Preview On 5 Books of Psalms

Preview On Psalms (Sep 21)

Whilst the Bible is arranged by
types of writings, we meditate it
chronologically to get better flow:
Genesis on God’s Plan for creation;
Job on Sovereignty of God; and
Exodus, Leviticus, Num-Deut on
Deliverance, Holiness & Obedience.
Then Joshua on Obedient Faith,
Judges on God Restoring Repentant;
Ruth on Faithfulness/Redemption;
1 Sam on Rule of God in our heart;
2 Sam on Consequences of sin; and
1 & 2 Chronicles on Genuine Worship.

Continuing, the 5 books of Psalms
inspired over period of 10 centuries
were essentially hymns of worship.
Authored by David and six other
writers and used as the temple
hymnbook,these heart-stirring pleas
and praises capture the essence
of what it means to walk with God.
Each of the five sections bears a
topical likeness to a book of the
Pentateuch, and each closes with
a running doxology of Praise !!

Whilst the psalms are not organised
by topic, it’s useful to recognise the
dominant themes in each section:
Book 1 (Ps 1-41) resembles Genesis
on theme of creation & Redemption.
Book 2 (Ps 42-72) resembles Exodus
on theme of Deliverance & Recovery.
Book 3 (Ps 73-89) resembles Levit
on theme of Worshiping holy God.
Book 4 (Ps 90-106) resembles Num
on theme of the Kingdom of God.
Book 5 (Ps 107-150) resembles Deut
on theme of Praise & Thanksgiving.

Psalms Book 1 are mostly laments
and we will meditate on them over
4 weekends in following 7 divisions:
Ps 1-6: Praying thro Darkest Hour
Ps 7-12: Praying thro Waiting Time
Ps 13-18: Praying thro Past Victory
Ps 19-24: Praying thro Protection
Ps 25-30: Praying thro Problems
Ps 31-36: Praying thro Persecution
Ps 37-41: Praying thro Suffering

Dear Brothers and Sisters In Christ,
Life can be challenging and we can
face dark times, long waiting period,
troubling problems, persecution
and undergo suffering. But we don’t
have to face these alone for the
Almighty, Faithful and Loving God
is With Us and long to hear from You.
Let’s together meditate thro Psalms
which offers many model prayers
teaching us how to approach our
compassionate God in prayer, Amen.

Hearing God In Luke 19 (Sep 20)

Join Christ in Seeking the Lost

It is now in the final week of Jesus’
earthly life. In the city of Jerusalem,
there’s excitement of the feast days
– some preparing to welcome a King,
while others preparing for execution.
Jesus draws battle lines by driving
the money-changers fr the temple.
From then on, the religious leaders
double their efforts to trap Him.
Though His hour of anguish draws
near, Jesus continues the activities
that have characterised His ministry:
teaching, healing and affirming.

Lord, we will also Seek the Lost:
Then Zacchaeus said to the Lord:
Look, I give half of my goods to
the poor; and if I’ve taken anything
from anyone by false accusation,
I restore fourfold. Jesus responded:
Salvation has come to this home…
And I the Son of Man, have come
to seek and save those like him
who are lost (Luke 19:8-10).
Some Pharisees among the crowd
said: Teacher, rebuke yr followers
for saying things like that! (Jesus)
replied:If they kept quiet,the stones
would burst into cheers (v39-40).
Jesus entered the Temple & began
to drive out the people selling
animals for sacrifices. He said:
The Scripture declare: My Temple
will be a house of prayer (v45-46).

Lord, U reached out to Zacchaeus
even when others despised him.
Thank you for seeking and saving
those who are lost. Open our eyes
to even the despised that we might
see them and reach out. Help us
to look beneath the surface to the
person within, created in Yr image.
Help us have burden for the lost &
befriend those seeking You. Amen

Lord, thank You for Your great
love for me. I praise You for faith
that is real and deep. I praise You
for your Holy Spirit and for the
Word that teaches and guides me.
I will not be quiet and keep my
love for You hidden. Just as Your
disciples called out your name,
I’ll praise U for I serve an amazing
and wonderful Saviour. Amen.

Lord, You want Your church to be
a people of prayer. And not just
supplication & intercession, but also
adoration, confession and thanks-
giving. Forgive us for all the ways
we neglect prayer in our personal
and community life. Restore us to
spiritual awakening and grant us
the Spirit of prayer. In Christ’s name
and for His glory. Amen and amen.

