be Humble, Forgiving, Merciful (Mt18)
Nov 6: Have Faith Nothing Impossible (Mt17)
Nov 5: Seek God’s Revelation & View (Mt 16)
Nov4:Seek Justice, Treasure & Will(Mt12-15)
Nov 3: Come & Receive God’s Rest (Matt 11)
Nov 2: Don’t Worry for God Cares (Mt 10)
Nov 1: Be Merciful Be Compassionate (Mt 9)
Oct 31: Kingdom Mission By Faith (Matt 8)
Oct 30: Don’t Be Judgmental (Matt 7)
Oct 29: Pray, Forgive & Seek First (Matt 6)
Oct 28:Be Merciful, Be Light, Be Perfect(M5)
Oct 27: Arrival of Prophesied King (Matt 1-4)

Matthew (Promises of God)
May 18: Lord Jesus With U Always (Matt 28)
May 17:Christ Promises His Return(Matt 24)
May 16:God Answers Prayers of Faith(Mt21)
May 15: God jExalts His Servants (Matt 20)
May14:God Blesses Prayer Agreement(M18
May 11: Nothing Impossible With God (Mt 17)
May 10: God Gives Direction (Matt 14)
May 9: God Promises Rest to You (Matt 11)
May 8:God Blesses Those Who Believe(Mt8)
May 7:God Rewards Those Who Seek (Mt7)
May 4: God Will Provide Your Needs (Mt 6)
May 3:G Blesses those Depend on Him(Mt5)
May 2: God’s Word Keeps U from Sin (Mt 4)
May 1: God Is Always With You (Matt 1)

Matthew (Praising God)
Oct 4: I’d Rather Have Jesus (Matt16:24-26)
Oct 2: Love Lifted Me (Matt 14:28-31)
Oct 3: Softly & Tenderly (Matt 11:28-30)
Oct 20: Seek Ye First (Matt 6:3)
Oct 19: Jesus Calls Us (Matt 4:18-19)

Matthew (Knowing God)
Jul 7: Son of God, Huios Tou Theou (Mt 16)

Matthew (Praying thro the Bible)
Apr 16: Future of the Kingdom (Matt 24-28)
Apr 15: Community of Kingdom (Matt 18-23)
Apr 9: Growth of the Kingdom (Matt 13-17)
Apr 8: Mission of the Kingdom (Matt 8-12)
Apr 2: Kingdom Sermon on Mount (Matt 5-7)
Apr 1: Arrival of Prophesied King (Matt 1-4)

Mark (Hearing God)
Sep 13: Pray In Faith Without Doubt (Mk 11)
Sep 12: Serve Selflessly & Humbly (Mk 8-10)
Sep 11: Believe, Receive & Testify (Mark 5)
Sep 10: Trust God’s Word Wholly (Mark 4)
Sep 9: Seeking God’s Purpose & Will (Mk 1)

Mark Gospel (Praying thro Scripture)
Jun 2: Obedience to Father’s Will (Mk 14-16)
Jun 1: Faith Believes, Loves & Acts (Mk11-13)
May26:Trust God’s Goodness & Power(8-10)
May25:Faith Recalls, Persists, Humbles(4-7)
May 19: Coming of the Servant (Mk 1-3)

Mark (Thanking God)
Mar22:Thank God for Honouring Faith(Mk11)

Mark (Gospel Truths)
Oct 26: Obedience to Father’s Will(Mk14-16)
Oct 25: Lord Is Coming Back Soon? (Mk 13)
Oct24:Love the Lord Wholeheartedly(Mk12)
Oct 23:Pray Without Doubt Nor Grudge(M11)
Oct 22 Trust God & Pray In Faith (Mark 10)
Oct 21: Don’t Doubt but Pray In Faith (Mk 9)
Oct 20: Follow Christ who Meet Needs(Mk8)
Oct 19: Be Inwardly Sincere & Humble (Mk 7)
Oct 18: Be Caring & Compassionate (Mk 6)
Oct 17: Don’t Be Afraid; Only Believe (Mk 5)
Oct 16: Be Wholehearted & Trusting (Mk 4)
Oct 15: Put the Lord In Top Priority (Mk 3)
Oct 14: Be People of Faith In God (Mk 2)
Oct 13: Seek God’s Purpose & Will (Mk 1)

Mark (Promises of God)
May 25: God Answers Prayers of Faith(Mk11)
May 24: God Will Enable & Reward U (Mk 10)
May 23: God of Yr Desired Outcome (Mk 9)
May 22: Christ Our Bread of Life (Mark 8)
May 21: God’s Help to Fight Temptation(Mk1)

Mark Gospel (Praying thro the Bible)
Jan 15: Obedience to Father (M14-16)
Jan 14: Heed Lord’s Preparation (M8-13)
Jan 8: Doing the Will of Father (M1-11)
Jan 7: Trust the Lord Fully (Mark 7-11)
Jan 1: Fear Not & Trust God (Mark 1-6)

Luke (Hearing God)
Sep20: Join Christ in Seeking the Lost (Lk19)
Sep19:God Answers Persistent Prayers(Lk11)
Sep 18: Listen & Respond to the Word (Lk 8)
Sep 17:Christ’s Followers On Solid Rock(Lk6)
Sep 16: Blessed Because You Believe (Lk 1)

Luke (Thanking God)
Mar 29: Thk God for Caring Disciples (Lk 22)
Mar 28: Thk God for Seeking the Lost (Lk 19)
Mar 27: Thk God for Witness Authority(Lk10)
Mar 26:Tk God for Caring Those In Need(L5)
Mar 25: Thk God for Nothing Impossible(Lk1)

Luke (Gospel Truths)
Dec9:Christ’s Presence thro Holy Spirit(L24)
Dec 8: Christ Models Forgiveness (Lk 23)
Dec 7: Christ Cares for His Disciples (Lk22)
Dec 6: Christ Is Coming Again ! (Luke 21)
Dec 5: Christ Subj to Man’s Treachery (Lk20)
Dec 4: Christ Came to Seek the Lost (Lk 19)
Dec 3: Christ Teaches Childlike Faith (Lk 18)
Dec 2: Christ Teaches Prayer of Faith (Lk 17)
Dec 1: Christ Teaches Faithfulness (Lk 16)
Nov 30: Christ Models Compassion (Lk 14)
Nov29:Christ’s Patience Calls Response(L13)
Nov 28: Christ Teaches Being Ready (Lk 12)
Nov 27: Christ Teaches Persistence (Lk 11)
Nov 26:Christ Gives Witness Authority(Lk10)
Nov 25: Christ’s Word to be Believed (Lk 9)
Nov 24: Christ’s Word to be Responded(Lk8)
Nov 23: Christ Teaches Gratefulness (Lk 7)
Nov 22: Christ Urges Firm Foundation (Lk 6)
Nov 21: Christ Cares for those In Need (Lk 5)
Nov 20: Christ With Authority For Us (Lk 4)
Nov 19: Christ’s Obedience to Father (Lk 2)
Nov 18: Christ Teaches Faith In God (Lk 1)

Luke (Promises of God)
Jun1:Christ Urges Prayer & Not Give Up(L18)
May 31: God Favours the Ready (Luke 12)
May 30: God Loves Persistent Prayer (Lk 11)
May 29: God Gives You Authority (Lk 10)
May 28: God of the Impossible (Lk 1)

Luke (Praising God)
Nov 3: I Have Decided to Follow (Lk 9:58)

Luke (Praying thro the Bible)
Sep 24: Triumph of Son of Man (Lk 22-24)
Sep 23: Teaching of Son of Man (Lk 19-21)
Sep 17: Parables of Son of Man (Lk 14-18)
Sep 16: Admonition of Son of Man (Lk10-12)
Sep 10: Ministry of Son of Man (Lk 5-9)
Sep 9: Birth & Prep of Saviour (Lk 1-4)

John (Hearing God)
Oct 4: Christ Prays For Our Unity (Jn 17)
Oct 3: Christ Sends Empowering Spirit(Jn16)
Oct 2: Christ Teaches Abiding In Him (Jn 15)
Oct 1: Christ Gives You Peace (John 14)
Sep 30:Christ Gives Example to Follow(Jn13)
Sep 27: Sheep Listens to Shepherd (Jn 10)
Sep 26: Christ Source of Living Water (Jn 7)
Sep 25: Christ the Bread of Life (Jn 6)
Sep 24: Christ Satisfies Your Longings (Jn 4)
Sep 23: Word Made Home Among Us (Jn 1)

John (Thanking God)
Apr 5: Thank God for Intercession (Jn 17)
Apr 4: Thank God for Helper Spirit (Jn 16)
Apr 3: Thank God for Being Shepherd (Jn10)
Apr 2: Thank God for Bread of Life (Jn 6)
Apr 1: Thank God for Giving Eternal Life(Jn3)

John (Gospel Truths)
Dec 30: Christ Redirects & Refocus Us(Jn21)
Dec 29: Christ Teaches Blind Faith (Jn 20)
Dec 28: Christ Reaches Out In Love (Jn 19)
Dec27:Christ Loves & Cares for Failures(J18)
Dec 26: Christ’s Intercessory Prayer (Jn 17)
Dec 25: Christ Promises Helper Spirit (Jn 16)
Dec 24: Christ Teaches Abiding In Him(Jn15)
Dec 23:Christ Promises & Gives Peace(Jn14)
Dec 22: Christ Models Humility & Love(Jn13)
Dec 21:Christ Models Glorifying Father(Jn12)
Dec 20: Christ the Resurrection & Life (Jn 11)
Dec 19: Christ the Good Shepherd (Jn 10)
Dec 18: Christ Teaches Power of God (Jn 9)
Dec 17: Christ the Light of the World (Jn 8)
Dec 16: Christ Source of Living Water (Jn 7)
Dec 15:Christ the Bread of Life (John 6)
Dec 14: Christ Models Following Father (Jn5)
Dec 13: Christ Satisfies Deep Longings (Jn4)
Dec 12: Christ Given for Eternal Life (Jn 3)
Dec 11:Christ Turns Lack to Abundance(Jn2)
Dec 10: Christ Reveals the Father (John 1)

John (Promises of God)
Jun 15: Christ Intercedes For You (Jn 17)
Jun 14: Christ Wants You to be Fruitful(Jn15)
Jun 13: Christ Gives You Peace (Jn 14)
Jun 12: Christ Honours His Followers (Jn 12)
Jun 11: Christ Will Take Care of You (Jn 10)
Jun 8: God Sets You Free In Christ (Jn 8)
Jun 7: Christ Our Bread of Life (Jn 6)
Jun 6: God Satisfies Your Longings (Jn 4)
Jun 5: God Gives You Eternal Life (Jn 3)

John (Praying thro the Bible)
Apr 29: Crucifixion of Son of God (Jn 18-21)
Apr 28: Comfort by the Son of God (Jn13-17)
Apr 22: Conflict with Son of God (Jn 9-12)
Apr 21: Claims by the Son of God (Jn 6-8)
Apr 15: Compassion of Son of God (Jn 3-5)
Apr 14: Coming of Son of God (John 1-2)

John (Praising God)
Oct 5: In the Garden (John 20:12-17)
Nov 2: At Calvary (John 19:14-20)
Aug 18: I’ve Found a Friend (John 15)
Nov 1: In the Sweet By and By (Jn 14:1-3)
Aug 17: ‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus(Jn14)
Aug 16:Shepherd Like a Savior Lead us(J19)
Aug 15: Wonderful Words of Life (John 6)
Aug 14: Just As I Am (John 6)
Oct 31: Jesus Loves Me (John 3:16-17)
Oct 30: Lamb of God (John 1:29-34)

Acts (Hearing God)
Oct 11: Praising God Releases Power(Acts16)
Oct 10: Seeking God in Fast & Prayer(Acts13)
Oct9:Divine Encounter & Encouragement(A9
Oct 8: Giving Ourselves to Prayer (Acts 6)
Oct 7: Empowered to be Witnesses (Acts1,2)

Acts (Thanking God)
Apr 9: Thank God for Being Near (Acts 17)
Apr 8: Thank God for Power Source (Acts 2)

Acts (Promises of God)
Jun 22: God Is Always Near You (Acts 17)
Jun 21:Praising God Releases Power(Acts16)
Jun 20: God Acts When We Pray (Acts 13)
Jun 19:Christ Gives Us Power Source(Acts 2)
Jun18:Christ Made Us His Witnesses(Acts 1)

Acts (Praying thro the Bible)
May 13: Lessons from Paul’s Trials (A21-28)
May 12: Lessons fr Paul’s Journeys (A13-20)
May 6: Challenges Boost Growth (Acts 8-12)
May 5: Growth of the Church (Acts 1-7)

Acts (Praising God)
Oct 6: I Love to Tell the Story (Acts 1:4-8)

Romans (Thanking God)
Apr 12: Thk God for Overflowing Hope (R15)
Apr11:Thank God for Transformation(Rom12)
Apr 10: Thank God for Freedom fr Sin(Rom3)

Romans (Promises of God)
Jun 29: God Overflows You with Hope (R15)
Jun 28: God Will Transform You (Rom 12)
Jun 27:Holy Spirit Helps In Yr Distresses (R8)
Jun 26: God Uses Problems to Shape U (R5)
Jun 25: God Frees You From Sin (Rom 3)

Romans (Praying thro the Bible)
Jun 24: Practice of Righteousness (R12-16)
Jun 23: New Life, Nature & Freedom (R6-11)
Jun17:Walking By Faith in Trying Times(R3-5
Jun 16:Heeding Sinfulness of Mankind(R1-3)

Romans (Praising God)
Aug 23: Take My Life & Let It Be (Rom 12)
Oct 9: I Stand Amazed (Rom 11)
Aug 22: And Can It Be (Rom 8)
Aug 21: It is Well with My Soul (Rom 5)
Sep 08: Christ For the World We Sing (Rom1)

1 Corinthians (Thanking God)
Apr 17:Thank God for Secured Hope(1Cor15)
Apr 16: Thank God for Spiritual Gifts (1C14)
Apr 15: Tk God for Providing Way Out (1C10)

1st Corinthians (Promises of God)
Jul 6: Your Labour Is Not In Vain (1Cor 15)
Jul 5: God Promises Spiritual Gifts(1C12/14)
Jul 4: G Protects U In Temptation (1Cor 10)
Jul 3: God’s Spirit Leads You (1Cor 2)

1st Corinthians (Praying thro the Bible)
Jun3:Building Up Church of Christ(1Cor7-16)
Jun2:Dealing with Disunity Problem(1Cor1-6)

2 Corinthians (Thanking God)
Apr 18:TG for Strength In Weakness(2Cor12)

2nd Corinthians (Promises of God)
Jul 13: God’s Power In Yr Weakness (2C12)
Jul 12: God Provides You Armour (2Cor 10)
Jul 11: God Empowers U In Afflictions(2Cor4)
Jul 10: God Will Enable You (2Cor 3)
Jul 9: God Will Comfort You (2Cor 1)

2nd Corinthians (Praying thro the Bible)
Jun10:God Helps U in Difficulties(2Cor 6-13)
Jun 9: Be Ambassadors of Christ (2Cor 1-5)

Galatians (Thanking God)
Apr 19: Thank God for Spiritual Fruit (Gal 5)

Galatians (Promises of God)
Jul 20: God Promises We Shall Reap (Gal 6)
Jul 19: God Gives U Spiritual Fruit (Gal 5)
Jul 18: God Frees Us To Serve (Gal 5)
Jul 17: God Adopts You As His Child (Gal 4)
Jul 16: Christ Living in Me (Gal 2)

Galatians (Praying thro the Bible)
May 20: Liberty & Freedom In Christ(Gal4-6)
May 19: Living For Jesus By Faith (Gal 1-3)

Ephesians (Thanking God)
Apr 24: Thk God for Spiritual Armour (Eph6)
Apr 23: Thank God for Empowerment (Eph3)
Apr22:Thk God for Spiritual Blessings(Eph 1)

Ephesians (Promises of God)
Jul 27: God Provides Spiritual Armour (Eph6)
Jul 26: God Enables Spirit Filled Life (Eph 5)
Jul 25: God Loves & Empowers You (Eph 3)
Jul 24:God Empowers U for Good Works(E2)
Jul 23: God Reveals Wonderful Plan (Eph 1)

Ephesians (Praying thro the Bible)
Jul 1: Building the Body of Christ (Eph 4-6)
Jun 30: Living Out Our Calling (Eph 1-3)

Ephesians (Praising God)
Aug 29: Sweet Hour of Prayer (Eph 6:18)
Aug 28: Stand Up Stand Up for Jesus (Eph6)
Oct 27: O Master Let Me Walk (Eph 5)
Aug 25: Blest Be the Tie That Binds (Eph 4)
Aug 24: Amazing Grace (Eph 2)

Philippians (Thanking God)
Apr 25: Thk God for Supplying Needs (Phil4)

Philippians (Promises of God)
Aug 3: God Supplies Your Need (Phil 4)
Aug 2: God Grants You Peace (Phil 4)
Aug 1: God Helps You Press On (Phil 3)
Jul 31: God Gives Power to Obey (Phil 2)
Jul 30: God Completes Good Work (Phil 1)

Philippians (Praying thro the Bible)
Jul 15: Resting in God’s Peace (Phil 3-4)
Jul 14: Joy in Suffering & Serving (Phil 1-2)

Philippians (Praising God)
Oct 10: Joyful Joyful We Adore (Phil 4:4-7)
Sep 04: What a Friend we have in Jesus (P4)
Oct26:When I Survey t W Cross(Phil3:8-9)
Sep 01: Love Divine, All Love Excelling (P3)
Aug 31: I Surrender All (Phil 3:7-8)

Colossians (Thanking God)
Apr 26:Thk God for Complete In Christ(Col2)

Colossians (Promises of God)
Aug10:God Hears Intercessory Prayer(Col4
Aug 9: God Gives Power of New Life (Col 3)
Aug 8: You Are Complete In Christ (Col2)
Aug 7: Christ Jesus Living In You (Col 1)

Colossians (Praying thro the Bible)
Jul 8: Living Out Complete Life In C (Col 3-4)
Jul 7: We Are Complete In Christ (Col 1-2)

Colossians (Praising God)
Aug 30: Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus (Col 3)

Ist Thessalonians (Thanking God)
Apr 29: Thank God for Honoring Faith (1Th 1)

1st Thessalonians (Promises of God)
Aug 14: God Will Sanctify You (1Thess 5)
Aug 13: God Honours Your Faith (1Thess 1)

1st Thessalonians (Praying thro the Bible)
May 26: Confident Hope With Christ(1Th1-5)

1st Thessalonians (Praising God)
Sep 05: Take Time to Be Holy (1Th 5:15)

2nd Thessalonians (Thanking God)
Apr 30:TG for Establishing Good Work(2Th2)

2nd Thessalonians (Promises of God)
Aug 17:God Will Protect His Servants(2Ths3)
Aug 16: God Establishes Good Work (2Ths2)
Aug 15:God Enables U Worthy of Call(2Ths1)

2nd Thessalonians (Praying thro the Bible)
May27:Preparing for Day of the Lord(2Th1-3)

1st Timothy (Thanking God)
May 1: Thank God for Being Patient (1Tim 1)

1st Timothy (Promises of God)
Aug 23: G Desires U Be Eternal Minded(1T6)
Aug 22: God Desires Goodness (1Tim 4)
Aug 21: God Desires Peace & Unity (1Tim 2)
Aug 20: God Is Patient Towards You (1Tim 1)

1st Timothy (Pray thro the Bible)
Jul 22: Managing God’s Household(1Tim4-6)
Jul 21: Having Right Belief & Behav (1Tim1-3)

2nd Timothy (Thanking God)
May 3: Thank God for Word of Life (2 Tim 3)
May2:Thank God for His Faithfulness(2Tim2)

2nd Timothy (Promises of God)
Aug 30: God Stands By the Faithful (2Tim 4)
Aug 29: God Gives Us Word of Life (2Tim 3)
Aug 28: God Remains Faithful to U (2Tim 2)
Aug 27: God Helps You To Do Right (2Tim 1)

2nd Timothy (Pray thro the Bible)
Jul 29: Be Steadfast in Ministry (2Tim 3-4)
Jul 28: Being Steadfast in Ministry (2Tim1-2)

2nd Timothy (Praising God)
Sep 07: Channels Only (2Tim 3:21)
Oct 11: Onward Xian Soldiers (2Tim2:2-4)
Nov 7: Pass It On (2Tim 2:1-3)
Nov 6: God of Grace & G of Glory (2Tim1:7)
Sep 06: I Know Whom I Have Believed (2T1)

Titus (Promises of God)
Aug 31: God Desires Holy Living (Tit 2)

Titus (Pray thro the Bible)
Aug 5: Instructions for Holy Living (Titus)

Philemon (Promises of God)
Aug 24: God Desires Grace in Family(Philem)

Philemon (Pray thro the Bible)
Aug4:From Bondage to Brotherhood(Philem)

Hebrews (Thanking God)
May9:Thk God for Unchanging Word(Heb13)
May 8: Thank God for Renewed Mind(Heb10)
May 7: Thk God for Keeping Promises(Heb6)
May 6: Thank God for Grace & Mercy (Heb4)

Hebrews (Promises of God)
Sep 14: God Will Never Forsake You (Heb 13)
Sep 13: Christ Finisher of Your Faith (Heb 12)
Sep 12: God Honours Your Faith (Heb 11)
Sep 11: God Changes Your Mindset (Heb 10)
Sep 10: God Gives Access & Freedom(Heb9)
Sep 7: Christ Gives Better Covenant (Heb 8)
Sep 6: Christ Interceding For You (Heb 7)
Sep 5: God Keep His Promises (Heb 6)
Sep 4:God Welcomes U to His Throne(Heb4)

Hebrews (Pray thro the Bible)
Aug 19: Christ Our Example of Faith (H11-13)
Aug 18:Christ Better Than Old Cov(Heb8-10)
Aug 12: Christ Anchor of Our Souls(Heb 5-7)
Aug 11: Christ Our Great High Priest(Heb1-4)

Hebrews (Praising God)
Oct 13: Yesterday Today Forever(Heb13:5-8)
Sep 13: Faith of Our Fathers (Heb 12:1)
Sep 12: Blessed Assurance (Heb 10:22-23)
Oct 12: Standing on t Promises (Heb 6:11-15)
Sep 11: O Jesus I Have Promised (Heb 6:12)

James (Thanking God)
May 10: Thank God for Help In Trouble (Jas1)

James (Promises of God)
Sep 21: God Answers Prayers of Faith (Jas 5)
Sep 20: God Wants to Draw Near to U(Jas 4)
Sep 19: God Grants You Wisdom (Jas 3)
Sep 18: God Wants to Befriend You (Jas 2)
Sep 17: God Helps in times of Trouble (Jas 1)

James (Pray thro the Bible)
Aug 26: Staying Connected to God (Jas 3-5)
Aug 25: Living Out Your Faith (Jas 1-2)

James (Praising God)
Sep 14: I am Thine O Lord (Jas 5:8)

1st Peter (Thanking God)
May 13: Thank God for Living Hope (1 Pet 1)

1st Peter (Promises of God)
Sep26:God’s Eyes on those Doing Right(1P3
Sep 25: God Sets You Free In Christ (1Pet 2)
Sep 24: God Gives You Living Hope (1Pet 1)

1st Peter (Pray thro the Bible)
Sep1:Enduring Suffering with Purpose(1P1-5

1st Peter (Praising God)
Sep 15: The Old Rugged Cross (1Pet 2:24)

2nd Peter (Thanking God)
May 14 : TG for Enabling Godly Living(2Pet 1)

2nd Peter (Promises of God)
Sep 28: God Is Kind & Patient to All (2 Pet 3)
Sep 27: Lord Enables Godly Living (2 Pet 1)

2nd Peter (Pray thro the Bible)
Sep 2: Growing Toward Maturity (2Pet 1-3)

2nd Peter (Praising God)
Sep 18: More About Jesus (2Pet 1:2-3)

1st John (Thanking God)
May 15: Thank God for Forgiveness (1John 1)

1st John (Promises of God)
Oct 4: God Listens When You Pray (1 Jn 5)
Oct 3: God Gives You Ability to Love (1 Jn 4)
Oct 2:God Promises You’ll Be Like Him(1Jn3)
Oct 1: God Promises Forgiveness (1 Jn 1)

1st John (Pray thro the Bible)
Sep 9: Living Confidently in Love (1Jn 3-5)
Sep 8: Walking In the Light & Love (1Jn 1-3)

1st John (Praising God)
Nov 9: Victory in Jesus (1 Jn 5:4-5)
Nov 8: We Shall Overcome (1 John 5:2-5)
Sep 20: Trust & Obey (1Jn 5:1-2)
Sep 19: My Jesus I Love Thee (1Jn 4:19)
Sep 21: My Hope Is Built (IJn 1:7-9)

2-3 John (Pray thro the Bible)
Sep 15: Living in the Truth (2 & 3 Jn)

Jude (Promises of God)
Oct 5: God Keeps U From Stumbling (Jude)

Jude (Pray thro the Bible)
Sep 16: God Is Able & Will Keep You

Revelation (Thanking God)
May 17:Thank God for All Things New(Rev21)
May 16: Thk God for Victory over Evil(Rev20)

Revelation (Promises of God)
Oct 12: God Promises All Things New(Rev21)
Oct 11: God Promises Victory Over Evil(R20)
Oct 10: God Great & Marvellous (Rev 15)
Oct 9: God Longs to be Close to U (Rev 3)
Oct 8: God Made U Royal Priest (Rev 1)

Revelation (Pray thro the Bible)
Sep 30: Final Victory & All New (Rev 17-22)
Sep 29: Hope in Midst of Gloom (Rev 8-16)
Sep 23: Worship God & 7 Seals (Rev 4-7)
Sep 22: God’s Word to 7 Churches (Rev 1-3)

Revelation (Praising God)
Nov10: All Hail t Power of Jes’ Name (Rev19)
Sep 22: Holy Holy Holy (Rev 4)

Updated: 1st January 2019
8 Feb

Updated: 13th Oct 2019

Prayers by Life Issues

MEGA Themes:

1) Attributes of God
2) Gospel Truths
3) Hearing God
4) Praising God
5) Thanking God
6) Promises of God
7) Relationship with God

Dec 24:Christ Teaches Abiding In Him (Jn15)
Jun 14: Christ Wants You to be Fruitful(Jn15)
Sep 26: Abide With Me (Psa 27:4)
Aug 15: Wonderful Words of Life (John 6)
Nov 19: Stay Connected & Believe
Aug 24: Abide in the Lord

Oct 3: God Gives You Ability to Love (1 Jn 4)

Able God
Oct 5: God Keeps U From Stumbling (Jude)
Apr 12: God Bigger Than Problems (Jer 32)
Feb 6: God Is Able to Do Anything (Ps 77)
Nov 16: God is Able to Do Anything (G18)

Abundant Life
Dec 11:Christ Turns Lack to Abundance(Jn2)
Jun 11: Christ Will Take Care of You (Jn 10)
Jan 10: God Gives Supernatural Joy (Ps 16)
Mar 3: Thanksgiving for Abundant Life

Jun 5: Accept & Trust God’s Voice (Deut 4)

Access to God
Aug 15: God Gives You Ready Access (Jer33)
Mar 13: Thank God for Direct Access (Jer33)
Sep 10: God Gives Access & Freedom(Heb9)
Apr 13: God’s Pte Phone Number (Jer 33)
Aug 29: Sweet Hour of Prayer (Eph 6:18)
Jan 6: Thanksgiving for Prayer Access

Nov 10: Trust & Obey In Action (Matt 21)
Jun 20: God Acts When We Pray (Acts 13)
Apr 6: God Acts for Those Who Wait (Isa 64)
Dec 20: A God Who Acts (1Kings 18)

Jul 17: God Adopts You As His Child (Gal 4)

Oct 30: Lamb of God (Jn 1:29-34)
Oct 25: Jesus Paid It All (Isa 1:18-20)
Oct 10: Joyful Joyful We Adore (Phil 4:4-7)
Sep 15: The Old Rugged Cross (1Pet 2)

Afflicted / Affliction
Jul 11: God Empowers U In Afflictions(2Cor4)
Feb 14: God Cares For Downcast (Ps 102)

Oct 17: Don’t Be Afraid; Only Believe (Mk 5)

May14:God Blesses Prayer Agreement(Mt18)

Jun 17: Alert to Varied Voice of God(1Kgs 19)

Almighty God
Aug 14:God Bigger Than Yr Problems(Jer 32)
Jul 10: Strong, Almighty, Creator God
Apr 13: Almighty God El Shaddai (Gen 17)

Oct 9: I Stand Amazed (Rom 11:35-36)

Sep19:God Answers Persistent Prayers(Lk11)
Mar22:Thank God for Honouring Faith(Mk11)
Mar 13: Thank God for Direct Access (Jer33)
Jan 22:TG for Answering Prayer(2Kgs 19-20)
Nov 27: God Answers Persistent Prayer(Lk11
Sep 21: God Answers Prayers of Faith (Jas 5)
May 30: God Loves Persistent Prayer (Lk 11)
May 25: God Answers Prayers of Faith(Mk11)
May 16: God Answers Prayers of Faith (Mt21)
Feb 26: God Who Answers Prayers (Ps 120)
Jan 11: God Gives Strength & Security(Ps18)
Dec 25: God Answers Bold Prayer (1C4)
Dec 12: Our Mighty Helper (1Sam 7)

Anxiety & Solution
Sep 04: What a Friend we have in Jesus (P4)
Mar 2: Thanksgiving for Confident Future

May 22: God Can Do Anything (Gen 18)

Nov 13: Imploring God thro His Promises

Apr 24: Thk God for Spiritual Armour (Eph6)
Jul 27: God Provides Spiritual Armour (Eph6)
Jul 12: God Provides You Armour (2Cor 10)

May 12:Lord of Hosts, Jehov Tsaba (1Sam17)

Oct 27: Arrival of Prophesied King (Matt 1-4)

Mar 8:Thk God for Beauty from Ashes(Isa61)
Apr 5: God Turns Ashes to Beauty (Isa 61)

Jun 19: Be Bold to Seek & Ask God (1Chr 4)
Mar 19: Tk God for Rewarding Seekers (Mt 7)
Oct 30: Don’t Be Judgmental (Matt 7)
May 30: God Loves Persistent Prayer (Lk 11)

Nov 15: Assemble & Encourage

Sep 6: Doing Christ’s Assignment (Mt25&28)
Nov 14: Do God’s Assigned Tasks (Mt 25)
Jun 22: God Is Always Near You (Acts17)

Jul 3: God Cares For Those Who Pray (P32)

Oct 2: Love Lifted Me (Matt 14:28-31)
Sep 12: Blessed Assurance (Heb 10)
Sep 6: I Know Whom I Have Believed (2Tim1)
Aug 21: It is Well with My Soul (Rom 5)
Mar 2: Thanksgiving for Confident Future

Nov 2: At Calvary (Jn 19:14-20)
Oct 30: Lamb of God (Jn 1:29-34)
Oct 9: I Stand Amazed (Rom 11:35-36)
Sep 28: To God Be the Glory (Psa 145:1-5)
Sep 15: The Old Rugged Cross (1Pet 2)
Aug 22: And Can It Be (Rom 8)
Aug 10: There Is A Fountain (Zech 13)
Jul 31: Rock of Ages (Psa 62)

Attributes (Nature) of God
– Caring God
– Faithfulness of God
– Forgiving God
– Fruit of the Spirit
– Goodness of God
– Grace of God
– Greatness of God
– Love of God
– Power of God
– Who He Is
– Wisdom of God
– Day of the Lord
– Kingdom of God
– Mind of the Spirit

Nov 12:Don’t Be Prideful, Be Authentic(M23)

Mar 27: Thk God for Witness Authority(Lk10)
Nov 26:Christ Gives Witness Authority(Lk10)
Nov 20: Christ With Authority For Us (Lk 4)
May 29: God Gives You Authority (Lk

Oct 25: Lord Is Coming Back Soon? (Mk 13)

Mar 2: God Promises With His Name (Ps138)

Apr 19: Lord My Banner Jehova Nissi (Exo17)

Jan 25: TG for Fighting Our Battle (2Chr 20)
Jan 5: God Is On Your Side (2Chr 32)

Jul 10: God Bears Burdens & Give Rest(Ps55)
Feb 6: Thank God for Bearing Burdens (P55)

Mar 8:Thk God for Beauty from Ashes(Isa61)
Apr 5: God Turns Ashes to Beauty (Isa 61)
Jul 27: This is My Father’s World (Psa 33)

Sep 18: God Wants to Befriend You (Jas 2)

May2:Thank God for His Faithfulness(2Tim2)
May 1: Thank God for Being Patient (1Tim 1)
Apr 9: Thank God for Being Near (Acts 17)
Apr 3: Thank God for Being Shepherd (Jn10)
Mar 11: Thank God for Being Healer (Jer17)
Feb 18: Thank God for Being For Me (Ps 118)
Feb 13: Thank God for Being Shield (Ps 91)
Feb 11: Thank God for Being Shelter (Ps 73)
Feb 5: Thank God for Being My Refuge(P46)
Jan 17: Thk God for Being Deliverer(1Sam 17)
Jan 16: TG for Being Mighty Helper (1Sam 7)
Jan 14: Thank God for Being With Us (Jos 1)
Jan11:Thank God for Being Our Rock(Deu32)
Jan10:Thank God for Being Restorer(Deu30)

