Hearing God In Jer 50 (Aug 16)

God Desires to Give You Freedom

Babylon the last and greatest enemy
of Judah will suffer the same fate
as the rest of Judah’s ungodly
neighbours. Jeremiah concludes
his prophecy with a note of hope.
Though Jerusalem has fallen, her
king Jehoiachin, is shown kindness
in Babylon. In the restoration
of this covenant-breaking king,
Jeremiah pictures the future
restoration of covenant-breaking
Judah by her covenant-keeping God.

Lord, we Seek Your Deliverance:
The Lord spoke by Jeremiah the
prophet: Babylon is taken, out of the
north,a nation comes up against her.
Then the people of Israel & Judah
will join together… seeking the Lord
their God. They will ask the way
to Jerusalem and will start back
home again. They will bind
themselves to the Lord with an
eternal covenant that will never
again be broken (Jer 50:1-5). The
children of Israel were oppressed,
along with the children of Judah…
Their Redeemer Is Strong… He Will
thoroughly Plead their case (v33-34)

Lord, our life is full of brokenness:
broken relationships, broken
promises, broken expectations.
Help us to live with that brokenness
without becoming bitter & resentful.
In season of trial, draw us Lord
to Your presence so that we will
not be consumed by our struggle.
Let us know there is an end before
experiencing the deliverance. Amen.

Lord Jesus, thank You for the gift
of freedom You bought for me
on the cross. Thank You that in
Christ I no longer walk as a slave.
Guard my steps and thoughts
from places that will snare me.
Realise we never find freedom
from bondage in independence but
find it by binding ourselves to You.
Help me do that & use me to help
others in Your freedom. Amen.

Father God, thank You for loving
us and for caring for our welfare.
Praise You that U our Redeemer is
strong, Lord Almighty is Your name
& You made the earth by Your power.
In our challenges, we come to You,
bind to You and ask of You, for we
know that You will hear our case.
When oceans rise & thunders roar
I will soar with You above the storm
Father You are King over the flood
I will be still, know U are God. Amen.