Hearing God In Luke 11 (Sep 19)

God Answers Persistent Prayers

Seventy disciples are sent out
two-by-two with instructions to
heal the sick & say: The kingdom
of God is come nigh unto you.
Their enthusiastic return prompts
Jesus to rejoice in praise to God.
But confrontation is gathering.
Some attribute His miracles to
Satan; others clamour for more
miracles and Pharisees attack His
seeming disregard for traditions.
Jesus responds by denouncing the
religious leaders for their hypocrisy
and warns disciples to be watchful.

Lord, we’ll Pray with Perseverence:
Which of you shall have a friend,
and go to him at midnight and say
to him: Friend lend me 3 loaves…
Because of the man’s persistence
he will get up and give him as
much as he needs (Luke 11:5-8).
So I say to you, ask and it will be
given to you; seek and you will find;
knock and it will be opened to you.
For everyone who asks receives,
and he who seeks finds and to him
who knocks it will be opened (9-10)
If you sinful people know how to
give good gifts to your children,
how much more will your heavenly
Father give the Holy Spirit to
those who ask him (v13). Amen.

Lord, Yr parable about Persistence
implies the key to experiencing You
is to ask persistently & press thro
the negative voices in our minds.
So, I will keep asking and persist
despite lack of apparent results.
Help me have great faith that prayer
works so that I can experience and
know You in a deeper way. Amen.

Lord, You tell your disciples to keep
on asking, seeking and knocking;
each level requiring perseverance.
Ask with simple faith, like a child
asking a parent: simply trusting.
Seek with determined faith, in a
learning mode, open & observant.
Knock with persistent faith to meet U.
Even as we lift up our needs to You,
transform our hearts and let Your
desire becomes ours as well. Amen.

Holy Spirit, we really need Your
manifestation in need and ministry:
Your voice, Your touch & Your Power.
Fill us even as we purpose to yield
to You in exchange for more of the
nature of God, the overwhelming
sense of His love & of Your power.
Flow freely to us in us and through
us so that there will be fruitfulness
and lives be transformed. Amen.

Hearing God In Luke 8 (Sep 18)

Listen & Respond to the Word

Preaching, healing and disciplining
that summarises the daily activities
of the Son of Man. Luke records
the healings with careful attention.
And those documented miracles
become proof of Jesus’ claim to
a faithless & perverse generation.
As he preaches and heals, Jesus
patiently prepares His disciples
to carry on in His absence. The
cost is steep, but the goal of saving
lives eternally makes it worthwhile.

Lord, we will Listen & Respond:
The seed is the word of God…
The rocky soil represents those
who hear the message with joy.
But their roots Don’t Go Very Deep.
They wilt when testing blow…
But the good soil represents
people who Hear God’s message,
Cling to it and steadily produce
a huge harvest (Luke 8:11-15).
Pay attention to How You Hear.
To those who listen to my teaching,
more will be given. But for those
who are not listening, even what
they think they understand will be
taken away from them (Lk 8:18).
(Jesus) got into the boat with his
disciples and said: Let Us Cross
over to the other side of the lake…
He rebuked the wind and raging
waves. Then he asked them:
Where Is Your Faith? (v22-25).

Lord, I want to Receive Your Word,
apply it to my life & be obedient
to you. If my heart is hard, soften
it by reminding me of Your love.
If my roots aren’t deep enough, enrich the soil by causing me
to respond to the Holy Word.
Deliver me from being consumed with the cares and pleasures of this world. And bring forth by your Spirit,
a great harvest in my life. Amen.

Lord, You know how much I want
more understanding of your will.
If I have neglected Your teaching
in any way, I want to turn towards U.
Please restore my inner spirit to
a position of understanding and
growth. Open my heart to hear and
to follow everything that You say.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, thank You that inherent
in the storms of life is your
promise of peace; not peace
that is the absence of trouble but
peace that eclipse circumstances.
Incline my heart to yours Lord,
that I may experience more of
Your peace in the storm I face.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Hearing God In Luke 6 (Sep 17)

Christ’s Followers on Solid Rock

Rejection in His hometown of
Nazareth causes Jesus to shift to
Capernaum where He ministers
for two years. There Christ calls
12 men calls 12 men to be His
travelling companions. And there
by the shores of Galilee He begin
to prepare them for ministry
He will soon entrust to them.