Believe in God
Sep 16: Blessed Because You Believe (Lk 1)
Sep 11: Believe, Receive & Testify (Mark 5)
Dec 29: Christ Teaches Blind Faith (Jn 20)
Nov 25: Christ’s Word to be Believed (Lk 9)
Nov 18: With God Nothing Impossible (Lk 1)
Nov 8: Be Trusting & Eternal Minded (Mt 19)
Nov 6: Have Faith Nothing Impossible (Mt17)
Oct 17: Don’t Be Afraid; Only Believe (Mk 5)
Oct 16: Be Wholehearted & Trusting (Mk 4)
Oct 14: Be People of Faith In God (Mk 2)
May 28: God of the Impossible (Lk 1)
May 8: God Blesses Those Who Believe (M8)
Sep 06: I Know Whom I Have Believed (2T1)

Benefits from God
– Assurances of God **
– Authority Over Evil
– Confidence in God
– Future Assurance
– Instructions of God
– Job Provision
– Life Sustenance
– Watched by God
– Wellness

Jul 16: God Blesses You with Benefits(Ps103)
Feb 15: Thank God for His Benefits (Ps 103)

Jun28:Trust God Knows What’s Best(Job38)

Sep 7: God Gives Us Better Covenant (Heb8)

Jan 1: Thanking God thro the Scripture

Bigness of God
Aug 14:God Bigger Than Yr Problems(Jer 32)
Apr 12: God Bigger Than Problems (Jer 32)

Blessings of God
Sep 16: Blessed Because You Believe (Lk 1)
Aug 9: God Desires Us Be Blessing (Isa 58)
Jul 16: God Blesses You with Benefits(Ps103)
Jun 19: Be Bold to Seek & Ask God (1Chr 4)
Apr22:Thk God for Spiritual Blessings(Eph 1)
May14:God Blesses Prayer Agreement(Mt18)
May 8:God Blesses Those Who Believe(Mt8)
May 3:G Blesses those Depend on Him(Mt5)
Apr 10: God Blesses & Heals You (Jer 17)
Feb 15: God Blesses His People (Ps 103)
Feb 8: God Will Bless the Righteous (Ps 84)

Dec 29: Christ Teaches Blind Faith (Jn 20)

Jun18:Music Removes Hearing Block(2Kgs3)

Bold, Boldness
Jun 19: Be Bold to Seek & Ask God (1Chr 4)
May 6: Thank God for Grace & Mercy (Heb4)
Dec 25: God Answers Bold Prayer (1C4)

Jun 19: Branch of Lord Jeh Tsemach (Isa 4)

Apr 2: Thank God for Bread of Life (Jn 6)
Dec 15:Christ the Bread of Life (John 6)
Jun 7: Christ Our Bread of Life (Jn 6)
May 22: Christ Our Bread of Life (Mark 8)
Feb 15: Thanksgiving for Bread of Life (Jul25

Aug 22: God Brings Things to Life (Ezek 37)

Aug 25: Blest Be the Tie That Binds (Eph 4)

Built by God
Feb 21: Thank God for Giving Rest (Ps 127)
Mar 1: God Builds & Gives Rest (Ps 127)

Jul 10: God Bears Burdens & Give Rest(Ps55)
Feb 6: Thank God for Bearing Burdens (P55)
Feb 1: God Cares for the Defenceless (Ps68)
Jan 24:God Gives Rest/Bears Burdens(Ps55)
Sep 04: What a Friend we have in Jesus (P4)

Calling of God
Jul 30: God Shows & then Calls You (Isa 6)
Jun 7: Call for Commitment to God (Deut 30)
May 21: Call to Journey of Faith (Gen 12)
Nov29:Christ’s Patience Calls Response(L13)
Aug 15:God Enables U Worthy of Call(2Ths1)
Nov 17: God’s Sovereign Control (G50)
Nov 15: Following God’s Calling (G12)
Oct 19: Jesus Calls Us (Matt 4:18-19)
Oct 3: Softly & Tenderly (Matt 11:28-30)

Nov 2: At Calvary (Jn 19:14-20)

May 22: God Can Do Anything (Gen 18)

Care by God
Aug 26: God Loves & Cares For You (Hos 2)
Aug 7: God Cares For You (Isa 46)
Jul 19: God Cares For You !! (Psa 139)
Jul 3: God Cares For Those Who Pray (P32)
Mar 29: Thk God for Caring Disciples (Lk 22)
Mar 26:Tk God for Caring Those In Need(L5)
Mar 7: Thank God for Caring You (Isa 46)
Dec27:Christ Loves & Cares for Failures(J18)
Dec 7: Christ Loves & Cares Disciples (Lk22)
Nov 21: Christ Cares For Those In Need(Lk5)
Nov 2: Don’t Worry for God Cares (Mt 10)
Jun 11: Christ Will Take Care of You (Jn 10)
Mar 5: God Knows & Cares for You (Ps 139)
Feb 14: God Cares For Downcast (Ps 102)
Feb 1: God Cares for the Defenceless (Ps68)
Dec 11: God Cares About You (1Sam 1)
Aug 3: Be Not Dismayed (Psa 91)
Jul 25: The Lord’s My Shepherd (Psa 23)

Care for Others
Oct 18: Be Caring & Compassionate (Mk 6)
Oct 13: Share Generously
Sep 8: Care for One Another

May 29: Hear Carefully What He Said (Ex 14)

Jun 3: Guidance for Life Challenges (Num 9)

Sep 11: God Changes Your Mindset (Heb 10)

Channel of Blessing
Sep 07: Channels Only (2Tim 2)

Character of God
Nov 13: Imploring God thro His Promises

Charges Cancelled
Aug 8: You Are Complete In Christ (Col2)

Child of God
Oct 2:God Promises You’ll Be Like Him(1Jn3)
Jul 17: God Adopts You As His Child (Gal 4)
Feb 20: Thanksgiving being Child of God

Dec 3: Christ Teaches Childlike Faith (Lk 18)

Jun 4: Choosing Faith Not Doubt (Num 14)

Christ (3)
Sep 6: Doing Christ’s Assignment (Mt25&28)
Sep4:Christ Reveals Kingdom Secrets(Mt13)
Apr 26:Thk God for Complete In Christ(Col2)
Dec 30: Christ Redirects & Refocus Us(Jn21)
Dec 29: Christ Teaches Blind Faith (Jn 20)
Dec 28:Christ Models Finishing Mission(J19)
Dec27:Christ Loves & Cares for Failures(J18)
Dec 26: Christ’s Intercessory Prayer (Jn 17)
Dec 25: Christ Promises Helper Spirit (Jn 16)
Dec 24:Christ Teaches Abiding In Him (Jn15)
Dec 23:Christ Promises & Gives Peace(Jn14)
Dec 22: Christ Models Humility & Love(Jn13)
Dec 21:Christ Models Glorifying Father(Jn12)
Dec 20: Christ the Resurrection & Life (Jn 11)
Dec 19: Christ the Good Shepherd (Jn 10)
Dec 18: Christ Teaches Power of God (Jn 9)
Dec 17: Christ the Light of the World (Jn 8)
Dec 16: Christ Source of Living Water (Jn 7)

Christ (2)
Dec 15:Christ the Bread of Life (John 6)
Dec 14: Christ Models Following Father (Jn5)
Dec 13: Christ Satisfies Deep Longings (Jn4)
Dec 12: Christ Given for Eternal Life (Jn 3)
Dec 11:Christ Turns Lack to Abundance(Jn2)
Dec 10: Christ Reveals the Father (John 1)
Dec9:Christ’s Presence thro Holy Spirit(L24)
Dec 8: Christ Models Forgiveness (Lk 23)
Dec 7: Christ Cares for His Disciples (Lk 22)
Dec 6: Christ Is Coming Again ! (Luke 21)
Dec 5: Christ Subj to Man’s Treachery (Lk20)
Dec 4: Christ Came to Seek the Lost (Lk 19)
Dec 3: Christ Teaches Childlike Faith (Lk 18)
Dec 2: Christ Teaches Prayer of Faith (Lk 17)
Dec 1: Christ Teaches Faithfulness (Lk 16)

Christ (1)
Nov 30: Christ Models Compassion (Lk 14)
Nov29:Christ’s Patience Calls Response(L13)
Nov 28: Christ Teaches Being Ready (Lk 12)
Nov 27: Christ Teaches Persistence (Lk 11)
Nov 26:Christ Gives Witness Authority(Lk10)
Nov 25: Christ’s Word to be Believed (Lk 9)
Nov 24: Christ’s Word to be Responded(Lk8)
Nov 23: Christ Teaches Gratefulness (Lk 7)
Nov 22: Christ Urges Firm Foundation (Lk 6)
Nov 21: Christ Cares for those In Need (Lk 5)
Nov 20: Christ With Authority For Us (Lk 4)
Nov 19: Christ’s Obedience to Father (Lk 2)
Nov 18: Christ Teaches Faith In God (Lk 1)

Christian Living
Sep 18: More About Jesus (2Pet 1:2-3)
Sep 05: Take Time to Be Holy (1Thess 5)
Aug 4: Open My Eyes That I May See (P119)
Jul 24: Be Thou My Vision (Psa 16)

Christian Love
Aug 25: Blest Be the Tie That Binds (Eph 4)

Mar 28: Thanksgiving for the Church
Jan 10: Thanksgiving for the Church

Mar 19: God Is On the Throne (Isa 6)
Jan 23: God Gives Joy of Clean Heart (Ps51)
Aug 10: There Is A Fountain (Zech 13)

Close to God
Oct 9: God Longs to be Close to U (Rev 3)
Jul 25: The Lord’s My Shepherd (Psa 23)

Come (to God)
May 6: Thank God for Grace & Mercy (Heb4)
Nov 3: Come & Receive God’s Rest (Mt 11)
Sep 25: Nearer My God to Thee (Gen28:12)
Aug 14: Just As I Am (John 6)

Aug 5: God Comforts His People (Isa 40)
Mar 8:Thk God for Beauty from Ashes(Isa61)
Jul 9: God Will Comfort You (2Cor 1)

Jul 2: Come & Move From Fear to Faith (P27)
Jun 27: Coming Forth as Gold (Job 23)

Coming Again
Dec 6: Christ Is Coming Again ! (Luke 21)
Nov13: Be Ready for Lord’s Return (Mt 24)
Oct 25: Lord Is Coming Back Soon? (Mk 13)

Oct 24: Love the Lord Wholeheartedly(Mk12)

Commitment (to God)
Jul 5: Delight & Trust in the Lord (Psa 37)
Jun 7: Call for Commitment to God (Deut 30)
Jan 2: G Strengthens Committed (2Chr 16)
Oct 4: I’d Rather Have Jesus (Matt16:24-26)

Jun 20: God Acts When We Pray (Acts 13)

Aug 28: God Has Compassion on Us (Mic 7)
Nov 30: Christ Models Compassion (Lk 14)
Nov 1: Be Merciful Be Compassionate (Mt 9)
Oct 18: Be Caring & Compassionate (Mk 6)
Feb 21: God Hears Your Prayers (Ps 11)

Apr 26:Thk God for Complete In Christ(Col2)
Aug 8: You Are Complete In Christ (Col2)
Jul 30: God Completes Good Work (Phil 1)

Confession (Repentance)
May 15: Thank God for Forgiveness (1John 1)
Oct 1: God Promises Forgiveness (1 Jn 1)
Jan 1: God Hears Our Prayer (2Chr 7)
Sep 21: My Hope Is Built (IJn 1:7-9)
Aug 14: Just As I Am (John 6)

Jun 11: Lord With You to Save You (Jdgs 6)
Apr 17:Thank God for Secured Hope(1Cor15)
Oct 4: God Listens When You Pray (1 Jn 5)
Jul 10: God Will Enable You (2Cor 3)
Mar 2: Thanksgiving for Confident Future

Connected to God
Aug 8: You Are Complete In Christ (Col2)
Nov 19: Stay Connected & Believe

Aug 23: Take My Life & Let It Be (Rom 12)
Oct 20: Seek Ye First (Matt 6:33)
Oct 16: Come Thou Fount (1Sam 7:12)
Sep 14: I am Thine O Lord (Jas 5)
Nov 11: We are Not of the World
Oct 20: Set Apart from the world

Jul 24: Be Thou My Vision (Psa 16)
Mar 9: Thanksgiving for Contentment
Feb 03: Thanksgiving for Contentment
Nov 21: Godliness with Contentment

Mar 29: God Sustains You (Isa 46)
Mar 19: God Is On the Throne (Isa 6)
Dec 29: God Is Your Source (1Chr 29)
Nov 17: God’s Sovereign Control (Gen 50)

Cost of Discipleship
Nov 3: I Have Decided to Follow (Lk 9:58)
Oct 4: I’d Rather Have Jesus (Matt16:24-26)

Feb 26: TG for Hearing Our Prayer (Prov 15)
Jun21:Wonderful Counsellor Peleh Yoetz(Is9

Count On
Mar 6: God You Can Count On (Ps 141)

Jun 10: Be Strong & Courageous (Josh 1)
Apr3:God Refreshes & Gives Courage(Isa57)
Jan 5: God Is On Your Side (2Chr 32)
Dec 4: God’s Presence Gives Courage (Jos1)
Nov 6: God of Grace & G of Glory (2Tim1:7)
Sep 13: Faith of Our Fathers (Heb 12)
Aug 28: Stand Up Stand Up for Jesus (Eph6)
Aug 8: Guide Me O Thou Great Jeh (Isa 58)

Sep 11: God Changes Your Mindset (Heb 10)
Sep 7: God Gives Us Better Covenant (Heb8)

Jun 15: Christ Intercedes For You (Jn 17)
Nov 22: The Lord Who Cover & Protect (E17)
Jul 28: All the Way My Saviour Leads (P48)
Mar 20: Thanksgiving for His Covering

Jul 27: This is My Father’s World (Psa 33)
Apr 4: Thanksgiving for Created Nature 4/24
Jan 24: Thanksgiving for Created Nature

Creator God
Aug 7: How Great Thou Art (Isa 40)
Apr 10: Strong Creator God Elohim (Gen 1)
Jan 18: Thanksgiving for Creator Master

Oct 30: Don’t Be Judgmental (Matt 7)

Oct 26: When I Survey t W Cross (Phil 3:8-9)
Oct 24: At the Cross (Isa 53:5-6)
Sep 15: The Old Rugged Cross (1Pet 2)

Jul 16: Christ Living in Me (Gal 2)

Nov 2: At Calvary (Jn 19:14-20)
Sep 15: The Old Rugged Cross (1Pet 2)

Cry to God
Feb 19: God Helps His People (Ps 107)
Feb 2: God Helps Those In Need (Ps 72)
Dec 22: A God Who Rescues (2K13)

Apr 25: God Brings U Out of Darkness (Mic7)

Dead Things
Apr 19: God Brings Dead Things to Life (E37)

Nov 1: In the Sweet By and By (Jn 14:1-3)
Sep 27: Precious Lord Take My H (Psa73:23)

Nov 3: I Have Decided to Follow (Lk 9:58)

Dedication (to God)
Oct 26: When I Survey t W Cross (Phil 3:8-9)
Oct 16: Come Thou Fount (1Sam 7:12)
Oct 4: I’d Rather Have Jesus (Matt16:24-26)
Sep 14: I am Thine O Lord (Jas 5)
Sep 11: O Jesus I Have Promised (Heb 4)
Sep 07: Channels Only (2Tim 2)
Aug 31: I Surrender All (Phil 3:8)
Aug 23: Take My Life & Let It Be (Rom 12)
Aug 9: Have Thine Own Way (Jer 18)

Jan 23: TG for What He Has Done (1Chr 16)
Dec 5: God’s Deeds Build Faith (Jos 4)
Dec 22: Thanksgiving for What’s He’s Done

Deeper in God
Sep 18: More About Jesus (2Pet 1:2-3)

Defender God
Feb 1: God Cares for the Defenceless (Ps68)
Jun12: L Our Defense Jeh Maginnenu (Ps89)
May 12:Lord of Hosts, Jehov Tsaba (1Sam17)
Apr 19: Lord My Banner Jehova Nissi (Exo17)

Delight (Desire)
Aug 30: God Delights to Restore You (Zep 3)
Jul 5: Delight & Trust in the Lord (Psa 37)
Jul 31: God Gives Desire to Obey (Phil 2)
May 23: God of Yr Desired Outcome (Mk 9)

Feb 1: TG for Freeing Us From Fears (P34)
Jan 17: Thk God for Being Deliverer(1Sam 17)
Feb 22: God Brings You Thro Trouble (Ps118)
Jan 19: God Delivers Those Who Wait(Ps40)
Jan 17: God Hears & Delivers You (Ps 34)
Jan 3: G Delivers When We Pray (2Chr 18)
Dec 13: God Delivers Faithful fr Shame(1S21)
Jul 26: He Leadeth Me (Psa 31)
May18:Lord My Deliverer Jeh Mephalti(Ps18)

Dependable God
Apr 4: God’s Words Hold Good (Isa 59)
Mar 6: God You Can Count On (Ps 141)
Feb20:God’s Faithfulness Is Dependable(108

Dependence (on God)
May 3:G Blesses those Depend on Him(Mt5)
Sep 25: Nearer My God to Thee (Gen28:12)
Aug 3: Be Not Dismayed (Psa 91)
Aug 2: Just A Closer Walk With Thee (P86)

Aug 3: Be Not Dismayed (Psa 91)

Aug 9: God Desires Us Be Blessing (Isa 58)
Feb 4: Thk God for Giving Our Desires (P37)
Aug 31: God Desires Holy Living (Tit 2)
Jul 31: God Gives Desire to Obey (Phil 2)
May 23: God of Yr Desired Outcome (Mk 9)

Jun 27: Coming Forth as Gold (Job 23)

Oct 11: God Promises Victory Over Evil(R20)

Nov 19:Devotion & Obedience to Father(Lk2)
Oct 15: Put the Lord In Top Priority (Mk 3)

Aug 2: God Strengthens & Directs U (Isa 30)
Jul 24: God Directs Your Plans (Prov 16)
Jul 22: Trust In the Lord (Prov 3)
Jun 14: Lord Sent Someone to Tell (2Sam 12)
Jun 12: Listen for the Lord Speaks (1Sam 3)
May31:Follow God’s Direction Patiently(E40)
May 28: Moving With God’s Direction (Ex 12)
Feb 25: TG for Benefits of Trusting (Prov 3)
Feb 19: Thank God for His Direction (Ps 119)
Dec 30: Christ Redirects & Refocus Us(Jn21)
May 10: God Gives Direction (Matt 14)
Mar 26: God Strengthens You (Isa 30)
Mar 15: God Who Directs Your Plans(Prov16)
Mar 12: God Directs As U Seek Him (Prov 3)
Feb 23:God’s Word Directs Your Path(Ps119)
Jan 3: G Delivers When We Pray (2Chr 18)

Mar 29: Thk God for Caring Disciples (Lk 22)

Nov 16: Go and Make Disciples ! (Matt 28)
Nov 3: I Have Decided to Follow (Lk 9:58)
Oct 4: I’d Rather Have Jesus (Matt16:24-26)

Aug 3: Be Not Dismayed (Psa 91)

Sep 24: Avoid Distractions

Jun 27:Holy Spirit Helps In Yr Distresses (R8)

Do (Doer)
Sep 6: Doing Christ’s Assignment (Mt25&28)
Jun20:Asking & Hearing Before Doing(1C14)
May 22: God Can Do Anything (Gen 18)
Nov 14: Do God’s Assigned Tasks (Mt 25)
Aug 25: Be Doer of the Word

Doubt Not
Sep 13: Pray In Faith Without Doubt (Mk 11)
Jun 4: Choosing Faith Not Doubt (Num 14)
Oct 23:Pray Without Doubt Nor Grudge(M11)
Oct 21: Don’t Doubt but Pray In Faith (Mk 9)

Feb 14: God Cares For Downcast (Ps 102)

Draw Near
May 20: Drawing Near to Hear (Gen 3)
Sep 20: God Wants to Draw Near to U(Jas 4)

Oct 12: God Promises All Things New(Rev21)

Sep 2: Be Salt of the Earth (Matt 5)
May 3: L of All Earth Jeh Adon Kol AR (Jos3)

Oct 5: In the Garden (Jn 20:12-17)

Mar 01: TG for Work & Retirement (Eccl 5)

May 14 : TG for Enabling Godly Living(2Pet 1)
Apr 23: Thank God for Empowerment (Eph3)
Sep 27: Lord Enables Godly Living (2 Pet 1)
Aug 27: God Enables U To Do Right (2Tim 1)
Aug 15:God Enables U Worthy of Call(2Ths1)
Jul 26: God Enables Spirit Filled Life (Eph 5)
Jul 25: God Loves & Empowers You (Eph 3)
Jul 24:God Empowers U for Good Works(E2)
Jul 11: God Empowers U In Afflictions(2Cor4)
Jul 10: God Will Enable You (2Cor 3)
May 24: God Will Enable & Reward U (Mk 10)

Sep 12: Blessed Assurance (Heb 10:22-23)
Nov 15: Assemble & Encourage

Sep 13: Christ Finisher of Your Faith (Heb 12)
Aug 28: God Remains Faithful to U (2Tim 2)
Oct 11: Onward Christian Soldiers (2Tim 2:3)
Sep 13: Faith of Our Fathers (Heb 12:1)

Entrusting (to God)
Sep 06: I Know Whom I Have Believed (2T1)

Equipped by God
Sep 14: God Will Never Forsake You (Heb 13)

Established by God
Apr 30:TG for Establishing Good Work(2Th2)
Aug 16: God Establishes Good Work (2Ths2)

Eternal God
May 31: The Everlasting God Elohenu Olam
Apr 17: Eternal All-Sufficient God Ehyeh

Eternal Life
Apr 1: Thank God for Giving Eternal Life(Jn3)
Dec12:Father Loves & Gives Eternal Life(Jn3)
Jun 5: God Gives You Eternal Life (Jn 3)
Jul 26: He Leadeth Me (Psa 31)

Eternal Minded/Perspective
Nov 29:Respond to Patience of the Lord(L13)
Nov 8: Be Trusting & Eternal Minded (Mt 19)
Aug 23: G Desires U Be Eternal Minded(1T6)
Sep 01: Love Divine, All Love Excelling (P3)
Aug 30: Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus (Col 3)

Evangelism (Witnessing)
Mar 27: Thk God for Witness Authority(Lk10)
May 29: God Gives You Authority (Lk 10)
Sep 08: Christ For the World We Sing (Rom1)
Oct 6: I Love to Tell the Story (Acts 1:4-8)

May31:Everlasting God Elohenu Olam(Ps 48)

Jul 26: God on Time for Everything (Eccl 3)
Dec 20: Thanksgiving for Everything

May 16: Thk God for Victory over Evil(Rev20)
Oct 11: God Promises Victory Over Evil(R20)

Sep26:God’s Eyes on those Doing Right(1P3
Aug 30: Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus (Col 3)

Dec27:Christ Loves & Cares for Failures(J18)

Faith in God (2)
Sep 13: Pray In Faith Without Doubt (Mk 11)
Jul 2: Come & Move From Fear to Faith (P27)
Jun 4: Choosing Faith Not Doubt (Num 14)
May 21: Call to Journey of Faith (Gen 12)
May 1: Thank God for Being Patient (1Tim 1)
Apr 29: Thank God for Honoring Faith (1Th 1)
Apr 24: Thk God for Spiritual Armour (Eph6)
Mar22:Thank God for Honouring Faith(Mk11)
Dec 29: Christ Teaches Blind Faith (Jn 20)
Dec 3: Christ Teaches Childlike Faith (Lk 18)
Dec 2: Christ Teaches Prayer of Faith (Lk 17)
Nov 18: Christ Teaches Faith In God (Lk 1)
Nov 6: Have Faith Nothing Impossible (Mt17)
Oct 31: Kingdom Mission By Faith (Matt 8)
Oct 22 Trust God & Pray In Faith (Mark 10)
Oct 21: Don’t Doubt but Pray In Faith (Mk 9)
Oct 14: Be People of Faith In God (Mk 2)

Faith in God (1)
Sep 21: God Answers Prayers of Faith (Jas 5)
Sep 18: God Wants to Befriend You (Jas 2)
Sep 13: Christ Finisher of Your Faith (Heb 12)
Sep 12: God Honours Your Faith (Heb 11)
Aug 13: God Honours Your Faith (1Thess 1)
Jun1:Christ Urges Prayer & Not Give Up(L18)
May 25: God Answers Prayers of Faith(Mk11)
May 16: God Answers Prayers of Faith (Mt21)
May 11: Nothing Impossible With God (M17)
May 8: God Blesses Those Who Believe (M8)
Dec 5: God’s Deeds Build Faith (Jos 4)
Nov 8: We Shall Overcome (1 John 5:2-5)
Oct 12: Standing on the Promises (Heb 6:12)
Sep 13: Faith of Our Fathers (Heb 12)

Faithful God (Faithfulness of God)
Aug 19: God’s Faithfulness Is Great (Lam 3)
May2:Thank God for His Faithfulness(2Tim2)
Jan 9:Thank God for His Faithfulness(Deut7)
Dec 1: Christ Teaches Faithfulness (Lk 16)
Aug 28: God Remains Faithful to U (2Tim 2)
Apr 16: God’s Faithfulness Is Great (Lam 3)
Feb20:God’s Faithfulness Is Dependable(108
Feb 9: God Offers His Faithfulness (Ps89)
Jan 29:God Comes to Those Who Wait(P59)
Nov 28: The Faithful God (D7)
Oct 12: Standing on the Promises (Heb 6:12)
Sep 29: Great is Thy Faithfulness (Lam3:23)
Apr 26 Faithful God El Emunah (Deut 7)

Faithful to Friend
Oct 14: Be People of Faith In God (Mk 2)

Faithfulness to God
Aug 30: God Stands By the Faithful (2Tim 4)
Oct 11: Onward Christian Soldiers (2Tim 2:3)
Aug 2: Just A Closer Walk With Thee (P86)

Jan 8: Thank God for Our Family (Deut 6)
Aug 24: God Desires Grace in Family(Philem)
Mar 27: Thanksgiving for our Family

Jun 24: Power of Fasting & Prayer (Ezra 8)

Father God
Dec 21:Christ Models Glorifying Father(Jn12)
Dec 14: Christ Models Following Father (Jn5)
Dec12:Father Loves & Gives Eternal Life(Jn3)
Dec 10: Christ Reveals the Father (John 1)
Nov 19:Devotion & Obedience to Father(Lk2)
Nov 15: Obey the Father’s Will (Matt 26)
Oct 26: Obedience to Father’s Will(Mk14-16)
Jun 08 : Father, Ab (Ps 68:5)

Nov 28: Christ Favours the Ready (Luke 12)
May 31: God Favours the Ready (Luke 12)

Fear God
Oct 6: Fear the Lord

Fear Not
Jul 2: Come & Move From Fear to Faith (P27)
Feb 1: TG for Freeing Us From Fears (P34)
Oct 17: Don’t Be Afraid; Only Believe (Mk 5)
Sep 14: God Will Never Forsake You (Heb 13)

Aug 25: Blest Be the Tie That Binds (Eph 4)

Jan 25: TG for Fighting Our Battle (2Chr 20)
May 21: God’s Help to Fight Temptation(Mk1)

Jul 26: God Enables Spirit Filled Life (Eph 5)

Dec 28:Christ Models Finishing Mission(J19)
Sep 13: Christ Finisher of Your Faith (Heb 12)

Apr 25: Consuming Fire Esh Oklah (Deut 4)

May 23: Focus on Promised Vision (Gen 37)
Dec 30: Christ Redirects & Refocus Us(Jn21)

Following God / Christ
Sep 17:Christ’s Followers On Solid Rock(Lk6)
Jul 12: Listen & Follow the Lord (Psa 81)
Jun 6:Be Reminded of God’s Word(Deut5-6)
Jun 3: Guidance for Life Challenges (Num 9)
May31:Follow God’s Direction Patiently(E40)
Dec 14: Christ Models Following Father (Jn5)
Nov 15: Following God’s Calling (G12)
Oct 20: Follow Christ who Meet Needs(Mk8)
Jun 12: Christ Honours His Followers (Jn 12)
Nov 3: I Have Decided to Follow (Lk 9:58)
Oct 23: Thy Word (Psa 119:105)
Oct 19: Jesus Calls Us (Matt 4:18-19)
Aug 16: Shepherd Like a Savior Lead us (J10)
Jul 28: All the Way My Saviour Leads (P48)

For Us
Feb 18: Thank God for Being For Me (Ps 118)
Dec 7: Mighty One Is For Us (Jos 22)

Oct 13: Yesterday Today Forever (Heb 13:8)

Sep 5: Be Humble, Forgiving, Merciful (Mt18)
Nov 7: Be Humble, Forgiving, Merciful (Mt18)
Oct 29: Pray, Forgive & Seek First (Matt 6)
Aug 24: God Desires Grace in Family(Philem)

Forgiveness of God
Jun 13: When God Says No to You (2Sam 7)
May 15: Thank God for Forgiveness (1John 1)
Jan18:Thk God for His Forgiveness(2Sam 12)
Dec 8: Christ Models Forgiveness (Lk 23)
Oct 1: God Promises Forgiveness (1 Jn 1)
Apr 25: God Brings U Out of Darkness (Mic7)
Oct 3: Softly & Tenderly (Matt 11:28-30)
Sep 21: My Hope Is Built (IJn 1:7-9)
Jun 15: God Who Forgives El Nose (Ps99)

Forsake Not
Sep 14: God Will Never Forsake You (Heb 13)

Jun 27: Coming Forth as Gold (Job 23)

Nov 22: Christ Urges Firm Foundation (Lk 6)
Mar 23: God Is Absolutely Reliable (Isa 28)

Oct 16: Come Thou Fount (1Sam 7:12)

Fountain of Life
Aug 10: There Is A Fountain (Zech 13)

Free / Freedom
Aug 16: God Plans Freedom For You (Jer 50)
Apr 10: Thank God for Freedom fr Sin(Rom3)
Feb 1: TG for Freeing Us From Fears (P34)
Sep 25: God Sets You Free In Christ (1Pet 2)
Sep 10: God Gives Access & Freedom(Heb9)
Jul 18: God Frees Us To Serve (Gal 5)
Jun 25: God Frees You From Sin (Rom 3)
Jun 8: Christ’s Light Sets You Free (Jn 8)

Feb 28: Thank God for Best Friends (Eccl 4)
Sep 18: God Wants to Befriend You (Jas 2)
Mar 6: God You Can Count On (Ps 141)
Jan 5: God Is On Your Side (2Chr 32)
Sep 11: O Jesus I Have Promised (Heb 4)
Sep 04: What a Friend we have in Jesus
Aug 18: I’ve Found a Friend (John 15)

Fruit of the Spirit
Apr 19: Thank God for Spiritual Fruit (Gal 5)
Jul 19: God Gives U Spiritual Fruit (Gal 5)
Oct 18: Demonstrate Fruit of the Spirit

Mar 11: Thank God for Being Healer (Jer17)
Jan 28: TG for Promising Fruitfulness (Ps 1)
Jun 14: Christ Wants You to be Fruitful(Jn15)
Jan 8: God Promises Fruitfulness (Ps 1)

Aug 8: God’s Word Not Return Void (Isa 55)
Apr 2: God’s Promises Will be Fulfilled(Isa55)
Dec 18: God Fulfils His Declared Plan (1K8)

Apr 26:Thk God for Complete In Christ(Col2)

Jul 25: God Gives Hope for Future (Prov 23)
Feb 27: Thank God for Future Hope (Prov23)
Mar 16: God Guarantees Yr Future (Prov 23)
Mar 2: Thanksgiving for Confident Future
Dec 18: God Fulfils His Declared Plan (1K8)

Oct 5: In the Garden (Jn 20:12-17)

Gift Spiritual
Apr 16: Thank God for Spiritual Gifts (1C14)
Jul 5: God Promises Spiritual Gifts(1C12&14)

Given by God (2)
Aug 23: God Gives You Revelation (Dan 2)
Aug 21: God Gives You New Heart (Ezek 36)
Aug 16: God Plans Freedom For You (Jer 50)
Aug 15: God Gives You Ready Access (Jer33)
Jul 25: God Gives Hope for Future (Prov 23)
Apr 16: Thank God for Spiritual Gifts (1C14)
Apr 2: Thank God for Bread of Life (Jn 6)
Apr 1: Thank God for Giving Eternal Life(Jn3)
Mar 20: Thank God for Providing Rest (Mt 11)
Mar 18:Tk God for Providing Our Needs(Mt6)
Mar 5: Thank God for Giving Peace (Isa 26)
Mar 4: Thk God for Giving Good News (Isa 9)
Feb 4: Thk God for Giving Our Desires (P37)
Jan 21:Thk God for Giving Wisdom(1Kgs3-4)
Jan 4: Thank God for Giving Strength(Ex15)
Jan 2: Thank God for Gift of Life (Gen 1-2)

