Hearing God In Acts 1-2 (Oct 7)

Empowered to Be Witnesses

With Jesus’ last instruction still
in their ears, the disciples go forth
speaking words of eternal life.
Visited by their resurrected Lord
and empowered by the promised
Comforter, they fearlessly follow
their marching orders in spite
of mocking, threats and abuse.
The advance of the gospel is
soon opposed by adversaries. But
prompt discipline, wise leadership
and unflinching commitment
only serve to enlarge the church.

Lord, we will Be Your Witnesses:
Jesus said: U Shall Receive Power
when the Holy Spirit has come
upon you; and you Shall Be
Witnesses to Me… (Acts 1:8).
Jesus has been taken from
you into heaven, but someday
He Will Return in the same way
you saw Him go. (Acts 1:11).
In the last days…I will Pour Out of
My Spirit on all flesh… and whoever calls on the name of the Lord
shall be saved (Acts 2:17-21).

Lord, thanks for giving us your
Holy Spirit when we accepted
You, to Be Empowered and Be
Your Witness. Give me ears to hear
and teach me how to listen to You.
Enable me to better understand
virtues like grace, forgiveness,
eternity; and most of all You.
Keep me from the distraction
of busyness & draw me closer
to You more and more. Amen.

Lord, let it be settled in my heart
that You Are Returning. Help me
to be sensitive to changing seasons
both in my life & those around me.
Help me to share Your life with
others who are open to know more
about You. Open my eyes to the
signs around me so that I might
prepare for Your Return out of
gratitude for Your great love. Amen

Spirit, I want to experience the reality
of Your Presence & see more of You.
Empower me in concrete ways that
I know I’ll never be the same again.
Fill me with prophecies, healing
or whatever gift You may offer.
I’m open & have Your way in me.
Reveal any obstacle between us or
any change of mind I need to make.
May Your character & Your ways
rub off on me so that my heart can
become more like Yours. Amen.

Preview On Psalms (Sep 21)

Whilst the Bible is arranged by
types of writings, we meditate it
chronologically to get better flow:
Genesis on God’s Plan for creation;
Job on Sovereignty of God; and
Exodus, Leviticus, Num-Deut on
Deliverance, Holiness & Obedience.
Then Joshua on Obedient Faith,
Judges on God Restoring Repentant;
Ruth on Faithfulness/Redemption;
1 Sam on Rule of God in our heart;
2 Sam on Consequences of sin; and
1 & 2 Chronicles on Genuine Worship.

Continuing, the 5 books of Psalms
inspired over period of 10 centuries
were essentially hymns of worship.
Authored by David and six other
writers and used as the temple
hymnbook,these heart-stirring pleas
and praises capture the essence
of what it means to walk with God.
Each of the five sections bears a
topical likeness to a book of the
Pentateuch, and each closes with
a running doxology of Praise !!

Whilst the psalms are not organised
by topic, it’s useful to recognise the
dominant themes in each section:
Book 1 (Ps 1-41) resembles Genesis
on theme of creation & Redemption.
Book 2 (Ps 42-72) resembles Exodus
on theme of Deliverance & Recovery.
Book 3 (Ps 73-89) resembles Levit
on theme of Worshiping holy God.
Book 4 (Ps 90-106) resembles Num
on theme of the Kingdom of God.
Book 5 (Ps 107-150) resembles Deut
on theme of Praise & Thanksgiving.

Psalms Book 1 are mostly laments
and we will meditate on them over
4 weekends in following 7 divisions:
Ps 1-6: Praying thro Darkest Hour
Ps 7-12: Praying thro Waiting Time
Ps 13-18: Praying thro Past Victory
Ps 19-24: Praying thro Protection
Ps 25-30: Praying thro Problems
Ps 31-36: Praying thro Persecution
Ps 37-41: Praying thro Suffering

Dear Brothers and Sisters In Christ,
Life can be challenging and we can
face dark times, long waiting period,
troubling problems, persecution
and undergo suffering. But we don’t
have to face these alone for the
Almighty, Faithful and Loving God
is With Us and long to hear from You.
Let’s together meditate thro Psalms
which offers many model prayers
teaching us how to approach our
compassionate God in prayer, Amen.

Preview On 1 Chronicles (Sep 7)

Whilst the Bible is arranged by
types of writings, we meditate it
chronologically to get better flow:
Genesis on God’s Plan for creation;
Job on Sovereignty of God; and
Exodus, Leviticus, Num-Deut on
Deliverance, Holiness & Obedience.
Then Joshua on Obedient Faith,
Judges on God Restoring Repentant;
Ruth on Faithfulness/Redemption;
1 Sam on Rule of God in our heart
and 2 Sam on Consequences of sin.

Continuing, the books of 1 & 2 Chron
describe the same period of Jewish
history as 2 Samuel through 2 Kings,
but from a priestly perspective.
After tracing King David’s royal line
back to the beginning, 1 Chronicles
outlines the spiritual significance
of David’s righteous reign, showing
how the nation prospers when
its leaders honour and obey God.
The emphasis is on proper worship
of the one true God – a worship
that David’s life exemplifies.