Lord,we purpose to Do What U Say:
(Jesus said): Why do you call me
Lord, Lord, when you don’t do what
I say?… I will show you what it’s
like when someone comes to me,
listens to my teaching and then
follows it. It is like a person building
a house who digs deep and Lays
the Foundation on Solid Rock…
Anyone who hears and doesn’t obey
is like a person who builds a house
without a foundation (Lk 6:46-49).

Lord, my heart is already Yours
considering what You have done
and I surrender once again to You.
My desire is to accept Your will
and to do what You want me to.
But Lord, please share it with me
clearly; for only then will I have
the confidence that You are with
me in the challenge and dare to
undertake it. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, we learnt from your analogy
that we will find ultimate security
through turning to You, listening
to You and obeying You. And
Lord, we will respond to your call
to follow You, to walk with You,
listen to You and live as You lived.
In a shaky world, we need to have
the stability and firm foundation
that only You can provide. Amen.

Lord, You are leading me to lay
down my life daily. You say some
difficult things but also promise
great blessings for doing them.
Lord, I have to admit Your words
don’t always make sense to me.
And I am afraid to follow some of
them fully. But I do trust You and
want my life to weather any storm.
Anchor me to the rock as I purpose
to follow You more closely. Amen.

Hearing God In Luke 1 (Sep 16)

Blessed Because You Believe

Dr Luke – physician, historian
and writer of the longest gospel
account clearly states his purpose
for writing in the opening verses:
That thou might know the certainty
of those things thou has instructed
He begins with details surrounding
the miraculous birth of John the
forerunner and Jesus the Messiah.

Lord, we Will Believe Your Word:
The angel said: Do Not Be Afraid,
Zacharias, for your prayer is heard;
your wife will bear you a son,
and you shall call his name John…
But behold you will be mute until
the day these things take place
because u did Not Believe my words
which will be fulfilled (Lk 1:13-20)
The angel said: Behold you will
conceive in your womb and bring
forth a Son and shall call His name
Jesus… For with God nothing
will be impossible. Then Mary
said: Let It Be to me according
to Your Word (Luke 1:31-38).
You are Blessed Because You
Believed what the Lord would do
what He said (Luke 1:45). Amen.

Lord, there may be difficulties
in our lives that lingered So Long
that they seem like impossibilities.
But nothing is too difficult for God.
In fact U prefer impossible situation
where Yr power is visibly displayed.
Help us Lord not be discouraged
by the Long unyielding situations.
Help us to endure the long periods
that require faith and patience.
Help us to Wait and Believe for
nothing is impossible with U. Amen.

Lord, even when things does
Not Make Sense, remind me that
Your Word is the ultimate truth.
Even when my faith is weak
and hidden, your promises can
bring it to pass out of hiding.
And I embrace your promises,
even though they may seem
as impossible because You are
the God who can create new
things out of nothing. Amen.

Lord, help me not to focus on the
problem & be afraid like Zacharias
but instead learn to take courage
like Mary focusing solely on You.
And I embrace Your promises like
Mary and rest the weight of my
circumstance on Your sure word.
For after all You are the God of
the impossible and I rest in You.
And Lord, I look forward to Receive
the Blessing thro Believing. Amen.

Praying thro 1 Chr 22-29 (Sep 15)

Serving by the Will of God !!

David’s dream of a house being built
for God is not denied but merely
postponed.It will remain for Solomon
his son to erect the structure. But
David is given the joyful privilege
of planning and preparing for the
architectural feat. After passing on
the vision and responsibility of the
project to Solomon, David passes
on the rein of leadership as well.
David ends his life the same way
he began it; with humble confidence
in God. In spite of his numerous
accomplishments, David never lets
greatness go to his head. His final
words to Solomon and the nation
reflect the same wholehearted
devotion to God that characterised
the young shepherd of Judea.

Lord, we learn through the 40 years
King David ruled the nation of Israel
that he lived to Serve You; that he
lived to Do God’s Will and that he
Followed God’s Purpose for his life.
Grant us grace to Be Wholehearted
towards U & serve by the Will of God.
Grant us the grace to purpose:
that we will Gratefully Serve You;
that we will Seek Your Will; and
that we will Give Thankfully. Amen.