Given by God (1)
Dec 23:Christ Promises & Gives Peace(Jn14)
Dec 12: Christ Given for Eternal Life (Jn 3)
Nov 26:Christ Gives Witness Authority(Lk10)
Oct 3: God Gives You Ability to Love (1 Jn 4)
Sep 10: God Gives Access & Freedom(Heb9)
Sep 7: God Gives Us Better Covenant (Heb8)
Jun 13: Christ Gives You Peace (Jn 14)
Jun 5: God Gives You Eternal Life (Jn 3)
Apr 17: God Gives You New Heart (Ezek 11)
Mar 22: God Gives Peace (Isa 26)
Mar 21: God Gives Everything U Need (Isa 9)

Giving to God
Aug 11: Give of Yr Best to the Master (Mal 3)

Dec 21:Christ Models Glorifying Father(Jn12)
Sep 25: God Sets You Free In Christ (1Pet 2)
Sep 28: To God Be the Glory (Psa 145:1)

Nov 6: God of Grace & G of Glory (2Tim1:7)
May 25: God of Glory El Hakabodh (Ps 29)

Nov 16: Go and Make Disciples ! (Matt 28)
Nov 30: God Goes Before You (D31)

God of gods
Apr 27:God of gods Elohei Haelohim(Deut10)

May 14 : TG for Enabling Godly Living(2Pet 1)
Sep 27: Lord Enables Godly Living (2 Pet 1)
Aug 22: God Desires Goodness (1Tim 4)

Jun 27: Coming Forth as Gold (Job 23)

Aug 14:God Bigger Than Yr Problems(Jer 32)
Aug 13: God Has Good Plans For You(Jer 29)
Apr 30:TG for Establishing Good Work(2Th2)
Mar 12: Thank God for Good Plans (Jer 29)
Mar 4: Thk God for Giving Good News (Isa 9)
Feb 14: Thank God for His Goodness (Ps100)
Dec 19: Christ the Good Shepherd (Jn 10)
Aug 22: God Desires Goodness (1Tim 4)
Aug 16: God Establishes Good Work (2Ths2)
Jul 30: God Completes Good Work (Phil 1)
Apr 11: God Promises Good Plans (Jer 29)
Apr 4: God’s Words Hold Good (Isa 59)
Jan 15: God Is Good & Upright (Psa 25)

Oct 6: I Love to Tell the Story (Acts 1:4-8)
Aug 15: Wonderful Words of Life (John 6)

Gospel Truths (W11 John)
Dec 31: Gospel Truths Roundup
Dec 30: Christ Redirects & Refocus Us(Jn21)
Dec 29: Christ Teaches Blind Faith (Jn 20)
Dec 28:Christ Models Finishing Mission(J19)
Dec 27: Christ Cares for Failures (Jn 18)
Dec 26: Christ’s Intercessory Prayer (Jn 17)
Dec 25: Christ Promises Helper Spirit (Jn 16)
Dec 24:Christ Teaches Abiding In Him (Jn15)

Gospel Truths (W10 John)
Dec 23:Christ Promises & Gives Peace(Jn14)
Dec 22: Christ Models Humility & Love(Jn13)
Dec 21:Christ Models Glorifying Father(Jn12)
Dec 20: Christ the Resurrection & Life (Jn 11)
Dec 19: Christ the Good Shepherd (Jn 10)
Dec 18: Christ Teaches Power of God (Jn 9)
Dec 17: Christ the Light of the World (Jn 8)

Gospel Truths (W9 John)
Dec 16: Christ Source of Living Water (Jn 7)
Dec 15:Christ the Bread of Life (John 6)
Dec 14: Christ Models Following Father (Jn5)
Dec 13: Christ Satisfies Deep Longings (Jn4)
Dec 12: Christ Given for Eternal Life (Jn 3)
Dec 11:Christ Turns Lack to Abundance(Jn2)
Dec 10: Christ Reveals the Father (John 1)

Gospel Truths (W8 Luke)
Dec9:Christ’s Presence thro Holy Spirit(L24)
Dec 8: Christ Models Forgiveness (Lk 23)
Dec 7: Christ Cares for His Disciples (Lk 22)
Dec 6: Christ Is Coming Again ! (Luke 21)
Dec 5: Christ Subj to Man’s Treachery (Lk20)
Dec 4: Christ Came to Seek the Lost (Lk 19)
Dec 3: Christ Teaches Childlike Faith (Lk 18)

Gospel Truths (W7 Luke)
Dec 2: Christ Teaches Prayer of Faith (Lk 17)
Dec 1: Christ Teaches Faithfulness (Lk 16)
Nov 30: Christ Models Compassion (Lk 14)
Nov29:Christ’s Patience Calls Response(L13)
Nov 28: Christ Teaches Being Ready (Lk 12)
Nov 27: Christ Teaches Persistence (Lk 11)
Nov 26:Christ Gives Witness Authority(Lk10)
Nov 25: Christ’s Word to be Believed (Lk 9)

Gospel Truths (W6 Luke)
Nov 24: Christ’s Word to be Responded(Lk8)
Nov 23: Christ Teaches Gratefulness (Lk 7)
Nov 22: Christ Urges Firm Foundation (Lk 6)
Nov 21: Christ Cares for those In Need (Lk 5)
Nov 20: Christ With Authority For Us (Lk 4)
Nov 19: Christ’s Obedience to Father (Lk 2)
Nov 18: Christ Teaches Faith In God (Lk 1)
Nov 18: With God Nothing Impossible (Lk 1)

Gospel Truths (W5 Matthew)
Nov 16: Go and Make Disciples ! (Matt 28)
Nov 15: Obey the Father’s Will (Matt 26)
Nov 14: Do God’s Assigned Tasks (Mt 25)
Nov13: Be Ready for Lord’s Return (Mt 24)
Nov 12:Don’t Be Prideful, Be Authentic(M23)
Nov 11: Seek & Love His Kingdom (Mt 22)
Nov 10: Trust & Obey In Action (Matt 21)

Gospel Truths (W4 Matthew)
Nov 9: Have Mindset of a Servant (Mt 20)
Nov 8: Be Trusting & Eternal Minded (Mt 19)
Nov 7: Be Humble, Forgiving, Merciful (Mt18)
Nov 6: Have Faith Nothing Impossible (Mt17)
Nov 5: Seek God’s Revelation & View (Mt 16)
Nov4:Seek Justice, Treasure & Will(Mt12-15)
Nov 3: Come & Receive God’s Rest (Mt 11)

Gospel Truths (W3 Matthew)
Nov 2: Don’t Worry for God Cares (Mt 10)
Nov 1: Be Merciful Be Compassionate (Mt 9)
Oct 31: Kingdom Mission By Faith (Matt 8)
Oct 30: Don’t Be Judgmental (Matt 7)
Oct 29: Pray, Forgive & Seek First (Matt 6)
Oct28:Be Merciful, Be Light, Be Perfect(Mt5)
Oct 27: Arrival of Prophesied King (Matt 1-4)

Gospel Truths (W2 Mark)
Oct 26: Obedience to Father’s Will(Mk14-16)
Oct 25: Lord Is Coming Back Soon? (Mk 13)
Oct 24: Love the Lord Wholeheartedly(Mk12)
Oct 23:Pray Without Doubt Nor Grudge(M11)
Oct 22 Trust God & Pray In Faith (Mark 10)
Oct 21: Don’t Doubt but Pray In Faith (Mk 9)
Oct 20: Follow Christ who Meet Needs(Mk8)

Gospel Truths (W1 Mark)
Oct 19: Be Inwardly Sincere & Humble (Mk 7)
Oct 18: Be Caring & Compassionate (Mk 6)
Oct 17: Don’t Be Afraid; Only Believe (Mk 5)
Oct 16: Be Wholehearted & Trusting (Mk 4)
Oct 15: Put the Lord In Top Priority (Mk 3)
Oct 14: Be People of Faith In God (Mk 2)
Oct 13: Seek God’s Purpose & Will (Mk 1)

Grace of God
May 6: Thank God for Grace & Mercy (Heb4)
Nov 6: God of Grace & G of Glory (2Tim1:7)
Nov 2: At Calvary (Jn 19:14-20)
Oct 25: Jesus Paid It All (Isa 1:18-20)
Aug 24: Amazing Grace (Eph 2)
Aug 22: And Can It Be (Rom 8)

Aug 24: God Desires Grace in Family(Philem)

Gratefulness (Gratitude to God)
Nov 23: Be Grateful & Not Be Offended(Lk7)
Mar 19: God Is On the Throne (Isa 6)
Feb 7: God Will Provide Our Needs (Ps 78)
Oct 9: I Stand Amazed (Rom 11:35-36)
Oct 5: In the Garden (Jn 20:12-17)
Oct 4: I’d Rather Have Jesus (Matt16:24-26)
Sep 15: The Old Rugged Cross (1Pet 2:24)
Aug 24: Amazing Grace (Eph 2)
Dec 27: Thanksgiving for It’s Right Thing
Dec 22: Thanksgiving for What’s He’s Done
Nov 22: Thanksgiving out of Gratefulness

Greatness of God
Oct 10: God Great & Marvellous (Rev 15)
Jan 5: God Is On Your Side (2Chr 32)
Aug 7: How Great Thou Art (Isa xx)

Sep 30: Be Wary of Greed

Grief (Sorrow)
Nov 1: In the Sweet By and By (Jn 14:1-3)
Aug 21: It is Well with My Soul (Rom 5)

Oct 23:Pray Without Doubt Nor Grudge(M11)

Mar 16: God Guarantees Yr Future (Prov 23)

Guarded by God
Jan 16: God Watches Over You (Ps 32)

Guidance from God
Jun 3: Guidance for Life Challenges (Num 9)
Jun 12: Christ Honours His Followers (Jn 12)
Jan 16: God Watches Over You (Ps 32)
Jan12:God Provides,Guides & Protects(P23)
Aug 8: Guide Me O Thou Great Jeh (Isa 58)
Jul 25: The Lord’s My Shepherd (Psa 23)
Jul 28: All the Way My Saviour Leads (P48)
Jul 26: He Leadeth Me (Psa 31)

Hailing God
Nov10: All Hail t Power of Jes’ Name (Rev19)

Sep 27: Precious Lord Take My H (Psa73:23)

Feb 26: TG for Hearing Our Prayer (Prov 15)

Jul 20: God Promises We Shall Reap (Gal 6)
Feb28:God Restores & Gives Harvest(Ps126)

Feb 7: TG for Having A Plan For Me (Ps 57)

Mar 10: Thanksgiving for Wellness

Mar 11: Thank God for Being Healer (Jer17)
Apr 10: God Blesses & Heals You (Jer 17)
Nov 21: God Who Heals (Exo 15)
Nov 9: Victory in Jesus (1 Jn 5:4-5)
Oct 24: At the Cross (Isa 53:5-6)
Apr 18: Lord Our Healer Jeho Rapha (Exo 15)

Jun20:Asking & Hearing Before Doing(1C14)
Jun18:Music Removes Hearing Block(2Kgs3)
May 20: Drawing Near to Hear (Gen 3)
Feb 26: TG for Hearing Our Prayer (Prov 15)
Aug10:God Hears Intercessory Prayers(Col4)
Mar 14: G Hears Righteous’ Prayer (Prov 15)
Feb 21: God Hears Your Prayers (Ps 116)
Jan 17: God Hears & Delivers You (Ps 34)
Jan 11: God Gives Strength & Security(Ps18)
Jan 1: God Hears Our Prayer (2Chr 7)

Hearing God (W21 Acts)
Oct 11: Praising God Releases Power(Acts16)
Oct 10: Seeking God in Fast & Prayer(Acts13)
Oct9:Divine Encounter & Encouragement(A9
Oct 8: Giving Ourselves to Prayer (Acts 6)
Oct 7: Empowered to be Witnesses (Acts1,2)

Hearing God (W20 John)
Oct 4: Christ Prays For Our Unity (Jn 17)
Oct 3: Christ Sends Empowering Spirit(Jn16)
Oct 2: Christ Teaches Abiding In Him (Jn 15)
Oct 1: Christ Gives You Peace (John 14)
Sep 30:Christ Gives Example to Follow(Jn13)

Hearing God (W19 John)
Sep 27: Sheep Listens to Shepherd (Jn 10)
Sep 26: Christ Source of Living Water (Jn 7)
Sep 25: Christ the Bread of Life (Jn 6)
Sep 24: Christ Satisfies Your Longings (Jn 4)
Sep 23: Word Made Home Among Us (Jn 1)

Hearing God (W18: Luke)
Sep20: Join Christ in Seeking the Lost (Lk19)
Sep19:God Answers Persistent Prayers(Lk11)
Sep 18: Listen & Respond to the Word (Lk 8)
Sep 17:Christ’s Followers On Solid Rock(Lk6)
Sep 16: Blessed Because You Believe (Lk 1)

Hearing God (W17: Mark)
Sep 13: Pray In Faith Without Doubt (Mk 11)
Sep 12: Serve Selflessly & Humbly (Mk 8-10)
Sep 11: Believe, Receive & Testify (Mark 5)
Sep 10: Trust God’s Word Wholly (Mark 4)
Sep 9: Seeking God’s Purpose & Will (Mk 1)

Hearing God (W16: Matthew)
Sep 6: Doing Christ’s Assignment (Mt25&28)
Sep 5: Be Humble, Forgiving, Merciful (Mt18)
Sep4:Christ Reveals Kingdom Secrets(Mt13)
Sep 3: Don’t Worry for God Provides (Mt 6)
Sep 2: Be Salt of the Earth (Matt 5)

Hearing God (W15: Minor Prophets)
Aug 30: God Delights to Restore You (Zep 3)
Aug 29: God Will Uphold Promise (Hab 3)
Aug 28: God Has Compassion on Us (Mic 7)
Aug 27: God Redeems Lost Years (Joel 2)
Aug 26: God Loves & Cares For You (Hos 2)

Hearing God (W14: Lam, Ezekiel & Daniel)
Aug 23: God Gives You Revelation (Dan 2)
Aug 22: God Brings Things to Life (Ezek 37)
Aug 21: God Gives You New Heart (Ezek 36)
Aug 20: God Has Message For You (Ezek 3)
Aug 19: God’s Faithfulness Is Great (Lam 3)

Hearing God (W13 Jeremiah)
Aug 16: God Plans Freedom For You (Jer 50)
Aug 15: God Gives You Ready Access (Jer33)
Aug 14:God Bigger Than Yr Problems(Jer 32)
Aug 13: God Has Good Plans For You(Jer 29)
Aug 12: God’s Life Message For You (Jer 1)

Hearing God (W12 Isaiah)
Aug 9: God Desires Us Be Blessing (Isa 58)
Aug 8: God’s Word Not Return Void (Isa 55)
Aug 7: God Cares For You (Isa 46)
Aug 6: God With You through Trials (Isa 43)
Aug 5: God Comforts His People (Isa 40)

Hearing God (W11 Isaiah)
Aug 2: God Strengthens & Directs U (Isa 30)
Aug 1: God Is Merciful & Reliable (Isa 28)
Jul 31: God Will Keep His Promises (Isa 7)
Jul 30: God Shows & then Calls You (Isa 6)
Jul 29: God Makes You White As Snow (Isa 1)

Hearing God (W10 Proverbs & Ecclesiastes)
Jul 26: God on Time for Everything (Eccl 3)
Jul 25: God Gives Hope for Future (Prov 23)
Jul 24: God Directs Your Plans (Prov 16)
Jul 23: A Timely Word from the Lord(Prov 15)
Jul 22: Trust In the Lord (Prov 3)

Hearing God (W9 Psalms Book 4-5)
Jul 19: God Cares For You !! (Psa 139)
Jul 18: God’s Light for Your Path (Psa 119)
Jul 17: God Helps His People (Ps 107)
Jul 16: God Blesses You with Benefits(Ps103)
Jul 15: God Shields & Protects You (Ps 91)

Hearing God (W8 Psalms Book 2-3)
Jul 12: Listen & Follow the Lord (Psa 81)
Jul 11:God Is Your Shelter & Strength(Psa 73)
Jul 10: God Bears Burdens & Give Rest(Ps55)
Jul 9: Be Still for God Is Your Refuge (Psa 46)
Jul 8: Thirsting For & Hoping In God (Psa 42)

Hearing God (W7 Psalms Book 1)
Jul 5: Delight & Trust in the Lord (Psa 37)
Jul 4: Trust Word of Truth & Power (Psa 33)
Jul 3: God Cares For Those Who Pray (P32)
Jul 2: Come & Move From Fear to Faith (P27)
Jul 1: The Lord Shows Way of Life (Psa 16)

Hearing God (W6 Ezra, Nehemiah & Job)
Jun28:Trust God Knows What’s Best(Job38)
Jun 27: Coming Forth as Gold (Job 23)
Jun 26: God Put His Word in Yr Heart(Neh 2)
Jun 25: Being Stirred by the Spirit (Neh 1)
Jun 24: Power of Fasting & Prayer (Ezra 8)

Hearing God (W5 Kings & Chronicles)
Jun 21: God Speaks thro Prophets (2Chr 20)
Jun20:Asking & Hearing Before Doing(1C14)
Jun 19: Be Bold to Seek & Ask God (1Chr 4)
Jun18:Music Removes Hearing Block(2Kgs3)
Jun 17: Alert to Varied Voice of God(1Kgs 19)

Hearing God (W4 Josh, Judges & Samuel)
Jun 14: Lord Sent Someone to Tell (2Sam 12)
Jun 13: When God Says No to You (2Sam 7)
Jun 12: Listen for the Lord Speaks (1Sam 3)
Jun 11: Lord With You to Save You (Jdgs 6)
Jun 10: Be Strong & Courageous (Josh 1)

Hearing God (W3 Numbers & Deuteronomy)
Jun 7: Call for Commitment to God (Deut 30)
Jun 6:Be Reminded of God’s Word(Deut5-6)
Jun 5: Accept & Trust God’s Voice (Deut 4)
Jun 4: Choosing Faith Not Doubt (Num 14)
Jun 3: Guidance for Life Challenges (Num 9)

Hearing God (W2 Exodus)
May31:Follow God’s Direction Patiently(E40)
May 30: Meeting Presence of God (Exo 33)
May 29: Hear Carefully What He Said (Ex 14)
May 28: Moving With God’s Direction (Ex 12)
May 27: Hear God Will Provide Needs (Ex 3)

Hearing God (W1 Genesis)
May 24: God Can Tell You Solution (Gen 41)
May 23: Focus on Promised Vision (Gen 37)
May 22: God Can Do Anything (Gen 18)
May 21: Call to Journey of Faith (Gen 12)
May 20: Drawing Near to Hear (Gen 3)

Aug 21: God Gives You New Heart (Ezek 36)
Jun 26: God Put His Word in Yr Heart(Neh 2)
May 8: Thank God for Renewed Mind(Heb10)
Apr 17: God Gives You New Heart (Ezek 11)
Jan 23: God Gives Joy of Clean Heart (Ps51)

May1:G in Heaven Elohim Bashamayim(Jos2)
Feb 16: Thanksgiving for Heavenly Home
Oct 1: Believe in Christ & Trusting God

Heavenly (Minded)
Aug 9: God Gives Power of New Life (Col 3)

Apr 23: God’s Hedge of Protection (Hos 2)

Helped (by God)
Jul 17: God Helps His People (Ps 107)
Jul 9: Be Still for God Is Your Refuge (Psa 46)
May 10: Thank God for Help In Trouble (Jas1)
Mar 6: Thk God for Helping the Weak (Isa40)
Feb 20: Thank God for His Protection(Ps121)
Sep 17: God Helps in times of Trouble (Jas 1)
Aug 27: God Enables U To Do Right (2Tim 1)
Aug 1: God Helps You Press On (Phil 3)
Jun 27:Holy Spirit Helps In Yr Distresses (R8)
May 21: God’s Help to Fight Temptation(Mk1)
Mar 28: God Helps U thro Trouble (Isa 43)
Mar 27: God Helps the Wheak (Isa 40)
Feb 27: God Helps & Protects Us (Ps121)
Feb 19: God Helps His People (Ps 107)
Feb 2: God Helps Those In Need (Ps 72)
Jan 4: G Helps the Overwhelmed (2Chr 20)
Nov 30: God Goes Before You (Deut 31)
Nov 23: Lord Will Help U Press On (Exo16)
Oct 16: Come Thou Fount (1Sam 7:12)
Aug 21: It is Well with My Soul (Rom 5)
Jun 2: God My Help, Elohim Ozer Li (Ps 54)

Helper Spirit
Apr 4: Thank God for Helper Spirit (Jn 16)
Jan 16: TG for Being Mighty Helper (1Sam 7)
Dec 25: Christ Promises Helper Spirit (Jn 16)
Dec 12: Our Mighty Helper (1Sam 7)

Oct 15: Put the Lord In Top Priority (Mk 3)

Jan 31: TG for Being My Hiding Place (Ps32)

High Priest
May 6: Thank God for Grace & Mercy (Heb4)
Sep 6: Christ Interceding For You (Heb 7)

High God
Jul 6: God on High, Elohei Marom (Mic 6)
Jul 5: Most High God, El Elyon (Dan 3)
Apr 27:God of gods Elohei Haelohim(Deut10)
Apr 12: Lord God Most High El Elyon(Gen 14)

Aug 31: God Desires Holy Living (Tit 2)
Sep 05: Take Time to Be Holy (1Thess 5)

Holy God
Sep 22: Holy Holy Holy (Rev 4:8-11)
Jun 23: The Holy One, Kadosh (Isa 40)
May 5: Holy God Elohim Kedoshim (Jos 24)
Apr 25: Consuming Fire Esh Oklah (Deut 4)

Holy Spirit
Apr 4: Thank God for Helper Spirit (Jn 16)
Dec 25: Christ Promises Helper Spirit (Jn 16)
Dec9:Christ’s Presence thro Holy Spirit(L24)
Jun 19:Christ Gives Us Power Source(Acts 2)
Jun 13: Christ Gives You Peace (Jn 14)
May 11: Spirit of God, Ruach Elohim
Mar 30: Thanksgiving for Holy Spirit

Apr 29: Thank God for Honoring Faith (1Th 1)
Mar22:Thank God for Honouring Faith(Mk11)
Sep 12: God Honours Your Faith (Heb 11)
Aug 13: God Honours Your Faith (1Thess 1)
Jun 12: Christ Honours His Followers (Jn 12)

Jul 25: God Gives Hope for Future (Prov 23)
Jul 8: Thirsting For & Hoping In God (Psa 42)
May 13: Thank God for Living Hope (1 Pet 1)
Apr 17:Thank God for Secured Hope(1Cor15)
Apr12:Tk God for Overflowing Hope(Rom15)
Feb 27: Thank God for Future Hope (Prov23)
Sep 24: God Gives You Living Hope (1Pet 1)
Jul 6: Your Labour Is Not In Vain (1Cor 15)
Jun 29: God Overflows You with Hope (R15)
Feb 23:God’s Word Directs Your Path(Ps119)
Sep 21: My Hope Is Built (IJn 1:7-9)
Sep 06: I Know Whom I Have Believed (2T1)

May 12:Lord of Hosts, Jehov Tsaba (1Sam17)

Sep 12: Serve Selflessly & Humbly (Mk 8-10)
Sep 5: Be Humble, Forgiving, Merciful (Mt18)
Dec 22: Christ Models Humility & Love(Jn13)
Nov 12:Don’t Be Prideful, Be Authentic(M23)
Nov 9: Have Mindset of a Servant (Mt 20)
Nov 7: Be Humble, Forgiving, Merciful (Mt18)
Oct 19: Be Inwardly Sincere & Humble (Mk 7)
Apr3:God Refreshes & Gives Courage(Isa57)

Hymns (Closing Selection)
Nov10: All Hail t Power of Jes’ Name (Rev19)
Nov 9: Victory in Jesus (1 Jn 5:4-5)
Nov 8: We Shall Overcome (1 John 5:2-5)
Nov 7: Pass It On (2Tim 2:1-3)
Nov 6: God of Grace & G of Glory (2Tim1:7)
Nov 3: I Have Decided to Follow (Lk 9:58)
Nov 2: At Calvary (Jn 19:14-20)
Nov 1: In the Sweet By and By (Jn 14:1-3)

Hymns (Closing Selection)
Oct 31: Jesus Loves Me (John 3:16-17)
Oct 30: Lamb of God (Jn 1:29-34)
Oct 27: O Master Let Me Walk (Eph 5:1-2)
Oct 26: When I Survey t W Cross (Phil 3:8-9)
Oct 25: Jesus Paid It All (Isa 1:18-20)
Oct 24: At the Cross (Isa 53:5-6)
Oct 23: Thy Word (Psa 119:105)
Oct 20: Seek Ye First (Matt 6:3)
Oct 19: Jesus Calls Us (Matt 4:18-19)
Oct 18: Praise to the Lord (Psa 103:1-2)
Oct 17: Here I Am Lord (Isa 6:1-4)
Oct 16: Come Thou Fount (1Sam 7:12)

Hymns (Closing Selection)
Oct 13: Yesterday Today Forever (Heb 13:8)
Oct 12: Standing on the Promises (Heb 6:12)
Oct 11: Onward Christian Soldiers (2Tim 2:3)
Oct 10: Joyful Joyful We Adore (Phil 4:4-7)
Oct 9: I Stand Amazed (Rom 11:35-36)
Oct 6: I Love to Tell the Story (Acts 1:4-8)
Oct 5: In the Garden (Jn 20:12-17)
Oct 4: I’d Rather Have Jesus (Matt16:24-26)
Oct 3: Softly & Tenderly (Matt 11:28-30)
Oct 2: Love Lifted Me (Matt 14:28-31)I

Hymns (Closing Selection)
Sep 29: Great is Thy Faithfulness (Lam3:23)
Sep 28: To God Be the Glory (Psa 145:1)
Sep 27: Precious Lord T My Hand (Psa73:23)
Sep 26: Abide With Me (Psa 27:4)
Sep 25: Nearer My God to Thee (Gen28:12)

Hymns (Other Letters)
Sep 22: Holy Holy Holy (Rev 4:8-11)
Sep 21: My Hope Is Built (IJn 1:7-9)
Sep 20: Trust & Obey (1Jn 5:1-2)
Sep 19: My Jesus I Love Thee (1Jn 4:19)
Sep 18: More About Jesus (2Pet 1:2-3)
Sep 15: The Old Rugged Cross (1Pet 2:24)
Sep 14: I am Thine O Lord (Jas 5:8)
Sep 13: Faith of Our Fathers (Heb 12:1)
Sep 12: Blessed Assurance (Heb 10:22-23)
Sep 11: O Jesus I Have Promised (Heb 6:12)

Hymns (Paul Letters)
Sep 08: Christ For the World We Sing (Rom1)
Sep 07: Channels Only (2Tim 3:21)
Sep 06: I Know Whom I Have Believed (2T1)
Sep 05: Take Time to Be Holy (1Th 5:15)
Sep 04: What a Friend we have in Jesus (P4)
Sep 01: Love Divine, All Love Excelling (P3)

Hymns (Paul Letters)
Aug 31: I Surrender All (Phil 3:7-8)
Aug 30: Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus (Col 3)
Aug 29: Sweet Hour of Prayer (Eph 6:18)
Aug 28: Stand Up Stand Up for Jesus (Eph 6
Aug 25: Blest Be the Tie That Binds (Eph 4)
Aug 24: Amazing Grace (Eph 2)
Aug 23: Take My Life & Let It Be (Rom 12)
Aug 22: And Can It Be (Rom 8)
Aug 21: It is Well with My Soul (Rom 5)

Hymns (John Gospel)
Aug 18: I’ve Found a Friend (John 15)
Aug 17: ‘Tis so Sweet to Trust in Jesus (Jn14)
Aug 16: Shepherd Like a Savior Lead us (J10)
Aug 15: Wonderful Words of Life (9’pJohn 6)
Aug 14: Just As I me.lmAm (John 6)

Hymns (Prophets)
Aug 11: Give of Yr Best to the Master (Mal 3)
Aug 10: There Is A Fountain (Zech 13)
Aug 9: Have Thine Own Way (Jer 18)
Aug 8: Guide Me O Thou Great Jeh (Isa 58)
Aug 7: How Great Thou Art (Isa 40)

Hymns (Psalms)
Aug 4: Open My Eyes That I May See (P119)
Aug 3: Be Not Dismayed (Psa 91)
Aug 2: Just A Closer Walk With Thee (P86)
Aug 1: I Need Thee Every Hour (Psa 86)
Jul 31: Rock of Ages (Psa 62)
Jul 28: All the Way My Saviour Leads (P48)
Jul 27: This is My Father’s World (Psa 33)
Jul 26: He Leadeth Me (Psa 31)
Jul 25: The Lord’s My Shepherd (Psa 23)
Jul 24: Be Thou My Vision (Psa 16)

Dec 27: God Does More Than U Imagine (17)

Imitate Christ
Aug 13: God Honours Your Faith (1Thess 1)
Oct 27: O Master Let Me Walk (Eph 5:1-2)
Nov 4: Be More Like Christ
Nov 1: Be an Imitator of God

Imploring God
Nov 13: Imploring God thro His Promises

Mar 25: Thk God for Nothing Impossible(Lk1)
Nov 18: With God Nothing Impossible (Lk 1)
Nov 6: Have Faith Nothing Impossible (Mt17)
May 28: God of the Impossible (Lk 1)
May 11: Nothing Impossible With God (Mt17)
Dec 8: God Loves Impossible Odds (Jdgs 7)

In Christ
Jun 8: God Sets You Free In Christ (Jn 8)

Jun 10: Be Strong & Courageous (Josh 1)
May 13: Thank God for Living Hope (1 Pet 1)
Sep 24: God Gives You Living Hope (1Pet 1)
Jan 10: God Gives Supernatural Joy (Ps 16)
Jul 24: Be Thou My Vision (Psa 16)

Inheritances from God
– Child of God
– Church of God
– Creation of God
– Family
– Heaven
– Life Giving
– Word of God

Inquire the Lord
Dec 26: God Gives Instructions (1Chr 14)

Jul 3: God’s Spirit Gives You Insights(1Cor 2)

Instructions of God
Nov 25: Believe the Lord’s Instruction (Lk 9)
Dec 26: God Gives Instructions (1Chr 14)
Feb 06: Thanksgiving for Instructions

Apr 5: Thank God for Intercession (Jn 17)
Dec 26: Christ’s Intercessory Prayer (Jn 17)
Sep 6: Christ Interceding For You (Heb 7)
Aug10:God Hears Intercessory Prayers(Col4)
Jun 15: Christ Intercedes For You (Jn 17)

Interpersonal Relationship
Jun 29: Instructions on Treating Others

Jul 6: Your Labour Is Not In Vain (1Cor 15)

Oct 19: Be Inwardly Sincere & Humble (Mk 7)

Jealous God
Apr 20: Jealous God Jehovah Kanna (Exo20)

Aug 8: Guide Me O Thou Great Jeh (Isa 58)

Job Provision
Apr 6: Thanksgiving for Job & Projects #
Jan 5: Thanksgiving for Job #Apr6

Sep20: Join Christ in Seeking the Lost (Lk19)

May 21: Call to Journey of Faith (Gen 12)

Mar 8:Thk God for Beauty from Ashes(Isa61)
Apr 5: God Turns Ashes to Beauty (Isa 61)
Mar 30: God Turns Sorrow to Joy (Isa 54)
Jan 23: God Gives Joy of Clean Heart (Ps51)
Jan 10: God Gives Supernatural Joy (Ps 16)
Oct 10: Joyful Joyful We Adore (Phil 4:4-7)
May30:God Exceed Joy El Simchath Gili(P43

May 10: Lord Judge Jehov Hasophet (Jdg11)
Apr 25: Consuming Fire Esh Oklah

Oct 30: Don’t Be Judgmental (Matt 7)

Nov4:Seek Justice, Treasure & Will(Mt12-15)

Aug 29: God Will Uphold Promise (Hab 3)
Jul 31: God Will Keep His Promises (Isa 7)
May 7: Thk God for Keeping Promises(Heb6)
Jan15:Thank G for Keeping Promises(Jos21)
Oct 5: God Keeps U From Stumbling (Jude)
Sep 5: God Keeps His Promises (Heb 6)

Kind to One Another
Oct 12: Be Tender-hearted to each other
Sep 10: Be Kind to one another (Sep 7)

Kindness of God
Dec5:G’s Kindness & Man’s Treachery(Lk20)
Sep 28: God Is Kind & Patient to All (2 Pet 3)
Jun 06: G of Lovingkindness Elohim Chasdi

Oct 27: Arrival of Prophesied King (Matt 1-4)

Sep4:Christ Reveals Kingdom Secrets(Mt13)
Nov 11: Seek & Love His Kingdom (Mt 22)
Oct 31: Kingdom Mission By Faith (Matt 8)
Nov10: All Hail t Power of Jes’ Name (Rev19)
Jul 24: Be Thou My Vision (Psa 16)

