Praying thro 2 Sam 5-7 (Aug 18)

Doing God’s Will In God’s Terms

With the death of Ish-Bosheth,
the people of Israel transfer their
allegiance to David as their rightful
king. As his first official act, David
conquers the strategic Jebusite
stronghold of Jerusalem and makes
it the new capital of the nation.
But something more than political
and military reform is necessary.
The worship of God must be
returned to its place of primacy.
Knowing this, David makes plans
to bring the ark of the covenant
to Jerusalem and build a fitting
place for it to reside. In the process,
he learns some hard lessons about
doing God’s Will in God’s Way and
in God’s Timing. Amen and amen.

Lord, praise You for Your faithfulness
and we are inspired by David on
his dependence on You for success.
Help us Follow Your Instructions
and not stray from Your will.
Help us Accept Your answer
to our prayers even when the
answers is not what we want,
for You know what is best for us.
Help us to Delight in Worshipping
wholeheartedly & exuberantly,
remembering all that You’ve done.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, we’ll Follow Your Direction:
David inquired of the Lord: Shall
I go up against the Philistines?
And the Lord said: Go up for I’ll
doubtless deliver the Philistines
into your hand. So David went to
Baal Perazim and defeated them…
Then the Philistines went up once
again and deployed themselves
in the valley of Rephaim. So David
inquired of the Lord and He said:
You shall Not Go Up; circle around
Behind them. And David Did As the
Lord commanded him & he drove
back the Philistines (2S5:19-25).
Lord, I don’t want to make any
decision without your leading.
You care about the details of
my life and want to guide me in
the way I should go. Take away
my peace if I should decide to
step off the path of Your greatest
blessing for my life. Help me to
never stray from Your will. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Delight to Worship You:
David wearing (an) ephod, danced
before the Lord with all his might…
As the ark of the Lord was entering
the City of David, Michal daughter
of Saul watched from the window.
And when she saw King David
leaping & dancing before the Lord,
she despised him in her heart…
When David returned home…Michael
came out to meet him and said: How
the king of Israel had distinguished
himself… David said: It was before
the Lord, who chose me rather than
your father when He appointed me
ruler over Israel – I’ll celebrate before
the Lord. I will become even more
undignified than this (2S6:13-22).
Lord, we thank You for blessings and
delight In U thro exuberant worship.
Remind us not be like Michal who
despise those who are prepared
to be fools for Christ. Instead, help
us to be like David prepared to be
rediculed for allegiance to U. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Accede to Your Will:
Go tell my servant David: Are u the
one to build me a house to dwell in?
When your days are over… I will raise
up your offspring to succeed you
and I will establish his kingdom.
He is the one who will build a house
for my Name, and I will establish…
his kingdom forever (2Sam 7:5-13)
Lord, I trust You and accept Your
answers to my prayers, even when
the answers is not what I want.
Help me to understand Your will,
especially when the answers to my
prayers are not what I expect to be.
I am grateful You know what is best
for me; and You will not allow me to
seek after things I shouldn’t. Amen.