Lord, we will Gratefully Serve You:
Then David ordered all the leaders
of Israel to assist Solomon in this
project. He said: The Lord had given
You peace with the surrounding
nations… Build the sanctuary of the
Lord God so that you can bring the
Ark… into the Temple built to honour
the Lord’s name (1 Chron 22:17-19)
Shelomeh and his relatives were in
charge of the treasuries that held
all the things dedicated to the Lord
by King David, the family leaders,
and the generals and captains and
other officers of the army.These men
had dedicated some of their plunder
they had gained in battle to maintain
the house of the Lord (1C26:26-27).
Lord, thank You for gifts including
talents that You give to each of us
so that we can serve You & others.
Grant us the grace to think of what
we can give rather than what we are
obligated; for we want to give and
serve out of our love for You. Amen.

Lord, we will Seek Your Purpose:
From among my sons…(the Lord)
chose Solomon to succeed me
on the throne of Israel… So now
I give you this charge: Be careful
to obey all the commands of
the Lord, so that u may continue
to possess this good land…
Learn to know God intimately.
Worship and serve him with your
whole heart and a willing mind…
The Lord has chosen you to build a
Temple as his sanctuary. Be strong
and do the work (1 Chron 28:5-10).
Lord, make clear Your plans as
to what You want to be done.
And we purpose to be obedient
and courageous to do Your work.
And we entrust our needs & longing
for You desire a better life for us
more than we could imagine. Amen

Lord, we will Give Thankfully:
King David turned to assembly and
said: Because of my devotion to the
Temple of God I am giving all of my
own private treasures of gold & silver
to help in the construction. This is
in addition to the building materials
I have collected for His holy temple.
Now, who will follow my example..
Wealth and honour come from U…
In Your hands are strength & power
to exalt and give strength to all…
We give You thanks and praise Your
glorious name (1 Chr 29:3-6, 12-13)
Lord, I thank you for all You have
given me. Help me to give back to U
with the same heart of praise I have
when I receive from you. Help me to
never value my possessions more
than I value you. Enable me to give
the way You want me to. Amen.

Praying thro 1 Chr 17-21 (Sep 14)

Entrusting Our Dreams to God

David’s greatest dream is to build
a house for God. God makes it
clear through Nathan to David that
only in the lifetime of Solomon will
the dream actually come to fruition.
Though David is not permitted to
build a house for God, God will build
a house and a perpetual dynasty for
David. Through times of faithfulness
and faltering in David’s life, God
remains true to His promise
by preserving the line of David.

Dear Lord, thro David’s successes
and his failures, we learn the
importance of giving our whole
heart to You God and letting
You be the focus of our lives.
Lord, we entrust our dreams to You as You fulfil Your perfect plan for us in Your Way and in Your Time. We Praise You for all Your Blessings.
We Give You all the Due Credit.             We Repent when we fail You. Amen.

Lord, we Praise You for Blessings:
Then King David prayed: Who am I
that you have brought me this far?
In addition to everything else, You
speak of giving me a lasting dynasty!
… For my sake and according to
Your will, you have done all these
great things. O Lord, there is no
one like You. What other nation
O God have You redeemed from
slavery to be Your own people…
And now O Lord do as You promised
concerning me and my family. And
may Your name be established and
honoured forever (1Chr 17:16-24).
Lord, You have plans for me that
I can’t even fathom. Yet it is so
easy to forget that it’s really You
who have blessed me and fail to
recognise achievements from You.
I purpose to love and serve You;
to tell others about Your goodness
and lift Your name High. Amen.

Lord, we Give Due Credit to You:
Now when Tou king of Hamath heard
that David had defeated all the army
of Hadadezar king of Zobah,he sent
Hadoram his son to King David, to
… bless him… for Hadadezar had
been at war with Tou; and Hadoram
brought with him all kinds of articles
of gold, silver & bronze. King David
also dedicated these to the Lord,
along with the silver & gold that he
had brought from all these nations-
from Edom, from Moab, fr Ammon,
from Philistines and from Amalek…
And the Lord preserved David
wherever he went (IChr 18:9-13).
Lord, it is easy to think that our
successes and material blessings
are the result of our abilities and
hard work rather than gifts coming
from a loving and mighty God.
Help us learn from David of not
taking credit for the work God does;
but acknowledge God’s role in
His success and prosperity. Amen.

Lord, we will repent before You:
David gave orders to Joab… Take
a census: But Joab replied: Why
my lord do you want to do this?
Why must u cause Israel to sin?
But the king insisted… David said
to God: Was it not I who ordered
the fighting men to be counted?
I am the one who has sinned…
O Lord my God, let Your hand
fall upon me and my family, but
do not let this plague remain in
your people (1 Chron 21:2-4, 17).
Lord, I see in Your word the terrible
consequences of pride. I don’t want
to experience those consequences
in my life, and especially not to have
my family suffer because of my sin.
Reveal any pride in me so that I can
confess and repent it. And Help me
to have a humble heart. Amen.