Kingship of God
Jun 14: Lord King Jehov Ha-Malech (Ps 98)
Jun 09: God My King, Eli Maelekhi (Ps68:24)
Apr 24: The Lord Who Rules Adonai (Deut 3)

Mar 19: Tk God for Rewarding Seekers (Mt 7)
Oct 9: God Longs to be Close to U (Rev 3)

Jun28:Trust God Knows What’s Best(Job38)

Knowing God (W15 What God Has Done)
Jul 21: Presence of the Lord
Jul 20: Shield, Rock & Refuge
Jul 19: Provider, Healer & Shepherd
Jul 18: Righteousness, Peace & Joy
Jul 17: Saviour, Redeemer & Deliverer

Knowing God (W14 Who God Is)
Jul 14: Father, Son & Holy Spirit
Jul 13: Lord, Master & King
Jul 12: Perfectly All Loving God
Jul 11: Holy, Truthful & Sanctifying God
Jul 10: Strong, Almighty, Creator God

Knowing God (W13 Prophets)
Jul 7: Son of God, Huios Tou Theou (Mt 16)
Jul 6: God on High, Elohei Marom (Mic 6)
Jul 5: Most High God, El Elyon (Dan 3)
Jul4: Lord Is There Jehovah Shammah(Ez48)
Jul3: G Recompense Jeh El Gemuwal(Jer51)

Knowing God (W12 Isaiah & Jeremiah)
Jun 30: Lord Righteous Jeh Tsidkenu (Jer23)
Jun29:God is Near Elohei Mikkarov (Jer 33)
Jun28:Lord Redeemer Jehov Goelekh(Isa60)
Jun27:Lord Saviour Jehovah Moshiekh(Is40)
Jun 26: Light to the Nations Or Goyim(Isa42)

Knowing God (W11 Isaiah)
Jun 23: The Holy One, Kadosh (Isa 40)
Jun 22: Prince of Peace Sar Shalom (Isa 9)
Jun21:Wonderful Counsellor Peleh Yoetz(Is9
Jun 20: God With Us, Immanuel (Isa 7)
Jun 19: Branch of Lord Jeh Tsemach (Isa 4)

Knowing God (W10 Psalm Book 3-5)
Jun16: God My Praise Elohim Tahillati(Ps109)
Jun 15: God Who Forgives El Nose (Ps99)
Jun 14: Lord King Jehov Ha-Malech (Ps 98)
Jun 13: Lord My Refuge Jehov Machsi (Ps91)
Jun12: L Our Defense Jeh Maginnenu (Ps89)

Knowing God (W9 Psalm Book 2)
Jun 09: God My King, Eli Maelekhi (Ps68:24)
Jun 08 : Father, Ab (Ps 68:5)
Jun7: G of Refuge Elo Machase Lanu (Ps62)
Jun 6: G of Lovingkind Elohim Chasdi (Ps59)
Jun 5: God of Mercy Elohe Chaseddi (Ps59)

Knowing God (W8 Psalm Book 2)
Jun 2: God My Help, Elohim Ozer Li (Ps 54)
Jun 1: God My Salvation Elohe Toshu (Ps51)
May31:Everlasting God Elohenu Olam(Ps 48)
May30:God Exceed Joy El Simchath Gili(P43
May 29: God of My Life El Hayyay (Ps 42)

Knowing God (W7 Psalm Book 1)
May 26: Lord of Truth Jeh El Emeth (Ps 31)
May 25: God of Glory El Hakabodh (Ps 29)
May 24: Lord My Light Jehovah Ori (Ps 27)
May23:Lord Mighty Jeh Gibbor Milcham(P24
May 22: Lord My Shepherd Jeh Rohi (Ps23)

Knowing God (W6 2Sam & Psalm B1)
May 19: Lord Save, Jehovah Hoshiah (Ps 20)
May18:Lord My Deliverer Jeh Mephalti(Ps18)
May17:G of Righteousness Elohe Tsadeki(P4
May 16: God My Rock El Sali (2Sam 22)
May15:G My Strength Elohei Ma’uzzi(2Sam)

Knowing God (W5 Judges & 1Sam)
May 12:Lord of Hosts, Jehov Tsaba (1Sam17)
May 11: Spirit of God Ruach Elohim (1Sam10)
May 10: Lord Judge Jehov Hasophet (Jdg11) May 9: Lord Our Peace Jeh Shalom (Jdg 6)
May 8: Lord Is With U Jehov Immeka (Jdg6)

Knowing God (W4 Joshua)
May 5: Holy God Elohim Kedoshim (Jos 24)
May4:Mighty One El Elohim Jehovah(Jos22)
May 3: L of All Earth Jeh Adon Kol AR (Jos3)
May 2: Living God Elohim Chayim (Jos 10)
May1:G in Heaven Elohim Bashamayim(Jos2)

Knowing God (W3 Deuteronomy)
Apr 28: Lord My Shield Jeho Magen (Deu33)
Apr 27:God of gods Elohei Haelohim (Deu10)
Apr 26 The Faithful God El Emunah (Deut 7)
Apr 25: Consuming Fire Esh Oklah (Deut 4)
Apr 24: The Lord Who Rules Adonai (Deut 3)

Knowing God (W2 Exodus)
Apr 21:Lord Sanctifies Jeh Mekaddish (Ex31)
Apr 20:Jealous God Jehovah El Kanna(Ex20)
Apr 19: Lord My Banner Jehovah Nissi (Ex17)
Apr18:Lord Our Healer Jehovah Rapha(Ex15)
Apr 17: Eternal All-Sufficient God Ehyeh(Ex3)

Knowing God (W1 Genesis)
Apr 14: Lord Will Provide Jeho Jireh (Gen 22)
Apr 13: Almighty God El Shaddai (Gen 17)
Apr 12: Lord God Most High El Elyon (Gen14)
Apr 11: Relational God Jehovah (Gen 2)
Apr 10: Strong Creator God Elohim (Gen 1)

Known by God
Mar 5: God Knows & Cares for You (Ps 139)

Jul 6: Your Labour Is Not In Vain (1Cor 15)

Dec 11:Christ Turns Lack to Abundance(Jn2)

Oct 30: Lamb of God (Jn 1:29-34)

Leading of God
Jul 3: God’s Spirit Leads You (1Cor 2)
Jun 12: Christ Honours His Followers (Jn 12)
Nov 30: God Goes Before You (Deut 31)
Aug 16: Shepherd Like a Savior Lead us (J10)
Jul 28: All the Way My Saviour Leads (P48)
Jul 26: He Leadeth Me (Psa 31)
Jul 25: The Lord’s My Shepherd (Psa 23)

Aug 22: God Brings Things to Life (Ezek 37)
Aug 12: God’s Life Message For You (Jer 1)
Jul 1: The Lord Shows Way of Life (Psa 16)
May 3: Thank God for Word of Life (2 Tim 3)
Apr 2: Thank God for Bread of Life (Jn 6)
Apr 1: Thank God for Giving Eternal Life(Jn3)
Mar 14: TG for Bringing Things to Life (Ez37)
Jan 3: Thank God for Purpose In Life (Ex 9)
Jan 2: Thank God for Gift of Life (Gen 1-2)
Dec 20: Christ the Resurrection & Life (Jn 11)
Dec 15:Christ the Bread of Life (John 6)
Aug 9: God Gives Power of New Life (Col 3)
Jul 26: God Enables Spirit Filled Life (Eph 5)
Jun 11: Christ Will Take Care of You (Jn 10)
Jun 7: Christ Our Bread of Life (Jn 6)
Jun 5: God Gives You Eternal Life (Jn 3)
May 29: God of My Life El Hayyay (Ps 42)
May 22: Christ Our Bread of Life (Mark 8)
Apr 19: God Brings Dead Things to Life (E37)

Lifestyle of Christian
Aug 31: God Desires Holy Living (Tit 2)
Oct 25: Leading a Good Lifestyle

Jul 18: God’s Light for Your Path (Psa 119)
Mar 4: Thk God for Giving Good News (Isa9)
Dec 17: Christ the Light of the World (Jn 8)
Oct28:Be Merciful, Be Light, Be Perfect(Mt5)
Oct 12: God Promises All Things New(Rev21)
Jun 8: Christ’s Light Sets You Free (Jn 8)
Jun 26: Light to the Nations Or Goyim(Isa42)
May 24: Lord My Light Jehovah Ori (Ps 27)

Sep26:God’s Eyes on those Doing Right(1P3

Oct 2:God Promises You’ll Be Like Him(1Jn3)

Listening By God
Oct 4: God Listens When You Pray (1 Jn 5)

Listening to God
Sep 18: Listen & Respond to the Word (Lk 8)
Jul 12: Listen & Follow the Lord (Psa 81)
Jun 12: Listen for the Lord Speaks (1Sam 3)
Apr 13: God’s Pte Phone Number (Jer 33)
Aug 4: Open My Eyes That I May See (P119)

May 14 : TG for Enabling Godly Living(2Pet 1)
May 13: Thank God for Living Hope (1 Pet 1)
Sep 27: Lord Enables Godly Living (2 Pet 1)
Sep 24: God Gives You Living Hope (1Pet 1)
Jul 16: Christ Living in Me (Gal 2)
May 2: Living God Elohim Chayim (Jos 10)

Living Water
Dec 16: Christ Source of Living Water (Jn 7)
Jun 6: God Satisfies Your Longings (Jn 4)

Sep 26: Abide With Me (Psa 27:4)
Aug 2: Just A Closer Walk With Thee (P86)

Jul 8: Thirsting For & Hoping In God (Psa 42)
Feb 8: TG for Satisfying Longing Soul (Ps63)
Dec 13: Christ Satisfies Deep Longings (Jn4)
Oct 9: God Longs to be Close to U (Rev 3)
Jun 6: God Satisfies Your Longings (Jn 4)
Jan 31: God Satisfies Longing Soul (Ps 63)

Sep 28: God Is Kind & Patient to All (2 Pet 3)

Lord (Master)
Nov10: All Hail t Power of Jes’ Name (Rev19)
Aug 11: Give of Yr Best to the Master (Mal 3)
Jul 13: Lord, Master & King

Sep20: Join Christ in Seeking the Lost (Lk19)
Aug 27: God Redeems Lost Years (Joel 2)
Mar 28: Thk God for Seeking the Lost (Lk 19)
Dec 4: Christ Came to Seek the Lost (Lk 19)

Love of Christ
Dec27:Christ Loves & Cares for Failures(J18)
Dec 7: Christ Loves & Cares Disciples (Lk22)
Oct 31: Jesus Loves Me (John 3:16-17)
Oct 2: Love Lifted Me (Matt 14:28-31)
Sep 01: Love Divine, All Love Excelling
Aug 22: And Can It Be (Rom 8)
Aug 16: Shepherd Like a Savior Lead us (J10)

Love of Father God
Aug 26: God Loves & Cares For You (Hos 2)
Apr 23: Thank God for Empowerment (Eph3)
Apr22:Thk God for Spiritual Blessings(Eph 1)
Dec12:Father Loves & Gives Eternal Life(Jn3)
Oct 3: God Gives You Ability to Love (1 Jn 4)
Jul 25: God Loves & Empowers You (Eph 3)
Apr 27: God Saves & Rejoices Over U (Zep3)
Jul 12: Perfectly All Loving God
Jun 06: G of Lovingkindness Elohim Chasdi

Loving (Christ & God)
Nov 11: Seek & Love His Kingdom (Mt 22)
Oct 24: Love the Lord Wholeheartedly(Mk12)
Oct 27: O Master Let Me Walk (Eph 5:1-2)
Sep 19: My Jesus I Love Thee (1Jn 4:19)

Loving One Another
Dec 22: Christ Models Humility & Love(Jn13)
Aug 25: Blest Be the Tie That Binds (Eph 4)
Aug 18: I’ve Found a Friend (John 15)

Lovingkindness (of God)
Oct 18: Praise to the Lord (Psa 103:1-2)
Jun 6: G of Lovingkind Elohim Chasdi (Ps59)

Oct 8: God Made U Royal Priest (Rev 1)

Majesty of God
Sep 22: Holy Holy Holy (Rev 4:8-11)
Aug 7: How Great Thou Art (Isa 40)

Nov 16: Go and Make Disciples ! (Matt 28)

Oct 22: Pitfalls of Life & Wisdom (P5-9).

Oct 10: God Great & Marvellous (Rev 15)

Master God
Apr 24: The Lord Who Rules Adonai
Aug 11: Give of Yr Best to the Master (Mal 3)

May 3:G Blesses those Depend on Him(Mt5)

Meet / Meeting
May 30: Meeting Presence of God (Exo 33)
Oct 20: Follow Christ who Meet Needs(Mk8)

Sep 5: Be Humble, Forgiving, Merciful (Mt18)
Nov 7: Be Humble, Forgiving, Merciful (Mt18)
Nov 1: Be Merciful Be Compassionate (Mt 9)
Oct28:Be Merciful, Be Light, Be Perfect(Mt5)
May 3:G Blesses those Depend on Him(Mt5)

Mercy (of God)
Aug 1: God Is Merciful & Reliable (Isa 28)
May 6: Thank God for Grace & Mercy (Heb4)
Feb 22: Thank God for Saving Us (Ps 145)
Jun 25: God Frees You From Sin (Rom 3)
Mar 23: God Is Absolutely Reliable (Isa 28)
Mar 8: God Is Merciful & Will Save U (Ps 145)
Feb 13: God’s Mercy Is Everlasting (Ps 100)
Aug 24: Amazing Grace (Eph 2)
Jun 5: God of Mercy Elohe Chaseddi (Ps59)

Aug 20: God Has Message For You (Ezek 3)
Aug 12: God’s Life Message For You (Jer 1)

Mar 25: Thk God for Nothing Impossible(Lk1)
Jan 16: TG for Being Mighty Helper (1Sam 7)
Apr 12: God Bigger Than Problems (Jer 32)
May23:Lord Mighty Jeh Gibbor Milcham(P24
May 12: Lord of Hosts, Jehovah Tsaba
May4:Mighty One El Elohim Jehovah(Jos22)
May 3: L of All Earth Jeh Adon Kol AR (Jos3)
Apr 13: Almighty God El Shaddai

Mind, Mindset
May 8: Thank God for Renewed Mind(Heb10)
Nov 9: Have Mindset of a Servant (Mt 20)
Sep 11: God Changes Your Mindset (Heb 10)
Aug 23: G Desires U Be Eternal Minded(1T6)
Aug 18: Set Mind on the Spirit

Feb 12: Thank God for His Miracles (Psa 77)

Dec 30: Christ Redirects & Refocus Us(Jn21)
Dec 28:Christ Models Finishing Mission(J19)
Sep 08: Christ For the World We Sing (Rom1)

Dec 28:Christ Models Finishing Mission(J19)
Dec 22: Christ Models Humility & Love(Jn13)
Dec 21:Christ Models Glorifying Father(Jn12)
Dec 14: Christ Models Following Father (Jn5)
Dec 8: Christ Models Forgiveness (Lk 23)
Nov 30: Christ Models Compassion (Lk 14)

Sep 18: More About Jesus (2Pet 1:2-3)

Jun 26: God Uses Problems to Shape U (R5)
Aug 9: Have Thine Own Way (Jer 18)

Jun 25: Being Stirred by the Spirit (Neh 1)
Mar 8:Thk God for Beauty from Ashes(Isa61)

Jul 2: Come & Move From Fear to Faith (P27)
May 28: Moving With God’s Direction (Ex 12)
Apr 18: God Moves You In the Spirit (Ez 36)

Jun18:Music Removes Hearing Block(2Kgs3)

Apr 20: God Gives You Revelation (Dan 2)

Name of God
Mar 2: God Promises With His Name (Ps138)

Names of God (W15 What God Has Done)
Jul 21: Presence of the Lord
Jul 20: Shield, Rock & Refuge
Jul 19: Provider, Healer & Shepherd
Jul 18: Righteousness, Peace & Joy
Jul 17: Saviour, Redeemer & Deliverer

Names of God (W14 Who God Is)
Jul 14: Father, Son & Holy Spirit
Jul 13: Lord, Master & King
Jul 12: Perfectly All Loving God
Jul 11: Holy, Truthful & Sanctifying God
Jul 10: Strong, Almighty, Creator God

Names of God (W13 Prophets)
Jul 7: Son of God, Huios Tou Theou (Mt 16)
Jul 6: God on High, Elohei Marom (Mic 6)
Jul 5: Most High God, El Elyon (Dan 3)
Jul4: Lord Is There Jehovah Shammah(Ez48)
Jul3: G Recompense Jeh El Gemuwal(Jer51)

Names of God (W12 Isaiah & Jeremiah)
Jun 30: Lord Righteous Jeh Tsidkenu (Jer23)
Jun29:God is Near Elohei Mikkarov (Jer 33)
Jun28:Lord Redeemer Jehov Goelekh(Isa60)
Jun27:Lord Saviour Jehovah Moshiekh(Is40)
Jun 26: Light to the Nations Or Goyim(Isa42)

Names of God (W11 Isaiah)
Jun 23: The Holy One, Kadosh (Isa 40)
Jun 22: Prince of Peace Sar Shalom (Isa 9)
Jun21:Wonderful Counsellor Peleh Yoetz(Is9
Jun 20: God With Us, Immanuel (Isa 7)
Jun 19: Branch of Lord Jeh Tsemach (Isa 4)

Names of God (W10 Psalm Book 3-5)
Jun16: God My Praise Elohim Tahillati(Ps109)
Jun 15: God Who Forgives El Nose (Ps99)
Jun 14: Lord King Jehov Ha-Malech (Ps 98)
Jun 13: Lord My Refuge Jehov Machsi (Ps91)
Jun12: L Our Defense Jeh Maginnenu (Ps89)

Names of God (W9 Psalm Book 2)
Jun 09: God My King, Eli Maelekhi (Ps68:24)
Jun 08 : Father, Ab (Ps 68:5)
Jun7: G of Refuge Elo Machase Lanu (Ps62)
Jun 6: G of Lovingkind Elohim Chasdi (Ps59)
Jun 5: God of Mercy Elohe Chaseddi (Ps59)

Names of God (W8 Psalm Book 2)
Jun 2: God My Help, Elohim Ozer Li (Ps 54)
Jun 1: God My Salvation Elohe Toshu (Ps51)
May31:Everlasting God Elohenu Olam(Ps 48)
May30:God Exceed Joy El Simchath Gili(P43
May 29: God of My Life El Hayyay (Ps 42)

Names of God (W7 Psalm Book 1)
May 26: Lord of Truth Jeh El Emeth (Ps 31)
May 25: God of Glory El Hakabodh (Ps 29)
May 24: Lord My Light Jehovah Ori (Ps 27)
May23:Lord Mighty Jeh Gibbor Milcham(P24
May 22: Lord My Shepherd Jeh Rohi (Ps23)

Names of God (W6 2Sam & Psalm B1)
May 19: Lord Save, Jehovah Hoshiah (Ps 20)
May18:Lord My Deliverer Jeh Mephalti(Ps18)
May17:G of Righteousness Elohe Tsadeki(P4
May 16: God My Rock El Sali (2Sam 22)
May15:G My Strength Elohei Ma’uzzi(2Sam)

Names of God (W5 Judges & 1 Sam)
May 12:Lord of Hosts, Jehov Tsaba (1Sam17)
May 11: Spirit of God Ruach Elohim (1Sam10)
May 10: Lord Judge Jehov Hasophet (Jdg11)
May 9: Lord Our Peace Jeh Shalom (Jdg 6)
May 8: Lord Is With U Jehov Immeka (Jdg6)

Names of God (W4 Joshua)
May 5: Holy God Elohim Kedoshim (Jos 24)
May4:Mighty One El Elohim Jehovah(Jos22)
May 3: L of All Earth Jeh Adon Kol AR (Jos3)
May 2: Living God Elohim Chayim (Jos 10)
May1:G in Heaven Elohim Bashamayim(Jos2)

Names of God (W3 Deuteronomy)
Apr 28: Lord My Shield Jeho Magen (Deu33)
Apr 27:God of gods Elohei Haelohim(Deut10)
Apr 26 Faithful God El Emunah (Deut 7)
Apr 25: Consuming Fire Esh Oklah (Deut 4)
Apr 24: The Lord Who Rules Adonai (Deut 3)

Names of God (W2 Exodus)
Apr 21: Lord Sanctifies Jeh Mekaddish(Ex31)
Apr 20: Jealous God Jehovah Kanna (Exo20)
Apr 19: Lord My Banner Jehova Nissi (Exo17)
Apr 18: Lord Our Healer Jeho Rapha (Exo 15)
Apr 17: All-Sufficient lye God Ehyeh (Exo 23)

Names of God (W1 Genesis)
Apr 14: Lord Will Provide Jeho Jireh (Gen 22)
Apr 13: Almighty God El Shaddai (Gen 17)
Apr 12: Lord God Most High El Elyon(Gen 14)
Apr 11: Relational God Jehovah (Gen 2)
Apr 10: Strong Creator God Elohim (Gen 1)

Aug 7: How Great Thou Art (Isa 40)
Jul 27: This is My Father’s World (Psa 33)

Nature of God
– see Attributes of Godokj

Nearness to God
Jun 5: Accept & Trust God’s Voice (Deut 4)
May 20: Drawing Near to Hear (Gen 3)
Apr 9: Thank God for Being Near (Acts 17)
Sep 20: God Wants to Draw Near to U(Jas 4)
Jun 22: God Is Always Near You (Acts17)
Sep 26: Abide With Me (Psa 27:4)k
Sep 25: Nearer My God to Thee (Gen28:12)
Sep 14: I am Thine O Lord (Jas 5)
Jun29:God is Near Elohei Mikkarov (Jer 33)

Need for God
Mar 4: Thk God for Giving Good News (Isa 9)
Aug 1: I Need Thee Every Hour (Psa 86)

May 27: Hear God Will Provide Needs (Ex 3)
Apr 25: Thk God for Supplying Needs (Phil4)
Mar 26:Tk God for Caring Those In Need(L5)
Mar 18:Tk God for Providing Our Needs(Mt6)
Nov 21: Christ Cares For Those In Need(Lk5)
Oct 20: Follow Christ who Meet Needs(Mk8)
Aug 3: God Supplies Your Need (Phil 4)
Jun 7: Christ Our Bread of Life (Jn 6)
May 4: God Will Provide Your Needs (Mt 6)
Mar 21: God Gives Everything U Need (Isa 9)
Feb 7: God Will Provide Our Needs (Ps 78)
Feb 2: God Helps Those In Need (Ps 72)
Nov 20: God Who Meet Our Needs (E3)

Aug 21: God Gives You New Heart (Ezek 36)
May 17:Thank God for All Things New(Rev21)
Oct 12: God Promises All Things New(Rev21)
Apr 17: God Gives You New Heart (Ezek 11)

Mar 4: Thk God for Giving Good News (Isa 9)

No (Denial)
Jun 13: When God Says No to You (2Sam 7)

Mar 25: Thk God for Nothing Impossible(Lk1)

Jun 10: Be Strong & Courageous (Josh 1)
Jun 7: Call for Commitment to God (Deut 30)
Nov 19:Devotion & Obedience to Father(Lk2)
Nov 15: Obey the Father’s Will (Matt 26)
Nov 10: Trust & Obey In Action (Matt 21)
Oct 26: Obedience to Father’s Will(Mk14-16)
Jul 31: God Gives Power to Obey (Phil 2)
Jan 3: G Delivers When We Pray (2Chr 18)
Dec 6: Obedience Brings Victory (Jos 6)
Oct 23: Thy Word (Psa 119:105)
Oct 19: Jesus Calls Us (Matt 4:18-19)
Sep 20: Trust & Obey (1Jn 5:1-2)

Feb 19: God Helps His People (Ps 107)

Nov 23: Be Grateful & Not Be Offended(Lk7)

Jun 28: God Will Transform You (Rom 12)

Omnipotence of God
Nov 16: God is Able to Do Anything (G18)

Opening to God
Aug 4: Open My Eyes That I May See (P119)

Apr 15: Thank God for Way Out (1 Cor 10)

May 23: God of Yr Desired Outcome (Mk 9)

Aug 17:God Will Protect His Servants(2Ths3)
Sep 08: Christ For the World We Sing (Rom1)

Nov 8: We Shall Overcome (1Jn 5:2-5)
Aug 8: Overcomes by Faith

Overcoming God
Apr 18: Lord Our Healer Jehovah Rapha
Nov 9: Victory in Jesus (1 Jn 5:4-5)

Apr12:Tk God for Overflowing Hope(Rom15)
Jun 29: God Overflows U with Hope (Rom15)

Jan 4: G Helps the Overwhelmed (2Chr 20)

Pass On (Good News)
Aug 28: God Remains Faithful to U (2Tim 2)
Nov 7: Pass It On (2Tim 2:1-3)

Jul 18: God’s Light for Your Path (Psa 119)
Jul 1: The Lord Shows Way of Life (Psa 16)
Feb 25: TG for Benefits of Trusting (Prov 3)
Feb 19: Thank God for His Direction (Ps 119)
Apr 9: God Shows You Good Paths (Jer 6)
Feb 23:God’s Word Directs Your Path(Ps119)

May31:Follow God’s Direction Patiently(E40)
May 1: Thank God for Being Patient (1Tim 1)
Nov29:Christ’s Patience Calls Response(L13)
Sep 28: God Is Kind & Patient to All (2 Pet 3)
Aug 20: God Is Patient Towards You (1Tim 1)
Oct 12: Standing on the Promises (Heb 6:12)

Mar 5: Thank God for Giving Peace (Isa 26)
Mar 4: Thk God for Giving Good News (Isa 9)
Dec 23:Christ Promises & Gives Peace(Jn14)
Aug 21: God Desires Peace & Unity (1Tim 2)
Aug 2: God Grants You Peace (Phil 4)
Jun 29: God Overflows U with Hope (Rom15)
Jun 13: Christ Gives You Peace (Jn 14)
Mar 22: God Gives Peace (Isa 26)
Mar 21: God Gives Everything U Need (Isa 9)
Aug 21: It is Well with My Soul (Rom 5)
Aug 1: I Need Thee Every Hour (Psa 86)
Jun 22: Prince of Peace Sar Shalom (Isa 9)
May 9: Lord Our Peace Jeh Shalom (Jdg 6)

Feb 26: God Who Answers Prayers (Ps 120)

Aug 5: God Comforts His People (Isa 40)
Jul 17: God Helps His People (Ps 107)

Oct28:Be Merciful, Be Light, Be Perfect(Mt5)

Nov 23: Be Grateful & Not Be Offended(Lk7)
Sep 17: God Helps in times of Trouble (Jas 1)
Aug 1: God Helps You Press On (Phil 3)
Jun1:Christ Urges Prayer & Not Give Up(L18)
Dec 20: A God Who Acts (1Kgs 18)

Sep19:God Answers Persistent Prayers(Lk11)
Nov 27: Christ Teaches Persistence (Lk 11)
May 30: God Loves Persistent Prayer (Lk 11)
May 7: God Rewards Those Who Seek (Mt 7)
Nov 6: 2Thessalonians & Persistence

Perspective of Life
Nov 23: Be Grateful & Not Be Offended(Lk7)
Aug 23: G Desires U Be Eternal Minded(1T6)
Nov 8: We Shall Overcome (1 John 5:2-5)

Jun 26: God Put His Word in Yr Heart(Neh 2)
Jan 31: TG for Being My Hiding Place (Ps32)

Aug 16: God Plans Freedom For You (Jer 50)
Aug 13: God Has Good Plans For You(Jer 29)
Jul 24: God Directs Your Plans (Prov 16)
Mar 12: Thank God for Good Plans (Jer 29)
Feb 7: TG for Having A Plan For Me (Ps 57)
Jul 24:God Empowers U for Good Works(E2)
Jul 23: God Reveals Wonderful Plan (Eph 1)
Apr 11: God Promises Good Plans (Jer 29)
Mar 15: God Who Directs Your Plans(Prov16)
Feb 16: God’s Plan Never Fails (Ps 105)
Jan 26: God Has A Plan For You (Ps 57)
Dec 18: God Fulfils His Declared Plan (1K8)

May 3:G Blesses those Depend on Him(Mt5)

Jul 4: Trust Word of Truth & Power (Psa 33)
Jun 24: Power of Fasting & Prayer (Ezra 8)
Apr 23: Thank God for Empowerment (Eph3)
Apr 18:TG for Strength In Weakness(2Cor12)
Apr 8: Thank God for Power Source (Acts 2)
Jan 25: TG for Fighting Our Battle (2Chr 20)
Dec 18: Christ Releases Power of God (Jn 9)
Aug 9: God Gives Power of New Life (Col 3)
Jul 31: God Gives Power to Obey (Phil 2)
Jul 13: God’s Power In Yr Weakness (2C12)
Jun 21:Praising God Releases Power(Acts16)
Jun 19:Christ Gives Us Power Source(Acts 2)
Jun18:Christ Made Us His Witnesses(Acts 1)
Nov 16: God is Able to Do Anything (Gen 18)
Nov10: All Hail t Power of Jes’ Name (Rev19)
Nov 7: Pass It On (2Tim 2:1-3)
Nov 6: God of Grace & G of Glory (2Tim1:7)
Aug 8: Guide Me O Thou Great Jeh (Isa 58)
Aug 7: How Great Thou Art (Isa 40)
May 12:Lord of Hosts, Jehov Tsaba (1Sam17)

Jun 21:Praising God Releases Power(Acts16)
Oct 18: Praise to the Lord (Psa 103:1-2)
Jun16: God My Praise Elohim Tahillati(Ps109)
Feb 8: Thanksgiving for He’s Praiseworthy
Dec 21: Thanksgiving for Who He Is

Praising God (W16 Selection)
Nov10: All Hail t Power of Jes’ Name (Rev19)
Nov 9: Victory in Jesus (1 Jn 5:4-5)
Nov 8: We Shall Overcome (1 John 5:2-5)
Nov 7: Pass It On (2Tim 2:1-3)
Nov 6: God of Grace & G of Glory (2Tim1:7)

Praising God (W15 Selection)
Nov 3: I Have Decided to Follow (Lk 9:58)
Nov 2: At Calvary (Jn 19:14-20)
Nov 1: In the Sweet By and By (Jn 14:1-3)
Oct 31: Jesus Loves Me (John 3:16-17)
Oct 30: Lamb of God (Jn 1:29-34)

Praising God (W14 Selection)
Oct 27: O Master Let Me Walk (Eph 5:1-2)
Oct26:When I Survey t W Cross(Phil3:8-9)
Oct 25: Jesus Paid It All (Isa 1:18-20)
Oct 24: At the Cross (Isa 53:5-6)
Oct 23: Thy Word (Psa 119:105)

Praising God (W13 Selection)
Oct 20: Seek Ye First (Matt 6:3)
Oct 19: Jesus Calls Us (Matt 4:18-19)
Oct 18: Praise to the Lord (Psa 103:1-2)
Oct 17: Here I Am Lord (Isa 6:1-4)
Oct 16: Come Thou Fount (1Sam 7:12)

Praising God (W12 Selection)
Oct 13: Yesterday Today Forever(Heb13:5-8)
Oct 12: Standing on t Promises (Heb 6:11-15)
Oct 11: Onward Xian Soldiers (2Tim2:2-4)
Oct 10: Joyful Joyful We Adore (Phil 4:4-7)
Oct 9: I Stand Amazed (Rom 11:35-36)

Praising God (W11 Selection)
Oct 6: I Love to Tell the Story (Acts 1:4-8)
Oct 5: In the Garden (Jn 20:12-17)
Oct 4: I’d Rather Have Jesus (Matt16:24-26)
Oct 3: Softly & Tenderly (Matt 11:28-30)
Oct 2: Love Lifted Me (Matt 14:28-31)

Praising God (W10 Selection)
Sep 29: Great is Thy Faithfulness (Lam3:23)
Sep 28: To God Be the Glory (Psa 145:1)
Sep 27: Precious Lord (Psa 73:23)
Sep 26: Abide With Me (Psa 27:4)
Sep 25: Nearer rMy God to Thee (Gen28:12)

Praising God (W9 Other Letters)
Sep 22: Holy Holy Holy (Rev 4:8-11)
Sep 21: My Hope Is Built (IJn 1:7-9)
Sep 20: Trust & Obey (1Jn 5:1-2)
Sep 19: My Jesus I Love Thee (1Jn 4:19)
Sep 18: More About Jesus (2Pet 1:2-3)

Praising God (W8 Other Letters)
Sep 15: The Old Rugged Cross (1Pet 2:24)
Sep 14: I am Thine O Lord (Jas 5:8)
Sep 13: Faith of Our Fathers (Heb 12:1)
Sep 12: Blessed Assurance (Heb 10:22-23)
Sep 11: O Jesus I Have Promised (Heb 6:12)

Praising God (W7 Paul Letters)
Sep 08: Christ For the World We Sing (Rom1)
Sep 07: Channels Only (2Tim 3:21)
Sep 06: I Know Whom I Have Believed (2T1)
Sep 05: Take Time to Be Holy (1Th 5:15)
Sep 04: What a Friend we have in Jesus (P4)

