Hearing God In Zep 3 (Aug 30)

God Delights to Restore You

Writing at perhaps the lowest
point in the spiritual life of Judah,
Zephaniah’ primary concern is
the impending Day of the Lord.
That day would signify the final
judgment of God on earth and the
ensuing time of blessing & peace.
Zephaniah knows when judgment
is finally over, God will once again
look with favour on His people;
Restore their fortunes, Rejoice
over them and dwell among them.

Lord, You are Mighty to Save:
In that day… do not fear; Zion,
let Not your hands be weak.
The Lord your God is With you,
He is Mighty To Save.
He will Take Great Delight in you,
He will quiet you with His love,
He will Rejoice over you with
singing (Zep 3:17-18). Amen.

Lord, I have peace and joy in
knowing You are always With me
and have the Power To Save me
from harm, plans of the enemy
and You can move the mountain!
Help me to remember at all times,
even when going through difficult
situations that my foundation is
in You and my security is sustained
by Your Great Love for me. Amen.

Lord, we may struggle with secret
fear that You God doesn’t like us.
We fear that U disapprove of us &
our stubborn commitment to sin.
We may even feel that You God
has deserted us in our difficulties.
Thanks for your promise in Zep 3
that helps us put such fears to rest.
The reality is that You take great
delight in us with gladness.
In fact Your promise is not only
to rescue and restore us but also
to rejoice over us with songs. Amen

Lord, I’m blessed You Delight in me,
even after rebuking me for wrongs.
Thank You Sovereign God for being
indeed a loving Heavenly Father
rather than a stern disciplinarian.
Thank You that You much prefer
to rejoice with us than to rebuke us.
Thank you You love me so much
that You would sing over me.
In adoration and thanksgiving,
I offer You my heart unreservedly &
say how much I appreciate U. Amen