Praying thro 1 Chron 10-16 (Sep 8)

Doing God’s Work In God’s Way

The ark of covenant features
prominently in 1 Chronicles, being
mentioned more than 40 times. And
the events surrounding the journey
of the ark to Jerusalem taking three
months consume three full chapters.
The lesson is clear: The right action
must be done with the right motives
and carried out in the right way.
When the ark is at last installed
in Jerusalem, David leads the
people in national celebration.

David becomes king over all Israel
and captures the city of Jerusalem.
David given a green light from the
Lord to bring the ark to Jerusalem,
was leading a joyous procession.
Suddenly the merriment was cut
short by God’s displeasure. David
overlooked God’s clear Instructions
regarding how to transport the ark.
We’ll Do God’s Work in God’s Way. We’ll Inquire and Hear from You.
We’ll Praise You for all U have done.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, we will take care Your Ways:
When they arrived at the threshing
floor of Nacon, the oxen stumbled
& Uzzah put out his hand to steady
the Ark. Then the Lord’s anger
blazed out against Uzzah and he
struck him dead because he had
laid his hand on the Ark… So David
moved the Ark instead to the home
of Obed-edom & remained there…
for 3 mths and the Lord blessed him
& his entire household (1C13:9-14).
Lord, we realise the Ark was holy
because it was totally associated
with U God. Instead of being borne
reverently on the shoulders of the
priests, the Ark was bumped along
on an ox-cart and manhandled
and hence the judgment on Uzzah.
But great blessings come to those
who obey the Lord’s commands.
Remind us Lord not to treat God’s
holiness lightly. Guard our attitudes
against unguarded words & actions.
Help us that in everything we do or
say be done in name of Jesus, Amen.

Lord, we’ll Inquire & Hear from You:
The Philistines arrived in Rephaim
and raided it. So David ASKED God:
Should I… fight the Philistines?…
The Lord replied: Yes, go ahead.
I will give you the victory… But after
a while, the Philistines returned and
raided the valley again. And once
again David ASKED God what to do.
Do not attack them straight on,
God replied. Instead, circle around
behind them and attack them near
the balsam trees (1 Chron 14:9-14).
Lord, pray that I will always inquire
of You first before taking action.
Because I don’t want to mistakenly
think I have the answers when only
You have all the answers for my life.
I need to learn to seek Your wisdom
and not to run ahead of Your plan.
You’re the one who know everything:
Questions of what, how and when.
And teach me to ask You questions
that begin with: Should l…? Amen.

Lord, thanks for what U have done:
So they brought the ark of God
and set it in the midst of the
tabernacle that David had erected..
Then they offered burnt offerings
and peace offerings before God…
David first delivered this psalm:
Oh give thanks to the Lord!
Call upon His name; make known
His deeds among the peoples!
Sing to Him, sing psalms to Him!…
Remember His marvellous works
which He has done (1Chr 16:1-12)
Let the heavens rejoice and
let the Earth be glad; and
let them say among the nations:
The Lord reigns (1 Chr 16:31).
Lord God, You are the one who
created me to enjoy You. I want
to live a more joyous life on a more
regular basis, for all the things that
You have done. Remind me that
You are in control of all the details
of my life; that everything is going
to be all right; and that I’m to praise
You in all things. In His name, Amen