Praying thro Psalm 31-36 (Oct 6)

Seek the Lord thro Life Challenges

The first book (Psa 1-41) is similar
to Genesis, with many of these
psalms discussing man as blessed,
fallen and redeemed by our God.
And in Psalm 31-36, we learn that
Proper Perspective can help us
face life challenges; and can also
bring us from gloom to glory (P31),
from failure to forgiveness (P32),
fr false security to confident trust(33)
from affliction to adoration (34),
from persecution to praise (35)
and from darkness to light (36).

Dear Lord, in midst of challenges,
Help us have Proper Perspective
of things; for You care for us, You
are faithful and You are in control.
Help us Seek You first for help,
knowing You have promised to
answer us when we call on You.
Help us Entrust Into Your Hands;
all our burdens and dreams; and
give control of our lives to You.
Help us Trust & Wait upon You, for
You are able to turn any trouble we
face into fulfilment of Your purposes.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Lord, we Entrust into Your Hands:
In You, O Lord, I put my trust and
seek refuge; let me never be put
to shame… Deliver me speedily!
Be my rock of refuge, a strong
fortress to save me!.. I entrust my
spirit into Your hand (Ps 31:1-5).
Lord, You’re mighty & you’ve already
made the way through Your sacrifice.
I entrust my spirit, as well as every
hope and dream, all my cares and
all burdens into Your hands. And
thro prayer, I let go & give control
of my life all over to You. Amen.

Lord, we will Wait upon You:
Let all the earth fear the Lord;
For He spoke and it was done,
He commanded & it stood fast…
Behold, the eye of the Lord
is on those who fear Him,
on those who Hope in His mercy…
Our soul Waits for the Lord;
He is our help and our shield.
Our heart shall rejoice in Him,
because we have trusted in
His holy name. Let Your mercy
O Lord be upon us, just as we
Hope in You (Ps 33:8-9, 18-22).
Lord, I cry out to You, for You
alone know the depth of my need.
In my distress I will choose to trust,
wait and have hope in the fulfilment
of Your promises. For You can deliver
and can also turn any trouble I face
into fulfilment of my destiny. Amen.

Lord, we will Seek You for Help:
I sought the Lord and He heard me
& delivered me from all my fears…
The angels of the Lord encamps
all around those who fear Him, and
delivers them. Oh, taste & see that
the Lord is good, blessed is the
man who trusts in Him (Ps 34:4-8).
Lord, I give You all my fears & look
to You for help. Do a deep work in
my heart on those things that strike
fear in me. Thanks for Your promise
to answer me when I call on You.
Thanks for freeing me from all fears
and to make me radiant with joy.
And help me Lord to look to You,
to fear You & to trust in You. Amen.