Praying thro 2 Sam 1-4 (Aug 17)

Wholehearted Dependence on God

The books of 1 and 2 Samuel are
actually a single continuous story.
In 1 Samuel, the mood is despair;
in 2 Samuel, a ray of hope shines.
In 1 Sam, Saul’s dynasty is destroyed;
while in 2 Samuel, David’s dynasty
is established. But the transition
of power is not simple. Proper
mourning for the departed monarch,
the inauguration of the leader,
the purging of the former regime’s
influence and the putting down
of rebellious elements, all must be
done before David can rule in peace.

Lord, praise You for Your faithfulness
and we are inspired by David on
his dependence on You for success.
Prompt us to Inquire of Your will
for guidance in the way to go. And
when we don’t quite understand
why You move so slowly at times,
grant us sufficient signs to trust
that Your promises will be fulfilled.
Help us to Focus on Your Purpose.
Help us to Wait on Your Timing.
Help us to Depend on Your Way.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, we aspire loyalty to Yr Purpose:
David returned from his victory over
the Amalekites… On the third day a
man arrived from Saul’s army camp.
He had torn his clothes and put dirt
on his head to show that he was
in mourning… The man replied:
Our entire army fled from the battle.
Many of the men are dead and Saul
and his son Jonathan are also dead…
David and his men tore their clothes
in sorrow when they heard the news.
They mourned and wept and fasted
all day for Saul and his son Jonathan
and for the Lord’s army and the
nation of Israel (2 Sam 1:1-4, 11-12).
Lord, we see David’s loyalty to
Your purpose as he mourned for
Saul who was the Lord’s anointed.
And because David trusted You God,
he would not rejoice in Saul’s death.
Give us Lord greater passion for
Yr purpose than our interest. Amen.

Lord, we aspire to Wait Upon You:
David inquired of the Lord: Shall
I go to any of the cities of Judah?
The Lord said:Go up. David asked
Where? And He said: To Hebron.
So David went up there. Then
the men of Judah anointed David
king of Judah. And they told
David: The men of Jabesh Gilead
were the ones who buried Saul. So
David sent messengers to Jabesh
Gilead & said: l’ll repay this kindness.
The war between the house of Saul
and the house of David lasted a long
time. David grew stronger & stronger,
while the house of Saul grew weaker
and weaker (2 Sam 2:1-6 & 3:1).
Lord, we note that when Saul died,
David did not rush to make himself
king of Israel. Help us to inquire
of You, follow Your direction, wait
patiently for Your promises to be
fulfilled for we trust in You. Amen.

Lord, we aspire to Depend on You:
Then Rechab and Baanah came into
the house of Ishbosheth, who was
lying on his bed at noon and they
stabbed him in the stomach. And
they brought the head of Ishbosheth,
the son of Saul to David at Hebron
and said to the king. Here is the
head of Ishbosheth, the son of Saul
your enemy, who sought your life…
But David answered: When someone
told me Saul is dead, thinking to
have brought good news, I had him
executed. How much more, when
wicked men have killed a righteous
person on his bed? So David
commanded his young men to
execute them (2 Sam 4:5-8, 9-12).
Lord, we recognise that You are
a holy God and upholds justice.
Help us to depend wholly on You
for the fulfilment of promises and
not by unlawful practices. Amen.

Preview On 2 Samuel

Preview On 2 Samuel (Aug 17)

Whilst the Bible is arranged by
types of writings, we meditate it
chronologically to get better flow.
We start with Genesis on God’s
Plan for creation, then meditated
Job on the Sovereignty of God; and
Exodus, Leviticus, Num-Deut on
Deliverance, Holiness & Obedience.
Then Joshua on enjoying God’s
blessing through Obedient Faith,
Judges that God judges against sin
and Restores those who Repent;
Ruth on Faithfulness/Redemption; &
1 Sam on Rule of God in our heart.

Continuing, David the king-elect in
1 Samuel becomes king-enthroned
in 2 Samuel, ruling first over Judah
& then over all Israel. Characterised
at first by victory and success, David
leads Israel to world prominence.
But his reign is soon marred by
the dual sins of adultery & murder.
The aftershocks of turmoil, trouble
and unrest rock the kingdom for
the rest of his life and beyond.
Despite his weaknesses, David
remains “a man after God’s heart”
because of his repentant attitude
& his responsiveness to God’s will.

We’ll cover 2 Samuel in two parts
(David’s Successes & his Struggles)
over 3 weekends in 6 divisions:-
2 Sam 1-4: Divided Nation
2 Sam 5-7: United Nation
2 Sam 8-10: Expanded Nation
2 Sam 11-14: Adultery & Murder
2 Sam 15-20: Revolt & Unrest
2 Sam 21-24: David’s Last Word
Let’s meditate through 2 Samuel,
be inspired to be devoted to God &
weary of consequences of sin. Amen