Praying thro 1 Chr 22-29 (Sep 15)

Serving by the Will of God !!

David’s dream of a house being built
for God is not denied but merely
postponed.It will remain for Solomon
his son to erect the structure. But
David is given the joyful privilege
of planning and preparing for the
architectural feat. After passing on
the vision and responsibility of the
project to Solomon, David passes
on the rein of leadership as well.
David ends his life the same way
he began it; with humble confidence
in God. In spite of his numerous
accomplishments, David never lets
greatness go to his head. His final
words to Solomon and the nation
reflect the same wholehearted
devotion to God that characterised
the young shepherd of Judea.

Lord, we learn through the 40 years
King David ruled the nation of Israel
that he lived to Serve You; that he
lived to Do God’s Will and that he
Followed God’s Purpose for his life.
Grant us grace to Be Wholehearted
towards U & serve by the Will of God.
Grant us the grace to purpose:
that we will Gratefully Serve You;
that we will Seek Your Will; and
that we will Give Thankfully. Amen.

Lord, we will Gratefully Serve You:
Then David ordered all the leaders
of Israel to assist Solomon in this
project. He said: The Lord had given
You peace with the surrounding
nations… Build the sanctuary of the
Lord God so that you can bring the
Ark… into the Temple built to honour
the Lord’s name (1 Chron 22:17-19)
Shelomeh and his relatives were in
charge of the treasuries that held
all the things dedicated to the Lord
by King David, the family leaders,
and the generals and captains and
other officers of the army.These men
had dedicated some of their plunder
they had gained in battle to maintain
the house of the Lord (1C26:26-27).
Lord, thank You for gifts including
talents that You give to each of us
so that we can serve You & others.
Grant us the grace to think of what
we can give rather than what we are
obligated; for we want to give and
serve out of our love for You. Amen.

Lord, we will Seek Your Purpose:
From among my sons…(the Lord)
chose Solomon to succeed me
on the throne of Israel… So now
I give you this charge: Be careful
to obey all the commands of
the Lord, so that u may continue
to possess this good land…
Learn to know God intimately.
Worship and serve him with your
whole heart and a willing mind…
The Lord has chosen you to build a
Temple as his sanctuary. Be strong
and do the work (1 Chron 28:5-10).
Lord, make clear Your plans as
to what You want to be done.
And we purpose to be obedient
and courageous to do Your work.
And we entrust our needs & longing
for You desire a better life for us
more than we could imagine. Amen

Lord, we will Give Thankfully:
King David turned to assembly and
said: Because of my devotion to the
Temple of God I am giving all of my
own private treasures of gold & silver
to help in the construction. This is
in addition to the building materials
I have collected for His holy temple.
Now, who will follow my example..
Wealth and honour come from U…
In Your hands are strength & power
to exalt and give strength to all…
We give You thanks and praise Your
glorious name (1 Chr 29:3-6, 12-13)
Lord, I thank you for all You have
given me. Help me to give back to U
with the same heart of praise I have
when I receive from you. Help me to
never value my possessions more
than I value you. Enable me to give
the way You want me to. Amen.