Hearing God In Mark 11 (Sep 13)

Pray In Faith Without Doubt

The final week of Jesus’ earthly life
occupies more space in the gospels
than any other stage of His ministry.
Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem coincides
with the preparation for Passover.
Though events move quickly, Jesus
is not hurried. There is time to clean
out the temple, watch the widow
contributes her two mites and give
final instructions to the disciples.

Lord, we Pray In Faith & Not Doubt:
Jesus said: Have Faith In God.
For assuredly I say to you, whoever
says to this mountain: Be removed
and does Not Doubt in his heart,
But Believes that those things
he says will be done, he will have
whatever he says. Therefore I say
to you, whatever things you ask
when you pray, Believe that you
receive them & you will have them.
And… if you have anything against
anyone, Forgive him, that your
Father in heaven may also forgive
you your trespasses (Mark 11:22-26)

Lord, I come to You with my need
and desire, asking You in faith and
claiming the promise in Mark 11:24.
Trust that the need is within Your
will; and implore You to reward
those who diligently seek You.
I know that in Your sovereignty,
You do things Your way & Your time.
But Father God, I plead for Your
mercy for it’s been such a long
time that I have been asking You.
So grant me Your favor and favour
of men as soon as possible. Amen.

Lord, I have faith in You, the
Almighty, all loving faithful God.
And I believe that You reward
those who diligently seek You.
Lord, I place this issue before
You in faith and without doubt
and seeking Your face and will.
Your Word says if I ask anything
according to Your will, you hear
me and I can have what I ask of U.
Into your hand I surrender. Amen.

Lord, I don’t want Your Presence to
be quenched due to unforgiveness.
I don’t want to inhabit Yr forgiveness
because I’ve not forgiven someone.
Instead I want to receive Yr blessing
because I have forgiven someone.
Reveal any place in my heart where
I have not yet forgiven someone.
And create in me a forgiving spirit
that sees others as You do. Amen.

Hearing God In Mark 8-10 (Sep 12)

Serve Selflessly & Humbly

As opposition to Jesus increases,
it is no longer safe to move openly
in Galilee. So Jesus traverses the
regions of Decapolis, Caesarea &
Perea, thereby avoiding the crowds
and deadly plots of religious leaders.
In the concluding days of His earthly
ministry,Jesus prepares His disciples
for the faithful journey to Jerusalem
that will mark the end of His life
and the beginning of their role
as bearers of the glad tidings.

Lord, we open to Serve & Follow U:
If any of you wants to be my follower,
you must turn from yr selfish ways,
take up the cross and follow me…
For what will it profit a man if he
gains the whole world, and loses
his own soul (Mark 8:34-35).
They had disputed among them-
selves who would be the greatest.
And (Jesus) said to the twelve:
If anyone wants to be the first must
take last place and be the servant
of everyone else (Mark 9:34-35).
Whoever wants to be a leader
among you must be your servant,
and whoever wants to be 1st among
you must be the slave of everyone
else. For even the Son of Man came
not to be served but to serve others
and to give His life as a ransom
for many (Mark 10:42-45). Amen.

Lord, I aspire to follow You closely
and that means the need to let go
of being preoccupied with myself.
Grant me the humility to deny self
and the courage not be ashamed
of your gospel. Help me focus fully
on You and Your kingdom; and be
preoccupied with Your purposes.
And let me experience You to the
degree that I follow You. Amen.

Lord, society teaches me to grab
for all that I can. Yet You desire
more for me than a selfish existence.
Help me not to be inward focused
but rather to see a world bigger
than my own needs and ambitions.
Jesus, You are my perfect example
for You came to serve. And I look
to You for guidance on how I too can
serve those who are in need. Amen.

Lord, I often do want to be served
and to be first. I may even have
the tendency to use people and
even try to use You for advantage.
I purpose to turn from self-seeking
ways and aspire to want to live
a life for the good of others also.
Make me aware of choices between
serving myself and serving others.
Change me Lord and make me to
be a person who asks of You and
others, what can I do for you? Amen.

Lord, Make me a servant
Humble and meek
Lord let me lift up
Those who are weak
And may the prayer
Of my heart always be
Make me a servant
Make me a servant
Make me a servant Today. Amen.