Praising God (W6 Paul Letters)
Sep 01: Love Divine, All Love Excelling (P3)
Aug 31: I Surrender All (Phil 3:7-8)
Aug 30: Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus (Col 3)
Aug 29: Sweet Hour of Prayer (Eph 6:18)
Aug 28: Stand Up Stand Up for Jesus (Eph 6

Praising God (W5 Paul Letters)
Aug 25: Blest Be the Tie That Binds (Eph 4)
Aug 24: Amazing Grace (Eph 2)
Aug 23: Take My Life & Let It Be (Rom 12)
Aug 22: And Can It Be (Rom 8)
Aug 21: It is Well with My Soul (Rom 5)

Praising God (W4 John Gospel)
Aug 18: I’ve Found a Friend (John 15)
Aug 17: ‘Tis so Sweet to Trust in Jesus (Jn14)
Aug 16: Shepherd Like a Savior Lead us (J10)
Aug 15: Wonderful Words of Life (oJohn 6)
Aug 14: Just As I Am (John 6)

Praising God (W3 Prophets)
Aug 11: Give of Yr Best to the Master (Mal 3)
Aug 10: There Is A Fountain (Zech 13)
Aug 9: Have Thine Own Way Lord (Jer 18)
Aug 8: Guide Me O Thou Great Jeh (Isa 58)
Aug 7: How Great Thou Art (Isa 40)

Praising God (W2 Psalms)
Aug 4: Open My Eyes That I May See (P119)
Aug 3: Be Not Dismayed (Psa 91)
Aug 2: Just A Closer Walk With Thee (P86)
Aug 1: I Need Thee Every Hour (Psa 86)
Jul 31: Rock of Ages (Psa 62)

Praising God (W1 Psalms)
Jul 28: All the Way My Saviour Leads (P48)
Jul 27: This is My Father’s World (Psa 33)
Jul 26: He Leadeth Me (Psa 31)
Jul 25: The Lord’s My Shepherd (Psa 23)
Jul 24: Be Thou My Vision (Psa 16)

Prayer by Christ
Dec 26: Christ’s Intercessory Prayer (Jn 17)
Dec 2: Christ Teaches Prayer of Faith (Lk 17)
Sep 6: Christ Interceding For You (Heb 7)
Jun 15: Christ Intercedes For You (Jn 17)

Prayer to God (2)
Sep19:God Answers Persistent Prayers(Lk11)
Sep 13: Pray In Faith Without Doubt (Mk 11)
Jul 3: God Cares For Those Who Pray (P32)
Jun 24: Power of Fasting & Prayer (Ezra 8)
Feb 26: TG for Hearing Our Prayer (Prov 15)
Jan 22:TG for Answering Prayer(2Kgs 19-20)
Nov 27:God Answers Persistent Prayer(Lk11)
Jun 20: God Acts When We Pray (Acts 13)
Oct 29: Pray, Forgive & Seek First (Matt 6)
Aug 24: God Desires Grace in Family(Philem)
Oct 23:Pray Without Doubt Nor Grudge(M11)
Oct 22 Trust God & Pray In Faith (Mark 10)
Oct 21: Don’t Doubt but Pray In Faith (Mk 9)
Oct 13: Seeking God’s Purpose & Will (Mk 1)
Oct 4: God Listens When You Pray (1 Jn 5)
Sep 21: God Answers Prayers of Faith (Jas 5)
Sep 17: God Helps in times of Trouble (Jas 1)
Sep 4:God Welcomes U to His Throne(Heb4)
Aug10:God Hears Intercessory Prayers(Col4)
Aug 2: God Grants You Peace (Phil 4)

Prayer to God (1)
Jun 20: God Acts When We Pray (Acts 13)
Jun 19:Christ Gives Us Power Source(Acts 2)
Jun1:Christ Urges Prayer & Not Give Up(L18)
May 30: God Loves Persistent Prayer (Lk 11)
May 25: God Answers Prayers of Faith(Mk11)
May 23: God of Yr Desired Outcome (Mk 9)
May 16: God Answers Prayers of Faith (Mt21)
May14:God Blesses Prayer Agreement(Mt18)
May 10: God Gives Direction (Matt 14)
May 7: God Rewards Those Who Seek (Mt 7)
Mar 14: G Hears Righteous’ Prayer (Prov 15)
Feb 26: God Who Answers Prayers (Ps 120)
Jan 1: God Hears Our Prayer (2Chr 7)
Dec 25: God Answers Bold Prayer (1C4)
Nov 9: Victory in Jesus (1 Jn 5:4-5)
Oct 10: Joyful Joyful We Adore (Phil 4:4-7)
Sep 04: What a Friend we have in Jesus
Aug 29: Sweet Hour of Prayer (Eph 6)
Jan 6: Thanksgiving for Prayer Access

Sep 27: Precious Lord (Psa 73:23)

Preeminence to God
Nov 9: Putting God First
Aug 22: Jesus is Above all other names

May 31: God Favours the Ready (Luke 12)

Presence of God (2)
Aug 6: God With You through Trials (Isa 43)
Jun 11: Lord With You to Save You (Jdgs 6)
Jun 10: Be Strong & Courageous (Josh 1)
May 30: Meeting Presence of God (Exo 33)
Apr 9: Thank God for Being Near (Acts 17)
Mar 21:TG for Jesus Always With Us(Mt 28)
Jan 14: Thank God for Being With Us (Jos 1)
Dec9:Christ’s Presence thro Holy Spirit(L24)
Aug 7: Christ Jesus Living In You (Col 1)
Jul 16: Christ Living in Me (Gal 2)
Jun 22: God Is Always Near You (Acts17)
May 18: Lord Jesus With U Always (Matt 28)
May 1: God Is Always With You (Matt 1)
Mar 29: God Sustains You (Isa 46)
Mar 28: God With U thro Trials (Isa 43)
May 8: Lord Is With U Jehov Immeka (Jdg6)
Mar 5: God Knows & Cares for You (Ps 139)

Presence of God (1)
Dec 28: God Is With You (1Chr28)
Dec 4: God’s Presence Gives Courage (Jos1)
Nov 14: Walking With God (Gen 5)
Sep 26: Abide With Me (Psa 27:4)
Sep 25: Nearer My God to Thee (Gen28:12)
Aug 1: I Need Thee Every Hour (Psa 86)
Jul 25: The Lord’s My Shepherd (Psa 23)
Jul4: Lord Is There Jehovah Shammah(Ez48)
Jun29:God is Near Elohei Mikkarov (Jer 33)
Jun 20: God With Us, Immanuel (Isa 7)
May 8: Lord Is With U Jehov Immeka (Jdg6)

Pressing On
Aug 1: God Helps You Press On (Phil 3)
Nov 23: The Lord Will Help U Press On (E16)

Prevailing God
Apr 18: Lord Our Healer Jehovah Rapha

Nov 12:Don’t Be Prideful, Be Authentic(M23)

Oct 8: God Made U Royal Priest (Rev 1)

Dec 23: Christ the Prince of Peace (Jn 14)

Priority to God
Oct 15: Put the Lord In Top Priority (Mk 3)
Oct 20: Seek Ye First (Matt 6:3)

Aug 14:God Bigger Than Yr Problems(Jer 32)
Jun 26: God Uses Problems to Shape U (R5)
Apr 12: God Bigger Than Problems (Jer 32)

Promises of God
– Blessings of God
– Covering of God
– Direction from the Lord
– Forgiveness from God
– Guidance from God
– Healing from God
– Help from God
– Hope in God
– Joy of the Lord
– Leading of God
– Peace of God
– Presence of God
– Protection from God
– Provision from God
– Refuge of God
– Rest in the Lord
– Salvation of God
– Strength from the Lord
– Wisdom of God

(Benefits from God)
– Assurances of God **
– Confidence in God
– Future Assurance
– Instructions of God
– Job Provision
– Life Sustenance
– Watched by God
– Wellness

(Inheritances from God)
– Child of God
– Church of God
– Creation of God
– Family
– Heaven
– Life Giving
– Word of God

Promises of God (W48 Revelation)
Oct 12: God Promises All Things New(Rev21)
Oct 11: God Promises Victory Over Evil(R20)
Oct 10: God Great & Marvellous (Rev 15)
Oct 9: God Longs to be Close to U (Rev 3)
Oct 8: God Made U Royal Priest (Rev 1)

Promises of God (W47 1 John)
Oct 5: God Keeps U From Stumbling (Jude)
Oct 4: God Listens When You Pray (1 Jn 5)
Oct 3: God Gives You Ability to Love (1 Jn 4)
Oct 2:God Promises You’ll Be Like Him(1Jn3)
Oct 1: God Promises Forgiveness (1 Jn 1)

Promises of God (W46 1&2 Peter)
Sep 28: God Is Kind & Patient to All (2 Pet 3)
Sep 27: Lord Enables Godly Living (2 Pet 1)
Sep26:God’s Eyes on those Doing Right(1P3
Sep 25: God Sets You Free In Christ (1Pet 2)
Sep 24: God Gives You Living Hope (1Pet 1)

Promises of God (W45 James)
Sep 21: God Answers Prayers of Faith (Jas 5)
Sep 20: God Wants to Draw Near to U(Jas 4)
Sep 19: God Grants You Wisdom (Jas 3)
Sep 18: God Wants to Befriend You (Jas 2)
Sep 17: God Helps in times of Trouble (Jas 1)

Promises of God (W44 Hebrews)
Sep 14: God Will Never Forsake You (Heb 13)
Sep 13: Christ Finisher of Your Faith (Heb 12)
Sep 12: God Honours Your Faith (Heb 11)
Sep 11: God Changes Your Mindset (Heb 10)
Sep 10: God Gives Access & Freedom(Heb9)

Promises of God (W43 Hebrews)
Sep 7: God Gives Us Better Covenant (Heb8)
Sep 6: Christ Interceding For You (Heb 7)
Sep 5: G Remembers/Keeps Promises(Heb6)
Sep 4:God Welcomes U to His Throne(Heb4)
Sep 3: Assurances of Joy, Fullness & Faith

Promises of God (W42 Second Timothy)
Aug 31: God Desires Holy Living (Tit 2)
Aug 30: God Stands By the Faithful (2Tim 4)
Aug 29: God Gives Us Word of Life (2Tim 3)
Aug 28: God Remains Faithful to U (2Tim 2)
Aug 27: God Enables U To Do Right (2Tim 1)

Promises of God (W41 First Timothy)
Aug 24: God Desires Grace in Family(Philem)
Aug 23: G Desires U Be Eternal Minded(1T6)
Aug 22: God Desires Goodness (1Tim 4)
Aug 21: God Desires Peace & Unity (1Tim 2)
Aug 20: God Is Patient Towards You (1Tim 1)

Promises of God (W40 Thessalonians)
Aug 17:God Will Protect His Servants(2Ths3)
Aug 16: God Establishes Good Work (2Ths2)
Aug 15:God Enables U Worthy of Call(2Ths1)
Aug 14: God Will Sanctify You (1Thess 5)
Aug 13: God Honours Your Faith (1Thess 1)

Promises of God (W39 Colossians)
Aug10:God Hears Intercessory Prayers(Col4)
Aug 9: God Gives Power of New Life (Col 3)
Aug 8: You Are Complete In Christ (Col2)
Aug 7: Christ Jesus Living In You (Col 1)
Aug 6: Appealing God thro NT Promises

Promises of God (W38 Philippians)
Aug 3: God Supplies Your Need (Phil 4)
Aug 2: God Grants You Peace (Phil 4)
Aug 1: God Helps You Press On (Phil 3)
Jul 31: God Gives Power to Obey (Phil 2)
Jul 30: God Completes Good Work (Phil 1)

Promises of God (W37 Ephesians)
Jul 27: God Provides Spiritual Armour (Eph6)
Jul 26: God Enables Spirit Filled Life (Eph 5)
Jul 25: God Loves & Empowers You (Eph 3)
Jul 24:God Empowers U for Good Works(E2)
Jul 23: God Reveals Wonderful Plan (Eph 1)

Promises of God (W36 Galatians)
Jul 20: God Promises We Shall Reap (Gal 6)
Jul 19: God Gives U Spiritual Fruit (Gal 5)
Jul 18: God Frees Us To Serve (Gal 5)
Jul 17: God Adopts You As His Child (Gal 4)
Jul 16: Christ Living in Me (Gal 2)

Promises of God (W35 Second Corinthians)
Jul 13: God’s Power In Yr Weakness (2C12)
Jul 12: God Provides You Armour (2Cor 10)
Jul 11: God Empowers U In Afflictions(2Cor4)
Jul 10: God Will Enable You (2Cor 3)
Jul 9: God Will Comfort You (2Cor 1)

Promises of God (W34 First Corinthians)
Jul 6: Your Labour Is Not In Vain (1Cor 15)
Jul 5: God Promises Spiritual Gifts(1C12&14)
Jul 4: G Protects U In Temptation (1Cor 10)
Jul 3: God’s Spirit Gives You Insights(1Cor 2)
Jul 2: Appealing God thro NT Promises

Promises of God (W33 Romans)
Jun 29: God Overflows You with Hope (R15)
Jun 28: God Will Transform You (Rom 12)
Jun 27:Holy Spirit Helps In Yr Distresses (R8)
Jun 26: God Uses Problems to Shape U (R5)
Jun 25: God Frees You From Sin (Rom 3)

Promises of God (W32 Acts)
Jun 22: God Is Always Near You (Acts 17)
Jun 21:Praising God Releases Power(Acts16)
Jun 20: God Acts When We Pray (Acts 13)
Jun 19:Christ Gives Us Power Source(Acts 2)
Jun18:Christ Made Us His Witnesses(Acts 1)

Promises of God (W31 John)
Jun 15: Christ Intercedes For You (Jn 17)
Jun 14: Christ Wants You to be Fruitful(Jn15)
Jun 13: Christ Gives You Peace (Jn 14)
Jun 12: Christ Honours His Followers (Jn 12)
Jun 11: Christ Will Take Care of You (Jn 10)

Promises of God (W30 John)
Jun 8: Christ’s Light Sets You Free (Jn 8)
Jun 7: Christ Our Bread of Life (Jn 6)
Jun 6: God Satisfies Your Longings (Jn 4)
Jun 5: God Gives You Eternal Life (Jn 3)
Jun 4: Appealing God thro NT Promises

Promises of God (W29 Luke)
Jun1:Christ Urges Prayer & Not Give Up(L18)
May 31: God Favours the Ready (Luke 12)
May 30: God Loves Persistent Prayer (Lk 11)
May 29: God Gives You Authority (Lk 10)
May 28: God of the Impossible (Lk 1)

Promises of God (W28 Mark)
May 25: God Answers Prayers of Faith(Mk11)
May 24: God Will Enable & Reward U (Mk 10)
May 23: God of Yr Desired Outcome (Mk 9)
May 22: Christ Our Bread of Life (Mark 8)
May 21: God’s Help to Fight Temptation(Mk1)

Promises of God (W27 Matthew)
May 18: Lord Jesus With U Always (Matt 28)
May 17: Christ Promises His Return (Matt 24)
May 16: God Answers Prayers of Faith (Mt21)
May 15: God Exalts His Servants (Matt 20)
May14:God Blesses Prayer Agreement(Mt18)

Promises of God (W26 Matthew)
May 11: Nothing Impossible With God (M17)
May 10: God Gives Direction (Matt 14)
May 9: God Promises Rest to You (Matt 11)
May 8: God Blesses Those Who Believe (M8)
May 7: God Rewards Those Who Seek (Mt 7)

Promises of God (W25 Matthew)
May 4: God Will Provide Your Needs (Mt 6)
May 3:G Blesses those Depend on Him(Mt5)
May 2: God’s Word Keeps U from Sin (Mt 4)
May 1: God Is Always With You (Matt 1)
Apr 30: Imploring God thro His Promises

Promises of God (W24 Minor Prophets)
Apr 27: God Saves & Rejoices Over U (Zep3)
Apr 26: God Is Your Strength (Hab 3)
Apr 25: God Brings U Out of Darkness (Mic7)
Apr 24: God Will Redeem the Time (Joel 2)
Apr 23: God’s Hedge of Protection (Hos 2)

Promises of God (W23 Ezekiel)
Apr 20: God Gives You Revelation (Dan 2)
Apr 19: God Brings Dead Things to Life (E37)
Apr 18: God Moves You In the Spirit (Ez 36)
Apr 17: God Gives You New Heart (Ezek 11)
Apr 16: God’s Faithfulness Is Great (Lam 3)

Promises of God (W22 Jeremiah)
Apr 13: God’s Pte Phone Number (Jer 33)
Apr 12: God Bigger Than Problems (Jer 32)
Apr 11: God Promises Good Plans (Jer 29)
Apr 10: God Blesses & Heals You (Jer 17)
Apr 9: God Shows You Good Paths (Jer 6)

Promises of God (W21 Isaiah)
Apr 6: God Acts for Those Who Wait (Isa 64)
Apr 5: God Turns Ashes to Beauty (Isa 61)
Apr 4: God’s Words Hold Good (Isa 59)
Apr3:God Refreshes & Gives Courage(Isa57)
Apr 2: God’s Promises Will be Fulfilled(Isa55)

Promises of God (W20 Isaiah)
Mar 30: God Turns Sorrow to Joy (Isa 54)
Mar 29: God Sustains You (Isa 46)
Mar 28: God With U thro Trials (Isa 43)
Mar 27: God Helps the Weak (Isa 40)
Mar 26: God Strengthens You (Isa 30)

Promises of God (W19 Isaiah)
Mar 23: God Is Absolutely Reliable (Isa 28)
Mar 22: God Gives Peace (Isa 26)
Mar 21: God Gives Everything U Need (Isa 9)
Mar 20: God Keeps His Promises (Isa 7)
Mar 19: God Is On the Throne (Isa 6)

Promises of God (W18 Proverbs)
Mar 16: God Guarantees Yr Future (Prov 23)
Mar 15: God Who Directs Your Plans(Prov16)
Mar 14: G Hears Righteous’ Prayer (Prov 15)
Mar 13: G Rewards Who Seek & Wait (Prov8)
Mar 12: God Directs As U Seek Him (Prov 3)

Promises of God (W17 Psalm Book 5)
Mar 9: God the Promise Keeper (Ps 146)
Mar 8: God Is Merciful & Will Save U (Ps 145)
Mar 7: God Brings U Thro Trouble (Ps 144)
Mar 6: God You Can Count On (Ps 141)
Mar 5: God Knows & Cares for You (Ps 139)

Promises of God (W16 Psalm Book 5)
Mar 2: God Promises With His Name (Ps138)
Mar 1: God Builds & Gives Rest (Ps 127)
Feb28:God Restores & Gives Harvest(Ps126)
Feb 27: God Helps & Protects Us (Ps121)
Feb 26: God Who Answers Prayers (Ps 120)

Promises of God (W15 Psalm Book 5)
Feb 23:God’s Word Directs Your Path(Ps119)
Feb 22: God Brings You Thro Trouble (Ps118)
Feb 21: God Hears Your Prayers (Ps 116)
Feb20:God’s Faithfulness Is Dependable(108
Feb 19: God Helps His People (Ps 107)

Promises of God (W14 Psalm Book 4)
Feb 16: God’s Plan Never Fails (Ps 105)
Feb 15: God Blesses His People (Ps 103)
Feb 14: God Cares For Downcast (Ps 102)
Feb 13: God’s Mercy Is Everlasting (Ps 100)
Feb 12: God Shields & Shelters You (Ps 91)

Promises of God (W13 Psalm Book 3)
Feb 9: God Offers His Faithfulness (Ps89)
Feb 8: God Will Bless the Righteous (Ps 84)
Feb 7: God Will Provide Our Needs (Ps 78)
Feb 6: God Is Able to Do Anything (Ps 77)
Feb 5: God Is Your Strength & Shelter (Ps73)

Promises of God (W12 Psalm Book 2)
Feb 2: God Helps Those In Need (Ps 72)
Feb 1: God Cares for the Defenceless (Ps68)
Jan 31: God Satisfies Longing Soul (Ps 63)
Jan 30: God Offers Rest & Refuge (Ps 62)
Jan 29:God Comes to Those Who Wait(P59)

Promises of God (W11 Psalm Book 2)
Jan 26: God Has A Plan For You (Ps 57)
Jan 25: God Is On Your Side (Ps 55)
Jan 24:God Gives Rest/Bears Burdens(Ps55)
Jan 23: God Gives Joy of Clean Heart (Ps51)
Jan 22: God Is Our Refuge (Ps 46)

Promises of God (W10 Psalm Book 1)
Jan 19: God Delivers Those Who Wait(Ps40)
Jan 18: God Blesses When You Trust(Ps 37)
Jan 17: God Hears & Delivers You (Ps 34)
Jan 16: God Watches Over You (Ps 32)
Jan 15: God Is Good & Upright (Ps 25)

Promises of God (W9 Psalm Book 1)
Jan12:God Provides,Guides & Protects(P23)
Jan 11: God Gives Strength & Security(Ps18)
Jan 10: God Gives Supernatural Joy (Ps 16)
Jan 9: God Is Your Place of Shelter (Ps 9)
Jan 8: God Promises Fruitfulness (Ps 1)

Promises of God (W8 Chronicles)
Jan 5: God Is On Your Side (2Chr 32)
Jan 4: G Helps the Overwhelmed (2Chr 20)
Jan 3: G Delivers When We Pray (2Chr 18)
Jan 2: G Strengthens Committed (2Chr 16)
Jan 1: God Hears Our Prayer (2Chr 7)

Promises of God (W7 Chronicles)
Dec 29: God Is Your Source (1Chr 29)
Dec 28: God Is With You (1Chr 28)
Dec 27:G Does More Than U Imagine(1Chr17
Dec 26: God Gives Instructions (1Chr 14)
Dec 25: God Answers Bold Prayer (1Chr 4)

Promises of God (W6 Kings)
Dec 22: A God Who Rescues (2Kgs 13)
Dec 21: God’s Strength Is Greater (2Kgs 6)
Dec 20: A God Who Acts (1Kgs 18)
Dec 19: God Provides for His Servants (1K17)
Dec 18: God Fulfils His Declared Plan (1K8)

Promises of God (W5 Samuel)
Dec 15: God Will Make You Secure (2S22)
Dec 14: Lord Is Your Strength (1Sam 30)
Dec 13: God Delivers Faithful fr Shame(1S21)
Dec 12: Our Mighty Helper (1Sam 7)
Dec 11: God Cares About You (1Sam 1)

Promises of God (W4 Joshua)
Dec 8: God Loves Impossible Odds (Jdgs 7)
Dec 7: Mighty One Is For Us (Jos 22)
Dec 6: Obedience Brings Victory (Jos 6)
Dec 5: God’s Deeds Build Faith (Jos 4)
Dec 4: God’s Presence Gives Courage (Jos1)

Promises of God (W3 Deuteronomy)
Dec 01: The Lord My Shield (Deut 33)
Nov 30: God Goes Before You (Deut 31)
Nov 29:God Is The Source of Wealth(Deut8)
Nov 28: The Faithful God (Deut 7)
Nov 27: The God Who Rules (Deut 3)

Promises of God (W2 Exodus)
Nov 24: The Lord Who Sanctifies (Exo 31)
Nov 23: The Lord Will Help U Press On (E16)
Nov 22: The Lord Who Cover & Protect (E17)
Nov 21: God Who Heals (Exo 15)
Nov 20: God Who Meet Our Needs (Exo 3)

Promises of God (W1 Genesis)
Nov 17: God’s Sovereign Control (Gen 50)
Nov 16: God is Able to Do Anything (Gen 18)
Nov 15: Following God’s Cuballing (Gen 12)
Nov 14: Walking With God (Gen 5)
Nov 13: Imploring God thro His Promises

Promises of God
Aug 29: God Will Uphold Promise (Hab 3)
Aug 8: God’s Word Not Return Void (Isa 55)
Jul 31: God Will Keep His Promises (Isa 7)
May 23: Focus on Promised Vision (Gen 37)
May 7: Thk God for Keeping Promises(Heb6)
Jan 28: TG for Promising Fruitfulness (Ps 1)
Jan15:Thank G for Keeping Promises(Jos21)
Dec 25: Christ Promises Helper Spirit (Jn 16)
Dec 23:Christ Promises & Gives Peace(Jn14)
Oct 2:God Promises You’ll Be Like Him(1Jn3)
Oct 1: God Promises Forgiveness (1 Jn 1)
Sep 5: God Keeps His Promises (Heb 6)
Aug 6: Appealing God thro NT Promises
Jul 20: God Promises We Shall Reap (Gal 6)
Jul 2: Appealing God thro NT Promises
Jun 4: Appealing God thro NT Promises
May 17: Christ Promises His Return (Matt 24)
May 9: God Promises Rest to You (Matt 11)
Apr 30: Imploring God thro His Promises
Apr 11: God Promises Good Plans (Jer 29)
Apr 2: God’s Promises Will be Fulfilled(Isa55)
Mar 20: God Keeps His Promises (Isa 7)
Mar 9: God the Promise Keeper (Ps 146)
Nov 13: Imploring God thro His Promises
Oct 12: Standing on the Promises (Heb 6:12)

Promises to God
Sep 11: O Jesus I Have Promised (Heb 6:12)

Prophesy, Prophet
Jun 21: God Speaks thro Prophets (2Chr 20)
Oct 27: Arrival of Prophesied King (Matt 1-4)
Jul 5: God Promises Spiritual Gifts(1C12&14)

Jul 15: God Shields & Protects You (Ps 91)
Feb 20: Thank God for His Protection(Ps121)
Aug 17:God Will Protect His Servants(2Ths3)
Jul 4: G Protects U In Temptation (1Cor 10)
Apr 23: God’s Hedge of Protection (Hos 2)
Apr 4: God’s Words Hold Good (Isa 59)
Feb 27: God Helps & Protects Us (Ps121)
Feb 12: God Shields & Shelters You (Ps 91)
Jan 16: God Watches Over You (Ps 32)
Jan12:God Provides,Guides & Protects(P23)
Jan 9: God Is Your Place of Shelter (Ps 9)
Dec 01: The Lord My Shield (Deut 33)
Nov 22: The Lord Who Cover & Protect (E17)
Jul 31: Rock of Ages (Psa 62)
Jul 20: Shield, Rock & Refuge
Jun 13: Lord My Refuge Jehov Machsi (Ps91)
Jun12: L Our Defense Jeh Maginnenu (Ps89)
May 16: God My Rock El Sali (2Sam 22)
Apr 28: Lord My Shield Jeho Magen (Deu33)

Sep 3: Don’t Worry for God Provides (Mt 6)
May 27: Hear God Will Provide Needs (Ex 3)
Apr 25: Thk God for Supplying Needs (Phil4)
Apr 15: Thank God for Way Out (1 Cor 10)
Mar 20: Thank God for Providing Rest (Mt 11)
Mar 18:Tk God for Providing Our Needs(Mt6)
Jan 7: Thank God for His Provision (Deut 2)
Aug 3: God Supplies Your Need (Phil 4)
Jul 27: God Provides Spiritual Armour (Eph6)
Jul 12: God Provides You Armour (2Cor 10)
May 4: God Will Provide Your Needs (Mt 6)
Mar 12: God Directs As U Seek Him (Prov 3)
Feb 7: God Will Provide Our Needs (Ps 78)
Jan12:God Provides,Guides & Protects(P23)
Dec 19: God Provides for His Servants (1K17)
Nov 29: God Is Source of Wealth (Deut 8)
Nov 23: The Lord Help U Press On (Exo 16)
Oct 18: Praise to the Lord (Psa 103:1-2)
Sep 29: Great is Thy Faithfulness (Lam3:23)
Jul 25: The Lord’s My Shepherd (Psa 23)
Jul 19: Provider, Healer & Shepherd
Apr 14: Lord Will Provide Jeho Jireh (Gen 22)

Sep 9: Seeking God’s Purpose & Will (Mk 1)
Feb 7: TG for Having A Plan For Me (Ps 57)
Jan 3: Thank God for Purpose In Life (Ex 9)
Oct 13: Seek God’s Purpose & Will (Mk 1)
Feb 01: Thanksgiving for Purposeful Life

Pursued by God
Apr 23: God’s Hedge of Protection (Hos 2)

Put; Placed
Jun 26: God Put His Word in Yr Heart(Neh 2)

Jun28:Trust God Knows What’s Best(Job38)

Aug 15: God Gives You Ready Access (Jer33)
Nov 28: Christ Favours the Ready (Luke 12)
Nov13: Be Ready for Lord’s Return (Mt 24)
May 31: God Favours the Ready (Luke 12)

Jul 20: God Promises We Shall Reap (Gal 6)

Sep 11: Believe, Receive & Testify (Mark 5)
Nov 3: Come & Receive God’s Rest (Mt 11)

Jul3: G Recompense Jeh El Gemuwal(Jer51)

Dec 30: Christ Redirects & Refocus Us(Jn21)

Aug 27: God Redeems Lost Years (Joel 2)
Mar 15: TG for Redeeming the Time (Joel 2)
Apr 24: God Will Redeem the Time (Joel 2)
Oct 24: At the Cross (Isa 53:5-6)
Sep 28: To God Be the Glory (Psa 145:1)
Jun28:Lord Redeemer Jehov Goelekh(Isa60)

Apr3:God Refreshes & Gives Courage(Isa57)

Jul 9: Be Still for God Is Your Refuge (Psa 46)
Feb 5: Thank God for Being My Refuge(P46)
Jan 31: TG for Being My Hiding Place (Ps32)
Jan 30: God Offers Rest & Refuge (Ps 62)
Jan 29:God Comes to Those Who Wait(P59)
Jan 22: God Is Our Refuge (Ps 46)
Aug 8: Guide Me O Thou Great Jeh (Isa 58)
Jun 13: Lord My Refuge Jehov Machsi (Ps91)
Jun7: G of Refuge Elo Machase Lanu (Ps62)

Apr 27: God Saves & Rejoices Over U (Zep3)

Relational God
May 8: Lord Is With U Jehov Immeka (Jdg6)
Apr 11: Relational God Jehovah (Gen 2)

Relationship With God (Attitude)
– Faith in God
– Fear God
– Depend on the Lord
– Desire the Lord
– Eternal Perspective
– Humble before the Lord
– Preeminence to God
– Wait Upon the Lord

Relationship With God (Being)
– Abide in the Lord
– Believe in God
– Consecrate to God
– Holy Living
– Imitate Christ
– Lifestyle of Christian
– Sanctification of God
– Walk with the Lord

Relationship With God (Doing)
– Instructions from God
– Obey the Lord
– Purpose of God
– Praise/Bless the Lord
– Pray to God
– Seek the Lord
– Thank the Lord
– Trust the Lord
– Will of God
– Word of God
– Worship the Lord

Relationship With God (Status)
– Child of God
– Church of God
– Forgiveness from God
– Identity in Christ
– Kingdom of God

Relationship with God
May 29: The God of My Life, El Hayyay
Apr 11: Relational God Jehovah
Jan 25: Thanksgiving for Relationship

Dec 18: Christ Releases Power of God (Jn 9)
Jun 21:Praising God Releases Power(Acts16)

Aug 1: God Is Merciful & Reliable (Isa 28)
Mar 23: God Is Absolutely Reliable (Isa 28)

Remaining In Christ
Jun 14: Christ Wants You to be Fruitful(Jn15)

Remember (God’s Deeds)
Sep 5: G Remembers/Keeps Promises(Heb6)
Dec 5: God’s Deeds Build Faith (Jos 4)

Jun 6:Be Reminded of God’s Word(Deut5-6)

Jun18:Music Removes Hearing Block(2Kgs3)

May 8: Thank God for Renewed Mind(Heb10)
Aug 10: There Is A Fountain (Zech 13)
Sep 17: Renewing of Mind (Sep 15)

Repentance (Confession)
Mar 26: God Strengthens You (Isa 30)
Aug 14: Just As I Am (John 6)

Rescued by God
Dec 22: A God Who Rescues (2K13)

Jul 4: G Protects U In Temptation (1Cor 10)

Jul 12: God Provides You Armour (2Cor 10)

Sep 18: Listen & Respond to the Word (Lk 8)
Nov29:Christ’s Patience Calls Response(L13)
Nov 24: Responding to Word of God (Lk 8)

Jul 10: God Bears Burdens & Give Rest(Ps55)
Jul 5: Delight & Trust in the Lord (Psa 37)
Mar 20: Thank God for Providing Rest (Mt 11)
Feb 21: Thank God for Giving Rest (Ps 127)
Nov 3: Come & Receive God’s Rest (Mt 11)
Oct 18: Be Caring & Compassionate (Mk 6)
May 9: God Promises Rest to You (Matt 11)
Mar 1: God Builds & Gives Rest (Ps 127)
Jan 30: God Offers Rest & Refuge (Ps 62)
Jan 24:God Gives Rest/Bears Burdens(Ps55)
Oct 3: Softly & Tenderly (Matt 11:28-30)

