Praying thro 2 Sam 11-14 (Aug 25)

Be Weary of Sinning & Aftermath

At a time when David should have
been on the field of battle, he finds
himself instead on the roof of the
palace. A casual glance… a lustful
thought… an inquiry… and the king
of Israel set in motion a chain of
events that culminates in adultery
and murder. David’s sinful acts
continue to ripen for years within
David’s family in the form of murder,
incest, treachery and open revolt.

Dear Lord, we learn from scripture
that good times can cause even
a person after Your own heart to
be complacent, have idling mind
and even succumb to temptations.
And whilst we will be forgiven
for our sins, we may still have
to experience its consequences.
Help us to Be Weary of Idling Mind;
Help us to Be Weary of Sinning; and
Help us to Be Weary of Obsessions.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, we’ll Be Weary of Idling Mind, Lingering Look & Focussing Desire:
At the time when kings go out to
battle, David Remained in Jerusalem.
After his midday rest, David was
walking on the roof of the palace.
As he looked out over the city, he
noticed a woman of Unusual beauty
taking a bath. He sent someone to
Find out who she was and was told:
She is Bathsheba, the wife of Utah
the Hittite. David sent messengers
to get her; and when she came
to the palace, he slept with her…
Later Bathsheba discovered
she was pregnant (2Sam 11:1-5).
Lord, help me to always resist
temptation from the moment I am
confronted with it. Help me to draw
closer to You when anything tries to
draw me away from You. Deliver me
from the trap of temptation before
I fall into it. Give me the strength
and wisdom I need to resist or flee
from temptation at all times. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Be Weary of Sinning:
Thus says the Lord: Behold, I will
raise up adversity against you…
and I will take your wives and give
them to your neighbour… So David
said to Nathan: I have sinned against
the Lord. Nathan said: The Lord has
put away your sin; you shall not die.
But because of this deed you have
given great occasion to the enemies
of the Lord to blaspheme, the child
who is born shall surely die(12:11-14)
Lord, we realise when You forgive
us and restore our relationship,
U don’t eliminate all consequences
of our wrongdoings. Help us to
remember that we may set in motion
events with dire consequences so
that we will strengthen our resolve
to flee or resist temptation. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Be Weary of Obsessions:
Absalom never said a word to
Ammon… he hated Amnon because
he had disgraced his sister Tamar.
Two years later, when Absalom’s
sheep shearers were at Baal Hazor…
he invited all the king’s sons to come
there… Absalom ordered his men:
Listen! When Amnon is in high
spirits from drinking wine and
I say to you: Strike Amnon down,
then kill him (2 Samuel 13:22-28).
Lord, when we have been hurt,
it’s quite natural to want justice.
But sometimes our demands rise
the longer the hurts go unresolved.
Show us where our obsessions
are set to ruin all the good things
You have given us. I am weak and
need Your help to forgive someone.
In Your mercy, grant me grace on
the path towards freedom. Amen.