Praying thro 2 Sam 21-24 (Sep 1)

God Who Ultimately Restores

Today’s reading is an appendix to
the main body of 2 Samuel covering
a series of wars with the Philistines,
a psalm of deliverance and praise,
a list of David’s mighty men of valor,
a sinful census and the severe
punishment that followed. The
closing of the book portrays David
worshipping the Lord in humility.

Lord, all scripture is profitable
for instruction in righteousness;
including the struggles of David.
Help us be weary of sinning and
do the right thing in challenges.
Help us have Robust Faith in You.
Help us be Tender to Confess Sin.
And we Bless Your Lovely Name
for You Ultimately Restore Us. Amen

Lord, we will Bless & Worship You:
Then David spoke… the words of
this song on the day when the Lord
had delivered him from the hand
of all his enemies and from Saul…
The Lord is my rock, my fortress &
my deliverer; the God of my strength
in whom I will trust (2 Sam 22:1-3)
Blessed be the Rock of my salvation.
He delivers me and lifts me up above
those who rise against me (v47-48)
Lord, I may enter each day with the
intention to trust in Yr great power.
Yet when the winds blow and the
waves rise, I may forget to look
at You. And forgive me each time
I have not sought refuge in You.
As my rock & my salvation, be my
stability when things are not stable.
Help me focus on U my solid rock!
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Lord, we have Robust Faith in You:
These are the names of the mighty
men whom David had: Josheb-
Basshebeth… called Adino because
he had killed 800 men at one time.
After him was Eleazar one of 3 men
with David who defied the Philistines
and the men of Israel had retreated.
He arose & attacked the Philistines
until so weary and his hand stuck to
the sword…After him was Shammah.
The Philistines had gathered where
was a piece of ground full of lentils.
So the people fled. But he stationed
himself in the middle of the field,
defended it and killed the Philistines.
So the LORD brought about a
great victory (2 Samuel 23:8-12).
Lord, we are inspired by the mighty
men of David with robust faith in You.
Help us be like Adino who was
prepared to face overwhelming odds
Help us be like Eleazar who was
prepared to face extreme fatigue.
Help us be like Shammah who was
prepared to Do Humble assignment.
For we have Almighty & Faithful God
fighting the battle with us. Amen.

Lord, we will Confess of our sin:
David was conscience-stricken
after he had counted the fighting
men and he said to the Lord:
I have sinned greatly in what
I’ve done. Now O Lord, I beg You
take away the guilt of Your servant.
I have done a very foolish thing…
Then the king said to Araunah:
No, but I will buy it for a price;
nor will I offer burnt offering to
the Lord my God with that which
cost me nothing. So David bought
the threshing floor & the oxen for
50 shekels of silver (2S24:10, 24)
Lord, I pray You show me any sin
in my life so that I can Confess it.
For I don’t want guilt in conscience
to dilute my walk with You or inhibit
my prayers because I am ashamed
to come before You in confidence.
Help me to always have a repentant
heart before You so that I will be
quick to turn away from sin. Amen.