Aug 30: God Delights to Restore You (Zep 3)
Jan10:Thank God for Being Restorer(Deu30)
Apr 25: God Brings U Out of Darkness (Mic7)
Apr 24: God Will Redeem the Time (Joel 2)
Feb28:God Restores & Gives Harvest(Ps126)

Dec 20: Christ the Resurrection & Life (Jn 11)
Oct 5: In the Garden (Jn 20:12-17)

Mar 01: TG for Work & Retirement (Eccl 5)

Aug 8: God’s Word Not Return Void (Isa 55)

Return of Christ
Nov13: Be Ready for Lord’s Return (Mt 24)
Jun18:Christ Made Us His Witnesses(Acts 1)
May 17: Christ Promises His Return (Matt 24)

Sep4:Christ Reveals Kingdom Secrets(Mt13)
Aug 23: God Gives You Revelation (Dan 2)
Dec 10: Christ Reveals the Father (John 1)
Nov 5: Seek God’s Revelation & View (Mt 16)
Jul 23: God Reveals Wonderful Plan (Eph 1)
Apr 20: God Gives You Revelation (Dan 2)

Mar 14: TG for Bringing Things to Life (Ez37)
Apr 19: God Brings Dead Things to Life (E37)

Reward by God
Mar 19: Tk God for Rewarding Seekers (Mt 7)
Sep 12: God Honours Your Faith (Heb 11)
May 24: God Will Enable & Reward U (Mk 10)
May 7: God Rewards Those Who Seek (Mt 7)
Mar 13: G Rewards Who Seek & Wait (Prov8)

Sep26:God’s Eyes on those Doing Right(1P3

Aug 27: God Enables U To Do Right (2Tim 1)
Mar 14: G Hears Righteous’ Prayer (Prov 15)
Feb 8: God Will Bless the Righteous (Ps 84)
Dec 27: Thanksgiving for It’s Right Thing
Jul 18: Righteousness, Peace & Joy

Righteous God
Jun 30: Lord Righteous Jeh Tsidkenu (Jer23)
May17:G of Righteousness Elohe Tsadeki(P4

Sep 17:Christ’s Followers On Solid Rock(Lk6)
Jan11:Thank God for Being Our Rock(Deu32)
Jul 31: Rock of Ages (Psa 62)
Jul 20: Shield, Rock & Refuge
May 16: God My Rock El Sali (2Sam 22)

Rooted In Christ
Aug 8: You Are Complete In Christ (Col2)

Oct 8: God Made U Royal Priest (Rev 1)

Ruling God
Nov 27: The God Who Rules (Deut 3)
May 12:Lord of Hosts, Jehov Tsaba (1Sam17)
Apr 24: The Lord Who Rules Adonai (Deut 3)

Sacrifice (of us)
Jun 28: God Will Transform You (Rom 12)

Sacrifice (of Christ)
Nov 2: At Calvary (Jn 19:14-20)
Oct 30: Lamb of God (Jn 1:29-34)
Aug 22: And Can It Be (Rom 8)
Aug 10: There Is A Fountain (Zech 13)

Jul 26: He Leadeth Me (Psa 31)

May 29: Hear Carefully What He Said (Ex 14)

Sep 2: Be Salt of the Earth (Matt 5)

Salvation of God
Oct 3: Softly & Tenderly (Matt 11:28-30)
Sep 30: To God Be the Glory
Aug 24: Amazing Grace (Eph 2)
Aug 14: Just As I Am (John 6)
Aug 10: There Is A Fountain (Zech 13)
Jun 1: God My Salvation Elohe Toshu (Ps51)

Sanctification of God
Aug 14: God Will Sanctify You (1Thess 5)
May 2: God’s Word Keeps U from Sin (Mt 4)
Nov 24: The Lord Who Sanctifies (E31)
Jul 11: Holy, Truthful & Sanctifying God
Sep 17: Renewing of Mind (Sep 15)

Sanctifying God
Apr 21: Lord Sanctifies Jeh Mekaddish(Ex31)

Satisfied by God
Feb 8: TG for Satisfying Longing Soul (Ps63)
Dec 13: Christ Satisfies Deep Longings (Jn4)
Jun 7: Christ Our Bread of Life (Jn 6)
Jun 6: God Satisfies Your Longings (Jn 4)
May 22: Christ Our Bread of Life (Mark 8)
Jan 31: God Satisfies Longing Soul (Ps 63)

Saved by God
Jun 11: Lord With You to Save You (Jdgs 6)
Mar 15: TG for Redeeming the Time (Joel 2)
Feb 22: Thank God for Saving Us (Ps 145)
Apr 27: God Saves & Rejoices Over U (Zep3)
Mar 8: God Is Merciful & Will Save U (Ps 145)

Saviour God
Jun27:Lord Saviour Jehovah Moshiekh(Is40)
May 19: Lord Save, Jehovah Hoshiah (Ps 20)

Jun 13: When God Says No to You (2Sam 7)

Jan 1: Thanking God thro the Scripture

Second Coming
Dec 6: Christ Is Coming Again ! (Luke 21)

Sep4:Christ Reveals Kingdom Secrets(Mt13)
Apr 20: God Gives You Revelation (Dan 2)
Apr 13: God’s Pte Phone Number (Jer 33)

Security in God
Apr 17:Thank God for Secured Hope(1Cor15)
Jan 16: God Watches Over You (Ps 32)
Jan 11: God Gives Strength & Security(Ps18)
Dec 15: God Will Make You Secure (2Sam22)
Nov 1: In the Sweet By and By (Jn 14:1-3)
Jul 26: He Leadeth Me (Psa 31)

Sep20: Join Christ in Seeking the Lost (Lk19)
Sep 9: Seeking God’s Purpose & Will (Mk 1)
Jul 3: God Cares For Those Who Pray (P32)
Jun 24: Power of Fasting & Prayer (Ezra 8)
Jun 19: Be Bold to Seek & Ask God (1Chr 4)
Mar 28: Thk God for Seeking the Lost (Lk 19)
Mar 19: Tk God for Rewarding Seekers (Mt 7)
Mar 12: Thank God for Good Plans (Jer 29)
Dec 4: Christ Came to Seek the Lost (Lk 19)
Nov 11: Seek & Love His Kingdom (Mt 22)
Nov 5: Seek God’s Revelation & View (Mt 16)
Nov4:Seek Justice, Treasure & Will(Mt12-15)
Oct 29: Pray, Forgive & Seek First (Matt 6)
Oct 13: Seek God’s Purpose & Will (Mk 1)
May 10: God Gives Direction (Matt 14)
May 7: God Rewards Those Who Seek (Mt 7)
Mar 13: G Rewards Who Seek & Wait (Prov8)
Mar 12: God Directs As U Seek Him (Prov 3)
Jan 31: God Satisfies Longing Soul (Ps 63)
Oct 20: Seek Ye First (Matt 6:33)

Sep 12: Serve Selflessly & Humbly (Mk 8-10)

Jun 14: Lord Sent Someone to Tell (2Sam 12)

Nov 9: Have Mindset of a Servant (Mt 20)
Aug 17:God Will Protect His Servants(2Ths3)
May 15: God Exalts His Servants (Matt 20)

Serve / Service
Sep 12: Serve Selflessly & Humbly (Mk 8-10)
Jul 18: God Frees Us To Serve (Gal 5)
Oct 26: When I Survey t W Cross (Phil 3:8-9)
Oct 19: Jesus Calls Us (Matt 4:18-19)
Oct 16: Come Thou Fount (1Sam 7:12)
Sep 14: I am Thine O Lord (Jas 5)
Sep 11: O Jesus I Have Promised (Heb 4)
Sep 07: Channels Only (2Tim 2)
Aug 11: Give of Yr Best to the Master (Mal 3)

Shaping by God
Jun 26: God Uses Problems to Shape U (R5)
Aug 9: Have Thine Own Way (Jer 18)

Sharing Good News
Nov 7: Pass It On (2Tim 2:1-3)

Jul 11:God Is Your Shelter & Strength(Psa 73)
Feb 11: Thank God for Being Shelter (Ps 73)
Feb 12: God Shields & Shelters You (Ps 91)
Feb 5: God Is Your Strength & Shelter (Ps73)
Jan 9: God Is Your Place of Shelter (Ps 9)

Apr 3: Thank God for Being Shepherd (Jn10)
Jan 30: TG for Being My Shepherd (Ps 23)
Dec 19: Christ the Good Shepherd (Jn 10)
Jun 11: Christ Will Take Care of You (Jn 10)
Aug 16: Shepherd Like a Savior Lead us (J10)
Jul 19: Provider, Healer & Shepherd
May 22: Lord My Shepherd Jeh Rohi (Ps23)
Jul 25: The Lord’s My Shepherd (Psa 23)

Jul 15: God Shields & Protects You (Ps 91)
Feb 13: Thank God for Being Shield (Ps 91)
Mar 7: God Brings U Thro Trouble (Ps 144)
Feb 12: God Shields & Shelters You (Ps 91)
Dec 01: The Lord My Shield (Deut 33)
Jul 20: Shield, Rock & Refuge
Apr 28: Lord My Shield Jeho Magen (Deu33)

Shown by God
Jul 30: God Shows & then Calls You (Isa 6)
Jul 1: The Lord Shows Way of Life (Psa 16)
Apr 9: God Shows You Good Paths (Jer 6)

Side with God
Jan 25: God Is On Your Side (Ps 55)
Jan 5: God Is On Your Side (2Chr 32)

Jul 26: God on Time for Everything (Eccl 3)

Apr 10: Thank God for Freedom fr Sin(Rom3)
Jun 25: God Frees You From Sin (Rom 3)
May 2: God’s Word Keeps U from Sin (Mt 4)
Feb 23:God’s Word Directs Your Path(Ps119)

Oct 19: Be Inwardly Sincere & Humble (Mk 7)

Jul 29: God Makes You White As Snow (Isa 1)

Soldiers of Christ
Oct 11: Onward Christian Soldiers (2Tim 2:3)

Sep 17:Christ’s Followers On Solid Rock(Lk6)

May 24: God Can Tell You Solution (Gen 41)

Jun 14: Lord Sent Someone to Tell (2Sam 12)

Son of God
Jul 7: Son of God, Huios Tou Theou (Mt 16)

Oct 25: Lord Is Coming Back Soon? (Mk 13)

Sorrow & Grief
Mar 30: God Turns Sorrow to Joy (Isa 54)
Aug 21: It is Well with My Soul (Rom 5)

Feb 8: TG for Satisfying Longing Soul (Ps63)
Aug 21: It is Well with My Soul (Rom 5)

Thanking God (W15 Acts & Romans)
Apr 8: Thank God for Power Source (Acts 2)
Dec 16: Christ Source of Living Water (Jn 7)
Dec 29: God Is Your Source (1Chr 29)
Nov 29: God Is Source of Wealth (Deut 8)

Sovereignty of God
Feb 6: God Is Able to Do Anything (Ps 77)
Nov 17: God’s Sovereign Control (G50)

Jul 26: God on Time for Everything (Eccl 3)
Jun 21: God Speaks thro Prophets (2Chr 20)
Jun 13: When God Says No to You (2Sam 7)
Jun 12: Listen for the Lord Speaks (1Sam 3)

Special (You Are S)
Sep 25: God Sets You Free In Christ (1Pet 2)

Spirit of God
Jun 25: Being Stirred by the Spirit (Neh 1)
Apr 8: Thank God for Power Source (Acts 2)
Apr 4: Thank God for Helper Spirit (Jn 16)
Dec 25: Christ Promises Helper Spirit (Jn 16)
Jul 26: God Enables Spirit Filled Life (Eph 5)
Jul 3: God’s Spirit Gives You Insights(1Cor 2)
Jun 27:Holy Spirit Helps In Yr Distresses (R8)
Apr 18: God Moves You In the Spirit (Ez 36)
May 11: Spirit of God Ruach Elohim (1Sam10)

Apr 24: Thk God for Spiritual Armour (Eph6)
Apr22:Thk God for Spiritual Blessings(Eph 1)
Apr 19: Thank God for Spiritual Fruit (Gal 5)
Apr 16: Thank God for Spiritual Gifts (1C14)
Jul 5: God Promises Spiritual Gifts(1C12&14)

Feb 28: Thank God for Best Friends (Eccl 4)

Stand By Us
Aug 30: God Stands By the Faithful (2Tim 4)

Standing Firm & For the Lord
Oct 12: Standing on the Promises (Heb 6:12)
Aug 28: Stand Up Stand Up for Jesus (Eph 6

Jul 9: Be Still for God Is Your Refuge (Psa 46)

Jun 25: Being Stirred by the Spirit (Neh 1)

Story of Jesus
Oct 6: I Love to Tell the Story (Acts 1:4-8)

Aug 2: God Strengthens & Directs U (Isa 30)
Jul 11:God Is Your Shelter & Strength(Psa 73)
Jun 10: Be Strong & Courageous (Josh 1)
Apr 18:TG for Strength In Weakness(2Cor12)
Feb 25: TG for Benefits of Trusting (Prov 3)
Jan 4: Thank God for Giving Strength(Ex15)
Apr 26: God Is Your Strength (Hab 3)
Mar 27: God Helps the Weak (Isa 40)
Mar 26: God Strengthens You (Isa 30)
Mar 7: God Brings U Thro Trouble (Ps 144)
Feb 5: God Is Your Strength & Shelter (Ps73)
Jan 22: God Is Our Refuge (Ps 46)
Jan 11: God Gives Strength & Security(Ps18)
Jan 2: G Strengthens Committed (2Chr 16)
Dec 14: Lord Is Your Strength (1Sam30:6)
Sep 27: Precious Lord (Psa 73:23)

Strong God
Jan 5: God Is On Your Side (2Chr 32)
Dec 21: God’s Strength Is Greater (2K6)
Aug 8: Guide Me O Thou Great Jeh (Isa 58)
May15:G My Strength Elohei Ma’uzzi(2Sam)
Apr 10: Strong Creator God Elohim (Gen 1)

Mar 2: Thanksgiving for Confident Future
– see Anxiety

Oct 5: God Keeps U From Stumbling (Jude)

Dec 5: Christ Subj to Man’s Treachery (Lk20)

Jun 13: When God Says No to You (2Sam 7)
Aug 31: I Surrender All (Phil 3:7-8)
Aug 14: Just As I Am (John 6)

Feb 26: TG for Hearing Our Prayer (Prov 15)
Feb21:Thank God for Giving Success(Ps 127)

Jul 9: God Will Comfort You (2Cor 1)

Jul 10: God Will Enable You (2Cor 3)

Sufficient God
Nov 20: God Who Meet Our Needs (Exo3)
May 2: The Living God, Elohim Chayim
Apr 17: All-Sufficient God Ehyeh (Exo 23)

Supper (Last)
Mar 29: Thk God for Caring Disciples (Lk 22)

Apr 25: Thk God for Supplying Needs (Phil4)
Aug 3: God Supplies Your Need (Phil 4)

Surrender (Submit)
Jun 13: When God Says No to You (2Sam 7)
Aug 31: I Surrender All (Phil 3:7-8)
Aug 14: Just As I Am (John 6)

Sustained by God
Aug 5: God Comforts His People (Isa 40)
Mar 7: Thank God for Caring You (Isa 46)
Mar 29: God Sustains You (Isa 46)

Nov 14: Do God’s Assigned Tasks (Mt 25)

Dec 29: Christ Teaches Blind Faith (Jn 20)
Dec 24:Christ Teaches Abiding In Him (Jn15)
Dec 18: Christ Teaches Power of God (Jn 9)
Dec 3: Christ Teaches Childlike Faith (Lk 18)
Dec 2: Christ Teaches Prayer of Faith (Lk 17)
Dec 1: Christ Teaches Faithfulness (Lk 16)
Nov 28: Christ Teaches Being Ready (Lk 12)
Nov 27: Christ Teaches Persistence (Lk 11)
Nov 23: Christ Teaches Gratefulness (Lk 7)
Nov 18: Christ Teaches Faith In God (Lk 1)

Jun 14: Lord Sent Someone to Tell (2Sam 12)
May 24: God Can Tell You Solution (Gen 41)

Jul 4: G Protects U In Temptation (1Cor 10)
May 21: God’s Help to Fight Temptation(Mk1)
May 2: God’s Word Keeps U from Sin (Mt 4)

Mar 27: God Helps the Weak (Isa 40)

Sep 11: Believe, Receive & Testify (Mark 5)

Thankful & Grateful Attitude
Aug 2: God Grants You Peace (Phil 4)
Nov 22: Thanksgiving out of Gratefulness
Nov 12: Thankful/Persevere/Eternal Pers
Nov 2: Thankful Attitude & Grateful Heart

Thanking God (W20 Peter, 1 John & Rev)
May 17:Thank God for All Things New(Rev21)
May 16: Thk God for Victory over Evil(Rev20)
May 15: Thank God for Forgiveness (1John 1)
May 14 : TG for Enabling Godly Living(2Pet 1)
May 13: Thank God for Living Hope (1 Pet 1)

Thanking God (W19 Hebrews & James)
May 10: Thank God for Help In Trouble (Jas1)
May9:Thk God for Unchanging Word(Heb13)
May 8: Thank God for Renewed Mind(Heb10)
May 7: Thk God for Keeping Promises(Heb6)
May 6: Thank God for Grace & Mercy (Heb4)

Thanking God (W18 Thess & Timothy)
May 3: Thank God for Word of Life (2 Tim 3)
May2:Thank God for His Faithfulness(2Tim2)
May 1: Thank God for Being Patient (1Tim 1)
Apr 30:TG for Establishing Good Work(2Th2)
Apr 29: Thank God for Honoring Faith (1Th 1)

Thanking God (W17 Eph, Phil & Col)
Apr 26:Thk God for Complete In Christ(Col2)
Apr 25: Thk God for Supplying Needs (Phil4)
Apr 24: Thk God for Spiritual Armour (Eph6)
Apr 23: Thank God for Empowerment (Eph3)
Apr22:Thk God for Spiritual Blessings(Eph 1)

Thanking God (W16 Corinthians & Galatians)
Apr 19: Thank God for Spiritual Fruit (Gal 5)
Apr 18:TG for Strength In Weakness(2Cor12)
Apr 17:Thank God for Secured Hope(1Cor15)
Apr 16: Thank God for Spiritual Gifts (1C14)
Apr 15: Thank God for Way Out (1 Cor 10)

Thanking God (W15 Acts & Romans)
Apr12:Tk God for Overflowing Hope(Rom15)
Apr11:Thank God for Transformation(Rom12)
Apr 10: Thank God for Freedom fr Sin(Rom3)
Apr 9: Thank God for Being Near (Acts 17)
Apr 8: Thank God for Power Source (Acts 2)

Thanking God (W14 John)
Apr 5: Thank God for Intercession (Jn 17)
Apr 4: Thank God for Helper Spirit (Jn 16)
Apr 3: Thank God for Being Shepherd (Jn10)
Apr 2: Thank God for Bread of Life (Jn 6)
Apr 1: Thank God for Giving Eternal Life(Jn3)

Thanking God (W13 Luke)
Mar 29: Thk God for Caring Disciples (Lk 22)
Mar 28: Thk God for Seeking the Lost (Lk 19)
Mar 27: Thk God for Witness Authority(Lk10)
Mar 26:Tk God for Caring Those In Need(L5)
Mar 25: Thk God for Nothing Impossible(Lk1)

Thanking God (W12 Matt & Mark)
Mar22:Thank God for Honouring Faith(Mk11)
Mar 21:TG for Jesus Always With Us(Mt 28)
Mar 20: Thank God for Providing Rest (Mt 11)
Mar 19: Tk God for Rewarding Seekers (Mt 7)
Mar 18:Tk God for Providing Our Needs(Mt6)

Thanking God (W11 Prophets)
Mar 15: TG for Redeeming the Time (Joel 2)
Mar 14: TG for Bringing Things to Life (Ez37)
Mar 13: Thank God for Direct Access (Jer33)
Mar 12: Thank God for Good Plans (Jer 29)
Mar 11: Thank God for Being Healer (Jer17)

Thanking God (W10 Isaiah)
Mar 8:Thk God for Beauty from Ashes(Isa61)
Mar 7: Thank God for Caring You (Isa 46)
Mar 6: Thk God for Helping the Weak (Isa40)
Mar 5: Thank God for Giving Peace (Isa 26)
Mar 4: Thk God for Giving Good News (Isa 9)

Thanking God (W9 Wisdom Books)
Mar 01: TG for Work & Retirement (Eccl 5)
Feb 28: Thank God for Best Friends (Eccl 4)
Feb 27: Thank God for Future Hope (Prov23)
Feb 26: TG for Hearing Our Prayer (Prov 15)
Feb 25: TG for Benefits of Trusting (Prov 3)

Thanking God (W8 Psalms Book 5)
Feb 22: Thank God for Saving Us (Ps 145)
Feb 21: Thank God for Giving Rest (Ps 127)
Feb 20: Thank God for His Protection(Ps121)
Feb 19: Thank God for His Direction (Ps 119)
Feb 18: Thank God for Being For Me (Ps 118)

Thanking God (W7 Psalms Book 3 & 4)
Feb 15: Thank God for His Benefits (Ps 103)
Feb 14: Thank God for His Goodness (Ps100)
Feb 13: Thank God for Being Shield (Ps 91)
Feb 12: Thank God for His Miracles (Psa 77)
Feb 11: Thank God for Being Shelter (Ps 73)

Thanking God (W6 Psalms Book 2)
Feb 8: TG for Satisfying Longing Soul (Ps63)
Feb 7: TG for Having A Plan For Me (Ps 57)
Feb 6: Thank God for Bearing Burdens (P55)
Feb 5: Thank God for Being My Refuge(P46)
Feb 4: Thk God for Giving Our Desires (P37)

Thanking God (W5 Psalms Book 1)
Feb 1: TG for Freeing Us From Fears (P34)
Jan 31: TG for Being My Hiding Place (Ps32)
Jan 30: TG for Being My Shepherd (Ps 23)
Jan 29: Thank God Whom I Can Trust (P18)
Jan 28: TG for Promising Fruitfulness (Ps 1)

Thanking God (W4 Kings & Chronicles)
Jan 25: TG for Fighting Our Battle (2Chr 20)
Jan 24: TG for Watching Over Us (2Chr 16)
Jan 23: TG for What He Has Done (1Chr 16)
Jan 22:TG for Answering Prayer(2Kgs 19-20)
Jan 21:Thk God for Giving Wisdom(1Kgs3-4)

Thanking God (W3 Joshua & Samuel)
Jan18:Thk God for His Forgiveness(2Sam 12)
Jan 17: Thk God for Being Deliverer(1Sam 17)
Jan 16: TG for Being Mighty Helper (1Sam 7)
Jan15:Thank G for Keeping Promises(Jos21)
Jan 14: Thank God for Being With Us (Jos 1)

Thanking God (W2 Deuteronomy)
Jan11:Thank God for Being Our Rock(Deu32)
Jan10:Thank God for Being Restorer(Deu30)
Jan 9:Thank God for His Faithfulness(Deut7)
Jan 8: Thank God for Our Family (Deut 6)
Jan 7: Thank God for His Provision (Deut 2)

Thanking God (W1 Genesis & Exodus)
Jan 4: Thank God for Giving Strength(Ex15)
Jan 3: Thank God for Purpose In Life (Ex 9)
Jan 2: Thank God for Gift of Life (Gen 1-2)
Jan 1: Thanking God thro Scripture (1Ths 5)

Thanksgiving (W8 God’s Blessings)
Apr 7: Thanksgiving for His Benefits
Apr 6: Thanksgiving for Job & Projects
Apr 5: Thanksgiving for God’s Provision
Apr 4: Thanksgiving for Created Nature
Apr 3: Thanksgiving for His Blessings

Thanksgiving (W7 Supporting Relationship)
Mar 31: Thanksgiving for Father’s Nature
Mar 30: Thanksgiving for Holy Spirit
Mar 29: Thanksgiving for Jesus Christ
Mar 28: Thanksgiving for the Church
Mar 27: Thanksgiving for our Family

Thanksgiving (W6 God’s Care)
Mar 24: Thanksgiving for Loving Care
Mar 23: Thanksgiving for His Protection
Mar 22: Thanksgiving for Watching Over Us
Mar 21: Thanksgiving for His Refuge
Mar 20: Thanksgiving for His Covering

Thanksgiving (W5 God’s Guidance)
Mar 17: Thanksgiving for God-Led Living
Mar 16: Thanksgiving for Spirit Leading
Mar 15: Thanksgiving for Divine Direction #
Mar 14: Thanksgiving for Divine Wisdom
Mar 13: Thanksgiving for Word of God

Thanksgiving (W4 Well Being & Vitality)
Mar 10: Thanksgiving for Wellness
Mar 9: Thanksgiving for Contentment
Mar 8: Thanksgiving for Gift of Rest
Mar 7: Thanksgiving for Divine Healing
Mar 6: Thanksgiving for Strength of the Lord

Thanksgiving (W3 Spiritual Assurances)
Mar 3: Thanksgiving for Abundant Life
Mar 2: Thanksgiving for Confident Future
Mar 1: Thanksgiving for Protection
Feb 28: Thanksgiving for His Presence
Feb 27: Thanksgiving for Forgiveness

Thanksgiving (W2 Spiritual Inheritances)
Feb 24: Thanksgiving for Joy of the Lord
Feb 23: Thanksgiving for Secure Hope
Feb 22: Thanksgiving for Love of God
Feb 21: Thanksgiving for Peace of God
Feb 20: Thanksgiving being Child of God

Thanksgiving (W1 Eternal Life)
Feb 17: Thanksgiving for Salvation
Feb 16: Thanksgiving for Heavenly Home
Feb 15: Thanksgiving for Bread of Life
Feb 14: Thanksgiving for Gift of Life
Feb 13: Thanksgiving for Another Day

Sep 4:God Welcomes U to His Throne(Heb4)
Mar 19: God Is On the Throne (Isa 6)

Mar 15: TG for Redeeming the Time (Joel 2)
Apr 24: God Will Redeem the Time (Joel 2)

Timing (of God)
Jul 26: God on Time for Everything (Eccl 3)
Jul 23: A Timely Word from the Lord(Prov 15)
Nov 13: Imploring God thro His Promises

Jul 8: Thirsting For & Hoping In God (Psa 42)

Titles (of God)
– Bread of Life
– Light of the World
– Father God
– Son of God
– Spirit of God

Sep 27: Precious Lord (Psa 73:23)

Apr11:Thank God for Transformation(Rom12)
Jun 28: God Will Transform You (Rom 12)

Dec5:G’s Kindness & Man’s Treachery(Lk20)

Nov4:Seek Justice, Treasure & Will(Mt12-15)

Aug 6: God With You through Trials (Isa 43)
Sep 04: What a Friend we have in Jesus
Aug 30: Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus (Col 3)
Aug 29: Sweet Hour of Prayer (Eph 6)

Jul 14: Father, Son & Holy Spirit

May 16: Thk God for Victory over Evil(Rev20)

May 10: Thank God for Help In Trouble (Jas1)
Sep 17: God Helps in times of Trouble (Jas 1)
Mar 28: God With U thro Trouble (Isa 43)
Mar 7: God Brings U Thro Trouble (Ps 144)
Feb 22: God Brings You Thro Trouble (Ps118)

Trust In God (2)
Sep 10: Trust God’s Word Wholly (Mark 4)
Jul 22: Trust In the Lord (Prov 3)
Jul 5: Delight & Trust in the Lord (Psa 37)
Jul 4: Trust Word of Truth & Power (Psa 33)
Jun28:Trust God Knows What’s Best(Job38)
Jun 5: Accept & Trust God’s Voice (Deut 4)
Mar 11: Thank God for Being Healer (Jer17)
Feb 25: TG for Benefits of Trusting (Prov 3)
Jan 29: Thank God Whom I Can Trust (P18)
Nov 10: Trust & Obey In Action (Matt 21)
Nov 8: Be Trusting & Eternal Minded (Mt 19)
Nov 2: Don’t Worry for God Cares (Mt 10)
Oct 22 Trust God & Pray In Faith (Mark 10)
Oct 16: Be Wholehearted & Trusting (Mk 4)
May 28: God of the Impossible (Lk 1)
Apr 26: God Is Your Strength (Hab 3)
Apr 10: God Blesses & Heals You (Jer 17)

Trust In God (1)
Mar 12: God Directs As U Seek Him (Prov 3)
Jan 26: God Has A Plan For You (Ps 57)
Jan 25: God Is On Your Side (Ps 55)
Dec 13: God Delivers Faithful fr Shame(1S21)
Nov 16: God is Able to Do Anything (G18)
Oct 13: Yesterday Today Forever (Heb 13:8)
Sep 20: Trust & Obey (1Jn 5:1-2)
Sep 12: Blessed Assurance (Heb 10)
Sep 06: I Know Whom I Have Believed (2T1)
Aug 17: ‘Tis so Sweet to Trust in Jesus (Jn14)
Aug 3: Be Not Dismayed (Psa 91)
Jul 31: Rock of Ages (Psa 62)
Jul 28: All the Way My Saviour Leads (P48)
Jul 26: He Leadeth Me (Psa 31)

Jul 4: Trust Word of Truth & Power (Psa 33)
Dec 31: Gospel Truths Roundup
May 26: Lord of Truth Jeh El Emeth (Ps 31)

Dec 11:Christ Turns Lack to Abundance(Jn2)
Aug 30: Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus (Col 3)

May 11: Nothing Impossible With God (M17)

Unchanging (God)
May9:Thk God for Unchanging Word(Heb13)
Apr 16: God’s Faithfulness Is Great (Lam 3)
Oct 13: Yesterday Today Forever (Heb 13:8)

Feb 25: TG for Benefits of Trusting (Prov 3)

Aug 21: God Desires Peace & Unity (1Tim 2)
Jun 15: Christ Intercedes For You (Jn 17)

Aug 29: God Will Uphold Promise (Hab 3)

Jan 15: God Is Good & Upright (Psa 25)

Nov 22: Christ Urges Firm Foundation (Lk 6)

Jun 17: Alert to Varied Voice of God(1Kgs 19)

May 16: Thk God for Victory over Evil(Rev20)
Oct 11: God Promises Victory Over Evil(R20)
Oct 10: God Great & Marvellous (Rev 15)
Dec 6: Obedience Brings Victory (Jos 6)
Nov 9: Victory in Jesus (1 Jn 5:4-5)
Apr 19: Lord My Banner Jehova Nissi (Exo17)

Nov 5: Seek God’s Revelation & View (Mt 16)

May 23: Focus on Promised Vision (Gen 37)
Jul 24: Be Thou My Vision (Psa 16)

Jun 17: Alert to Varied Voice of God(1Kgs 19)
Jun 5: Accept & Trust God’s Voice (Deut 4)

Aug 8: God’s Word Not Return Void (Isa 55)

Jul 5: Delight & Trust in the Lord (Psa 37)
Jul 2: Come & Move From Fear to Faith (P27)
Mar 6: Thk God for Helping the Weak (Isa40)
Apr 26: God Is Your Strength (Hab 3)
Apr 16: God’s Faithfulness Is Great (Lam 3)
Apr 6: God Acts for Those Who Wait (Isa 64)
Mar 13: G Rewards Who Seek & Wait (Prov8)
Feb 6: God Is Able to Do Anything (Ps 77)
Jan 29:God Comes to Those Who Wait(P59)
Jan 19: God Delivers Those Who Wait(Ps40)
Sep 29: Great is Thy Faithfulness (Lam3:23)
Jul 31: Rock of Ages (Psa 62)

Nov 14: Walking With God (Gen 5)
Oct 27: O Master Let Me Walk (Eph 5:1-2)
Aug 2: Just A Closer Walk With Thee (P86)
Oct 3 : Don’t Compromise Walk
Aug 26: Have Closer Walk with the Lord

Wandering from God
Oct 16: Come Thou Fount (1Sam 7:12)

Watched by God
Jan 24: TG for Watching Over Us (2Chr 16)
Jan 16: God Watches Over You (Ps 32)
Mar 22: Thanksgiving for Watching Over Us
Nov 28: Thanksgiving for Caring Watch

Sep 27: Be Watchful of Devil
Sep 26: Beware of False Prophets

Dec 16: Christ Source of Living Water (Jn 7)

Way of God
Jul 1: The Lord Shows Way of Life (Psa 16)
Apr 15: Thank God for Way Out (1 Cor 10)
Dec 27:G Does More Than U Imagine(1Chr17
Aug 9: Have Thine Own Way (Jer 18)

Weak & Weakness
Apr 18:TG for Strength In Weakness(2Cor12)
Mar 6: Thk God for Helping the Weak (Isa40)
Jul 13: God’s Power In Yr Weakness (2C12)
Mar 27: God Helps the Weak (Isa 40)

Feb 25: TG for Benefits of Trusting (Prov 3)
Nov 29: God Is Source of Wealth (Deut 8)

Jul 12: God Provides You Armour (2Cor 10)

Oct 3: Softly & Tenderly (Matt 11:28-30)

Sep 4:God Welcomes U to His Throne(Heb4)

Aug 21: It is Well with My Soul (Rom 5)
Mar 10: Thanksgiving for Wellness

Jul 29: God Makes You White As Snow (Isa 1)

