Praying thro Psalm 19-24 (Sep 29)

My Shepherd, Guide & Protector

The first book (Psa 1-41) is similar
to Genesis. Just as Gen tells how
man was created, fell into sin and
promised redemption, many of
these psalms discuss man as
blessed, fallen & redeemed by God.
In Psalm 19-24, the Lord can be
seen in many different roles. He
is the Creator (19), the Helper (20)
the King (21), Crucified One (22),
the Shepherd (23) & the Glorious
One (24). For each role, there is
a corresponding responsibility for
the people who would follow Him
as their God, King & Shepherd.

Dear Lord, Thank You for Your
redemption and loving care.
Shine Your light on our blind spot
and lead us to Confess our sins.
Hear & Answer our Cries For Help
on relationship, work or health.
Draw us stay close to U our good
shepherd & Respond to your voice.
In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Lord, we will Confess our sins:
The commands of the Lord are
clear, giving insight for living…
They are a warning to yr servant,
a great reward for those who
obey them… Cleanse me from
these hidden faults. Keep your
servant from deliberate sins!
Don’t let them control me…
May the meditation of my heart
be pleasing to U, O Lord, my rock
and my Redeemer (Psa 19:8-14).
Lord, I am blind to so much,
and there is no way I can know
all the sins lurking in my heart.
But you know them. Holy Spirit,
Shine your light on my blind spots
so that I can confess my sin
and receive your forgiveness.
And help me grow in openness
before you so that I might walk
in your grace and freedom. Amen

Lord,we’ll Seek U when in trouble:
In times of trouble, may the Lord
respond to your cry. May God…
keep you safe from all harm.
May he send you help from
his sanctuary… May he grant
your heart’s desire and fulfill all
your plans… May the Lord answer
all your prayers (Psa 20:1-5).
Lord, we cry out to You about
the relationship, finance or health
situation we are so concerned.
Hear from heaven & answer us!
Send help from your sanctuary &
rescue us by your great power!
Grant our heart’s desires. And
Thanks for hearing & responding
to the cries of your people. Amen

Lord,we’ll Stay Close as Yr sheep:
The Lord is my shepherd;
I have everything I need…
He leads me (to) peaceful streams…
He guides me along right paths…
Even when I walk through the dark
valley of death, I will not be afraid,
for You are close beside me. Your
rod & staff protect me (Ps 23:1-4).
Lord, it’s comforting to know
I’m not alone in life’s journey.
Thank You that You are ever
vigilant watching over me.
May I always respond to Your voice
and stay close to You. I will follow
You as You call my name. Amen.