Praying thro 2 Sam 8-10 (Aug 24)

Cooperation with God Bring Success

Once the internal opposition against
his rule has been silenced, David
is free to secure his new kingdom
against foreign invasion. In quick
succession the Moabites, Syrians,
Edomites and Ammonites fall to
David’s troops, causing the other
neighbouring powers to surrender
without a fight. Extensive new
territories are added to David’s
kingdom. But David nurses no
spirit of revenge, as evidence in
his dealings with Mephibosheth.

Dear Lord, we’re inspired by David’s success thro Cooperation with You.
Prompt us to inquire of your will
and when You move slowly at times,
grant us grace to wait patiently for
Your promises to be fulfilled. Lord,
Help us to Show Justice & Mercy.
Help us to Show Kindness; and
Help us to Also Do Our Part. Amen.

Lord, we will Show Justice & Mercy:
And David made himself a name
when he returned from killing 18,000
Syrians… Throughout all Edom
he put garrisons… And the Lord
preserved David wherever he went.
So David reigned over all Israel; and
David administered judgment and
justice to all his people(2Sam8:13-15)
Lord, You are a just God and You
want us to show justice to everyone
like what David did in his country.
Help us Lord when we are placed
in a leadership position, that we
will be fair to everyone. Help us
not show favouritism to people
who have similar opinions or
similar backgrounds to ourselves.
Help us to defend and care for
especially the disadvantaged, the
weak and the downtrodden. Amen.

Lord, we will Show Kindness:
One day David began wondering
if anyone in Saul’s family was
still alive, for he had promised
Jonathan that he would show
kindness to them. He summoned
Ziba, who had been Saul’s servant…
The king asked Ziba: Is anyone still
alive from Saul’s family? If so, I want
to show God’s kindness to them…
Ziba answered: There is still a son of
Jonathan… And Mephibosheth lived
in Jerusalem because he always
ate at the king’s table (2S9:1-3,13).
Lord, bring to my remembrance
people I have forgotten and those
You want me to show kindness.
Help me be generous to others;
for one kind act can lift up a
person and strengthen his faith.
When I make a commitment to
someone, help me fulfil it quickly
so that I don’t forget to do it. And
remind me often that You never
fail to fulfil Your promises. Amen.

Lord, we will Also Do Our Part:
When Joab saw that he would have
to fight on both the front & the rear,
he chose some Israel’s elite troops
and placed them under his personal
command to fight the Arameans…
He left the rest of the army under
the command of his brother Abishai,
who was to attack the Ammonites.
Joab told his brother: if Arameans
are too strong for me, come over
and help me. And if the Ammonites
are too strong for you, I will come
and help you. Be courageous!
Let Us Fight bravely for our people
and the cities of our God. May the
Lord’s Will Be Done (2 Sam 10:9-12)
Lord, we need to keep our actions
and our faith in You God in balance.
For we know that You expect us to
use our minds and our muscles even
while we depend on You for help.
So we purpose to use our resources
to obey God, while at the same time
trusting You for the outcome. Amen.