Who He Is
Dec 21: Thanksgiving for Who He Is

Wholehearted, Wholly
Sep 10: Trust God’s Word Wholly (Mark 4)
Oct 24: Love the Lord Wholeheartedly(Mk12)
Oct 16: Be Wholehearted & Trusting (Mk 4)

Will of God
Sep 9: Seeking God’s Purpose & Will (Mk 1)
Nov 15: Obey the Father’s Will (Matt 26)
Nov4:Seek Justice, Treasure & Will(Mt12-15)
Oct 26: Obedience to Father’s Will(Mk14-16)
Oct 13: Seek God’s Purpose & Will (Mk 1)
Oct 4: God Listens When You Pray (1 Jn 5)
Aug 14: God Will Sanctify You (1Thess 5)
Dec 27:G Does More Than U Imagine(1Chr17
Oct 26: Leading Life according to God’s Will

Jun28:Trust God Knows What’s Best(Job38)
Feb 27: Thank God for Future Hope (Prov23)
Jan 21:Thk God for Giving Wisdom(1Kgs3-4)
Sep 19: God Grants You Wisdom (Jas 3)
Mar 14: Thanksgiving for Divine Wisdom

With Us
Aug 6: God With You through Trials (Isa 43)
Jan 14: Thank God for Being With Us (Jos 1)

Witnessing (Evangelism)
Mar 27: Thk God for Witness Authority(Lk10)
Nov 26:Christ Gives Witness Authority(Lk10)
Jun18:Christ Made Us His Witnesses(Acts 1)
May 29: God Gives You Authority (Lk 10)
Oct 6: I Love to Tell the Story (Acts 1:4-8)
Sep 08: Christ For the World We Sing (Rom1)

Jul 23: God Reveals Wonderful Plan (Eph 1)

Word of God (2)
Sep 18: Listen & Respond to the Word (Lk 8)
Sep 10: Trust God’s Word Wholly (Mark 4)
Aug 20: God Has Message For You (Ezek 3)
Aug 8: God’s Word Not Return Void (Isa 55)
Jul 23: A Timely Word from the Lord(Prov 15)
Jul 4: Trust Word of Truth & Power (Psa 33)
Jun 26: God Put His Word in Yr Heart(Neh 2)
Jun 6:Be Reminded of God’s Word(Deut5-6)
May9:Thk God for Unchanging Word(Heb13)
May 3: Thank God for Word of Life (2 Tim 3)
Apr11:Thank God for Transformation(Rom12)
Feb 19: Thank God for His Direction (Ps 119)
Jan 28: TG for Promising Fruitfulness (Ps 1)

Word of God (1)
Nov 25: Christ’s Word to be Believed (Lk 9)
Nov 24: Responding to Word of God (Lk 8)
Nov 20: Christ With Authority For Us (Lk 4)
Nov 18: With God Nothing Impossible (Lk 1)
Aug 29: God Gives Us Word of Life (2Tim 3)
May 17: Christ Promises His Return (Matt 24)
May 2: God’s Word Keeps U from Sin (Mt 4)
Apr 9: God Shows You Good Paths (Jer 6)
Apr 4: God’s Words Hold Good (Isa 59)
Feb 23:God’s Word Directs Your Path(Ps119)
Jan 8: God Promises Fruitfulness (Ps 1)
Oct 23: Thy Word (Psa 119:105)
Aug 15: Wonderful Words of Life (John 6)
Aug 4: Open My Eyes That I May See (P119)

Apr 30:TG for Establishing Good Work(2Th2)
Mar 01: TG for Work & Retirement (Eccl 5)
Aug 16: God Establishes Good Work (2Ths2)
Jul 30: God Completes Good Work (Phil 1)
Jul 24:God Empowers U for Good Works(E2)
Oct 17: Right Attitude at Work

Oct28:Be Merciful, Be Light, Be Perfect(Mt5)
Sep 8: Christ For the World We Sing (Rom1)
Jul 27: This is My Father’s World (Psa 33)

Nov 11: We are Not of the World
Oct 20: Set Apart from the world

Sep 3: Don’t Worry for God Provides (Mt 6)
Nov 2: Don’t Worry for God Cares (Mt 10)
May 4: God Will Provide Your Needs (Mt 6)
Oct 20: Seek Ye First (Matt 6:33)

Worship the Lord
Nov 7: Worship the Lord
Sep 14: Worship in Spiri & Truth

Aug 15:God Enables U Worthy of Call(2Ths1)
Sep 22: Holy Holy Holy (Rev 4:8-11)

Aug 27: God Redeems Lost Years (Joel 2)

Updated: 31 Dec 2018

Updated: 13 Oct 2019

Prayers by Dates

Prayers by Posting Date (Jan 2)
Hearing God thro His Word (Series 6)

Hearing God (W33: Revelation)
Jan 3: New Heaven & New Earth (Rev 21)
Jan 2: Be Ready for Victory over Evil (Rev 20)
Jan 1: Hopeful for God Is Marvellous (Rev 15)
Dec 31: Be Drawn Back to First Love(Rev2-3)
Dec 30: Made Priests of His Kingdom (Rev 1)

Hearing God (W32: 1-3 John)
Dec 27: Striving to Live In the Truth (2-3 Jn)
Dec 26: Confidence In Life & Prayer (1Jn 5)
Dec 25: Have Confidence In His Love (1Jn 4)
Dec 24: The Call to Love One Another (1Jn 2)
Dec 23: Walking In the Light (1Jn 1)

Hearing God (W31: 1&2 Peter)
Dec 20: Looking to Return of the Lord(2Pet3)
Dec 19: Divine Enabling for Godly Living(2P1)
Dec 18: Be Good Stewards of God (1Pet 4)
Dec 17: Live as People of the Lord (1Pet 2)
Dec 16:Living Word Gives Living Hope(1Pet1)

Hearing God (W30 James & Jude)
Dec 13: Contending for the Faith (Jude)
Dec 12: Faith & Patience In Suffering (Jas 5)
Dec 11: Humbly Drawing Near to God (Jas 4)
Dec 10: Living Out Your Faith (James 2)
Dec 9: Persevering through Trials (James 1)

Hearing God (W29 Hebrews)
Dec 6: Keep Your Eyes on Jesus (Heb 12)
Dec 5: God Will Reward Faithfulness (Heb 11)
Dec 4: God Gives Assuring Covenant (Heb 8)
Dec 3: God In Control on the Throne (Heb 4)
Dec 2: Keep Up Your Courage (Heb 3)

Hearing God (W28 1&2 Timothy)
Nov 29: God Desires Faithful Witnesses(2T4)
Nov 28: God Keeps What’s Committed (2T1)
Nov 27: God Desires Eternal Minded (1Tim 6)
Nov 26: Be Thankful, Godly, Example (1Tim4)
Nov 25: God Desires Prayers For All (1Tim 2)

Hearing God (W27 1&2 Thessalonians)
Nov 22: Spread the Gospel of Christ (2Ths 3)
Nov 21: God Enables Your Calling (2Ths 1)
Nov 20:Faithful God Will Sanctify You(1Ths5)
Nov 19: Experiencing God’s Purpose (1Ths 2)
Nov 18: Walking the Way of Faith (1Ths 1)

Hearing God (W26 Philippians & Colossians)
Nov 15: Living New Life for Jesus (Col 3)
Nov 14: Christ Worthy of Preeminence (Col 1)
Nov 13: Press On to Call of God (Phil 3)
Nov 12: God Who Works In You (Phil 2)
Nov 11: God Completes Good Work (Phil 1)

Hearing God (W25 Galatians & Ephesians)
Nov 8: Live Wisely Unto the Lord (Eph 5)
Nov7:Created & Saved For Good Works(Ep2)
Nov 6: God Gives Spiritual Insight (Eph 1)
Nov 5: Freed to Serve Fruitfully (Gal 5)
Nov 4: Christ Jesus Living In Me (Gal 2)

Hearing God (W24 Second Corinthians)
Nov 1: God’s Strength In Weakness (2Cor 12)
Oct 31:God Provides Mighty Weapons(2C10)
Oct30:God Empowers Us In Troubles(2Cor4)
Oct 29: Reflecting Glory of God (2Cor 3)
Oct 28: G’s Promises are Yes & Amen(2Cor1)

Hearing God (W23 First Corinthians)
Oct 25: Not Labouring In Vain (1 Cor 15)
Oct 24: Love the Highest Goal (1Cor 13/14)
Oct 23: Gifts for Common Good (1Cor 12)
Oct 22: God Provides Way Out (1Cor 10)
Oct 21: Given Mind of Christ (1Cor 2)

Hearing God (W22 Romans)
Oct 18: Spirit Gives Confident Hope (Rom 15)
Oct 17: Called to Be Living Sacrifice (Rom 12)
Oct 16:No Condemnation for In Christ(Rom8)
Oct 15: God Uses Problems For Good(Rom5)
Oct 14: Gospel Is Power of God At Work (R1)

Hearing God (W21 Acts)
Oct 11: Praising God Releases Power(Acts16)
Oct 10: Seeking God in Fast & Prayer(Acts13)
Oct9:Divine Encounter & Encouragement(A9
Oct 8: Giving Ourselves to Prayer (Acts 6)
Oct 7: Empowered to be Witnesses (Acts1,2)

Hearing God (W20 John)
Oct 4: Christ Prays For Our Unity (Jn 17)
Oct 3: Christ Sends Empowering Spirit(Jn16)
Oct 2: Christ Teaches Abiding In Him (Jn 15)
Oct 1: Christ Gives You Peace (John 14)
Sep 30:Christ Gives Example to Follow(Jn13)

Hearing God (W19 John)
Sep 27: Sheep Listens to Shepherd (Jn 10)
Sep 26: Christ Source of Living Water (Jn 7)
Sep 25: Christ the Bread of Life (Jn 6)
Sep 24: Christ Satisfies Your Longings (Jn 4)
Sep 23: Word Made Home Among Us (Jn 1)

Hearing God (W18: Luke)
Sep20: Join Christ in Seeking the Lost (Lk19)
Sep19:God Answers Persistent Prayers(Lk11)
Sep 18: Listen & Respond to the Word (Lk 8)
Sep 17:Christ’s Followers On Solid Rock(Lk6)
Sep 16: Blessed Because You Believe (Lk 1)

Hearing God (W17: Mark)
Sep 13: Pray In Faith Without Doubt (Mk 11)
Sep 12: Serve Selflessly & Humbly (Mk 8-10)
Sep 11: Believe, Receive & Testify (Mark 5)
Sep 10: Trust God’s Word Wholly (Mark 4)
Sep 9: Seeking God’s Purpose & Will (Mk 1)

Hearing God (W16: Matthew)
Sep 6: Doing Christ’s Assignment (Mt25&28)
Sep 5: Be Humble, Forgiving, Merciful (Mt18)
Sep4:Christ Reveals Kingdom Secrets(Mt13)
Sep 3: Don’t Worry for God Provides (Mt 6)
Sep 2: Be Salt of the Earth (Matt 5)

Hearing God (W15: Minor Prophets)
Aug 30: God Delights to Restore You (Zep 3)
Aug 29: God Will Uphold Promise (Hab 3)
Aug 28: God Has Compassion on Us (Mic 7)
Aug 27: God Redeems Lost Years (Joel 2)
Aug 26: God Loves & Cares For You (Hos 2)

Hearing God (W14: Lam, Ezekiel & Daniel)
Aug 23: God Gives You Revelation (Dan 2)
Aug 22: God Brings Things to Life (Ezek 37)
Aug 21: God Gives You New Heart (Ezek 36)
Aug 20: God Has Message For You (Ezek 3)
Aug 19: God’s Faithfulness Is Great (Lam 3)

Hearing God (W13 Jeremiah)
Aug 16: God Plans Freedom For You (Jer 50)
Aug 15: God Gives You Ready Access (Jer33)
Aug 14:God Bigger Than Yr Problems(Jer 32)
Aug 13: God Has Good Plans For You(Jer 29)
Aug 12: God’s Life Message For You (Jer 1)

Hearing God (W12 Isaiah)
Aug 9: God Desires Us Be Blessing (Isa 58)
Aug 8: God’s Word Not Return Void (Isa 55)
Aug 7: God Cares For You (Isa 46)
Aug 6: God With You through Trials (Isa 43)
Aug 5: God Comforts His People (Isa 40)

Hearing God (W11 Isaiah)
Aug 2: God Strengthens & Directs U (Isa 30)
Aug 1: God Is Merciful & Reliable (Isa 28)
Jul 31: God Will Keep His Promises (Isa 7)
Jul 30: God Shows & then Calls You (Isa 6)
Jul 29: God Makes You White As Snow (Isa 1)

Hearing God (W10 Proverbs & Ecclesiastes)
Jul 26: God on A Time for Everything (Eccl 3)
Jul 25: God Gives Hope for Future (Prov 23)
Jul 24: God Directs Your Plans (Prov 16)
Jul 23: A Timely Word from the Lord(Prov 15)
Jul 22: Trust In the Lord (Prov 3)

Hearing God (W9 Psalms Book 4-5)
Jul 19: God Knows & Cares For You (Ps 139)
Jul 18: God’s Light for Your Path (Ps 119)
Jul 17: God Helps His People (Ps 107)
Jul 16: God Blesses You with Benefits(Ps103)
Jul 15: God Shields & Protects You (Ps 91)

Hearing God (W8 Psalms Book 2-3)
Jul 12: Listen & Follow the Lord (Psa 81)
Jul 11:God Is Your Shelter & Strength(Psa 73)
Jul 10: God Bears Burdens & Give Rest(Ps55)
Jul 9: Be Still for God Is Your Refuge (Psa 46)
Jul 8: Thirsting For & Hoping In God (Psa 42)

Hearing God (W7 Psalms Book 1)
Jul 5: Delight & Trust in the Lord (Psa 37)
Jul 4: Trust Word of Truth & Power (Psa 33)
Jul 3: God Cares For Those Who Pray (P32)
Jul 2: Come & Move From Fear to Faith (P27)
Jul 1: The Lord Shows Way of Life (Psa 16)

Hearing God (W6 Ezra, Nehemiah & Job)
Jun28:Trust God Knows What’s Best(Job38)
Jun 27: Coming Forth as Gold (Job 23)
Jun 26: God Put His Word in Yr Heart(Neh 2)
Jun 25: Being Stirred by the Spirit (Neh 1)
Jun 24: Power of Fasting & Prayer (Ezra 8)

Hearing God (W5 Kings & Chronicles)
Jun 21: God Speaks thro Prophets (2Chr 20)
Jun20:Asking & Hearing Before Doing(1C14)
Jun 19: Be Bold to Seek & Ask God (1Chr 4)
Jun18:Music Removes Hearing Block(2Kgs3)
Jun 17: Alert to Varied Voice of God(1Kgs 19)

Hearing God (W4 Josh, Judges & Samuel)
Jun 14: Lord Sent Someone to Tell (2Sam 12)
Jun 13: When God Says No to You (2Sam 7)
Jun 12: Listen for the Lord Speaks (1Sam 3)
Jun 11: Lord With You to Save You (Jdgs 6)
Jun 10: Be Strong & Courageous (Josh 1)

Hearing God (W3 Numbers & Deuteronomy)
Jun 7: Call for Commitment to God (Deut 30)
Jun 6:Be Reminded of God’s Word(Deut5-6)
Jun 5: Accept & Trust God’s Voice (Deut 4)
Jun 4: Don’t Rebel, Don’t Be Afraid (Num 14)
Jun 3: Guidance for Life Challenges (Num 9)

Hearing God (W2 Exodus)
May31:Follow God’s Direction Patiently(E40)
May 30: Meeting Presence of God (Exo 33)
May 29: Hear Carefully What He Said (Ex Up
May 28: Moving With God’s Direction (Ex 12)
May 27: Hear God Will Provide Needs (Ex 3)

Hearing God (W1 Genesis)
May 24: God Can Tell You Solution (Gen 41)
May 23: Focus on Promised Vision (Gen 37)
May 22: God Can po Do Anything (Gen 18)
May 21: Call to Journey Faith (Gen 12)
May 20: Drawing oNear to Hear (Gen 3)

Thanking God thro Scripture (Series 5)
20 Weeks ( 1 Jan 2019 to 17 May 2019)
Thanking God (W20 Peter, 1 John & Rev)
May 17:Thank God for All Things New(Rev21)
May 16: Thk God for Victory over Evil(Rev20)
May 15: Thank God for Forgiveness (1John 1)
May 14 : TG for Enabling Godly Living(2Pet 1)
May 13: Thank God for Living Hope (1 Pet 1)

Thanking God (W19 Hebrews & James)
May 10: Thank God for Help In Trouble (Jas1)
May9:Thk God for Unchanging Word(Heb13)
May 8: Thank God for Renewed Mind(Heb10)
May 7: Thk God for Keeping Promises(Heb6)
May 6: Thank God for Grace & Mercy (Heb4)

Thanking God (W18 Thess & Timothy)
May 3: Thank God for Word of Life (2 Tim 3)
May2:Thank God for His Faithfulness(2Tim2)
May 1: Thank God for Being Patient (1Tim 1)
Apr 30:TG for Establishing Good Work(2Th2)
Apr 29: Thank God for Honoring Faith (1Th 1)

Thanking God (W17 Eph, Phil & Col)
Apr 26:Thk God for Complete In Christ(Col2)
Apr 25: Thk God for Supplying Needs (Phil4)
Apr 24: Thk God for Spiritual Armour (Eph6)
Apr 23: Thank God for Empowerment (Eph3)
Apr22:Thk God for Spiritual Blessings(Eph 1)

Thanking God (W16 Corinthians & Galatians)
Apr 19: Thank God for Spiritual Fruit (Gal 5)
Apr 18:TG for Strength In Weakness(2Cor12)
Apr 17:Thank God for Secured Hope(1Cor15)
Apr 16: Thank God for Spiritual Gifts (1C14)
Apr 15: Tk God for Providing Way Out (1C10)

Thanking God (W15 Acts & Romans)
Apr12:Tk God for Overflowing Hope(Rom15)
Apr11:Thank God for Transformation(Rom12)
Apr 10: Thank God for Freedom fr Sin(Rom3)
Apr 9: Thank God for Being Near (Acts 17)
Apr 8: Thank God for Power Source (Acts 2)

Thanking God (W14 John)
Apr 5: Thank God for Intercession (Jn 17)
Apr 4: Thank God for Helper Spirit (Jn 16)
Apr 3: Thank God for Being Shepherd (Jn10)
Apr 2: Thank God for Bread of Life (Jn 6)
Apr 1: Thank God for Giving Eternal Life(Jn3)

Thanking God (W13 Luke)
Mar 29: Thk God for Caring Disciples (Lk 22)
Mar 28: Thk God for Seeking the Lost (Lk 19)
Mar 27: Thk God for Witness Authority(Lk10)
Mar 26:Tk God for Caring Those In Need(L5)
Mar 25: Thk God for Nothing Impossible(Lk1)

Thanking God (W12 Matt & Mark)
Mar22:Thank God for Honouring Faith(Mk11)
Mar 21:TG for Jesus Always With Us(Mt 28)
Mar 20: Thank God for Providing Rest (Mt 11)
Mar 19: Tk God for Rewarding Seekers (Mt 7)
Mar 18:Tk God for Providing Our Needs(Mt6)

Thanking God (W11 Prophets)
Mar 15: TG for Redeeming the Time (Joel 2)
Mar 14: TG for Bringing Things to Life (Ez37)
Mar 13: Thank God for Direct Access (Jer33)
Mar 12: Thank God for Good Plans (Jer 29)
Mar 11: Thank God for Being Healer (Jer17)

Thanking God (W10 Isaiah)
Mar 8:Thk God for Beauty from Ashes(Isa61)
Mar 7: Thank God for Caring You (Isa 46)
Mar 6: Thk God for Helping the Weak (Isa40)
Mar 5: Thank God for Giving Peace (Isa 26)
Mar 4: Thk God for Giving Good News (Isa 9)

Thanking God (W9 Wisdom Books)
Mar 01: TG for Work & Retirement (Eccl 5)
Feb 28: Thank God for Best Friends (Eccl 4)
Feb 27: Thank God for Future Hope (Prov23)
Feb 26: TG for Hearing Our Prayer (Prov 15)
Feb 25: TG for Benefits of Trusting (Prov 3)

Thanking God (W8 Psalms Book 5)
Feb 22: Thank God for Saving Us (Ps 145)
Feb21:Thank God for Giving Success(Ps 127)
Feb 20: Thank God for His Protection(Ps121)
Feb 19: Thank God for His Direction (l 119)
Feb 18: Thank God for Being For Me (Ps 118)

Thanking God (W7 Psalms Book 3 & 4)
Feb 15: Thank God for His Benefits (Ps 103)
Feb 14: Thank God for His Goodness (Ps100)
Feb 13: Thank God for Being Shield (Ps 91)
Feb 12: Thank God for His Miracles (Psa 77)
Feb 11: Thank God for Being Shelter (Ps 73)

Thanking God (W6 Psalms Book 2)
Feb 8: TG for Satisfying Longing Soul (Ps63)
Feb 7: TG for Having A Plan For Me (Ps 57)
Feb 6: Thank God for Bearing Burdens (P55)
Feb 5: Thank God for Being Refuge (Ps 46)
Feb 4: Thk God for Giving Our Desires (P37)

Thanking God (W5 Psalms Book 1)
Feb 1: TG for Freeing Us From Fears (Ps 34)
Jan 31: TG for Being My Hiding Place (Ps32)
Jan 30: TG for Being My Shepherd (Ps 23)
Jan 29: Thank God Whom I Can Trust (Ps18)
Jan 28: TG for Promising Fruitfulness (Ps 1)

Thanking God (W4 Kings & Chronicles)
Jan 25: TG for Fighting Our Battle (2Chr 20)
Jan 24: TG for Watching Over Us (2Chr 16)
Jan 23: TG for What He Has Done (1Chr 16)
Jan 22:TG for Answering Prayer(2Kgs 19-20)
Jan 21:Thk God for Giving Wisdom(1Kgs3-4)

Thanking God (W3 Joshua & Samuel)
Jan18:Thk God for His Forgiveness(2Sam 12)
Jan 17: Thk God for Being Deliverer(1Sam 17)
Jan 16: TG for Being Mighty Helper (1Sam 7)
Jan 15:Thk God for Keeping Promises(Jos21)
Jan 14: Thank God for Being With Us (Jos 1)

Thanking God (W2 Deuteronomy)
Jan11:Thank God for Being Our Rock(Deu32)
Jan10:Thank God for Being Restorer(Deu30)
Jan 9:Thank God for His Faithfulness(Deut7)
Jan 8: Thank God for Our Family (Deut 6)
Jan 7: Thank God for His Provision (Deut 2)

Thanking God (W1 Genesis & Exodus)
Jan 4: Thank God for Giving Strength(Ex15)
Jan 3: Thank God for Purpose In Life (Ex 9)
Jan 2: Thank God for Gift of Life (Gen 1-2)
Jan 1: Thanking God thro Scripture (1Ths 5)

Seeking God thro Gospel Truths (Series 4)
11 Weeks (13 Oct 2018 to 31 Dec 2018)
Gospel Truths (W11 John)
Dec 31: Gospel Truths Roundup
Dec 30: Christ Redirects & Refocus Us(Jn21)
Dec 29: Christ Teaches Blind Faith (Jn 20)
Dec 28:Christ Models Finishing Mission(J19)
Dec 27: Christ Cares for Failures (Jn 18)
Dec 26: Christ’s Intercessory Prayer (Jn 17)
Dec 25: Christ Promises Helper Spirit (Jn 16)
Dec 24: Christ Teaches Abiding In Him(Jn15)

Gospel Truths (W10 John)
Dec 23:Christ Promises & Gives Peace(Jn14)
Dec 22: Christ Models Humility & Love(Jn13)
Dec 21:Christ Models Glorifying Father(Jn12)
Dec 20: Christ the Resurrection & Life (Jn 11)
Dec 19: Christ the Good Shepherd (Jn 10)
Dec 18: Christ Teaches Power of God (Jn 9)
Dec 17: Christ the Light of tfhe World (Jn 8)

Gospel Truths (W9 John)
Dec 16: Christ Source of Living Water (Jn 7)
Dec 15:Christ the Bread of Life (John 6)
Dec 14: Christ Models Following Father (Jn5)
Dec 13: Christ Satisfies Deep Longings (Jn4)
Dec 12: Christ Given for Eternal Life (Jn 3)
Dec 11:Christ Turns Lack to Abundance(Jn2)
Dec 10: Christ Reveals the Father (John 1)

Gospel Truths (W8 Luke)
Dec9:Christ’s Presence thro Holy Spirit(L24)
Dec 8: Christ Models Forgiveness (Lk 23)
Dec 7: Christ Cares for His Disciples (Lk22)
Dec 6: Christ Is Coming Again ! (Luke 21)
Dec 5: Christ Subj to Man’s Treachery (Lk20)
Dec 4: Christ Came to Seek the Lost (Lk 19)
Dec 3: Christ Teaches Childlike Faith (Lk 18)

Gospel Truths (W7 Luke)
Dec 2: Christ Teaches Prayer of Faith (Lk 17)
Dec 1: Christ Teaches Faithfulness (Lk 16)
Nov 30: Christ Models Compassion (Lk 14)
Nov29:Christ’s Patience Calls Response(L13)
Nov 28: Christ Teaches Being Ready (Lk 12)
Nov 27: Christ Teaches Persistence (Lk 11)
Nov 26:Christ Gives Witness Authority(Lk10)
Nov 25: Christ’s Word to be Believed (Lk 9)

Gospel Truths (W6 Luke)
Nov 24: Christ’s Word to be Responded(Lk8)
Nov 23: Christ Teaches Gratefulness (Lk 7)
Nov 22: Christ Urges Firm Foundation (Lk 6)
Nov 21: Christ Cares for those In Need (Lk 5)
Nov 20: Christ With Authority For Us (Lk 4)
Nov 19: Christ’s Obedience to Father (Lk 2)
Nov 18: Christ Teaches Faith In God (Lk 1)

Gospel Truths (W5 Matthew)
Nov 17: Just Trust and Obey (Mark & Matt)
Nov 16: Go and Make Disciples ! (Matt 28)
Nov 15: Obey the Father’s Will (Matt 26)
Nov 14: Do God’s Assigned Tasks (Mt 25)
Nov13: Be Ready for Lord’s Return (Mt 24)
Nov 12:Don’t Be Prideful, Be Authentic(M23)
Nov 11: Seek & Love His Kingdom (Mt 22)
Nov 10: Trust & Obey In Action (Matt 21)

Gospel Truths (W4 Matthew)
Nov 9: Have Mindset of a Servant (Matt 20)
Nov 8: Be Trusting & Eternal Minded (Mt 19)
Nov 7: Be Humble, Forgiving, Merciful (Mt18)
Nov 6: Have Faith Nothing Impossible (Mt17)
Nov 5: Seek God’s Revelation & View (Mt 16)
Nov4:Seek Justice, Treasure & Will(Mt12-15)
Nov 3: Come & Receive God’s Rest (Matt 11)

Gospel Truths (W3 Matthew)
Nov 2: Don’t Worry for God Cares (Mt 10)
Nov 1: Be Merciful Be Compassionate (Mt 9)
Oct 31: Kingdom Mission By Faith (Matt 8)
Oct 30: Don’t Be Judgmental (Matt 7)
Oct 29: Pray, Forgive & Seek First (Matt 6)
Oct 28:Be Merciful, Be Light, Be Perfect(M5)
Oct 27: Arrival of Prophesied King (Matt 1-4)

Gospel Truths (W2 Mark)
Oct 26: Obedience to Father’s Will(Mk14-16)
Oct 25: Lord Is Coming Back Soon? (Mk 13)
Oct24:Love the Lord Wholeheartedly(Mk12)
Oct 23:Pray Without Doubt Nor Grudge(M11)
Oct 22 Trust God & Pray In Faith (Mark 10)
Oct 21: Don’t Doubt but Pray In Faith (Mk 9)
Oct 20: Follow Christ who Meet Needs(Mk8)

Gospel Truths (W1 Mark)
Oct 19: Be Inwardly Sincere & Humble (Mk 7)
Oct 18: Be Caring & Compassionate (Mk 6)
Oct 17: Don’t Be Afraid; Only Believe (Mk 5)
Oct 16: Be Wholehearted & Trusting (Mk 4)
Oct 15: Put the Lord In Top Priority (Mk 3)
Oct 14: Be People of Faith In God (Mk 2)
Oct 13: Seek God’s Purpose & Will (Mk 1)

Imploring God thro His Promises (Series 3)
48 Weeks (14 Nov 2017 to 12 Oct 2018)
Promises of God (W48 Revelation)
Oct 12: God Promises All Things New(Rev21)
Oct 11: God Promises Victory Over Evil(R20)
Oct 10: God Great & Marvellous (Rev 15)
Oct 9: God Longs to be Close to U (Rev 3)
Oct 8: God Made U Royal Priest (Rev 1)

Promises of God (W47 1 John)
Oct 5: God Keeps U From Stumbling (Jude)
Oct 4: God Listens When You Pray (1 Jn 5)
Oct 3: God Gives You Ability to Love (1 Jn 4)
Oct 2:God Promises You’ll Be Like Him(1Jn3)
Oct 1: God Promises Forgiveness (1 Jn 1)

Promises of God (W46 1&2 Peter)
Sep 28: God Is Kind & Patient to All (2 Pet 3)
Sep 27: Lord Enables Godly Living (2 Pet 1)
Sep26:God’s Eyes on those Doing Right(1P3
Sep 25: God Sets You Free In Christ (1Pet 2)
Sep 24: God Gives You Living Hope (1Pet 1)

Promises of God (W45 James)
Sep 21: God Answers Prayers of Faith (Jas 5)
Sep 20: God Wants to Draw Near to U(Jas 4)
Sep 19: God Grants You Wisdom (Jas 3)
Sep 18: God Wants to Befriend You (Jas 2)
Sep 17: God Helps in times of Trouble (Jas 1)

Promises of God (W44 Hebrews)
Sep 14: God Will Never Forsake You (Heb 13)
Sep 13: Christ Finisher of Your Faith (Heb 12)
Sep 12: God Honours Your Faith (Heb 11)
Sep 11: God Changes Your Mindset (Heb 10)
Sep 10: God Gives Access & Freedom(Heb9)

Promises of God (W43 Hebrews)
Sep 7: Christ Gives Better Covenant (Heb 8)
Sep 6: Christ Interceding For You (Heb 7)
Sep 5: God Keep His Promises (Heb 6)
Sep 4:God Welcomes U to His Throne(Heb4)
Sep 3: Assurances of Joy, Fullness & Faith

Promises of God (W42 Second Timothy)
Aug 31: God Desires Holy Living (Tit 2)
Aug 30: God Stands By the Faithful (2Tim 4)
Aug 29: God Gives Us Word of Life (2Tim 3)
Aug 28: God Remains Faithful to U (2Tim 2)
Aug 27: God Helps You To Do Right (2Tim 1)

Promises of God (W41 First Timothy)
Aug 24: God Desires Grace in Family(Philem)
Aug 23: G Desires U Be Eternal Minded(1T6)
Aug 22: God Desires Goodness (1Tim 4)
Aug 21: God Desires Peace & Unity (1Tim 2)
Aug 20: God Is Patient Towards You (1Tim 1)

Promises of God (W40 Thessalonians)
Aug 17:God Will Protect His Servants(2Ths3)
Aug 16: God Establishes Good Work (2Ths2)
Aug 15:God Enables U Worthy of Call(2Ths1)
Aug 14: God Will Sanctify You (1Thess 5)
Aug 13: God Honours Your Faith (1Thess 1)

Promises of God (W39 Colossians)
Aug10:God Hears Intercessory Prayer(Col4
Aug 9: God Gives Power of New Life (Col 3)
Aug 8: You Are Complete In Christ (Col2)
Aug 7: Christ Jesus Living In You (Col 1)
Aug 6: Appealing God thro NT Promises

Promises of God (W38 Philippians)
Aug 3: God Supplies Your Need (Phil 4)
Aug 2: God Grants You Peace (Phil 4) pt
Aug 1: God Helps You Press On (Phil 3)
Jul 31: God Gives Power to Obey (Phil 2)
Jul 30: God Completes Good Work (Phil 1)

Promises of God (W37 Ephesians)
Jul 27: God Provides Spiritual Armour (Eph6)
Jul 26: God Enables Spirit Filled Life (Eph 5)
Jul 25: God Loves & Empowers You (Eph 3)
Jul 24:God Empowers U for Good Works(E2)
Jul 23: God Reveals Wonderful Plan (Eph 1)

Promises of God (W36 Galatians)
Jul 20: God Promises We Shal Reap (Gal 6)
Jul 19: God Gives U Spiritual Fruit (Gal 5)
Jul 18: God Frees Us To Serve (Gal 5)
Jul 17: God Adopts You As His Child (Gal 4)
Jul 16: Christ Living in Me (Gal 2)