We will cover 1 Chronicles over two
weekends in following four divisions:-
1Chr 1-9: Genealogies of David
1Chr10-16:David Brings Ark to Jeru
1Chr17-21: God’s Covenant w David
1Chr22-29: David’s Arranges Temple
Let’s meditate through 1 Chronicles,
and be inspired that genuine worship
will be the center of our lives. Amen.

Preview On 2 Samuel (Aug 17)

Whilst the Bible is arranged by
types of writings, we meditate it
chronologically to get better flow.
We start with Genesis on God’s
Plan for creation, then meditated
Job on the Sovereignty of God; and
Exodus, Leviticus, Num-Deut on
Deliverance, Holiness & Obedience.
Then Joshua on enjoying God’s
blessing through Obedient Faith,
Judges that God judges against sin
and Restores those who Repent;
Ruth on Faithfulness/Redemption; &
1 Sam on Rule of God in our heart.

Continuing, David the king-elect in
1 Samuel becomes king-enthroned
in 2 Samuel, ruling first over Judah
& then over all Israel. Characterised
at first by victory and success, David
leads Israel to world prominence.
But his reign is soon marred by
the dual sins of adultery & murder.
The aftershocks of turmoil, trouble
and unrest rock the kingdom for
the rest of his life and beyond.
Despite his weaknesses, David
remains “a man after God’s heart”
because of his repentant attitude
& his responsiveness to God’s will.

We’ll cover 2 Samuel in two parts
(David’s Successes & his Struggles)
over 3 weekends in 6 divisions:-
2 Sam 1-4: Divided Nation
2 Sam 5-7: United Nation
2 Sam 8-10: Expanded Nation
2 Sam 11-14: Adultery & Murder
2 Sam 15-20: Revolt & Unrest
2 Sam 21-24: David’s Last Word
Let’s meditate through 2 Samuel,
be inspired to be devoted to God &
weary of consequences of sin. Amen

Preview On 1 Samuel (July 20)

Whilst the Bible is arranged by
types of writings, we meditate it
chronologically to get better flow.
We start with Genesis on God’s
Plan for creation, then meditated
Job on the Sovereignty of God;
Exodus, Leviticus, Num-Deut on
Deliverance, Holiness & Obedience
before Mark on Jesus the Servant.
Then Joshua on enjoying God’s
blessing through Obedient Faith,
Judges that God judges against sin,
just as He restores those who repent
& Ruth on Faithfulness & redemption.

Following the destructive period of
the judges, Samuel – prophet & king-
maker is called by God to rebuild
Israel spiritually and politically.
In time he anoints Saul as Israel’s
first king. But Saul soon proves
unable to rule even his own heart.
Because Saul lacks a heart for God,
he is rejected by God. Samuel anoints
the young David to take Saul’s place,
which causes fierce rivalry resulting
in David’s flight into the wilderness
to escape the jealous king. The book
ends with Saul’s death – clearing
the way for David’s glorious reign.

We’ll cover the book of 1Samuel over
4 weekends in following 8 divisions:
S1-3: Samuel’s Call
S4-8: Israel’s Defeat
S9-12: Saul’s Selection
S13-15: Saul’s Rejection
S16-19: David in the Court
S20-23: David on the Run
S24-26: David’s Mercy
S27-31: Saul’s Downfall
Let’s meditate through 1 Samuel
and see that establishing monarchy
did not solve Israel’s problems.
God desires the devotion of each
person’s mind and heart to Him.
And nothing can substitute the rule
of God in our heart and life. Amen.

Preview On Ruth (July 13)

Whilst the Bible is arranged by
types of writings, we meditate it
chronologically to get better flow.
We start with Genesis on God’s
Plan for creation, then meditated
Job on the Sovereignty of God;
Exodus, Leviticus, Num-Deut on
Deliverance, Holiness & Obedience
before Mark on Jesus the Servant
and Joshua on enjoying God’s
blessing through obedient faith.
And for the last three weekends,
we meditated on Judges that God’s
judgment against sin is certain, and
His forgiveness and restoration are
just as certain for those who repent.

Set in the context of unrest during
the time of the Judges, the story of
Ruth is a bright gem of redemption
and hope. Faced with famine and
poverty; Ruth, a young widow,
leaves her native land to travel with
her mother-in-law to Bethlehem.
There she gleans in the field of Boaz,
who becomes her kinsman redeemer
In their marriage, Ruth and Boaz
become ancestors of Messiah Jesus.
With its twin themes of faithfulness
and redemption, the book of Ruth
pictures God’s redeeming love and
His faithful devotion to all mankind.

We’ll cover the book of Rutj over
one weekend in following 2 divisions:
R1-2: Ruth’s Faithfulness Revealed
R3-4: Ruth’s Faithfulness Rewarded
Let’s meditate through Ruth and
see how three people remained
strong in character and true to God
even when the world around them
was collapsing. And strengthen our
faith in the Lord. Amen and amen.