Promises of God (W35 Second Corinthians)
Jul 13: God’s Power In Yr Weakness (2C12)
Jul 12: God Provides You Armour (2Cor 10)
Jul 11: God Empowers U In Afflictions(2Cor4)
Jul 10: God Will Enable You (2Cor 3)
Jul 9: God Will Comfort You (2Cor 1)

Promises of God (W34 First Corinthians)
Jul 6: Your Labour Is Not In Vain (1Cor 15)
Jul 5: God Promises Spiritual Gifts(1C12/14)
Jul 4: G Protects U In Temptation (1Cor 10)
Jul 3: God’s Spirit Leads You (1Cor 2)
Jul 2: Appealing God thro NT Promises

Promises of God (W33 Romans)
Jun 29: God Overflows You with Hope (R15)
Jun 28: God Will Transform You (Rom 12)
Jun 27:Holy Spirit Helps In Yr Distresses (R8)
Jun 26: God Uses Problems to Shape U (R5)
Jun 25: God Frees You From Sin (Rom 3)

Promises of God (W32 Acts)
Jun 22: God Is Always Near You (Acts17)
Jun 21:Praising God Releases Power(Acts16)
Jun 20: God Acts When We Pray (Acts 13)
Jun 19:Christ Gives Us Power Source(Acts 2)
Jun18:Christ Made Us His Witnesses(Acts 1)

Promises of God (W31 John)
Jun 15: Christ Intercedes For You (Jn 17)
Jun 14: Christ Wants You to be Fruitful(Jn15)
Jun 13: Christ Gives You Peace (Jn 14)
Jun 12: Christ Honours His Followers (Jn 12)
Jun 11: Christ Will Take Care of You (Jn 10)

Promises of God (W30 John)
Jun 8: God Sets You Free In Christ (Jn 8)
Jun 7: Christ Our Bread of Life (Jn 6)
Jun 6: God Satisfies Your Longings (Jn 4)
Jun 5: God Gives You Eternal Life (Jn 3)
Jun 4: Appealing God thro NT Promises

Promises of God (W29 Luke)
Jun1:Christ Urges Prayer & Not Give Up(L18)
May 31: God Favours the Ready (Luke 12)
May 30: God Loves Persistent Prayer (Lk 11)
May 29: God Gives You Authority (Lk 10)
May 28: God of the Impossible (Lk 1)

Promises of God (W28 Mark)
May 25: God Answers Prayers of Faith(Mk11)
May 24: God Will Enable & Reward U (Mk 10)
May 23: God of Yr Desired Outcome (Mk 9)
May 22: Christ Our Bread of Life (Mark 8)
May 21: God’s Help to Fight Temptation(Mk1)

Promises of God (W27 Matthew)
May 18: Lord Jesus With U Always (Matt 28)
May 17:Christ Promises His Return(Matt 24)
May 16:God Answers Prayers of Faith(Mt21)
May 15: God Exalts His Servants (Matt 20)
May14:God Blesses Prayer Agreement(M18

Promises of God (W26 Matthew)
May 11: Nothing Impossible With God (Mt 17)
May 10: God Gives Direction (Matt 14)
May 9: God Promises Rest to You (Matt 11)
May 8:God Blesses Those Who Believe(Mt8)
May 7:God Rewards Those Who Seek (Mt7)

Promises of God (W25 Matthew)
May 4: God Will Provide Your Needs (Mt 6)
May 3:G Blesses those Depend on Him(Mt5)
May 2: God’s Word Keeps U from Sin (Mt 4)
May 1: God Is Always With You (Matt 1)
Apr 30: Imploring God thro His Promises

Promises of God (W24 Minor Prophets)
Apr 27: God Saves & Rejoices Over U (Zep3)
Apr 26: God Is Your Strength (Hab 3)
Apr 25: God Brings U Out of Darkness (Mic7)
Apr 24: God Will Redeem the Time (Joel 2)
Apr 23: God’s Hedge of Protection (Hos 2)

Promises of God (W23 Ezekiel)
Apr 20: God Gives You Revelation (Dan 2)
Apr 19: God Brings Dead Things to Life (E37)
Apr 18: God Moves You In the Spirit (Ez 36)
Apr 17: God Gives You New Heart (Ezek 11)
Apr 16: God’s Faithfulness Is Great (Lam 3)

Promises of God (W22 Jeremiah)
Apr 13: God’s Pte Phone Number (Jer 33)
Apr 12: God Bigger Than Problems (Jer 32)
Apr 11: God Promises Good Plans (Jer 29)
Apr 10: God Blesses & Heals You (Jer 17)
Apr 9: God Shows You Good Paths (Jer 6)

Promises of God (W21 Isaiah)
Apr 6: God Acts for Those Who Wait (Isa 64)
Apr 5: God Turns Ashes to Beauty (Isa 61)
Apr 4: God’s Words Hold Good (Isa 59)
Apr3:God Refreshes & Gives Courage(Isa57)
Apr 2: God’s Promises Will be Fulfilled(Isa55)

Promises of God (W20 Isaiah)
Mar 30: God Turns Sorrow to Joy (Isa 54)
Mar 29: God Sustains You (Isa 46)
Mar 28: God Helps U thro Trouble (Isa 43)
Mar 27: God Helps the Weak (Isa 40)
Mar 26: God Strengthens You (Isa 30)

Promises of God (W19 Isaiah)
Mar 23: God Is Absolutely Reliable (Isa 28)
Mar 22: God Gives Peace (Isa 26)
Mar 21: God Gives Everything U Need (Isa 9)
Mar 20: God Keeps His Promises (Isa 7)
Mar 19: God Is On the Throne (Isa 6)

Promises of God (W18 Proverbs)
Mar 16: God Guarantees Yr Future (Prov 23)
Mar 15: God Who Directs Your Plans(Prov16)
Mar 14: G Hears Righteous’ Prayer (Prov 15)
Mar 13: G Rewards Who Seek & Wait (Prov8)
Mar 12: God Directs As U Seek Him (Prov 3)

Promises of God (W17 Psalm Book 5)
Mar 9: God the Promise Keeper (Ps 146)
Mar 8: God Is Merciful & Will Save U (Ps 145)
Mar 7: God Brings U Thro Trouble (Ps 144)
Mar 6: God You Can Count On (Ps 141)
Mar 5: God Knows & Cares for You (Ps 139)

Promises of God (W16 Psalm Book 5)
Mar 2: God Promises With His Name (Ps138)
Mar 1: God Builds & Gives Rest (Ps 127)
Feb28:God Restores & Gives Harvest(P126
Feb 27: God Helps & Protects Us (Ps121)
Feb 26: God Who Answers Prayers (Ps 120)

Promises of God (W15 Psalm Book 5)
Feb 23:God’s Word Directs Your Path(Ps119)
Feb 22: God Brings You Thro Trouble (Ps118)
Feb 21: God Hears Your Prayers (Ps 116)
Feb20:God’s Faithfulness Is Dependable(108
Feb 19: God Helps His People (Ps 107)

Promises of God (W14 Psalm Book 4)
Feb 16: God’s Plan Never Fails (Ps 105)
Feb 15: God Blesses His People (Ps 103)
Feb 14: God Cares For Downcast (Ps 102)
Feb 13: God’s Mercy Is Everlasting (Ps 100)
Feb 12: God Shields & Shelters You (Ps 91)

Promises of God (W13 Psalm Book 3)
Feb 9: God Offers His Faithfulness (Ps89)
Feb 8: God Will Bless the Righteous (Ps 84)
Feb 7: God Will Provide Our Needs (Ps 78)
Feb 6: God Is Able to Do Anything (Ps 77)
Feb 5: God Is Your Strength & Shelter (Ps73)

Promises of God (W12 Psalm Book 2)
Feb 2: God Helps Those In Need (Ps 72)
Feb 1: God Cares for the Defenceless (Ps68)
Jan 31: God Satisfies Longing Soul (Ps 63)
Jan 30: God Offers Rest & Refuge (Ps 62)
Jan 29:God Comes to Those Who Wait(P59)

Promises of God (W11 Psalm Book 2)
Jan 26: God Has A Plan For You (Ps 57)
Jan 25: God Is On Your Side (Ps 56) *
Jan 24: God Gives Rest/Bears Burdens(P55)
Jan 23: God Gives Joy of Clean Heart (Ps 51)
Jan 22: God Is Our Refuge (Ps 46)

Promises of God (W10 Psalm Book 1)
Jan 19: God Delivers Those Who Wait (P40)
Jan 18: God Blesses When You Trust (Ps 37)
Jan 17: God Hears & Delivers You (Ps 34)
Jan 16: God Watches Over You (Ps 32)
Jan 15: God Is Good & Upright (Ps 25)

Promises of God (W9 Psalm Book 1)
Jan12:God Provides,Guides & Protects(P23)
Jan 11: God Gives Strength & Security (P18)
Jan 10: God Gives Supernatural Joy (Ps 16)
Jan 9: God Is Your Place of Shelter (Ps 9)
Jan 8: God Promises Fruitfulness (Ps 1)

Promises of God (W8 2 Chronicles)
Jan 5: God Is On Your Side (2C32)
Jan 4: God Helps the Overwhelmed (2C20)
Jan 3: God Delivers When We Pray (2C18)
Jan 2: God Strengthens Committed (2C16)
Jan 1: God Hears Our Prayer (2C7)

Promises of God (W7 1 Chronicles)
Dec 29: God Is Your Source (1C29)
Dec 28: God Is With You (1C28)
Dec 27: God Does More Than U Imagine (17)
Dec 26: God Gives Instructions (1C14)
Dec 25: God Answers Bold Prayer (1C4)

Promises of God (W6 Kings)
Dec 22: A God Who Rescues (2K13)
Dec 21: God’s Strength Is Greater (2K6)
Dec 20: God Who Acts (1K18)
Dec 19:God Provides for His Servants(1K17)
Dec 18: God Fulfils His Declared Plan (1K8)

Promises of God (W5 Samuel)
Dec 15: God Will Make You Secure (2S22)
Dec 14: Lord Is Your Strength (1S30:6)
Dec 13: God Delivers Faithful fr Shame(1S21)
Dec 12: Our Mighty Helper (1S7)
Dec 11: God Cares About You (1S1)

Promises of God (W4 Joshua)
Dec 8: God Loves Impossible Odds (Jdgs 7)
Dec 7: Mighty One Is For Us (J22)
Dec 6: Obedience Brings Victory (J6)
Dec 5: God’s Deeds Build Faith (J4)
Dec 4: God’s Presence Gives Courage (J1)

Promises of God (W3 Deuteronomy)
Dec 01: The Lord My Shield (D33)
Nov 30: God Goes Before You (D31)
Nov 29: God Is The Source of Wealth (D8)
Nov 28: The Faithful God (D7)
Nov 27: The God Who Rules (D3)

Promises of God (W2 Exodus)
Nov 24: The Lord Who Sanctifies (E31)
Nov 23: The Lord Will Help U Press On (E16)
Nov 22: The Lord Who Cover & Protect (E17)
Nov 21: God Who Heals (E15)
Nov 20: God Who Meet Our Needs (E3)

Promises of God (W1 Genesis)
Nov 17: God’s Sovereign Control (G50)
Nov 16: God is Able to Do Anything (G18)
Nov 15: Following God’s Calling (G12)
Nov 14: Walking With God (G5)
Nov 13: Imploring God thro His Promises

Praising God thro Classic Hymns (Series 2)
16 Weeks (24 July 2017 to 10 Nov 2017)
Praising God (W16 Selection)
Nov10: All Hail t Power of Jes’ Name (Rev19)
Nov 9: Victory in Jesus (1 Jn 5:4-5)
Nov 8: We Shall Overcome (1 John 5:2-5)
Nov 7: Pass It On (2Tim 2:1-3)
Nov 6: God of Grace & G of Glory (2Tim1:7)

Praising God (W15 Selection)
Nov 3: I Have Decided to Follow (Lk 9:58)
Nov 2: At Calvary (Jn 19:14-20)
Nov 1: In the Sweet By and By (Jn 14:1-3)
Oct 31: Jesus Loves Me (John 3:16-17)
Oct 30: Lamb of God (Jn 1:29-34)

Praising God (W14 Selection)
Oct 27: O Master Let Me Walk (Eph 5:1-2)
Oct26:When I Survey t W Cross(Phil3:8-9)
Oct 25: Jesus Paid It All (Isa 1:18-20)
Oct 24: At the Cross (Isa 53:5-6)
Oct 23: Thy Word (Psa 119:105)

Praising God (W13 Selection)
Oct 20: Seek Ye First (Matt 6:3)
Oct 19: Jesus Calls Us (Matt 4:18-19)
Oct 18: Praise to the Lord (Psa 103:1-2)
Oct 17: Here I Am Lord (Isa 6:1-4)
Oct 16: Come Thou Fount (1Sam 7:12)

Praising God (W12 Selection)
Oct 13: Yesterday Today Forever(Heb13:5-8)
Oct 12: Standing on t Promises (Heb 6:11-15)
Oct 11: Onward Xian Soldiers (2Tim2:2-4)
Oct 10: Joyful Joyful We Adore (Phil 4:4-7)
Oct 9: I Stand Amazed (Rom 11:35-36)

Praising God (W11 Selection)
Oct 6: I Love to Tell the Story (Acts 1:4-8)
Oct 5: In the Garden (Jn 20:12-17)
Oct 4: I’d Rather Have Jesus (Matt16:24-26)
Oct 3: Softly & Tenderly (Matt 11:28-30)
Oct 2: Love Lifted Me (Matt 14:28-31)

Praising God (W10 Selection)
Sep 29: Great is Thy Faithfulness (Lam3:23)
Sep 28: To God Be the Glory (Psa 145:1)
Sep 27: Precious Lord (Psa 73:23)
Sep 26: Abide With Me (Psa 27:4)
Sep 25: Nearer My God to Thee (Gen28:12)

Praising God (W9 Other Letters)
Sep 22: Holy Holy Holy (Rev 4:8-11)
Sep 21: My Hope Is Built (IJn 1:7-9)
Sep 20: Trust & Obey (1Jn 5:1-2)
Sep 19: My Jesus I Love Thee (1Jn 4:19)
Sep 18: More About Jesus (2Pet 1:2-3)

Praising God (W8 Other Letters)
Sep 15: The Old Rugged Cross (1Pet 2:24)
Sep 14: I am Thine O Lord (Jas 5:8)
Sep 13: Faith of Our Fathers (Heb 12:1)
Sep 12: Blessed Assurance (Heb 10:22-23)
Sep 11: O Jesus I Have Promised (Heb 6:12)

Praising God (W7 Paul Letters)
Sep 08: Christ For the World We Sing (Rom1)
Sep 07: Channels Only (2Tim 3:21)
Sep 06: I Know Whom I Have Believed (2T1)
Sep 05: Take Time to Be Holy (1Th 5:15)
Sep 04: What a Friend we have in Jesus (P4)

Praising God (W6 Paul Letters)
Sep 01: Love Divine, All Love Excelling (P3)
Aug 31: I Surrender All (Phil 3:7-8)
Aug 30: Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus (Col 3)
Aug 29: Sweet Hour of Prayer (Eph 6:18)
Aug 28: Stand Up Stand Up for Jesus (Eph6)

Praising God (W5 Paul Letters)
Aug 25: Blest Be the Tie That Binds (Eph 4)
Aug 24: Amazing Grace (Eph 2)
Aug 23: Take My Life & Let It Be (Rom 12)
Aug 22: And Can It Be (Rom 8)
Aug 21: It is Well with My Soul (Rom 5)

Praising God (W4 John Gospel)
Aug 18: I’ve Found a Friend (John 15)
Aug 17: ‘Tis so Sweet to Trust in Jesus (Jn14)
Aug 16: Shepherd Like a Savior Lead us (J10)
Aug 15: Wonderful Words of Life (oJohn 6)
Aug 14: Just As I Am (John 6)

Praising God (W3 Prophets)
Aug 11: Give of Yr Best to the Master (Mal 3)
Aug 10: There Is A Fountain (Zech 13)
Aug 9: Have Thine Own Way Lord (Jer 18)
Aug 8: Guide Me O Thou Great Jeh (Isa 58)
Aug 7: How Great Thou Art (Isa 40)

Praising God (W2 Psalms)
Aug 4: Open My Eyes That I May See (P119)
Aug 3: Be Not Dismayed (Psa 91)
Aug 2: Just A Closer Walk With Thee (P86)
Aug 1: I Need Thee Every Hour (Psa 86)
Jul 31: Rock of Ages (Psa 62)

Praising God (W1 Psalms)
Jul 28: All the Way My Saviour Leads (P48)
Jul 27: This is My Father’s World (Psa 33)
Jul 26: He Leadeth Me (Psa 31)
Jul 25: The Lord’s My Shepherd (Psa 23)
Jul 24: Be Thou My Vision (Psa 16)

Knowing God thro His Names (Series 1)
15 Weeks (10 April 2017 to 21 Jul 2017)
Knowing God (W15 What God Has Done)
Jul 21: Presence of the Lord
Jul 20: Shield, Rock & Refuge
Jul 19: Provider, Healer & Shepherd
Jul 18: Righteousness, Peace & Joy
Jul 17: Saviour, Redeemer & Deliverer

Knowing God (W14 Who God Is)
Jul 14: Father, Son & Holy Spirit
Jul 13: Lord, Master & King
Jul 12: Perfectly All Loving God
Jul 11: Holy, Truthful & Sanctifying God
Jul 10: Strong, Almighty, Creator God

Knowing God (W13 Prophets)
Jul 7: Son of God, Huios Tou Theou (Mt 16)
Jul 6: God on High, Elohei Marom (Mic 6)
Jul 5: Most High God, El Elyon (Dan 3)
Jul4: Lord Is There Jehovah Shammah(Ez48)
Jul3: G Recompense Jeh El Gemuwal(Jer51)

Knowing God (W12 Isaiah & Jeremiah)
Jun 30: Lord Righteous Jeh Tsidkenu (Jer23)
Jun29:God is Near Elohei Mikkarov (Jer 33)
Jun28:Lord Redeemer Jehov Goelekh(Isa60)
Jun27:Lord Saviour Jehovah Moshiekh(Is40)
Jun 26: Light to the Nations Or Goyim(Isa42)

Knowing God (W11 Isaiah)
Jun 23: The Holy One, Kadosh (Isa 40)
Jun 22: Prince of Peace Sar Shalom (Isa 9)
Jun21:Wonderful Counsellor Peleh Yoetz(Is9
Jun 20: God With Us, Immanuel (Isa 7)
Jun 19: Branch of Lord Jeh Tsemach (Isa 4)

Knowing God (W10 Psalm Book 3-5)
Jun16: God My Praise Elohim Tahillati(Ps109)
Jun 15: God Who Forgives El Nose (Ps99)
Jun 14: Lord King Jehov Ha-Malech (Ps 98)
Jun 13: Lord My Refuge Jehov Machsi (Ps91)
Jun12: L Our Defense Jeh Maginnenu (Ps89)

Knowing God (W9 Psalm Book 2)
Jun 09: God My King, Eli Maelekhi (Ps68:24)
Jun 08 : Father, Ab (Ps 68:5)
Jun7: G of Refuge Elo Machase Lanu (Ps62)
Jun 6: G of Lovingkind Elohim Chasdi (Ps59)
Jun 5: God of Mercy Elohe Chaseddi (Ps59)

Knowing God (W8 Psalm Book 2)
Jun 2: God My Help, Elohim Ozer Li (Ps 54)
Jun 1: God My Salvation Elohe Toshu (Ps51)
May31:Everlasting God Elohenu Olam(Ps 48)
May30:God Exceed Joy El Simchath Gili(P43
May 29: God of My Life El Hayyay (Ps 42)

Knowing God (W7 Psalm Book 1)
May 26: Lord of Truth Jeh El Emeth (Ps 31)
May 25: God of Glory El Hakabodh (Ps 29)
May 24: Lord My Light Jehovah Ori (Ps 27)
May23:Lord Mighty Jeh Gibbor Milcham(P24
May 22: Lord My Shepherd Jeh Rohi (Ps23)

Knowing God (W6 2Sam & Psalm B1)
May 19: Lord Save, Jehovah Hoshiah (Ps 20)
May18:Lord My Deliverer Jeh Mephalti(Ps18)
May17:G of Righteousness Elohe Tsadeki(P4
May 16: God My Rock El Sali (2Sam 22)
May15:G My Strength Elohei Ma’uzzi(2Sam)

Knowing God (W5 Judges & 1Sam)
May 12:Lord of Hosts, Jehov Tsaba (1Sam17)
May 11: Spirit of God Ruach Elohim (1Sam10)
May 10: Lord Judge Jehov Hasophet (Jdg11) May 9: Lord Our Peace Jeh Shalom (Jdg 6)
May 8: Lord Is With U Jehov Immeka (Jdg6)

Knowing God (W4 Joshua)
May 5: Holy God Elohim Kedoshim (Jos 24)
May4:Mighty One El Elohim Jehovah(Jos22)
May 3: L of All Earth Jeh Adon Kol AR (Jos3)
May 2: Living God Elohim Chayim (Jos 10)
May1:G in Heaven Elohim Bashamayim(Jos2)

Knowing God (W3 Deuteronomy)
Apr 28: Lord My Shield Jeho Magen (Deu33)
Apr 27:God of gods Elohei Haelohim (Deu10)
Apr 26 The Faithful God El Emunah (Deut 7)
Apr 25: Consuming Fire Esh Oklah (Deut 4)
Apr 24: The Lord Who Rules Adonai (Deut 3)

Knowing God (W2 Exodus)
Apr 21:Lord Sanctifies Jeh Mekaddish (Ex31)
Apr 20:Jealous God Jehovah El Kanna(Ex20)
Apr 19: Lord My Banner Jehovah Nissi (Ex17)
Apr18:Lord Our Healer Jehovah Rapha(Ex15)
Apr17: Eternal All-Sufficient God Ehyeh(Ex3)

Knowing God (W1 Genesis)
Apr 14: Lord Will Provide Jeho Jireh (Gen 22)
Apr 13: Almighty God El Shaddai (Gen 17)
Apr 12: Lord God Most High El Elyon (Gen14)
Apr 11: Relational God Jehovah (Gen 2)
Apr 10: Strong Creator God Elohim (Gen 1)

Adoring God thro Thanksgiving (Series Y)
20 Weeks (21 Nov 2016 to 7 April 2017)
Thanking God (W8 God’s Blessings)
Apr 7: Thanksgiving for His Benefits
Apr 6: Thanksgiving for Job & Projects
Apr 5: Thanksgiving for God’s Provision
Apr 4: Thanksgiving for Created Nature
Apr 3: Thanksgiving for His Blessings

Thanking God (W7 Supporting Relationship)
Mar 31: Thanksgiving for Father’s Nature
Mar 30: Thanksgiving for Holy Spirit
Mar 29: Thanksgiving for Jesus Christ
Mar 28: Thanksgiving for the Church
Mar 27: Thanksgiving for our Family

Thanking God (W6 God’s Care)
Mar 24: Thanksgiving for His Loving Care
Mar 23: Thanksgiving for His Protection
Mar 22: Thanksgiving for Watching Over Us
Mar 21: Thanksgiving for His Refuge
Mar 20: Thanksgiving for His Covering

Thanking God (W5 God’s Leading)
Mar 17: Thanksgiving for God Led Living
Mar 16: Thanksgiving for Spirit Leading
Mar 15: Thanksgiving for Divine Direction
Mar 14: Thanksgiving for Divine Wisdom
Mar 13: Thanksgiving for Word of God

Thanking God (W4 Well-Being & Vitality)
Mar 10: Thanksgiving for Wellness
Mar 9: Thanksgiving for Contentment
Mar 8: Thanksgiving for Gift of Rest
Mar 7: Thanksgiving for Divine Healing
Mar 6: Thanksgiving for Strength of the Lord

Thanking God (W3 Spiritual Assurances)
Mar 3: Thanksgiving for Abundant Life
Mar 2: Thanksgiving for Confident Future
Mar 1: Thanksgiving for Protection
Feb 28: Thanksgiving for His Presence
Feb 27: Thanksgiving for Forgiveness

Thanking God (W2 Spiritual Inheritances)
Feb 24: Thanksgiving for Joy of the Lord
Feb 23: Thanksgiving for Secure Hope
Feb 22: Thanksgiving for Love of the Lord
Feb 21: Thanksgiving for Peace of the Lord
Feb 20: Thanksgiving being Child of God

Thanking God (W1 Eternal Life)
Feb 17: Thanksgiving for Salvation
Feb 16: Thanksgiving for Heavenly Home
Feb 15: Thanksgiving for Bread of Life
Feb 14: Thanksgiving for Gift of Life
Feb 13: Thanksgiving for Another Day
Feb 10: Thanksgiving for Direction
Feb 09: Thanksgiving for His Grace
Feb 08: Thanksgiving for He’s Praiseworthy
Feb 07: Thanksgiving for Caring Provision
Feb 06: Thanksgiving for Instructions

Feb 03: Thanksgiving for Contentment
Feb 02: Thanksgiving for Seeking God
Feb 01: Thanksgiving for Purposeful Life
Jan 31: Thanksgiving for Hope in the Lord
Jan 30: Thanksgiving for Future Assurance

Jan 27: Thanksgiving for His Peace
Jan 26: Thanksgiving for His Covering
Jan 25: Thanksgiving for Relationship
Jan 24: Thanksgiving for Created Nature
Jan 23: Thanksgiving for His Greatness

Jan 20: Thanksgiving for His Strength
Jan 19: Thanksgiving for Amazing Love
Jan 18: Thanksgiving for Creator Master
Jan 17: Thanksgiving for Holy Spirit
Jan 16: Thanksgiving for His Word

Jan 13: Thanksgiving for He’s Given Much
Jan 12: Thanksgiving for being God’s Child
Jan 11: Thanksgiving for Light of the World
Jan 10: Thanksgiving for the Church
Jan 09: Thanksgiving for Christ Presence

Jan 6: Thanksgiving for Prayer Access
Jan 5: Thanksgiving for Job
Jan 4: Thanksgiving for Creation
Jan 3: Thanksgiving for Family
Jan 2: Thanksgiving for Provision

Dec 30: Thanksgiving for His Faithfulness
Dec 29: Thanksgiving for Gift of Salvation
Dec 28: Thanksgiving for Life Provision
Dec 27: Thanksgiving for It’s Right Thing
Dec 26: Thanksgiving for Jesus Christ

Dec 23: Thanksgiving for Family
Dec 22: Thanksgiving for What’s He’s Done
Dec 21: Thanksgiving for Who He Is
Dec 20: Thanksgiving for Everything
Dec 19: Thanksgiving for Forgiveness

Dec 16: Thanksgiving for Guidance
Dec 15: Thanksgiving for Strength
Dec 14: Thanksgiving for Giving Life
Dec 13: Thanksgiving for Watching over us
Dec 12: Thanksgiving for Blessings

Dec 9: Thanksgiving for His Presence
Dec 8: Thanksgiving for His Faithfulness
Dec 7: Thanksgiving for Wisdom
Dec 6: Thanksgiving for Provision
Dec 5: Thanksgiving for Peace

Dec 2: Thanksgiving for Protection
Dec 1: Thanksgiving for His Love
Nov 30: Thanksgiving for His Faithfulness
Nov 29: Thanksgiving for Blessings
Nov 28: Thanksgiving for Caring Watch

Nov 25: Thanksgiving for Joy of the Lord
Nov 24: Thanksgiving for Peace
Nov 23: Thanksgiving for Help/Protection
Nov 22: Thanksgiving for His Goodness
Nov 21: Godliness with Contentment

Relating With God (Series X)
17 Weeks (July to Nov 2016)
Nov 18: Seeking Divine Guidance
Nov 17: Wait Upon the Lord
Nov 16: Seek the Lord
Nov 15: Assemble & Encourage
Nov 14: Seeking Lord’s Presence

Nov 11: We are Not of the World
Nov 10: Depending on God
Nov 9: Putting God First
Nov 8: In the Lord’s Presence
Nov 7: Worship the Lord

Nov 4: Be More Like Christ
Nov 3: Turn to God for Guidance
Nov 2: Thankful Attitude & Grateful Heart
Nov 1: Be an Imitator of God
Oct 31: God’s Word of Instruction

Oct 28: Be Humble before the Lord
Oct 27: Don’t Compromise Walk
Oct 26: Leading Life according to God’s Will
Oct 25: Leading a Good Lifestyle
Oct 24: Come to the Lord for Strength

Oct 21: Confidence through Christ
Oct 20: Set Apart from the world
Oct 19: Promise of Healing
Oct 18: Demonstrate Fruit of the Spirit
Oct 17: Right Attitude at Work

Oct 14: Embrace God’s Will
Oct 13: Share Generously
Oct 12: Be Tender-hearted to each other
Oct 11: Seeking God’s Purpose
Oct 10: Seeking the Lord daily

Oct 8: Wait Upon the Lord
Oct 6: Fear the Lord
Oct 5: Jehovah Jireh My Provider
Oct 4: Joy in the Lord
Oct 3: Hope in the Lord

Sep 30: Be Wary of Greed
Sep 29: Spirit of Power not fear
Sep 28: Holy Spirit our Helper
Sep 27: Be Watchful of Devil
Sep 26: Beware of False Prophets

Sep 25: Protection
Sep 24: Avoid Distractions l
Sep 23: Turn to All Powerful God
Sep 22: Believe All Things Possible
Sep 21: Peace from the Lord
Sep 20: Refrain from Strife

Sep 17: Renewing of Mind
Sep 16: Divine Guidance
Sep 14: Worship in Spirit & Truth
Sep 13: Trust the Lord
Sep 12: Live by Faith

Sep 10: Be Kind to one another (Sep 7)
Sep 9: Divine Direction & Wisdom
Sep 8: Care for One Another
Sep 6: The Lord our Provider
Sep 5: Be Patient with Others

Sep 2: Nil
Sep 1: Divine Protection agst virus
Aug 31: Seek n Walk with the Lord
Aug 30: Live according to God’s Will
Aug 29: Share the Gospel

Aug 26: Have Closer Walk with the Lord
Aug 25: Be Doer of the Word
Aug 24: Abide in the Lord
Aug 23: Nil
Aug 22: Jesus is Above all other names

Aug 18: Set Mind on the Spirit
Aug 17: Obey Lord by Treating others
Aug 16: Obey the Lord’s Commands
Aug 15: The Lord is my Strength

Aug 13: Wisdom
Aug 12: Divine Guidance
Aug 10: Nil
Aug 9: Nil
Aug 8: Overcomes by Faith

Aug 5: Nil
Aug 4: Rest in the Lord
Aug 3: God’s Peace
Aug 2: God’s xxxxxxx
Aug 1: Set Your Mind in the Spirit

Jul 29: Humble before the Lord
Jul 26: Seek n Wait upon the Lord


Praying thro Psalm 42-49 (Oct 13)

Be Still & Know that I Am God

The 2nd book of Psalms (42-72),
is similar to Exodus, describing
Israel as ruined and then recovered.
These psalms help us see wonder
in worship, pray for rescue, confess
sin and encourage us to trust God.
And Ps 42-49 are attributed to sons
of Korah, descendants of the man
who died for his rebellion against
Moses. They mostly serve as
singers & musicians in the temple.

Lord, just as You Rescued Israel,
You can also Rescue Your children.
So, we can go to You God with our problems, ask You to help us and
Be Still & know that You are God.
We Embrace Your Presence.
We Trust Your Unfailing Love.
We Seek Your Help & Refuge. Amen.

Lord, we Embrace Your Presence:
As the deer pants for streams of
water, so I long for you, O God.
I thirst for God, the living God…
Why am I discouraged? Why
so sad? I will put my hope in God!
I will praise him again – my Savior
and my God! (Psa 42:1-2, 11).
Lord, we praise You for being
Emmanuel. You are God with us as
we walk through this broken world.
Deliver me and bless me O Lord!
And help me be Your hands & feet
to give words of encouragement
to those who need to know ‘where
You are’ in their times of need. Amen

Lord, we Trust Your Unfailing Love:
Wake up Lord! Why do You sleep?
Get up! Don’t reject us forever.
Why do You look the other way?
Why do You ignore our suffering
and oppression? Rise up! Come
and help us! Save us because of
Your Unfailing Love (Ps 44:23-26).
Lord, thank You for Your promised
presence. Although my situation
may seem overwhelming, I call
on You with confidence because
You are all powerful & You love me.
Come and help me! Save me!
Save me because of Your Unfailing
Love and help me experience You
as my sure refuge. I wait expectantly
to see U move in a mighty way. Amen.

Lord, we Seek Your Help & Refuge:
God is our refuge and strength,
a very present help in trouble.
So we will not fear, even if
earthquakes come and the
mountains crumble into the sea…
Be Still & know that I am God; I will
be exalted among the nations, I will
be exalted in the earth(Ps46:1-2,10)
Lord, when everything seems
to be falling apart, help me to
experience You as my refuge
and strength, my firm foundation.
You are the mountain mover,
and You can also hold things
steady in your hand. Guide me
and bless me as I entrust my
mountains to You, my solid and
ever faithful God & Father. Amen.